diff options
12 files changed, 163 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar.hrl b/src/rebar.hrl
index 0b7f0b1..4e1ec00 100644
--- a/src/rebar.hrl
+++ b/src/rebar.hrl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
-define(DEFAULT_TEST_DEPS_DIR, "test/lib").
-define(DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIR, "rel").
-define(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "rebar.config").
+-define(CONFIG_VERSION, "1.1.0").
-define(DEFAULT_CDN, "").
-define(REMOTE_PACKAGE_DIR, "tarballs").
-define(REMOTE_REGISTRY_FILE, "registry.ets.gz").
diff --git a/src/rebar_app_utils.erl b/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
index d3ef841..7028c32 100644
--- a/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
@@ -119,17 +119,17 @@ parse_dep(Dep, Parent, DepsDir, State, Locks, Level) ->
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Vsn, {pkg, PkgName}}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) ->
{PkgName1, PkgVsn} = {ec_cnv:to_binary(PkgName), ec_cnv:to_binary(Vsn)},
- dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, PkgVsn, {pkg, PkgName1, PkgVsn}, IsLock, State);
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, PkgVsn, {pkg, PkgName1, PkgVsn, undefined}, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, {pkg, PkgName}}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) ->
%% Package dependency with different package name from app name
- dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, undefined, {pkg, ec_cnv:to_binary(PkgName), undefined}, IsLock, State);
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, undefined, {pkg, ec_cnv:to_binary(PkgName), undefined, undefined}, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Vsn}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_list(Vsn); is_binary(Vsn) ->
%% Versioned Package dependency
{PkgName, PkgVsn} = {ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), ec_cnv:to_binary(Vsn)},
- dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, PkgName, PkgVsn, {pkg, PkgName, PkgVsn}, IsLock, State);
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, PkgName, PkgVsn, {pkg, PkgName, PkgVsn, undefined}, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, Name, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_atom(Name); is_binary(Name) ->
%% Unversioned package dependency
- dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), undefined, {pkg, ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), undefined}, IsLock, State);
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), undefined, {pkg, ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), undefined, undefined}, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Source}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, _Vsn, Source}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
@@ -138,7 +138,9 @@ parse_dep(Parent, {Name, _Vsn, Source, Opts}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tu
?WARN("Dependency option list ~p in ~p is not supported and will be ignored", [Opts, Name]),
dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, {pkg, PkgName, Vsn}, Level}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_integer(Level) ->
- dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, {pkg, PkgName, Vsn}, IsLock, State);
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, {pkg, PkgName, Vsn, undefined}, IsLock, State);
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, {pkg, PkgName, Vsn, Hash}, Level}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_integer(Level) ->
+ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, {pkg, PkgName, Vsn, Hash}, IsLock, State);
parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Source, Level}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source)
, is_integer(Level) ->
dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State);
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ dep_to_app(Parent, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State) ->
AppInfo5 = rebar_app_info:profiles(AppInfo4, [default]),
rebar_app_info:is_lock(AppInfo5, IsLock).
-update_source(AppInfo, {pkg, PkgName, PkgVsn}, State) ->
+update_source(AppInfo, {pkg, PkgName, PkgVsn, Hash}, State) ->
{PkgName1, PkgVsn1} = case PkgVsn of
undefined ->
get_package(PkgName, "0", State);
@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ update_source(AppInfo, {pkg, PkgName, PkgVsn}, State) ->
_ ->
{PkgName, PkgVsn}
- AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo, {pkg, PkgName1, PkgVsn1}),
+ AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo, {pkg, PkgName1, PkgVsn1, Hash}),
Deps = rebar_packages:deps(PkgName1
diff --git a/src/rebar_config.erl b/src/rebar_config.erl
index 8d7bcf4..031df8b 100644
--- a/src/rebar_config.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_config.erl
@@ -56,35 +56,73 @@ consult_lock_file(File) ->
[] ->
[Locks] when is_list(Locks) -> % beta lock file
- Locks;
+ read_attrs(beta, Locks, []);
[{Vsn, Locks}|Attrs] when is_list(Locks) -> % versioned lock file
- %% Make sure the warning above is to be shown whenever a version
- %% newer than the current one is being used, as we can't parse
- %% all the contents of the lock file properly.
