path: root/test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorStuart Thackray <>2018-12-11 08:53:29 +0200
committerStuart Thackray <>2018-12-11 08:53:29 +0200
commitebfa797c1f5d038b99beaf658757d974412a15c7 (patch)
tree9765880a7f0119c265d85f8bac7afea8d9542080 /test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl
parent71187514dabdd94aa333495d92df84a2e750099f (diff)
parent8e28561d4e14ea85d42d17ab5a0f17f5f1c696d2 (diff)
Update from Upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl
index a31a4c9..512832a 100644
--- a/test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_profiles_SUITE.erl
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ profile_merge_umbrella_keys/1,
@@ -20,14 +21,23 @@
- test_profile_applied_to_apps/1]).
+ test_profile_applied_to_apps/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_1/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_2/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_3/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_4/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_5/1,
+ test_erl_opts_debug_info/1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_precedence/1,
+ first_files_exception/1]).
all() ->
- [profile_new_key, profile_merge_keys, all_deps_code_paths, profile_merges,
+ [profile_new_key, profile_merge_keys, profile_merge_umbrella_keys,
+ all_deps_code_paths, profile_merges,
explicit_profile_deduplicate_deps, implicit_profile_deduplicate_deps,
same_profile_deduplication, stack_deduplication,
add_to_profile, add_to_existing_profile,
@@ -36,7 +46,15 @@ all() ->
- test_profile_applied_to_apps].
+ test_profile_applied_to_apps,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_1,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_2,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_3,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_4,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_order_5,
+ test_erl_opts_debug_info,
+ test_profile_erl_opts_precedence,
+ first_files_exception].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -106,6 +124,35 @@ profile_merge_keys(Config) ->
,{dep, "a", "1.0.0"}
,{dep, "b", "2.0.0"}]}).
+profile_merge_umbrella_keys(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ ct:pal("Path: ~s", [AppDir]),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("profile_merge_umbrella_keys"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ SubAppDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name]),
+ RebarConfig = [{vals, [{a,1},{b,1}]},
+ {profiles,
+ [{ct,
+ [{vals, [{a,1},{b,2}]}]}]}],
+ SubRebarConfig = [{vals, []},
+ {profiles, [{ct, [{vals, [{c,1}]}]}]}],
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(SubAppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_config(SubAppDir, SubRebarConfig),
+ {ok, RebarConfigRead} = file:consult(rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig)),
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfigRead, ["as", "ct", "compile"], return
+ ),
+ [ProjectApp] = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
+ ?assertEqual(Name, binary_to_list(rebar_app_info:name(ProjectApp))),
+ Opts = rebar_app_info:opts(ProjectApp),
+ ?assertEqual([{a,1},{b,2},{b,1},{c,1}], dict:fetch(vals, Opts)),
+ ok.
explicit_profile_deduplicate_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
@@ -166,7 +213,7 @@ implicit_profile_deduplicate_deps(Config) ->
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
["as", "test,bar", "eunit"], {ok, [{app, Name}
,{dep, "a", "1.0.0"}
- ,{dep, "b", "2.0.0"}]}).
+ ,{dep, "b", "1.0.0"}]}).
all_deps_code_paths(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
@@ -432,3 +479,166 @@ test_profile_applied_to_apps(Config) ->
ErlOpts = dict:fetch(erl_opts, Opts),
true = lists:member({d, 'TEST'}, ErlOpts)
end, Apps).
+test_profile_erl_opts_order_1(Config) ->
+ Opts = get_compiled_profile_erl_opts([default], Config),
+ Opt = last_erl_opt(Opts, [warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all], undefined),
+ undefined = Opt.
+test_profile_erl_opts_order_2(Config) ->
+ Opts = get_compiled_profile_erl_opts([strict], Config),
+ Opt = last_erl_opt(Opts, [warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all], undefined),
+ warn_export_all = Opt.
+test_profile_erl_opts_order_3(Config) ->
+ Opts = get_compiled_profile_erl_opts([loose], Config),
+ Opt = last_erl_opt(Opts, [warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all], undefined),
+ nowarn_export_all = Opt.
+test_profile_erl_opts_order_4(Config) ->
+ Opts = get_compiled_profile_erl_opts([strict, loose], Config),
+ Opt = last_erl_opt(Opts, [warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all], undefined),
+ nowarn_export_all = Opt.
+test_profile_erl_opts_order_5(Config) ->
+ Opts = get_compiled_profile_erl_opts([loose, strict], Config),
+ Opt = last_erl_opt(Opts, [warn_export_all, nowarn_export_all], undefined),
+ warn_export_all = Opt.
