path: root/src/rebar_utils.erl
diff options
authorsimonxu72 <>2018-10-16 18:37:28 +0800
committersimonxu72 <>2018-10-16 18:37:28 +0800
commit41d133856bf199034b0eeb0903bedc2071fba7e1 (patch)
tree15135eaf1501e016ec1b91b275356a0cfd92d867 /src/rebar_utils.erl
parentb81871c61809a9e5c09f54d6c8298908d18a760c (diff)
parent7bfc8110d1736d2cbf61e19d2fc16dc8e854b460 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_utils.erl b/src/rebar_utils.erl
index 2ded481..1769b79 100644
--- a/src/rebar_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_utils.erl
@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@
+ find_files_in_dirs/3,
+ find_source/3,
- beam_to_mod/2,
@@ -72,15 +73,17 @@
- reread_config/1,
+ reread_config/1, reread_config/2,
- is_list_of_strings/1]).
+ is_list_of_strings/1,
+ ssl_opts/1]).
%% for internal use only
-define(ONE_LEVEL_INDENT, " ").
-define(APP_NAME_INDEX, 2).
@@ -204,6 +207,12 @@ sh(Command0, Options0) ->
find_files(Dir, Regex) ->
find_files(Dir, Regex, true).
+find_files_in_dirs([], _Regex, _Recursive) ->
+ [];
+find_files_in_dirs([Dir | T], Regex, Recursive) ->
+ find_files(Dir, Regex, Recursive) ++ find_files_in_dirs(T, Regex, Recursive).
find_files(Dir, Regex, Recursive) ->
filelib:fold_files(Dir, Regex, Recursive,
fun(F, Acc) -> [F | Acc] end, []).
@@ -436,6 +445,18 @@ user_agent() ->
?FMT("Rebar/~ts (OTP/~ts)", [Vsn, otp_release()]).
reread_config(ConfigList) ->
+ %% Default to not re-configuring the logger for now;
+ %% this can leak logs in CT redirection when setting up hooks
+ %% for example. If we want to turn it on by default, we may
+ %% want to disable it in CT at the same time or figure out a
+ %% way to silence it.
+ %% The same pattern may apply to other tasks, so let's enable
+ %% case-by-case.
+ reread_config(ConfigList, []).
+reread_config(ConfigList, Opts) ->
+ UpdateLoggerConfig = erlang:function_exported(logger, module_info, 0) andalso
+ proplists:get_value(update_logger, Opts, false),
%% NB: we attempt to mimic -config here, which survives app reload,
%% hence {persistent, true}.
SetEnv = case version_tuple(?MODULE:otp_release()) of
@@ -445,15 +466,52 @@ reread_config(ConfigList) ->
fun (App, Key, Val) -> application:set_env(App, Key, Val, [{persistent, true}]) end
+ Res =
[SetEnv(Application, Key, Val)
|| Config <- ConfigList,
{Application, Items} <- Config,
- {Key, Val} <- Items]
+ {Key, Val} <- Items],
+ case UpdateLoggerConfig of
+ true -> reread_logger_config();
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ Res
catch _:_ ->
?ERROR("The configuration file submitted could not be read "
"and will be ignored.", [])
+%% @private since the kernel app is already booted, re-reading its config
+%% requires doing some magic to dynamically patch running handlers to
+%% deal with the current value.
+reread_logger_config() ->
+ KernelCfg = application:get_all_env(kernel),
+ LogCfg = proplists:get_value(logger, KernelCfg),
+ case LogCfg of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ %% Extract and apply settings related to primary configuration
+ %% -- primary config is used for settings shared across handlers
+ LogLvlPrimary = proplists:get_value(logger_info, KernelCfg, all),
+ {FilterDefault, Filters} =
+ case lists:keyfind(filters, 1, KernelCfg) of
+ false -> {log, []};
+ {filters, FoundDef, FoundFilter} -> {FoundDef, FoundFilter}
+ end,
+ Primary = #{level => LogLvlPrimary,
+ filter_default => FilterDefault,
+ filters => Filters},
+ %% Load the correct handlers based on their individual config.
+ [case Id of
+ default -> logger:update_handler_config(Id, Cfg);
+ _ -> logger:add_handler(Id, Mod, Cfg)
+ end || {handler, Id, Mod, Cfg} <- LogCfg],
+ logger:set_primary_config(Primary),
+ ok
+ end.
%% @doc Given env. variable `FOO' we want to expand all references to
%% it in `InStr'. References can have two forms: `$FOO' and `${FOO}'
%% The end of form `$FOO' is delimited with whitespace or EOL
@@ -620,10 +678,6 @@ sh_loop(Port, Fun, Acc) ->
-beam_to_mod(Dir, Filename) ->
- [Dir | Rest] = filename:split(Filename),
- list_to_atom(filename:basename(rebar_string:join(Rest, "."), ".beam")).
beam_to_mod(Filename) ->
list_to_atom(filename:basename(Filename, ".beam")).