- ?WARN("Rebar3 detected a lock file from a newer version. "
- "It will be loaded in compatibility mode, but important "
- "information may be missing or lost. It is recommended to "
- "upgrade Rebar3.", []),
+ case Vsn of
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ %% Make sure the warning below is to be shown whenever a version
+ %% newer than the current one is being used, as we can't parse
+ %% all the contents of the lock file properly.
+ ?WARN("Rebar3 detected a lock file from a newer version. "
+ "It will be loaded in compatibility mode, but important "
+ "information may be missing or lost. It is recommended to "
+ "upgrade Rebar3.", [])
+ end,
read_attrs(Vsn, Locks, Attrs)
write_lock_file(LockFile, Locks) ->
- NewLocks = write_attrs(Locks),
+ {NewLocks, Attrs} = write_attrs(Locks),
%% Write locks in the beta format, at least until it's been long
%% enough we can start modifying the lock format.
- file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [NewLocks])).
+ case Attrs of
+ [] -> % write the old beta copy to avoid changes
+ file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [NewLocks]));
+ _ ->
+ file:write_file(LockFile,
+ io_lib:format("{~p,~p}.~n~p.~n",
+ [?CONFIG_VERSION, NewLocks, Attrs]))
+ end.
-read_attrs(_Vsn, Locks, _Attrs) ->
+read_attrs(_Vsn, Locks, Attrs) ->
%% Beta copy does not know how to expand attributes, but
%% is ready to support it.
- Locks.
+ expand_locks(Locks, extract_pkg_hashes(Attrs)).
+extract_pkg_hashes(Attrs) ->
+ Props = case Attrs of
+ [First|_] -> First;
+ [] -> []
+ end,
+ proplists:get_value(pkg_hash, Props, []).
+expand_locks([], _Hashes) ->
+ [];
+expand_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn}, Lvl} | Locks], Hashes) ->
+ Hash = proplists:get_value(Name, Hashes),
+ [{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,Hash}, Lvl} | expand_locks(Locks, Hashes)];
+expand_locks([Lock|Locks], Hashes) ->
+ [Lock | expand_locks(Locks, Hashes)].
write_attrs(Locks) ->
%% No attribute known that needs to be taken out of the structure,
%% just return terms as is.
- Locks.
+ {NewLocks, Hashes} = split_locks(Locks, [], []),
+ case Hashes of
+ [] -> {NewLocks, []};
+ _ -> {NewLocks, [{pkg_hash, lists:sort(Hashes)}]}
+ end.
+split_locks([], Locks, Hashes) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Locks), Hashes};
+split_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,undefined}, Lvl} | Locks], LAcc, HAcc) ->
+ split_locks(Locks, [{Name,{pkg,PkgName,Vsn},Lvl}|LAcc], HAcc);
+split_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,Hash}, Lvl} | Locks], LAcc, HAcc) ->
+ split_locks(Locks, [{Name,{pkg,PkgName,Vsn},Lvl}|LAcc], [{Name, Hash}|HAcc]);
+split_locks([Lock|Locks], LAcc, HAcc) ->
+ split_locks(Locks, [Lock|LAcc], HAcc).
