path: root/src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 491 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl b/src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl
index c14a15d..ee8a235 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_eunit.erl
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
-define(PROVIDER, eunit).
-define(DEPS, [compile]).
--define(EUNIT_DIR, ".eunit").
%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
@@ -22,507 +20,157 @@
-spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}.
init(State) ->
- State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER},
- {module, ?MODULE},
- {bare, false},
- {deps, ?DEPS},
- {example, "rebar eunit"},
- {short_desc, "Run eunit tests on project apps."},
- {desc, ""},
- {opts, []}])),
+ Provider = providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER},
+ {module, ?MODULE},
+ {deps, ?DEPS},
+ {bare, false},
+ {example, "rebar eunit"},
+ {short_desc, "Run EUnit Tests."},
+ {desc, ""},
+ {opts, eunit_opts(State)},
+ {profile, test}]),
+ State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, Provider),
{ok, State1}.
-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
do(State) ->
- ok = ensure_dirs(),
- %% Save code path
- CodePath = setup_code_path(),
- CompileOnly = rebar_state:get(State, compile_only, false),
- {ok, SrcErls} = rebar_erlc_compiler:test_compile(State, "eunit",
- case CompileOnly of
- "true" ->
- true = rebar_utils:cleanup_code_path(CodePath),
- ?CONSOLE("Compiled modules for eunit~n", []);
- false ->
- run_eunit(State, CodePath, SrcErls)
+ ?INFO("Performing EUnit tests...", []),
+ {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
+ Opts = transform_opts(RawOpts, State),
+ TestApps = filter_checkouts(rebar_state:project_apps(State)),
+ OutDir = case proplists:get_value(outdir, Opts, undefined) of
+ undefined -> filename:join([rebar_state:dir(State),
+ ec_file:insecure_mkdtemp()]);
+ Out -> Out
- {ok, State}.
+ ?DEBUG("Compiling EUnit instrumented modules in: ~p", [OutDir]),
+ lists:foreach(fun(App) ->
+ AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(App),
+ C = rebar_config:consult(AppDir),
+ S = rebar_state:new(State, C, AppDir),
+ %% combine `erl_first_files` and `eunit_first_files` and adjust
+ %% compile opts to include `eunit_compile_opts`, `{d, 'TEST'}`
+ %% and `{src_dirs, "test"}`
+ TestState = first_files(test_state(S, OutDir)),
+ ok = rebar_erlc_compiler:compile(TestState, AppDir)
+ end, TestApps),
+ ok = maybe_compile_extra_tests(TestApps, State, OutDir),
+ Path = code:get_path(),
+ true = code:add_patha(OutDir),
+ EUnitOpts = resolve_eunit_opts(State, Opts),
+ AppsToTest = [{application, erlang:binary_to_atom(rebar_app_info:name(App), unicode)}
+ || App <- TestApps],
+ Result = eunit:test(AppsToTest, EUnitOpts),
+ true = code:set_path(Path),
+ case handle_results(Result) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {?MODULE, Reason}};
+ ok ->
+ {ok, State}
+ end.
-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
-format_error(Reason) ->
- io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]).
+format_error(unknown_error) ->
+ io_lib:format("Error running tests", []);
+format_error({error_running_tests, Reason}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Error running tests: ~p", [Reason]).
-run_eunit(Config, CodePath, SrcErls) ->
- %% Build a list of all the .beams in ?EUNIT_DIR -- use this for
- %% cover and eunit testing. Normally you can just tell cover
- %% and/or eunit to scan the directory for you, but eunit does a
- %% code:purge in conjunction with that scan and causes any cover
- %% compilation info to be lost.
- AllBeamFiles = rebar_utils:beams(?EUNIT_DIR),
- {BeamFiles, TestBeamFiles} =
- lists:partition(fun(N) -> string:str(N, "_tests.beam") =:= 0 end,
- AllBeamFiles),
- OtherBeamFiles = TestBeamFiles --
- [filename:rootname(N) ++ "_tests.beam" || N <- AllBeamFiles],
- ModuleBeamFiles = randomize_suites(Config, BeamFiles ++ OtherBeamFiles),
- %% Get matching tests and modules
- AllModules = [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?EUNIT_DIR, N) || N <- AllBeamFiles],
- {Tests, FilteredModules} =
- get_tests_and_modules(Config, ModuleBeamFiles, AllModules),
- SrcModules = [rebar_utils:erl_to_mod(M) || M <- SrcErls],
- {ok, CoverLog} = rebar_cover_utils:init(Config, ModuleBeamFiles,
- eunit_dir()),
- StatusBefore = status_before_eunit(),
- EunitResult = perform_eunit(Config, Tests),
- rebar_cover_utils:perform_cover(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules,
- eunit_dir()),
- rebar_cover_utils:close(CoverLog),
- case proplists:get_value(reset_after_eunit, get_eunit_opts(Config),
- true) of
- true ->
- reset_after_eunit(StatusBefore);
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- %% Stop cover to clean the cover_server state. This is important if we want
- %% eunit+cover to not slow down when analyzing many Erlang modules.
