path: root/test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl
diff options
authorTristan Sloughter <>2014-08-30 22:14:48 -0500
committerTristan Sloughter <>2014-08-30 22:16:30 -0500
commit21f47438614a0d50caf20801c4440d54d12c3f20 (patch)
tree054cda8b6a40d577b77d950bce898755f81962b7 /test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl
parentac0d726bb8c21eca3b883f7c47e42cdea02b5a3f (diff)
remove more code that can be brought back later if needed
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl b/test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ec283..0000000
--- a/test/rebar_xref_eunit.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
--define(REBAR_SCRIPT, "../rebar").
--define(TMP_DIR, "tmp_xref_eunit/").
-xref_test_() ->
- {"Test the various xref warnings",
- setup, fun() -> setup_project(false), rebar("compile"), rebar("skip_deps=true xref") end,
- fun teardown/1,
- fun(RebarOut) ->
- [
- {"Undefined function", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_somemod:notavailable/1 is undefined function") =/= 0)},
- {"Undefined function call", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 calls undefined function myapp_somemod:notavailable/1") =/= 0)},
- {"Deprecated function", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:fdeprecated/0 is deprecated function") =/= 0)},
- {"Deprecated function call", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 calls deprecated function myapp_mymod:fdeprecated/0") =/= 0)},
- {"Unused local", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:localfunc2/0 is unused local function") =/= 0)},
- {"Unused export 1", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_behaviour1:behaviour_info/1 is unused export") =/= 0)},
- {"Unused export 2", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_behaviour2:behaviour_info/1 is unused export") =/= 0)},
- {"Unused export 3", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:other2/1 is unused export") =/= 0)},
- {"Unused export 4", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 is unused export") =/= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 1", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh1_a/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 2", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh1_b/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 3", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh2_a/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 4", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh2_b/1 is unused export") =:= 0)}
- ]
- end}.
-xref_ignore_test_() ->
- {"Test the suppression of xref warnings",
- setup, fun() -> setup_project(ignore_xref), rebar("compile"), rebar("skip_deps=true xref") end,
- fun teardown/1,
- fun(RebarOut) ->
- [
- {"Undefined function can not be suppressed.", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_somemod:notavailable/1 is undefined function") =/= 0)},
- {"Supppressed undefined function call", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 calls undefined function myapp_somemod:notavailable/1") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed deprecated function", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:fdeprecated/0 is deprecated function") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed deprecated function call", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 calls deprecated function myapp_mymod:fdeprecated/0") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed unused local", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:localfunc2/0 is unused local function") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed unused export 1", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_behaviour1:behaviour_info/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed unused export 2", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_behaviour2:behaviour_info/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed unused export 3", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:other2/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Supppressed unused export 4", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_othermod:somefunc/0 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 1", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh1_a/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 2", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh1_b/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 3", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh2_a/1 is unused export") =:= 0)},
- {"Suppressed behaviour export 4", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut,
- "myapp_mymod:bh2_b/1 is unused export") =:= 0)}
- ]
- end}.
-%% ====================================================================
-%% Setup and Teardown
-%% ====================================================================
- ["-module(myapp_behaviour1).\n",
- "-export([behaviour_info/1]).\n"]).
- ["behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{bh1_a,1},{bh1_b,1}];\n",
- "behaviour_info(_Other) -> undefined.\n"]).
- ["-ignore_xref({behaviour_info,1}).\n"]).
- ["-module(myapp_behaviour2).\n",
- "-export([behaviour_info/1]).\n"]).
- ["behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{bh2_a,1},{bh2_b,1}];\n",
- "behaviour_info(_Other) -> undefined.\n"]).
- ["-ignore_xref({behaviour_info,1}).\n"]).