consult_file(File) ->
Terms = consult_file_(File),
diff --git a/src/rebar_packages.erl b/src/rebar_packages.erl
index d4b8a14..8b4611b 100644
--- a/src/rebar_packages.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_packages.erl
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ package_dir(State) ->
-registry_checksum({pkg, Name, Vsn}, State) ->
+registry_checksum({pkg, Name, Vsn, _Hash}, State) ->
ets:lookup_element(?PACKAGE_TABLE, {Name, Vsn}, 3)
diff --git a/src/rebar_pkg_resource.erl b/src/rebar_pkg_resource.erl
index ec7e09d..257df21 100644
--- a/src/rebar_pkg_resource.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_pkg_resource.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
lock(_AppDir, Source) ->
-needs_update(Dir, {pkg, _Name, Vsn}) ->
+needs_update(Dir, {pkg, _Name, Vsn, _Hash}) ->
[AppInfo] = rebar_app_discover:find_apps([Dir], all),
case rebar_app_info:original_vsn(AppInfo) =:= ec_cnv:to_list(Vsn) of
true ->
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ needs_update(Dir, {pkg, _Name, Vsn}) ->
-download(TmpDir, Pkg={pkg, Name, Vsn}, State) ->
+download(TmpDir, Pkg={pkg, Name, Vsn, _Hash}, State) ->
CDN = rebar_state:get(State, rebar_packages_cdn, ?DEFAULT_CDN),
{ok, PackageDir} = rebar_packages:package_dir(State),
Package = binary_to_list(<<Name/binary, "-", Vsn/binary, ".tar">>),
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ download(TmpDir, Pkg={pkg, Name, Vsn}, State) ->
{fetch_fail, Name, Vsn}
-cached_download(TmpDir, CachePath, Pkg={pkg, Name, Vsn}, Url, ETag, State) ->
+cached_download(TmpDir, CachePath, Pkg={pkg, Name, Vsn, _Hash}, Url, ETag, State) ->
case request(Url, ETag) of
{ok, cached} ->
?INFO("Version cached at ~s is up to date, reusing it", [CachePath]),
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl b/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
index 9ff2bfa..c865276 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ display_dep(_State, {Name, _Vsn, Source}) when is_tuple(Source) ->
display_dep(_State, {Name, _Vsn, Source, _Opts}) when is_tuple(Source) ->
?CONSOLE("~s* (~s source)", [ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), type(Source)]);
%% Locked
-display_dep(State, {Name, Source={pkg, _, Vsn}, Level}) when is_integer(Level) ->
+display_dep(State, {Name, Source={pkg, _, Vsn, _}, Level}) when is_integer(Level) ->
DepsDir = rebar_dir:deps_dir(State),
AppDir = filename:join([DepsDir, ec_cnv:to_binary(Name)]),
NeedsUpdate = case rebar_fetch:needs_update(AppDir, Source, State) of
diff --git a/test/mock_pkg_resource.erl b/test/mock_pkg_resource.erl
index a94fe2f..f837713 100644
--- a/test/mock_pkg_resource.erl
+++ b/test/mock_pkg_resource.erl
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ mock() -> mock([]).
| {not_in_index, [{App, Vsn}]}
| {pkgdeps, [{{App,Vsn}, [Dep]}]},
App :: string(),
- Dep :: {App, string(), {pkg, App, Vsn}},
- Vsn :: string().
+ Dep :: {App, string(), {pkg, App, Vsn, Hash}},
+ Vsn :: string(),
+ Hash :: string() | undefined.
mock(Opts) ->
meck:new(?MOD, [no_link]),
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ mock_update(Opts) ->
ToUpdate = proplists:get_value(upgrade, Opts, []),
?MOD, needs_update,
- fun(_Dir, {pkg, App, _Vsn}) ->
+ fun(_Dir, {pkg, App, _Vsn, _Hash}) ->
lists:member(binary_to_list(App), ToUpdate)
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ mock_vsn(_Opts) ->
%% @doc For each app to download, create a dummy app on disk instead.