- ok = rebar_cover_utils:exit(),
- case EunitResult of
- ok ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- ?ABORT("One or more eunit tests failed.", [])
+eunit_opts(_State) ->
+ [{outdir, $o, "outdir", string, help(outdir)},
+ {verbose, $v, "verbose", boolean, help(verbose)}].
+help(outdir) -> "Output directory for EUnit compiled modules";
+help(verbose) -> "Verbose output".
+transform_opts(Opts, State) -> transform_opts(Opts, State, []).
+transform_opts([], _State, Acc) -> Acc;
+transform_opts([{outdir, Path}|Rest], State, Acc) ->
+ NewAcc = case filename:pathtype(Path) of
+ absolute -> [{outdir, Path}] ++ Acc;
+ _ -> [{outdir, filename:join([rebar_state:dir(State), Path])}] ++ Acc
- %% Restore code path
- true = rebar_utils:cleanup_code_path(CodePath),
- ok.
-ensure_dirs() ->
- %% Make sure ?EUNIT_DIR/ and ebin/ directory exists (append dummy module)
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(eunit_dir(), "dummy")),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(rebar_dir:ebin_dir(), "dummy")).
-eunit_dir() ->
- filename:join(rebar_dir:get_cwd(), ?EUNIT_DIR).
-setup_code_path() ->
- %% Setup code path prior to compilation so that parse_transforms
- %% and the like work properly. Also, be sure to add ebin_dir()
- %% to the END of the code path so that we don't have to jump
- %% through hoops to access the .app file
- CodePath = code:get_path(),
- true = code:add_patha(eunit_dir()),
- true = code:add_pathz(rebar_dir:ebin_dir()),
- CodePath.
-%% == get matching tests ==
-get_tests_and_modules(Config, ModuleBeamFiles, AllModules) ->
- SelectedSuites = get_selected_suites(Config, AllModules),
- {Tests, QualifiedTests} = get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests(Config),
- Modules = get_test_modules(SelectedSuites, Tests,
- QualifiedTests, ModuleBeamFiles),
- FilteredModules = get_matching_modules(AllModules, Modules, QualifiedTests),
- MatchedTests = get_matching_tests(Modules, Tests, QualifiedTests),
- {MatchedTests, FilteredModules}.
-%% == get suites specified via 'suites' option ==
-get_selected_suites(Config, Modules) ->
- RawSuites = get_suites(Config),
- Suites = [list_to_atom(Suite) || Suite <- string:tokens(RawSuites, ",")],
- [M || M <- Suites, lists:member(M, Modules)].
-get_suites(Config) ->
- case rebar_state:get(Config, suites, "") of
- "" ->
- rebar_state:get(Config, suite, "");
- Suites ->
- Suites
- end.
-get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests(Config) ->
- RawFunctions = rebar_state:get(Config, tests, ""),
- FunctionNames = [FunctionName ||
- FunctionName <- string:tokens(RawFunctions, ",")],
- get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(FunctionNames, [], []).
-get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1([], Functions, QualifiedFunctions) ->
- {Functions, QualifiedFunctions};
-get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1([TestName|TestNames], Functions,
- QualifiedFunctions) ->
- case string:tokens(TestName, ":") of
- [TestName] ->
- Function = list_to_atom(TestName),
- get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(
- TestNames, [Function|Functions], QualifiedFunctions);
- [ModuleName, FunctionName] ->
- M = list_to_atom(ModuleName),
- F = list_to_atom(FunctionName),
- get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(TestNames, Functions,
- [{M, F}|QualifiedFunctions]);
- _ ->
- ?ABORT("Unsupported test function specification: ~s", [TestName])
- end.
-%% Provide modules which are to be searched for tests.
