path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
index e82403c..9b1346d 100644
--- a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ merge_deps(AppInfo, State) ->
%% the State and at the top level, not as part of an application.
CurrentProfiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
Default = reset_hooks(rebar_state:default(State), CurrentProfiles),
- {C, State1} = project_app_config(AppInfo, State),
- AppInfo0 = rebar_app_info:update_opts(AppInfo, Default, C),
+ {AppInfo0, State1} = project_app_config(AppInfo, Default, State),
Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo0),
@@ -154,28 +153,36 @@ parse_profile_deps(Profile, Name, Deps, Opts, State) ->
%% @doc Find the app-level config and return the state updated
%% with the relevant app-level data.
--spec project_app_config(rebar_app_info:t(), rebar_state:t()) ->
+-spec project_app_config(rebar_app_info:t(), rebar_dict(), rebar_state:t()) ->
{Config, rebar_state:t()} when
Config :: [any()].
-project_app_config(AppInfo, State) ->
+project_app_config(AppInfo, Default, State) ->
C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
+ AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:update_opts(AppInfo, Default, C),
+ {AppInfo2, State1} = maybe_reset_hooks_plugins(AppInfo1, State),
+ {AppInfo2, State1}.
+-spec maybe_reset_hooks_plugins(AppInfo, State) -> {AppInfo, State} when
+ AppInfo :: rebar_app_info:t(),
+ State :: rebar_state:t().
+maybe_reset_hooks_plugins(AppInfo, State) ->
Dir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
- Opts = maybe_reset_hooks(Dir, rebar_state:opts(State), State),
- {C, rebar_state:opts(State, Opts)}.
-%% @private Check if the app is at the root of the project.
-%% If it is, then drop the hooks from the config so they aren't run twice
--spec maybe_reset_hooks(file:filename(), Opts, rebar_state:t()) -> Opts when
- Opts :: rebar_dict().
-maybe_reset_hooks(Dir, Opts, State) ->
case ec_file:real_dir_path(rebar_dir:root_dir(State)) of
Dir ->
CurrentProfiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
- reset_hooks(Opts, CurrentProfiles);
+ Opts = reset_hooks(rebar_state:opts(State), CurrentProfiles),
+ State1 = rebar_state:opts(State, Opts),
+ %% set plugins to empty since this is an app at the top level
+ %% and top level plugins are installed in run_aux
+ AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:set(rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo, {plugins,default}, []), plugins, []),
+ {AppInfo1, State1};
_ ->
- Opts
+ {AppInfo, State}
%% @doc make the hooks empty for a given set of options
-spec reset_hooks(Opts, Profiles) ->
Opts when
diff --git a/src/rebar_plugins.erl b/src/rebar_plugins.erl
index bc6a1e0..d58675d 100644
--- a/src/rebar_plugins.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_plugins.erl
@@ -39,13 +39,18 @@ project_apps_install(State) ->
Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
ProjectApps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
lists:foldl(fun(Profile, StateAcc) ->
- Plugins = rebar_state:get(State, {plugins, Profile}, []),
- StateAcc1 = handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, StateAcc),
+ StateAcc1 = case Profile of
+ default ->
+ %% default profile top level plugins
+ %% are installed in run_aux
+ StateAcc;
+ _ ->
+ Plugins = rebar_state:get(State, {plugins, Profile}, []),
+ handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, StateAcc)
+ end,
lists:foldl(fun(AppInfo, StateAcc2) ->
- C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
- AppInfo0 = rebar_app_info:update_opts(AppInfo, rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), C),
- Plugins2 = rebar_app_info:get(AppInfo0, {plugins, Profile}, []),
+ Plugins2 = rebar_app_info:get(AppInfo, {plugins, Profile}, []),
handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins2, StateAcc2)
end, StateAcc1, ProjectApps)
end, State, Profiles).
@@ -62,12 +67,25 @@ install(State, AppInfo) ->
State2 = lists:foldl(fun(Profile, StateAcc) ->
Plugins = rebar_app_info:get(AppInfo, {plugins, Profile}, []),
- handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, StateAcc)
+ Plugins1 = filter_existing_plugins(Plugins, StateAcc),
+ handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins1, StateAcc)
end, State1, Profiles),
%% Reset the overrides after processing the dep
rebar_state:set(State2, overrides, StateOverrides).
+filter_existing_plugins(Plugins, State) ->
+ PluginNames = lists:zip(Plugins, rebar_state:deps_names(Plugins)),
+ AllPlugins = rebar_state:all_plugin_deps(State),
+ lists:filtermap(fun({Plugin, PluginName}) ->
+ case rebar_app_utils:find(PluginName, AllPlugins) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ {true, Plugin}
+ end
+ end, PluginNames).
handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, State) ->
handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, State, false).
@@ -76,7 +94,6 @@ handle_plugins(Profile, Plugins, State, Upgrade) ->
Locks = rebar_state:lock(State),
DepsDir = rebar_state:get(State, deps_dir, ?DEFAULT_DEPS_DIR),
State1 = rebar_state:set(State, deps_dir, ?DEFAULT_PLUGINS_DIR),
%% Install each plugin individually so if one fails to install it doesn't effect the others
{_PluginProviders, State2} =
lists:foldl(fun(Plugin, {PluginAcc, StateAcc}) ->
@@ -122,8 +139,6 @@ handle_plugin(Profile, Plugin, State, Upgrade) ->
build_plugin(AppInfo, Apps, State) ->
Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
- %Providers1 = rebar_state:providers(rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo)),
- %rebar_app_info:state_or_new(State, AppInfo)
S = rebar_state:all_deps(State, Apps),
S1 = rebar_state:set(S, deps_dir, ?DEFAULT_PLUGINS_DIR),
rebar_prv_compile:compile(S1, Providers, AppInfo).