+test_erl_opts_debug_info(_Config) ->
+ ToOpts = fun(List) -> rebar_opts:erl_opts(dict:from_list([{erl_opts, List}])) end,
+ ?assertEqual([debug_info,a,b,c],
+ ToOpts([a,b,c])),
+ ?assertEqual([{debug_info,{mod,123}},a,b,c,debug_info],
+ ToOpts([{debug_info,{mod,123}},a,b,c,debug_info])),
+ ?assertEqual([a,b,debug_info,c],
+ ToOpts([no_debug_info,a,b,debug_info,c])),
+ ?assertEqual([a,b,c],
+ ToOpts([debug_info,a,b,no_debug_info,c])),
+ ?assertEqual([a,b,c,debug_info],
+ ToOpts([{debug_info_key, "12345"},a,b,
+ no_debug_info,c,debug_info])),
+ ?assertEqual([a,b,c],
+ ToOpts([{debug_info,{mod,123}},{debug_info_key, "12345"},
+ a,no_debug_info,b,c,debug_info,no_debug_info])),
+ ?assertEqual([a,b,c,{debug_info_key,"123"}],
+ ToOpts([{debug_info_key, "12345"},a,b,no_debug_info,debug_info,
+ c,{debug_info_key, "123"}])),
+ ?assertEqual([{debug_info_key,"12345"},a,b,c,{debug_info,{mod,"123"}}],
+ ToOpts([debug_info,{debug_info_key,"12345"},a,
+ no_debug_info,b,c,{debug_info,{mod,"123"}}])),
+ ok.
+test_profile_erl_opts_precedence(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("profile_new_key_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]},
+ {profiles, [
+ {test, [{erl_opts, [debug_info, {d,'HI'}]}]},
+ {other, [{erl_opts, [debug_info, {d,'HI'}]}]}
+ ]}],
+ {ok, State1} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "test", "compile"], return
+ ),
+ {ok, State2} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "other", "compile"], return
+ ),
+ {ok, State3} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return
+ ),
+ Opts1 = rebar_state:opts(State1),
+ Opts2 = rebar_state:opts(State2),
+ Opts3 = rebar_state:opts(State3),
+ ErlOpts1 = rebar_opts:erl_opts(Opts1),
+ ErlOpts2 = rebar_opts:erl_opts(Opts2),
+ ErlOpts3 = rebar_opts:erl_opts(Opts3),
+ ?assertEqual([{d,'TEST'}, debug_info, {d,'HI'}], ErlOpts1),
+ ?assertEqual([debug_info, {d,'HI'}], ErlOpts2),
+ ?assertEqual([], ErlOpts3),
+ ok.
+first_files_exception(_Config) ->
+ RebarConfig = [{erl_first_files, ["c","a","b"]},
+ {mib_first_files, ["c","a","b"]},
+ {other, ["c","a","b"]},
+ {profiles,
+ [{profile2, [{erl_first_files, ["a","e"]},
+ {mib_first_files, ["a","e"]},
+ {other, ["a","e"]}
+ ]}]}],
+ State = rebar_state:new(RebarConfig),
+ State1 = rebar_state:apply_profiles(State, [profile2]),
+ %% Combine lists
+ ?assertEqual(["a","b","c","e"], rebar_state:get(State1, other)),
+ %% there is no specific reason not to dedupe "a" here aside from "this is how it is"
+ ?assertEqual(["c","a","b","a","e"], rebar_state:get(State1, erl_first_files)),
+ ?assertEqual(["c","a","b","a","e"], rebar_state:get(State1, mib_first_files)),
+ ok.
+get_compiled_profile_erl_opts(Profiles, Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ PStrs = [atom_to_list(P) || P <- Profiles],
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name(
+ lists:flatten(["erl_opts_order_" | [[S, $_] || S <- PStrs]])),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ RebarConfig = [
+ {erl_opts, [warnings_as_errors, {d, profile_default}]},
+ {profiles, [
+ {strict, [{erl_opts, [warn_export_all, {d, profile_strict}]}]},
+ {loose, [{erl_opts, [nowarn_export_all, {d, profile_loose}]}]} ]}],
+ rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig),
+ Command = case Profiles of
+ [] ->
+ ["compile"];
+ [default] ->
+ ["compile"];
+ _ ->
+ ["as", rebar_string:join(PStrs, ","), "compile"]
+ end,
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig, Command, {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
+ code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
+ Mod = list_to_atom(Name),
+ proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), []).
+% macro definitions get special handling
+last_erl_opt([{d, Macro} = Opt | Opts], Targets, Last) ->
+ case lists:any(erl_opt_macro_match_fun(Macro), Targets) of
+ true ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Opt);
+ _ ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Last)
+ end;
+last_erl_opt([{d, Macro, _} = Opt | Opts], Targets, Last) ->
+ case lists:any(erl_opt_macro_match_fun(Macro), Targets) of
+ true ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Opt);
+ _ ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Last)
+ end;
+last_erl_opt([Opt | Opts], Targets, Last) ->
+ case lists:member(Opt, Targets) of
+ true ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Opt);
+ _ ->
+ last_erl_opt(Opts, Targets, Last)
+ end;
+last_erl_opt([], _, Last) ->
+ Last.
+erl_opt_macro_match_fun(Macro) ->
+ fun({d, M}) ->
+ M == Macro;
+ ({d, M, _}) ->
+ M == Macro;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end.