-%% Several scenarios are possible:
-%% == randomize suites ==
-randomize_suites(Config, Modules) ->
- case rebar_state:get(Config, random_suite_order, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- Modules;
- "true" ->
- Seed = crypto:rand_uniform(1, 65535),
- randomize_suites1(Modules, Seed);
- String ->
- try list_to_integer(String) of
- Seed ->
- randomize_suites1(Modules, Seed)
- catch
- error:badarg ->
- ?ERROR("Bad random seed provided: ~p", [String]),
- end
- end.
-randomize_suites1(Modules, Seed) ->
- _ = random:seed(35, Seed, 1337),
- ?CONSOLE("Randomizing suite order with seed ~b~n", [Seed]),
- [X||{_,X} <- lists:sort([{random:uniform(), M} || M <- Modules])].
-%% == get matching tests ==
-%% 1) Specific tests have been provided and/or
-%% no unqualified tests have been specified and
-%% there were some qualified tests, then we can search for
-%% functions in specified suites (or in empty set of suites).
-%% 2) Neither specific suites nor qualified test names have been
-%% provided use ModuleBeamFiles which filters out "*_tests"
-%% modules so EUnit won't doubly run them and cover only
-%% calculates coverage on production code. However,
-%% keep "*_tests" modules that are not automatically
-%% included by EUnit.
-%% From 'Primitives' in the EUnit User's Guide
-%% "In addition, EUnit will also look for another
-%% module whose name is ModuleName plus the suffix
-%% _tests, and if it exists, all the tests from that
-%% module will also be added. (If ModuleName already
-%% contains the suffix _tests, this is not done.) E.g.,
-%% the specification {module, mymodule} will run all
-%% tests in the modules mymodule and mymodule_tests.
-%% Typically, the _tests module should only contain
-%% test cases that use the public interface of the main
-%% module (and no other code)."
-get_test_modules(SelectedSuites, Tests, QualifiedTests, ModuleBeamFiles) ->
- SuitesProvided = SelectedSuites =/= [],
- OnlyQualifiedTestsProvided = QualifiedTests =/= [] andalso Tests =:= [],
- if
- SuitesProvided orelse OnlyQualifiedTestsProvided ->
- SelectedSuites;
- true ->
- [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?EUNIT_DIR, N) ||
- N <- ModuleBeamFiles]
+ transform_opts(Rest, State, NewAcc);
+transform_opts([{Key, Val}|Rest], State, Acc) ->
+ transform_opts(Rest, State, [{Key, Val}|Acc]).
+filter_checkouts(Apps) -> filter_checkouts(Apps, []).
+filter_checkouts([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+filter_checkouts([App|Rest], Acc) ->
+ AppDir = filename:absname(rebar_app_info:dir(App)),
+ CheckoutsDir = filename:absname("_checkouts"),
+ case lists:prefix(CheckoutsDir, AppDir) of
+ true -> filter_checkouts(Rest, Acc);
+ false -> filter_checkouts(Rest, [App|Acc])
-get_matching_modules(AllModules, Modules, QualifiedTests) ->
- ModuleFilterMapper =
- fun({M, _}) ->
- case lists:member(M, AllModules) of
- true -> {true, M};
- _-> false
- end
- end,
- ModulesFromQualifiedTests = lists:zf(ModuleFilterMapper, QualifiedTests),
- lists:usort(Modules ++ ModulesFromQualifiedTests).
-get_matching_tests(Modules, [], []) ->
- Modules;
-get_matching_tests(Modules, [], QualifiedTests) ->
- FilteredQualifiedTests = filter_qualified_tests(Modules, QualifiedTests),
- lists:merge(Modules, make_test_primitives(FilteredQualifiedTests));
-get_matching_tests(Modules, Tests, QualifiedTests) ->
- AllTests = lists:merge(QualifiedTests,
- get_matching_tests1(Modules, Tests, [])),
- make_test_primitives(AllTests).
-filter_qualified_tests(Modules, QualifiedTests) ->
- TestsFilter = fun({Module, _Function}) ->
- lists:all(fun(M) -> M =/= Module end, Modules) end,
- lists:filter(TestsFilter, QualifiedTests).
-get_matching_tests1([], _Functions, TestFunctions) ->
- TestFunctions;
-get_matching_tests1([Module|TModules], Functions, TestFunctions) ->
- %% Get module exports
- ModuleStr = atom_to_list(Module),
- ModuleExports = get_beam_test_exports(ModuleStr),
- %% Get module _tests exports
- TestModuleStr = string:concat(ModuleStr, "_tests"),
- TestModuleExports = get_beam_test_exports(TestModuleStr),
- %% Build tests {M, F} list
- Tests = get_matching_tests2(Functions, {Module, ModuleExports},
- {list_to_atom(TestModuleStr),
- TestModuleExports}),
- get_matching_tests1(TModules, Functions,
- lists:merge([TestFunctions, Tests])).