%% The configuration for this one (passed in from `mock/1') includes:
-%% - Specify a version with `{pkg, _, Vsn}'
+%% - Specify a version with `{pkg, _, Vsn, _}'
%% - Dependencies for each application must be passed of the form:
%% `{pkgdeps, [{"app1", [{app2, ".*", {pkg, ...}}]}]}' -- basically
%% the `pkgdeps' option takes a key/value list of terms to output directly
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ mock_download(Opts) ->
Config = proplists:get_value(config, Opts, []),
?MOD, download,
- fun (Dir, {pkg, AppBin, Vsn}, _) ->
+ fun (Dir, {pkg, AppBin, Vsn, _}, _) ->
App = binary_to_list(AppBin),
AppDeps = proplists:get_value({App,Vsn}, Deps, []),
diff --git a/test/rebar_deps_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_deps_SUITE.erl
index c95854a..4ef9f79 100644
--- a/test/rebar_deps_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_deps_SUITE.erl
@@ -405,5 +405,5 @@ in_warnings(git, Warns, NameRaw, VsnRaw) ->
in_warnings(pkg, Warns, NameRaw, VsnRaw) ->
Name = iolist_to_binary(NameRaw),
Vsn = iolist_to_binary(VsnRaw),
- 1 =< length([1 || {_, [AppName, {pkg, _, AppVsn}]} <- Warns,
+ 1 =< length([1 || {_, [AppName, {pkg, _, AppVsn, _}]} <- Warns,
AppName =:= Name, AppVsn =:= Vsn]).
diff --git a/test/rebar_install_deps_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_install_deps_SUITE.erl
index b8b70b3..9ff28c7 100644
--- a/test/rebar_install_deps_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_install_deps_SUITE.erl
@@ -475,5 +475,5 @@ in_warnings(git, Warns, NameRaw, VsnRaw) ->
in_warnings(pkg, Warns, NameRaw, VsnRaw) ->
Name = iolist_to_binary(NameRaw),
Vsn = iolist_to_binary(VsnRaw),
- 1 =< length([1 || {_, [AppName, {pkg, _, AppVsn}]} <- Warns,
+ 1 =< length([1 || {_, [AppName, {pkg, _, AppVsn, _}]} <- Warns,
AppName =:= Name, AppVsn =:= Vsn]).
diff --git a/test/rebar_lock_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_lock_SUITE.erl
index 00875f7..f1ab3b5 100644
--- a/test/rebar_lock_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_lock_SUITE.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
-all() -> [current_version, future_versions_no_attrs, future_versions_attrs].
+all() -> [current_version,
+ beta_version, future_versions_no_attrs, future_versions_attrs].
current_version(Config) ->
%% Current version just dumps the locks as is on disk.
@@ -15,9 +16,60 @@ current_version(Config) ->
Locks = [{<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
{<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
{<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>},3},
+ {<<"pkg2">>,{pkg,<<"name1">>,<<"1.1.6">>},2},
+ {<<"pkg3">>,{pkg,<<"name2">>,<<"3.0.6">>},1}
+ ],
+ ExpandedNull = [
+ {<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>,undefined},3},
+ {<<"pkg2">>,{pkg,<<"name1">>,<<"1.1.6">>,undefined},2},
+ {<<"pkg3">>,{pkg,<<"name2">>,<<"3.0.6">>,undefined},1}
+ ],
+ %% Simulate a beta lockfile
+ file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Locks])),
+ %% No properties fetched from a beta lockfile, expand locks
+ %% to undefined
+ ?assertEqual(ExpandedNull,
+ rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)),
+ %% Adding hash data
+ Hashes = [{<<"pkg1">>, <<"tarballhash">>},
+ {<<"pkg3">>, <<"otherhash">>}],
+ ExpandedLocks = [
+ {<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>,<<"tarballhash">>},3},
+ {<<"pkg2">>,{pkg,<<"name1">>,<<"1.1.6">>,undefined},2},
+ {<<"pkg3">>,{pkg,<<"name2">>,<<"3.0.6">>,<<"otherhash">>},1}
+ ],
+ file:write_file(LockFile,
+ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n",
+ [{"1.1.0", Locks},
+ [{pkg_hash, Hashes}]])),
+ ?assertEqual(ExpandedLocks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)),
+ %% Then check that we can reverse that
+ ok = rebar_config:write_lock_file(LockFile, ExpandedLocks),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, [{"1.1.0", Locks}, [{pkg_hash, Hashes}]]},
+ file:consult(LockFile)).
