path: root/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index eb0ddc6..0000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2014, NORDUnet A/S.
-# See LICENSE for licensing information.
-import argparse
-import sys
-import yaml
-import re
-class Symbol(str):
- pass
-clean_string = re.compile(r'^[-.:_/A-Za-z0-9 ]*$')
-clean_symbol = re.compile(r'^[_A-Za-z0-9]*$')
-def quote_erlang_string(s):
- if clean_string.match(s):
- return '"' + s + '"'
- else:
- return "[" + ",".join([str(ord(c)) for c in s]) + "]"
-def quote_erlang_symbol(s):
- if clean_symbol.match(s):
- return s
- elif clean_string.match(s):
- return "'" + s + "'"
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot generate symbol", s
- sys.exit(1)
-def gen_erlang(term, level=1):
- indent = " " * level
- separator = ",\n" + indent
- if isinstance(term, Symbol):
- return quote_erlang_symbol(term)
- elif isinstance(term, basestring):
- return quote_erlang_string(term)
- elif isinstance(term, int):
- return str(term)
- elif isinstance(term, tuple):
- tuplecontents = [gen_erlang(e, level=level+1) for e in term]
- if "\n" not in "".join(tuplecontents):
- separator = ", "
- return "{" + separator.join(tuplecontents) + "}"
- elif isinstance(term, list):
- listcontents = [gen_erlang(e, level=level+1) for e in term]
- return "[" + separator.join(listcontents) + "]"
- else:
- print "unknown type", type(term)
- sys.exit(1)
-saslconfig = [(Symbol("sasl_error_logger"), Symbol("false")),
- (Symbol("errlog_type"), Symbol("error")),
- (Symbol("error_logger_mf_dir"), "sasl_log"),
- (Symbol("error_logger_mf_maxbytes"), 10485760),
- (Symbol("error_logger_mf_maxfiles"), 10),
- ]
-def parse_address(address):
- parsed_address = address.split(":")
- if len(parsed_address) != 2:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid address format", address
- sys.exit(1)
- return (parsed_address[0], int(parsed_address[1]))
-def get_node_config(nodename, config):
- nodetype = None
- nodeconfig = None
- for t in ["frontendnodes", "storagenodes", "signingnodes", "mergenodes"]:
- for node in config[t]:
- if node["name"] == nodename:
- nodetype = t
- nodeconfig = node
- if nodeconfig == None:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot find config for node", nodename
- sys.exit(1)
- return (nodetype, nodeconfig)
-def gen_http_servers(nodetype, nodeconfig, bind_address, bind_publicaddress, bind_publichttpaddress):
- if bind_address:
- (host, port) = parse_address(bind_address)
- else:
- (_, port) = parse_address(nodeconfig["address"])
- host = ""
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- if bind_publicaddress:
- (publichost, publicport) = parse_address(bind_publicaddress)
- else:
- (_, publicport) = parse_address(nodeconfig["publicaddress"])
- publichost = ""
- http_servers = []
- https_servers = []
- if bind_publichttpaddress:
- (publichttphost, publichttpport) = parse_address(bind_publichttpaddress)
- http_servers.append((Symbol("external_http_api"), publichttphost, publichttpport, Symbol("v1")))
- https_servers.append((Symbol("external_https_api"), publichost, publicport, Symbol("v1")))
- https_servers.append((Symbol("frontend_https_api"), host, port, Symbol("frontend")))
- return (http_servers,
- https_servers)
- elif nodetype == "storagenodes":
- return ([],
- [(Symbol("storage_https_api"), host, port, Symbol("storage"))])
- elif nodetype == "signingnodes":
- return ([],
- [(Symbol("signing_https_api"), host, port, Symbol("signing"))])
- elif nodetype == "mergenodes":
- return ([],
- [(Symbol("frontend_https_api"), host, port, Symbol("frontend"))])
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, "unknown nodetype", nodetype
- sys.exit(1)
-def allowed_clients_frontend(mergenodenames, primarymergenode):
- return [
- ("/plop/v1/frontend/sendentry", mergenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/frontend/sendlog", mergenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/frontend/sendsth", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/frontend/currentposition", mergenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/frontend/missingentries", mergenodenames),
- ]
-def allowed_clients_mergesecondary(primarymergenode):
- return [
- ("/plop/v1/merge/sendentry", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/merge/sendlog", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/merge/verifyroot", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/merge/verifiedsize", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/merge/setverifiedsize", [primarymergenode]),
- ("/plop/v1/merge/missingentries", [primarymergenode]),
- ]
-def allowed_clients_public():
- noauth = Symbol("noauth")
- return [
- ("/ct/v1/add-chain", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/add-pre-chain", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-sth", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-sth-consistency", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-proof-by-hash", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-entries", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-entry-and-proof", noauth),
