path: root/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
index 04878c3..51b7f17 100644
--- a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
%% rebar: Erlang Build Tools
-%% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (
+%% Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Dave Smith (
%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
%% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -38,12 +38,14 @@
%% Public API
%% ===================================================================
+-spec compile(Config::#config{}, AppFile::string()) -> 'ok'.
compile(Config, _AppFile) ->
doterl_compile(Config, "ebin"),
rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, rebar_config:get_list(Config, mib_first_files, []),
"mibs", ".mib", "priv/mibs", ".bin",
fun compile_mib/3).
+-spec clean(Config::#config{}, AppFile::string()) -> 'ok'.
clean(_Config, _AppFile) ->
%% TODO: This would be more portable if it used Erlang to traverse
%% the dir structure and delete each file; however it would also
@@ -64,26 +66,33 @@ clean(_Config, _AppFile) ->
%% .erl Compilation API (externally used by only eunit)
%% ===================================================================
+-spec doterl_compile(Config::#config{}, OutDir::string()) -> 'ok'.
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir) ->
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, []).
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, MoreSources) ->
FirstErls = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []),
- RestErls = [Source || Source <- rebar_utils:find_files("src", ".*\\.erl\$") ++ MoreSources,
+ ErlOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, erl_opts, []),
+ %% Support the src_dirs option allowing multiple directories to
+ %% contain erlang source. This might be used, for example, should eunit tests be
+ %% separated from the core application source.
+ SrcDirs = src_dirs(proplists:append_values(src_dirs, ErlOpts)),
+ RestErls = [Source || Source <- gather_src(SrcDirs, []) ++ MoreSources,
lists:member(Source, FirstErls) == false],
rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, FirstErls, RestErls,
fun(S, C) -> internal_erl_compile(S, C, OutDir) end).
%% ===================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ===================================================================
+-spec include_path(Source::string(), Config::#config{}) -> [string()].
include_path(Source, Config) ->
ErlOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, erl_opts, []),
[filename:dirname(Source)] ++ proplists:get_all_values(i, ErlOpts).
+-spec inspect(Source::string(), IncludePath::[string()]) -> {string(), [string()]}.
inspect(Source, IncludePath) ->
ModuleDefault = filename:basename(Source, ".erl"),
case epp:open(Source, IncludePath) of
@@ -94,9 +103,10 @@ inspect(Source, IncludePath) ->
{ModuleDefault, []}
+-spec inspect_epp(Epp::pid(), Module::string(), Includes::[string()]) -> {string(), [string()]}.
inspect_epp(Epp, Module, Includes) ->
case epp:parse_erl_form(Epp) of
- {ok, {attribute, _, module, ActualModule}} when is_list(ActualModule) ->
+ {ok, {attribute, _, module, ActualModule}} ->
%% If the module name includes package info, we get a list of atoms...
case is_list(ActualModule) of
true ->
@@ -116,12 +126,13 @@ inspect_epp(Epp, Module, Includes) ->
inspect_epp(Epp, Module, Includes)
+-spec needs_compile(Source::string(), Target::string(), Hrls::[string()]) -> boolean().
needs_compile(Source, Target, Hrls) ->
TargetLastMod = filelib:last_modified(Target),
lists:any(fun(I) -> TargetLastMod < filelib:last_modified(I) end,
[Source] ++ Hrls).
+-spec internal_erl_compile(Source::string(), Config::#config{}, Outdir::string()) -> 'ok' | 'skipped'.
internal_erl_compile(Source, Config, Outdir) ->
%% Determine the target name and includes list by inspecting the source file
{Module, Hrls} = inspect(Source, include_path(Source, Config)),
@@ -154,6 +165,7 @@ internal_erl_compile(Source, Config, Outdir) ->
+-spec compile_mib(Source::string(), Target::string(), Config::#config{}) -> 'ok'.
compile_mib(Source, Target, Config) ->
ok = rebar_utils:ensure_dir(Target),
Opts = [{outdir, "priv/mibs"}, {i, ["priv/mibs"]}] ++
@@ -165,9 +177,22 @@ compile_mib(Source, Target, Config) ->
+gather_src([], Srcs) ->
+ Srcs;
+gather_src([Dir|Rest], Srcs) ->
+ gather_src(Rest, Srcs ++ rebar_utils:find_files(Dir, ".*\\.erl\$")).
+-spec src_dirs(SrcDirs::[string()]) -> [string()].
+src_dirs([]) ->
+ ["src"];
+src_dirs(SrcDirs) ->
+ SrcDirs ++ src_dirs([]).
+-spec dirs(Dir::string()) -> [string()].
dirs(Dir) ->
[F || F <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "*"])), filelib:is_dir(F)].
+-spec delete_dir(Dir::string(), Subdirs::[string()]) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
delete_dir(Dir, []) ->
delete_dir(Dir, Subdirs) ->