+beta_version(Config) ->
+ %% Current version just dumps the locks as is on disk.
+ LockFile = filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config), "current_version"),
+ Locks = [{<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ ExpandedLocks = [
+ {<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>,undefined},3}
+ ],
file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Locks])),
- ?assertEqual(Locks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
+ ?assertEqual(ExpandedLocks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
future_versions_no_attrs(Config) ->
%% Future versions will keep the same core attribute in there, but
@@ -27,10 +79,14 @@ future_versions_no_attrs(Config) ->
Locks = [{<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
{<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
{<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
- {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>},3}],
+ {<<"pkg1">>, {pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>},3}],
+ ExpandedLocks = [{<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>, {pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>,undefined},3}],
LockData = {"3.5.2", Locks},
file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [LockData])),
- ?assertEqual(Locks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
+ ?assertEqual(ExpandedLocks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
future_versions_attrs(Config) ->
%% Future versions will keep the same core attribute in there, but
@@ -41,6 +97,16 @@ future_versions_attrs(Config) ->
{<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
{<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ ExpandedLocks = [{<<"app1">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 2},
+ {<<"app2">>, {git,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 0},
+ {<<"app3">>, {hg,"some_url", {ref,"some_ref"}}, 1},
+ {<<"pkg1">>,{pkg,<<"name">>,<<"0.1.6">>, <<"tarballhash">>},3}],
+ Hashes = [{<<"pkg1">>, <<"tarballhash">>}],
LockData = {"3.5.2", Locks},
- file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~na.~n{b,c}.~n[d,e,f].~n", [LockData])),
- ?assertEqual(Locks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
+ file:write_file(LockFile,
+ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~ngarbage.~n",
+ [LockData,
+ [{a, x},
+ {pkg_hash, Hashes},
+ {b, y}]])),
+ ?assertEqual(ExpandedLocks, rebar_config:consult_lock_file(LockFile)).
diff --git a/test/rebar_pkg_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_pkg_SUITE.erl
index 6a75f32..8003b10 100644
--- a/test/rebar_pkg_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_pkg_SUITE.erl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ good_uncached(Config) ->
{Pkg,Vsn} = ?config(pkg, Config),
State = ?config(state, Config),
?assertEqual({ok, true},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
Cache = ?config(cache_dir, Config),
?assert(filelib:is_regular(filename:join(Cache, <<Pkg/binary, "-", Vsn/binary, ".tar">>))).
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ good_cached(Config) ->
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(CachedFile),
?assertEqual({ok, true},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(CachedFile).
badindexchk(Config) ->
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ badindexchk(Config) ->
{Pkg,Vsn} = ?config(pkg, Config),
State = ?config(state, Config),
?assertMatch({bad_registry_checksum, _Path},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
%% The cached file is there for forensic purposes
Cache = ?config(cache_dir, Config),
?assert(filelib:is_regular(filename:join(Cache, <<Pkg/binary, "-", Vsn/binary, ".tar">>))).
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ badpkg(Config) ->
{Pkg,Vsn} = ?config(pkg, Config),
State = ?config(state, Config),
?assertMatch({bad_download, _Path},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
%% The cached file is there for forensic purposes
Cache = ?config(cache_dir, Config),
?assert(filelib:is_regular(filename:join(Cache, <<Pkg/binary, "-", Vsn/binary, ".tar">>))).
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ bad_to_good(Config) ->
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(CachedFile),
?assertEqual({ok, true},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
%% Cache has refreshed
?assert({ok, Contents} =/= file:read_file(CachedFile)).
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ good_disconnect(Config) ->
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(CachedFile),
?assertEqual({ok, true},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)),
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)),
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(CachedFile).
bad_disconnect(Config) ->
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ bad_disconnect(Config) ->
{Pkg,Vsn} = ?config(pkg, Config),
State = ?config(state, Config),
?assertEqual({fetch_fail, Pkg, Vsn},
- rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn}, State)).
