path: root/src/rebar_base_compiler.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_base_compiler.erl')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_base_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_base_compiler.erl
index 480e49c..3f273f1 100644
--- a/src/rebar_base_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_base_compiler.erl
@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@ compile_each([], _Config, _CompileFn) ->
compile_each([Source | Rest], Config, CompileFn) ->
case CompileFn(Source, Config) of
ok ->
- ?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
+ ?DEBUG("~tsCompiled ~ts", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
{ok, Warnings} ->
- ?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
+ ?DEBUG("~tsCompiled ~ts", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
skipped ->
- ?DEBUG("~sSkipped ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
+ ?DEBUG("~tsSkipped ~ts", [rebar_utils:indent(1), filename:basename(Source)]);
Error ->
NewSource = format_error_source(Source, Config),
- ?ERROR("Compiling ~s failed", [NewSource]),
+ ?ERROR("Compiling ~ts failed", [NewSource]),
?DEBUG("Compilation failed: ~p", [Error]),
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ maybe_report(_) ->
%% @private Outputs a bunch of strings, including a newline
-spec report([string()]) -> ok.
report(Messages) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Msg) -> io:format("~s~n", [Msg]) end, Messages).
+ lists:foreach(fun(Msg) -> io:format("~ts~n", [Msg]) end, Messages).
%% private format compiler errors into proper outputtable strings
-spec format_errors(_, Extra, [err_or_warn()]) -> [string()] when
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ format_errors(_MainSource, Extra, Errors) ->
Extra :: string().
format_error(Source, Extra, {{Line, Column}, Mod, Desc}) ->
ErrorDesc = Mod:format_error(Desc),
- ?FMT("~s:~w:~w: ~s~s~n", [Source, Line, Column, Extra, ErrorDesc]);
+ ?FMT("~ts:~w:~w: ~ts~ts~n", [Source, Line, Column, Extra, ErrorDesc]);
format_error(Source, Extra, {Line, Mod, Desc}) ->
ErrorDesc = Mod:format_error(Desc),
- ?FMT("~s:~w: ~s~s~n", [Source, Line, Extra, ErrorDesc]);
+ ?FMT("~ts:~w: ~ts~ts~n", [Source, Line, Extra, ErrorDesc]);
format_error(Source, Extra, {Mod, Desc}) ->
ErrorDesc = Mod:format_error(Desc),
- ?FMT("~s: ~s~s~n", [Source, Extra, ErrorDesc]).
+ ?FMT("~ts: ~ts~ts~n", [Source, Extra, ErrorDesc]).