- ("/ct/v1/get-roots", noauth),
- ]
-def allowed_clients_signing(frontendnodenames, primarymergenode):
- return [
- ("/plop/v1/signing/sct", frontendnodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/signing/sth", [primarymergenode]),
- ]
-def allowed_clients_storage(frontendnodenames, mergenodenames):
- return [
- ("/plop/v1/storage/sendentry", frontendnodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/storage/entrycommitted", frontendnodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/storage/fetchnewentries", mergenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/storage/getentry", mergenodenames),
- ]
-def allowed_servers_frontend(signingnodenames, storagenodenames):
- return [
- ("/plop/v1/storage/sendentry", storagenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/storage/entrycommitted", storagenodenames),
- ("/plop/v1/signing/sct", signingnodenames),
- ]
-def parse_ratelimit_expression(expression):
- if expression == "none":
- return Symbol("none")
- parts = expression.split(" ")
- if not (len(parts) == 3 and parts[1] == 'per' and parts[2] in ["second", "minute", "hour"]):
- print >>sys.stderr, "Ratelimit expressions must have the format \"<frequency> per second|minute|hour\" or \"none\""
- sys.exit(1)
- return (int(parts[0]), Symbol(parts[2]))
-def parse_ratelimit((type, description)):
- descriptions = [parse_ratelimit_expression(s.strip()) for s in description.split(",")]
- if len(descriptions) != 1:
- print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Only one ratelimit expression supported right now" % (type,)
- return (Symbol(type), descriptions)
-def gen_config(nodename, config, localconfig):
- print "generating config for", nodename
- paths = localconfig["paths"]
- bind_address = localconfig.get("addresses", {}).get(nodename)
- bind_publicaddress = localconfig.get("publicaddresses", {}).get(nodename)
- bind_publichttpaddress = localconfig.get("publichttpaddresses", {}).get(nodename)
- options = localconfig.get("options", [])
- configfile = open(paths["configdir"] + "/" + nodename + ".config", "w")
- print >>configfile, "%% catlfish configuration file (-*- erlang -*-)"
- (nodetype, nodeconfig) = get_node_config(nodename, config)
- (http_servers, https_servers) = gen_http_servers(nodetype, nodeconfig, bind_address, bind_publicaddress, bind_publichttpaddress=bind_publichttpaddress)
- catlfishconfig = []
- plopconfig = []
- if nodetype in ("frontendnodes", "mergenodes"):
- catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("known_roots_path"), localconfig["paths"]["knownroots"]))
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- if "sctcaching" in options:
- catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("sctcache_root_path"), paths["db"] + "sctcache/"))
- if "ratelimits" in localconfig:
- ratelimits = map(parse_ratelimit, localconfig["ratelimits"].items())
- catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("ratelimits"), ratelimits))
- catlfishconfig += [
- (Symbol("https_servers"), https_servers),
- (Symbol("http_servers"), http_servers),
- (Symbol("https_certfile"), paths["https_certfile"]),
- (Symbol("https_keyfile"), paths["https_keyfile"]),
- (Symbol("https_cacertfile"), paths["https_cacertfile"]),
- ]
- catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("mmd"), config["mmd"]))
- lagerconfig = [
- (Symbol("handlers"), [
- (Symbol("lager_console_backend"), Symbol("info")),
- (Symbol("lager_file_backend"), [(Symbol("file"), nodename + "-error.log"), (Symbol("level"), Symbol("error"))]),
- (Symbol("lager_file_backend"), [(Symbol("file"), nodename + "-debug.log"), (Symbol("level"), Symbol("debug"))]),
- (Symbol("lager_file_backend"), [(Symbol("file"), nodename + "-console.log"), (Symbol("level"), Symbol("info"))]),
- ])
- ]
- if nodetype in ("frontendnodes", "storagenodes"):
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("entry_root_path"), paths["db"] + "certentries/"),
- ]
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("index_path"), paths["db"] + "index"),
- ]
- elif nodetype == "storagenodes":
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("newentries_path"), paths["db"] + "newentries"),
- (Symbol("lastverifiednewentry_path"), paths["db"] + "lastverifiednewentry"),
- ]
- if nodetype in ("frontendnodes", "storagenodes"):
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("entryhash_root_path"), paths["db"] + "entryhash/"),
- (Symbol("indexforhash_root_path"), paths["db"] + "certindex/"),
- ]
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("sth_path"), paths["db"] + "sth"),
- (Symbol("entryhash_from_entry"),
- (Symbol("catlfish"), Symbol("entryhash_from_entry"))),
- ]
- if nodetype in ("frontendnodes", "mergenodes"):
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("verify_entry"),
- (Symbol("catlfish"), Symbol("verify_entry"))),
- ]
- if nodetype == "mergenodes":
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("verifiedsize_path"), paths["mergedb"] + "/verifiedsize"),
- (Symbol("index_path"), paths["mergedb"] + "/logorder"),
- (Symbol("entry_root_path"), paths["mergedb"] + "/chains/"),
- ]