-get_matching_tests2(Functions, {Mod, ModExports}, {TestMod, TestModExports}) ->
- %% Look for matching functions into ModExports
- ModExportsStr = [atom_to_list(E1) || E1 <- ModExports],
- TestModExportsStr = [atom_to_list(E2) || E2 <- TestModExports],
- get_matching_exports(Functions, {Mod, ModExportsStr},
- {TestMod, TestModExportsStr}, []).
-get_matching_exports([], _, _, Matched) ->
- Matched;
-get_matching_exports([Function|TFunctions], {Mod, ModExportsStr},
- {TestMod, TestModExportsStr}, Matched) ->
- FunctionStr = atom_to_list(Function),
- %% Get matching Function in module, otherwise look in _tests module
- NewMatch = case get_matching_export(FunctionStr, ModExportsStr) of
- [] ->
- {TestMod, get_matching_export(FunctionStr,
- TestModExportsStr)};
- MatchingExport ->
- {Mod, MatchingExport}
- end,
- case NewMatch of
- {_, []} ->
- get_matching_exports(TFunctions, {Mod, ModExportsStr},
- {TestMod, TestModExportsStr}, Matched);
- _ ->
- get_matching_exports(TFunctions, {Mod, ModExportsStr},
- {TestMod, TestModExportsStr},
- [NewMatch|Matched])
+test_state(State, TmpDir) ->
+ ErlOpts = rebar_state:get(State, eunit_compile_opts, []) ++
+ rebar_utils:erl_opts(State),
+ ErlOpts1 = [{outdir, TmpDir}] ++
+ add_test_dir(ErlOpts),
+ TestOpts = safe_define_test_macro(ErlOpts1),
+ rebar_state:set(State, erl_opts, TestOpts).
+add_test_dir(Opts) ->
+ %% if no src_dirs are set we have to specify `src` or it won't
+ %% be built
+ case proplists:append_values(src_dirs, Opts) of
+ [] -> [{src_dirs, ["src", "test"]}];
+ Srcs -> [{src_dirs, ["test"|Srcs]}]
+ end ++ lists:keydelete(src_dirs, 1, Opts).
+safe_define_test_macro(Opts) ->
+ %% defining a compile macro twice results in an exception so
+ %% make sure 'TEST' is only defined once
+ case test_defined(Opts) of
+ true -> Opts;
+ false -> [{d, 'TEST'}] ++ Opts
-get_matching_export(_FunctionStr, []) ->
- [];
-get_matching_export(FunctionStr, [ExportStr|TExportsStr]) ->
- case string:str(ExportStr, FunctionStr) of
- 1 ->
- list_to_atom(ExportStr);
- _ ->
- get_matching_export(FunctionStr, TExportsStr)
+test_defined([{d, 'TEST'}|_]) -> true;
+test_defined([{d, 'TEST', true}|_]) -> true;
+test_defined([_|Rest]) -> test_defined(Rest);
+test_defined([]) -> false.
+first_files(State) ->
+ BaseFirst = rebar_state:get(State, erl_first_files, []),
+ EUnitFirst = rebar_state:get(State, eunit_first_files, []),
+ rebar_state:set(State, erl_first_modules, BaseFirst ++ EUnitFirst).
+resolve_eunit_opts(State, Opts) ->
+ EUnitOpts = rebar_state:get(State, eunit_opts, []),
+ case lists:member({verbose, true}, Opts) of
+ true -> set_verbose(EUnitOpts);
+ false -> EUnitOpts
-get_beam_test_exports(ModuleStr) ->
- FilePath = filename:join(eunit_dir(),
- string:concat(ModuleStr, ".beam")),
- case filelib:is_regular(FilePath) of
- true ->
- {beam_file, _, Exports0, _, _, _} = beam_disasm:file(FilePath),
- Exports1 = [FunName || {FunName, FunArity, _} <- Exports0,
- FunArity =:= 0],
- F = fun(FName) ->
- FNameStr = atom_to_list(FName),
- re:run(FNameStr, "_test(_)?") =/= nomatch
- end,
- lists:filter(F, Exports1);
- _ ->
- []
+set_verbose(Opts) ->
+ case lists:member(verbose, Opts) of
+ true -> Opts;
+ false -> [verbose] ++ Opts
-make_test_primitives(RawTests) ->
- %% Use {test,M,F} and {generator,M,F} if at least R15B02. Otherwise,
- %% use eunit_test:function_wrapper/2 fallback.