- ["-module(myapp_mymod).\n",
- "-export([bh1_a/1,bh1_b/1,bh2_a/1,bh2_b/1,other1/1,other2/1,fdeprecated/0]).\n",
- "-behaviour(myapp_behaviour1).\n", % 2 behaviours
- "-behaviour(myapp_behaviour2).\n",
- "-deprecated({fdeprecated,0}).\n"]). % deprecated function
- ["bh1_a(A) -> localfunc1(bh1_a, A).\n", % behaviour functions
- "bh1_b(A) -> localfunc1(bh1_b, A).\n",
- "bh2_a(A) -> localfunc1(bh2_a, A).\n",
- "bh2_b(A) -> localfunc1(bh2_b, A).\n",
- "other1(A) -> localfunc1(other1, A).\n", % regular exported functions
- "other2(A) -> localfunc1(other2, A).\n",
- "localfunc1(A, B) -> {A, B}.\n", % used local
- "localfunc2() -> ok.\n", % unused local
- "fdeprecated() -> ok.\n" % deprecated function
- ]).
- ["-ignore_xref([{other2,1},{localfunc2,0},{fdeprecated,0}]).\n"]).
- ["-module(myapp_othermod).\n",
- "-export([somefunc/0]).\n"]).
- ["somefunc() ->\n",
- " myapp_mymod:other1(arg),\n",
- " myapp_somemod:notavailable(arg),\n",
- " myapp_mymod:fdeprecated().\n"
- ]).
- ["-ignore_xref([{myapp_somemod,notavailable,1},{somefunc,0}]).\n",
- "-ignore_xref({myapp_mymod,fdeprecated,0}).\n"]).
- ["{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.\n",
- "{xref_checks, [deprecated_function_calls,deprecated_functions,\n",
- " undefined_function_calls,undefined_functions,\n",
- " exports_not_used,locals_not_used]}.\n"
- ]).
-setup_environment() ->
- ok = file:make_dir(?TMP_DIR),
- prepare_rebar_script(),
- ok = file:set_cwd(?TMP_DIR).
-prepare_project() ->
- setup_environment(),
- rebar("create-app appid=myapp"),
- ok = file:make_dir("ebin").
-setup_project(ignore_xref) ->
- prepare_project(),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_behaviour1.erl", ?myapp_behaviour1 ++ ?myapp_behaviour1_ignorexref ++ ?myapp_behaviour1_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_behaviour2.erl", ?myapp_behaviour2 ++ ?myapp_behaviour2_ignorexref++ ?myapp_behaviour2_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_mymod.erl", ?myapp_mymod ++ ?myapp_mymod_ignorexref ++ ?myapp_mymod_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_othermod.erl", ?myapp_othermod ++ ?myapp_othermod_ignorexref ++ ?myapp_othermod_body),
- ok = file:write_file("rebar.config", ?myapp_rebarconfig);
-setup_project(_) ->
- prepare_project(),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_behaviour1.erl", ?myapp_behaviour1 ++ ?myapp_behaviour1_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_behaviour2.erl", ?myapp_behaviour2 ++ ?myapp_behaviour2_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_mymod.erl", ?myapp_mymod ++ ?myapp_mymod_body),
- ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_othermod.erl", ?myapp_othermod ++ ?myapp_othermod_body),
- ok = file:write_file("rebar.config", ?myapp_rebarconfig).
-teardown(_) ->
- ok = file:set_cwd(".."),
- ok = remove_tmp_dir().
-remove_tmp_dir() ->
- ok = rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(?TMP_DIR).
-%% ====================================================================
-%% Helper Functions
-%% ====================================================================
-prepare_rebar_script() ->
- Rebar = ?TMP_DIR ++ "rebar",
- {ok, _} = file:copy(?REBAR_SCRIPT, Rebar),
- case os:type() of
- {unix, _} ->
- [] = os:cmd("chmod u+x " ++ Rebar);
- {win32, _} ->
- {ok, _} = file:copy(?REBAR_SCRIPT ++ ".bat",
- ?TMP_DIR ++ "rebar.bat")
- end.
-rebar() ->
- rebar([]).
-rebar(Args) when is_list(Args) ->
- Out = os:cmd(filename:nativename("./rebar") ++ " " ++ Args),
- %% ?debugMsg("**** Begin"), ?debugMsg(Out), ?debugMsg("**** End"),
- Out.