- signingnodes = config["signingnodes"]
- signingnodeaddresses = ["https://%s/plop/v1/signing/" % node["address"] for node in config["signingnodes"]]
- mergenodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["mergenodes"]]
- primarymergenode = config["primarymergenode"]
- storagenodeaddresses = ["https://%s/plop/v1/storage/" % node["address"] for node in config["storagenodes"]]
- frontendnodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["frontendnodes"]]
- allowed_clients = []
- allowed_servers = []
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- storagenodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["storagenodes"]]
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("storage_nodes"), storagenodeaddresses))
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("storage_nodes_quorum"), config["storage-quorum-size"]))
- services = [Symbol("ht")]
- allowed_clients += allowed_clients_frontend(mergenodenames, primarymergenode)
- allowed_clients += allowed_clients_public()
- allowed_servers += allowed_servers_frontend([node["name"] for node in signingnodes], storagenodenames)
- elif nodetype == "storagenodes":
- allowed_clients += allowed_clients_storage(frontendnodenames, mergenodenames)
- services = []
- elif nodetype == "signingnodes":
- allowed_clients += allowed_clients_signing(frontendnodenames, primarymergenode)
- services = [Symbol("sign")]
- elif nodetype == "mergenodes":
- storagenodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["storagenodes"]]
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("storage_nodes"), storagenodeaddresses))
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("storage_nodes_quorum"), config["storage-quorum-size"]))
- services = [Symbol("ht")]
- allowed_clients += allowed_clients_mergesecondary(primarymergenode)
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("publickey_path"), paths["publickeys"]),
- (Symbol("services"), services),
- ]
- if nodetype == "signingnodes":
- hsm = localconfig.get("hsm")
- if "logprivatekey" in paths:
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("log_private_key"), paths["logprivatekey"]))
- if hsm:
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("hsm"), [hsm.get("library"), str(hsm.get("slot")), "ecdsa", hsm.get("label"), hsm.get("pin")]))
- if not ("logprivatekey" in paths or hsm):
- print >>sys.stderr, "Neither logprivatekey nor hsm configured for signing node", nodename
- sys.exit(1)
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("log_public_key"), paths["logpublickey"]),
- (Symbol("own_key"), (nodename, "%s/%s-private.pem" % (paths["privatekeys"], nodename))),
- ]
- if nodetype == "frontendnodes":
- plopconfig.append((Symbol("signing_nodes"), signingnodeaddresses))
- plopconfig += [
- (Symbol("allowed_clients"), allowed_clients),
- (Symbol("allowed_servers"), allowed_servers),
- ]
- erlangconfig = [
- (Symbol("sasl"), saslconfig),
- (Symbol("catlfish"), catlfishconfig),
- (Symbol("lager"), lagerconfig),
- (Symbol("plop"), plopconfig),
- ]
- print >>configfile, gen_erlang(erlangconfig) + ".\n"
- configfile.close()
-def gen_testmakefile(config, testmakefile, machines):
- configfile = open(testmakefile, "w")
- frontendnodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["frontendnodes"]]
- storagenodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["storagenodes"]]
- signingnodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["signingnodes"]]
- mergenodenames = [node["name"] for node in config["mergenodes"]]
- frontendnodeaddresses = [node["publicaddress"] for node in config["frontendnodes"]]
- storagenodeaddresses = [node["address"] for node in config["storagenodes"]]
- signingnodeaddresses = [node["address"] for node in config["signingnodes"]]
- mergenodeaddresses = [node["address"] for node in config["mergenodes"] if node["name"] != config["primarymergenode"]]
- print >>configfile, "NODES=" + " ".join(frontendnodenames+storagenodenames+signingnodenames+mergenodenames)
- print >>configfile, "MACHINES=" + " ".join([str(e) for e in range(1, machines+1)])
- print >>configfile, "TESTURLS=" + " ".join(frontendnodeaddresses+storagenodeaddresses+signingnodeaddresses+mergenodeaddresses)
- print >>configfile, "BASEURL=" + config["baseurl"]
- configfile.close()
-def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
- parser.add_argument('--config', help="System configuration", required=True)
- parser.add_argument('--localconfig', help="Local configuration")
- parser.add_argument("--testmakefile", metavar="file", help="Generate makefile variables for test")
- parser.add_argument("--machines", type=int, metavar="n", help="Number of machines")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- config = yaml.load(open(args.config))
- if args.testmakefile and args.machines:
- gen_testmakefile(config, args.testmakefile, args.machines)
- elif args.localconfig:
- localconfig = yaml.load(open(args.localconfig))
- localnodes = localconfig["localnodes"]
- for localnode in localnodes:
- gen_config(localnode, config, localconfig)
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Nothing to do"
- sys.exit(1)