- %% eunit_test:function_wrapper/2 was renamed to eunit_test:mf_wrapper/2
- %% in R15B02; use that as >= R15B02 check.
- %% TODO: remove fallback and use only {test,M,F} and {generator,M,F}
- %% primitives once at least R15B02 is required.
- {module, eunit_test} = code:ensure_loaded(eunit_test),
- MakePrimitive = case erlang:function_exported(eunit_test, mf_wrapper, 2) of
- true -> fun eunit_primitive/3;
- false -> fun pre15b02_eunit_primitive/3
- end,
- ?CONSOLE(" Running test function(s):~n", []),
- F = fun({M, F2}, Acc) ->
- ?CONSOLE(" ~p:~p/0~n", [M, F2]),
- FNameStr = atom_to_list(F2),
- NewFunction =
- case re:run(FNameStr, "_test_") of
- nomatch ->
- %% Normal test
- MakePrimitive(test, M, F2);
- _ ->
- %% Generator
- MakePrimitive(generator, M, F2)
- end,
- [NewFunction|Acc]
- end,
- lists:foldl(F, [], RawTests).
-eunit_primitive(Type, M, F) ->
- {Type, M, F}.
-pre15b02_eunit_primitive(test, M, F) ->
- eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F);
-pre15b02_eunit_primitive(generator, M, F) ->
- {generator, eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F)}.
-%% == run tests ==
-perform_eunit(Config, Tests) ->
- EunitOpts = get_eunit_opts(Config),
- %% Move down into ?EUNIT_DIR while we run tests so any generated files
- %% are created there (versus in the source dir)
- Cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd(),
- ok = file:set_cwd(?EUNIT_DIR),
- EunitResult = (catch eunit:test(Tests, EunitOpts)),
- %% Return to original working dir
- ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
- EunitResult.
-get_eunit_opts(Config) ->
- %% Enable verbose in eunit if so requested..
- BaseOpts = case rebar_log:is_verbose(Config) of
- true ->
- [verbose];
- false ->
- []
- end,
- BaseOpts ++ rebar_state:get(Config, eunit_opts, []).
-%% == reset_after_eunit ==
-status_before_eunit() ->
- Apps = get_app_names(),
- AppEnvs = [{App, application:get_all_env(App)} || App <- Apps],
- {erlang:processes(), erlang:is_alive(), AppEnvs, ets:tab2list(ac_tab)}.
-get_app_names() ->
- [AppName || {AppName, _, _} <- application:loaded_applications()].
-reset_after_eunit({OldProcesses, WasAlive, OldAppEnvs, _OldACs}) ->
- IsAlive = erlang:is_alive(),
- if not WasAlive andalso IsAlive ->
- ?DEBUG("Stopping net kernel....\n", []),
- erl_epmd:stop(),
- _ = net_kernel:stop(),
- pause_until_net_kernel_stopped();
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- OldApps = [App || {App, _} <- OldAppEnvs],
- Apps = get_app_names(),
- _ = [begin
- _ = case lists:member(App, OldApps) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> application:stop(App)
- end,
- ok = application:unset_env(App, K)
- end || App <- Apps, App /= rebar,
- {K, _V} <- application:get_all_env(App),
- K =/= included_applications],
- reconstruct_app_env_vars(Apps),
- Processes = erlang:processes(),
- _ = kill_extras(Processes -- OldProcesses),
- ok.
-kill_extras(Pids) ->
- %% Killing any of the procs below will either:
- %% 1. Interfere with stuff that we don't want interfered with, or
- %% 2. May/will force the 'kernel' app to shutdown, which *will*
- %% interfere with rebar's ability To Do Useful Stuff(tm).
- %% This list may require changes as OTP versions and/or
- %% rebar use cases change.
- KeepProcs = [cover_server, eunit_server,
- eqc, eqc_license, eqc_locked,
- %% inet_gethost_native is started on demand, when
- %% doing name lookups. It is under kernel_sup, under
- %% a supervisor_bridge.
