path: root/src
diff options
authorMagnus Ahltorp <>2015-09-28 16:42:04 +0200
committerLinus Nordberg <>2015-11-11 13:32:37 +0100
commit9b2e72510b33547794207043714f52e16239b3f5 (patch)
tree5e9461b694a4c9c25108e8843122aa42454a1a6f /src
parent90760d10d14c11ee4c99826163c206bbf20a77f6 (diff)
Added permdb
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/permdb.erl b/src/permdb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cb3c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/permdb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start_link/2, stop/1]).
+-export([getvalue/2, addvalue/3, commit/1, commit/2]).
+%% gen_server callbacks.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-define(KEYSIZE, 32).
+-define(BITSPERLEVEL, 2).
+-define(ENTRIESPERNODE, 4).
+-define(BYTESPERENTRY, 8).
+-define(MAGICSIZE, 2).
+-define(NODEMAGIC, <<16#8a, 16#44>>).
+-define(DATAMAGIC, <<16#cb, 16#0e>>).
+-record(state, {cachename, port, datafile, indexfile, requests}).
+openfile(Filename) ->
+ {ok, File} = file:open(Filename, [read, write, binary, raw]),
+ File.
+getvalue_port_command(Port, Key) ->
+ Port ! {self(), {command, <<0:8, Key/binary>>}}.
+addvalue_port_command(Port, Key, Value) ->
+ Port ! {self(), {command, <<1:8, Key:32/binary, Value/binary>>}}.
+commit_port_command(Port) ->
+ Port ! {self(), {command, <<2:8>>}}.
+getdatakey(State, Offset) ->
+ {ok, DataBinary} = file:pread(State#state.datafile, Offset, ?MAGICSIZE+?KEYSIZE+?BYTESPERENTRY),
+ Datamagic = ?DATAMAGIC,
+ <<Datamagic:2/binary, Key:?KEYSIZE/binary, Length:?BYTESPERENTRY/integer-unit:8>> = DataBinary,
+ {Key, Length}.
+getdata(State, Offset, Length) ->
+ {ok, DataBinary} = file:pread(State#state.datafile, Offset+?MAGICSIZE+?KEYSIZE+?BYTESPERENTRY, Length),
+ DataBinary.
+getnode(State, Offset) ->
+ case ets:lookup(State#state.cachename, Offset) of
+ [] ->
+ {ok, NodeBinary} = file:pread(State#state.indexfile, Offset, ?NODESIZE),
+ Nodemagic = ?NODEMAGIC,
+ <<Nodemagic:2/binary, Node/binary>> = NodeBinary,
+ ets:insert(State#state.cachename, {Offset, Node}),
+ Node;
+ [{_, Node}] ->
+ Node
+ end.
+getroot(State) ->
+ case ets:lookup(State#state.cachename, root) of
+ [] ->
+ {ok, _Position} = file:position(State#state.indexfile, {eof, -?NODESIZE}),
+ {ok, RootNodeBinary} = file:read(State#state.indexfile, ?NODESIZE),
+ Nodemagic = ?NODEMAGIC,
+ <<Nodemagic:2/binary, Node/binary>> = RootNodeBinary,
+ ets:insert(State#state.cachename, {root, Node}),
+ Node;
+ [{root, Node}] ->
+ Node
+ end.
+getendentry(State, Key) ->
+ Root = getroot(State),
+ %io:format("Root: ~p~n", [Root]),
+ getendentry(State, Key, Root).
+getendentry(State, <<KeyHead:?BITSPERLEVEL, KeyRest/bitstring>>, Node) ->
+ case binary_part(Node, KeyHead*?BYTESPERENTRY, ?BYTESPERENTRY) of
+ <<0:?BYTESPERENTRY/integer-unit:8>> ->
+ none;
+ <<0:1, Entry:?BITSPERENTRY>> ->
+ NewNode = getnode(State, Entry),
+ getendentry(State, KeyRest, NewNode);
+ <<1:1, Entry:?BITSPERENTRY>> ->
+ Entry
+ end.
+getvalue_file(State, Key) ->
+ case getendentry(State, Key) of
+ none ->
+ none;
+ Entry ->
+ case getdatakey(State, Entry) of
+ {Key, Length} ->
+ getdata(State, Entry, Length);
+ _ ->
+ none
+ end
+ end.
+getvalue(Name, Key) ->
+ gen_server:call(Name, {getvalue, Key}).
+addvalue(Name, Key, Value) ->
+ gen_server:call(Name, {addvalue, Key, Value}).
+commit(Name) ->
+ gen_server:call(Name, {commit}).
+commit(Name, Timeout) ->
+ gen_server:call(Name, {commit}, Timeout).
+init([Name, Filename]) ->
+ Cachename = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_cache"),
+ ets:new(Cachename, [set, public, named_table]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Port = open_port({spawn_executable, code:priv_dir(plop) ++ "/permdbport"},
+ [{packet, 4}, {args, [Filename]}, binary]),
+ DataFile = none,%%openfile(Filename),
+ IndexFile = none,%%openfile(Filename ++ ".idx"),
+ {ok, #state{cachename = Cachename,
+ port = Port,
+ datafile = DataFile,
+ indexfile = IndexFile,
+ requests = queue:new()}}.
+start_link(Name, Filename) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE,
+ [Name, Filename], []).
+stop(Name) ->
+ gen_server:call(Name, stop).
+handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({Port, {data, Data}}, State) when is_port(Port) ->
+ lager:debug("response: ~p", [Data]),
+ {{value, {From, Action}}, Requests} = queue:out(State#state.requests),
+ lager:debug("response: ~p", [Action]),
+ gen_server:reply(From, case Action of
+ getvalue ->
+ case Data of
+ <<>> ->
+ noentry;
+ _ ->
+ Data
+ end;
+ addvalue ->
+ case Data of
+ <<>> ->
+ util:exit_with_error(putvalue, "Error in putvalue");
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ commit ->
+ Data
+ end),
+ {noreply, State#state{requests = Requests}};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ io:format("~p terminating~n", [?MODULE]),
+ State#state.port ! {self(), {command, <<>>}},
+ ok.
+add_request(State, From, Action) ->
+ State#state{
+ requests = queue:in({From, Action}, State#state.requests)
+ }.
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, stopped, State};
+handle_call({getvalue, Key}, From, State) ->
+ lager:debug("getvalue: ~p", [Key]),
+ Method = port,
+ case Method of
+ port ->
+ getvalue_port_command(State#state.port, Key),
+ {noreply, add_request(State, From, getvalue)};
+ file ->
+ Value = getvalue_file(State, Key),
+ {reply, Value, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({addvalue, Key, Value}, From, State) ->
+ lager:debug("addvalue: ~p ~p", [Key, Value]),
+ addvalue_port_command(State#state.port, Key, Value),
+ {noreply, add_request(State, From, addvalue)};
+handle_call({commit}, From, State) ->
+ lager:debug("commit", []),
+ commit_port_command(State#state.port),
+ {noreply, add_request(State, From, commit)}.