path: root/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
diff options
authorsimonxu72 <>2018-10-16 18:37:28 +0800
committersimonxu72 <>2018-10-16 18:37:28 +0800
commit41d133856bf199034b0eeb0903bedc2071fba7e1 (patch)
tree15135eaf1501e016ec1b91b275356a0cfd92d867 /test/rebar_test_utils.erl
parentb81871c61809a9e5c09f54d6c8298908d18a760c (diff)
parent7bfc8110d1736d2cbf61e19d2fc16dc8e854b460 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rebar_test_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/test/rebar_test_utils.erl b/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
index b74aa2f..944efa0 100644
--- a/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_test_utils.erl
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
--export([init_rebar_state/1, init_rebar_state/2, run_and_check/4, check_results/3]).
+-export([init_rebar_state/1, init_rebar_state/2, run_and_check/3, run_and_check/4, check_results/3]).
-export([expand_deps/2, flat_deps/1, top_level_deps/1]).
-export([create_app/4, create_plugin/4, create_eunit_app/4, create_empty_app/4,
- create_config/2, create_config/3, package_app/3]).
--export([create_random_name/1, create_random_vsn/0, write_src_file/2]).
+ create_config/2, create_config/3, package_app/4]).
+-export([create_random_name/1, create_random_vsn/0, write_src_file/2,
+ random_element/1]).
%% Pick the right random module
@@ -34,8 +35,10 @@ init_rebar_state(Config, Name) ->
Verbosity = rebar3:log_level(),
rebar_log:init(command_line, Verbosity),
GlobalDir = filename:join([DataDir, "cache"]),
+ Repos = proplists:get_value(repos, Config, []),
State = rebar_state:new([{base_dir, filename:join([AppsDir, "_build"])}
,{global_rebar_dir, GlobalDir}
+ ,{hex, [{repos, [#{name => R} || R <- Repos]}]}
,{root_dir, AppsDir}]),
[{apps, AppsDir}, {checkouts, CheckoutsDir}, {state, State} | Config].
@@ -79,6 +82,33 @@ run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, Command, Expect) ->
rebar_abort when Expect =:= rebar_abort -> rebar_abort
+run_and_check(Config, Command, Expect) ->
+ %% Assumes init_rebar_state has run first
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ try
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ Res = rebar3:run(Command),
+ case Expect of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?assertEqual({error, Reason}, Res);
+ {ok, Expected} ->
+ {ok, _} = Res,
+ check_results(AppDir, Expected, "*"),
+ Res;
+ {ok, Expected, ProfileRun} ->
+ {ok, _} = Res,
+ check_results(AppDir, Expected, ProfileRun),
+ Res;
+ return ->
+ Res
+ end
+ catch
+ rebar_abort when Expect =:= rebar_abort -> rebar_abort
+ after
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd)
+ end.
%% @doc Creates a dummy application including:
%% - src/<file>.erl
%% - src/<file>.app.src
@@ -263,6 +293,14 @@ check_results(AppDir, Expected, ProfileRun) ->
; ({dep_not_exist, Name}) ->
+ ct:pal("Dep Not Exist Name: ~p", [Name]),
+ case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DepsNames) of
+ false ->
+ ok;
+ {Name, _App} ->
+ error({app_found, Name})
+ end
+ ; ({app_not_exist, Name}) ->
ct:pal("App Not Exist Name: ~p", [Name]),
case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DepsNames) of
false ->
@@ -467,24 +505,25 @@ get_app_metadata(Name, Vsn, Deps) ->
{registered, []},
{applications, Deps}]}.
-package_app(AppDir, DestDir, PkgName) ->
- Name = PkgName++".tar",
- {ok, Fs} = rebar_utils:list_dir(AppDir),
- ok = erl_tar:create(filename:join(DestDir, "contents.tar.gz"),
- lists:zip(Fs, [filename:join(AppDir,F) || F <- Fs]),
- [compressed]),
- ok = file:write_file(filename:join(DestDir, "metadata.config"), "who cares"),
- ok = file:write_file(filename:join(DestDir, "VERSION"), "3"),
- {ok, Contents} = file:read_file(filename:join(DestDir, "contents.tar.gz")),
- Blob = <<"3who cares", Contents/binary>>,
- <<X:256/big-unsigned>> = crypto:hash(sha256, Blob),
- BinChecksum = list_to_binary(rebar_string:uppercase(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~64.16.0b", [X])))),
- ok = file:write_file(filename:join(DestDir, "CHECKSUM"), BinChecksum),
- PkgFiles = ["contents.tar.gz", "VERSION", "metadata.config", "CHECKSUM"],
+package_app(AppDir, DestDir, PkgName, PkgVsn) ->
+ AppSrc = filename:join(AppDir, "src"),
+ {ok, Fs} = rebar_utils:list_dir(AppSrc),
+ Files = lists:zip([filename:join("src", F) || F <- Fs], [filename:join(AppSrc,F) || F <- Fs]),
+ Metadata = #{<<"app">> => list_to_binary(PkgName),
+ <<"version">> => list_to_binary(PkgVsn)},
+ {ok, {Tarball, <<Checksum:256/big-unsigned-integer>>}} = hex_tarball:create(Metadata, Files),
+ Name = PkgName++"-"++PkgVsn++".tar",
Archive = filename:join(DestDir, Name),
- ok = erl_tar:create(Archive,
- lists:zip(PkgFiles, [filename:join(DestDir,F) || F <- PkgFiles])),
- {ok, BinFull} = file:read_file(Archive),
- <<E:128/big-unsigned-integer>> = crypto:hash(md5, BinFull),
- Etag = rebar_string:lowercase(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~32.16.0b", [E]))),
- {BinChecksum, Etag}.
+ file:write_file(Archive, Tarball),
+ <<E:128/big-unsigned-integer>> = crypto:hash(md5, Tarball),
+ Checksum1 = list_to_binary(
+ rebar_string:uppercase(
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~64.16.0b", [Checksum])))),
+ {Checksum1, E}.
+random_element(Repos) ->
+ Index = ?random:uniform(length(Repos)),
+ lists:nth(Index, Repos).