- inet_gethost_native],
- Killed = [begin
- Info = case erlang:process_info(Pid) of
- undefined -> [];
- Else -> Else
- end,
- Keep1 = case proplists:get_value(registered_name, Info) of
- undefined ->
- false;
- Name ->
- lists:member(Name, KeepProcs)
- end,
- Keep2 = case proplists:get_value(dictionary, Info) of
- undefined ->
- false;
- Ds ->
- case proplists:get_value('$ancestors', Ds) of
- undefined ->
- false;
- As ->
- lists:member(kernel_sup, As)
- end
- end,
- if Keep1 orelse Keep2 ->
- ok;
- true ->
- ?DEBUG("Kill ~p ~p\n", [Pid, Info]),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- Pid
- end
- end || Pid <- Pids],
- case lists:usort(Killed) -- [ok] of
+maybe_compile_extra_tests(TestApps, State, OutDir) ->
+ F = fun(App) -> rebar_app_info:dir(App) == rebar_dir:get_cwd() end,
+ case lists:filter(F, TestApps) of
+ %% compile just the `test` and extra test directories of the base dir
[] ->
- ?DEBUG("No processes to kill\n", []),
- [];
- Else ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> wait_until_dead(Pid) end, Else),
- Else
- end.
-reconstruct_app_env_vars([App|Apps]) ->
- CmdLine0 = proplists:get_value(App, init:get_arguments(), []),
- CmdVars = [{list_to_atom(K), list_to_atom(V)} || {K, V} <- CmdLine0],
- AppFile = (catch filename:join([code:lib_dir(App),
- "ebin",
- atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"])),
- AppVars = case file:consult(AppFile) of
- {ok, [{application, App, Ps}]} ->
- proplists:get_value(env, Ps, []);
- _ ->
- []
- end,
- %% App vars specified in config files override those in the .app file.
- %% Config files later in the args list override earlier ones.
- AppVars1 = case init:get_argument(config) of
- {ok, ConfigFiles} ->
- {App, MergedAppVars} = lists:foldl(fun merge_app_vars/2,
- {App, AppVars},
- ConfigFiles),
- MergedAppVars;
- error ->
- AppVars
- end,
- AllVars = CmdVars ++ AppVars1,
- ?DEBUG("Reconstruct ~p ~p\n", [App, AllVars]),
- lists:foreach(fun({K, V}) -> application:set_env(App, K, V) end, AllVars),
- reconstruct_app_env_vars(Apps);
-reconstruct_app_env_vars([]) ->
- ok.
-merge_app_vars(ConfigFile, {App, AppVars}) ->
- File = ensure_config_extension(ConfigFile),
- FileAppVars = app_vars_from_config_file(File, App),
- Dict1 = dict:from_list(AppVars),
- Dict2 = dict:from_list(FileAppVars),
- Dict3 = dict:merge(fun(_Key, _Value1, Value2) -> Value2 end, Dict1, Dict2),
- {App, dict:to_list(Dict3)}.
-ensure_config_extension(File) ->
- %% config files must end with .config on disk but when specifying them
- %% via the -config option the extension is optional
- BaseFileName = filename:basename(File, ".config"),
- DirName = filename:dirname(File),
- filename:join(DirName, BaseFileName ++ ".config").
-app_vars_from_config_file(File, App) ->
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, [Env]} ->
- proplists:get_value(App, Env, []);
- _ ->
- []
- end.
-wait_until_dead(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, process, _Obj, Info} ->
- Info
- after 10*1000 ->
- exit({timeout_waiting_for, Pid})
- end;
-wait_until_dead(_) ->
- ok.
-pause_until_net_kernel_stopped() ->
- pause_until_net_kernel_stopped(10).
-pause_until_net_kernel_stopped(0) ->
- exit(net_kernel_stop_failed);
-pause_until_net_kernel_stopped(N) ->
- case node() of
- 'nonode@nohost' ->
- ?DEBUG("Stopped net kernel.\n", []),
- ok;
- _ ->
- timer:sleep(100),
- pause_until_net_kernel_stopped(N - 1)
+ ErlOpts = rebar_state:get(State, common_test_compile_opts, []) ++
+ rebar_utils:erl_opts(State),
+ TestOpts = [{outdir, OutDir}] ++
+ [{src_dirs, ["test"]}] ++
+ safe_define_test_macro(lists:keydelete(src_dirs, 1, ErlOpts)),
+ TestState = first_files(rebar_state:set(State, erl_opts, TestOpts)),
+ rebar_erlc_compiler:compile(TestState, rebar_dir:get_cwd());
+ %% already compiled `./test` so do nothing
+ _ -> ok
+handle_results(ok) -> ok;
+handle_results(error) ->
+ {error, unknown_error};
+handle_results({error, Reason}) ->
+ {error, {error_running_tests, Reason}}.