+ rebar_pkg_resource:download(Tmp, {pkg, Pkg, Vsn, undefined}, State)).
pkgs_provider(Config) ->
Config1 = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config),
diff --git a/test/rebar_test_utils.erl b/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
index 23b0178..8c2d36d 100644
--- a/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
@@ -149,21 +149,21 @@ expand_deps(git, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) ->
Dep = {Name, Vsn, {git, ""++Name++".git", {tag, Vsn}}},
[{Dep, expand_deps(git, Deps)} | expand_deps(git, Rest)];
expand_deps(pkg, [{Name, Deps} | Rest]) ->
- Dep = {pkg, Name, "0.0.0"},
+ Dep = {pkg, Name, "0.0.0", undefined},
[{Dep, expand_deps(pkg, Deps)} | expand_deps(pkg, Rest)];
expand_deps(pkg, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) ->
- Dep = {pkg, Name, Vsn},
+ Dep = {pkg, Name, Vsn, undefined},
[{Dep, expand_deps(pkg, Deps)} | expand_deps(pkg, Rest)];
expand_deps(mixed, [{Name, Deps} | Rest]) ->
Dep = if hd(Name) >= $a, hd(Name) =< $z ->
- {pkg, string:to_upper(Name), "0.0.0"}
+ {pkg, string:to_upper(Name), "0.0.0", undefined}
; hd(Name) >= $A, hd(Name) =< $Z ->
{Name, ".*", {git, ""++Name++".git", "master"}}
[{Dep, expand_deps(mixed, Deps)} | expand_deps(mixed, Rest)];
expand_deps(mixed, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) ->
Dep = if hd(Name) >= $a, hd(Name) =< $z ->
- {pkg, string:to_upper(Name), Vsn}
+ {pkg, string:to_upper(Name), Vsn, undefined}
; hd(Name) >= $A, hd(Name) =< $Z ->
{Name, Vsn, {git, ""++Name++".git", {tag, Vsn}}}
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ expand_deps(mixed, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) ->
flat_deps(Deps) -> flat_deps(Deps, [], []).
flat_deps([], Src, Pkg) -> {Src, Pkg};
-flat_deps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn}, PkgDeps} | Rest], Src, Pkg) ->
+flat_deps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn, undefined}, PkgDeps} | Rest], Src, Pkg) ->
Current = {{iolist_to_binary(Name), iolist_to_binary(Vsn)},
{[], FlatPkgDeps} = flat_deps(PkgDeps),
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ vsn_from_ref({git, _, {_, Vsn}}) -> Vsn;
vsn_from_ref({git, _, Vsn}) -> Vsn.
top_level_deps([]) -> [];
-top_level_deps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn}, _} | Deps]) ->
+top_level_deps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn, undefined}, _} | Deps]) ->
[{list_to_atom(Name), Vsn} | top_level_deps(Deps)];
top_level_deps([{{Name, Vsn, Ref}, _} | Deps]) ->
[{list_to_atom(Name), Vsn, Ref} | top_level_deps(Deps)].
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ check_results(AppDir, Expected, ProfileRun) ->
case lists:keyfind(iolist_to_binary(Name), 1, Locks) of
false ->
error({lock_not_found, Name});
- {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn}, _} ->
+ {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn, _}, _} ->
{_LockName, {_, _, {ref, LockVsn}}, _} ->
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ check_results(AppDir, Expected, ProfileRun) ->
case lists:keyfind(iolist_to_binary(Name), 1, Locks) of
false ->
error({lock_not_found, Name});
- {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn}, _} ->
+ {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn, _}, _} ->
{_LockName, {_, _, {ref, LockVsn}}, _} ->
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ check_results(AppDir, Expected, ProfileRun) ->
case lists:keyfind(iolist_to_binary(Name), 1, Locks) of
false ->
error({lock_not_found, Name});
- {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn}, _} ->
+ {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn, _}, _} ->
error({pkg_lock, {Name, LockVsn}});
{_LockName, {_, _, {ref, LockVsn}}, _} ->