@@ -661,12 +715,21 @@ escript_foldl(Fun, Acc, File) ->
-vcs_vsn(Vcs, Dir, Resources) ->
- case vcs_vsn_cmd(Vcs, Dir, Resources) of
+%% TODO: this is just for rebar3_hex and maybe other plugins
+%% but eventually it should be dropped
+vcs_vsn(OriginalVsn, Dir, Resources) when is_list(Dir) ,
+ is_list(Resources) ->
+ ?WARN("Using deprecated rebar_utils:vcs_vsn/3. Please upgrade your plugins.", []),
+ FakeState = rebar_state:new(),
+ {ok, AppInfo} = rebar_app_info:new(fake, OriginalVsn, Dir),
+ vcs_vsn(AppInfo, OriginalVsn,
+ rebar_state:set_resources(FakeState, Resources));
+vcs_vsn(AppInfo, Vcs, State) ->
+ case vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, Vcs, State) of
{plain, VsnString} ->
{cmd, CmdString} ->
- vcs_vsn_invoke(CmdString, Dir);
+ vcs_vsn_invoke(CmdString, rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo));
unknown ->
?ABORT("vcs_vsn: Unknown vsn format: ~p", [Vcs]);
{error, Reason} ->
@@ -674,23 +737,18 @@ vcs_vsn(Vcs, Dir, Resources) ->
%% Temp work around for repos like relx that use "semver"
-vcs_vsn_cmd(Vsn, _, _) when is_binary(Vsn) ->
+vcs_vsn_cmd(_, Vsn, _) when is_binary(Vsn) ->
{plain, Vsn};
-vcs_vsn_cmd(VCS, Dir, Resources) when VCS =:= semver ; VCS =:= "semver" ->
- vcs_vsn_cmd(git, Dir, Resources);
-vcs_vsn_cmd({cmd, _Cmd}=Custom, _, _) ->
+vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, VCS, State) when VCS =:= semver ; VCS =:= "semver" ->
+ vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, git, State);
+vcs_vsn_cmd(_AppInfo, {cmd, _Cmd}=Custom, _) ->
-vcs_vsn_cmd(VCS, Dir, Resources) when is_atom(VCS) ->
- case find_resource_module(VCS, Resources) of
- {ok, Module} ->
- Module:make_vsn(Dir);
- {error, _} ->
- unknown
- end;
-vcs_vsn_cmd(VCS, Dir, Resources) when is_list(VCS) ->
+vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, VCS, State) when is_atom(VCS) ->
+ rebar_resource_v2:make_vsn(AppInfo, VCS, State);
+vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, VCS, State) when is_list(VCS) ->
try list_to_existing_atom(VCS) of
- case vcs_vsn_cmd(AVCS, Dir, Resources) of
+ case vcs_vsn_cmd(AppInfo, AVCS, State) of
unknown -> {plain, VCS};
Other -> Other
@@ -705,19 +763,6 @@ vcs_vsn_invoke(Cmd, Dir) ->
{ok, VsnString} = rebar_utils:sh(Cmd, [{cd, Dir}, {use_stdout, false}]),
rebar_string:trim(VsnString, trailing, "\n").
-find_resource_module(Type, Resources) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Type, 1, Resources) of
- false ->
- case code:which(Type) of
- non_existing ->
- {error, unknown};
- _ ->
- {ok, Type}
- end;
- {Type, Module} ->
- {ok, Module}
- end.
%% @doc ident to the level specified
-spec indent(non_neg_integer()) -> iolist().
indent(Amount) when erlang:is_integer(Amount) ->
@@ -928,3 +973,190 @@ is_list_of_strings(List) when is_list(hd(List)) ->
is_list_of_strings(List) when is_list(List) ->
+%% @doc
+%% Return the SSL options adequate for the project based on
+%% its configuration, including for validation of certs.
+%% @end
+-spec ssl_opts(Url) -> Res when
+ Url :: string(),
+ Res :: proplists:proplist().
+ssl_opts(Url) ->
+ case get_ssl_config() of
+ ssl_verify_enabled ->
+ ssl_opts(ssl_verify_enabled, Url);
+ ssl_verify_disabled ->
+ [{verify, verify_none}]
+ end.
+%% @doc
+%% Return the SSL options adequate for the project based on
+%% its configuration, including for validation of certs.
+%% @end
+-spec ssl_opts(Enabled, Url) -> Res when
+ Enabled :: atom(),
+ Url :: string(),
+ Res :: proplists:proplist().
+ssl_opts(ssl_verify_enabled, Url) ->
+ case check_ssl_version() of
+ true ->
+ {ok, {_, _, Hostname, _, _, _}} =
+ http_uri:parse(rebar_utils:to_list(Url)),
+ VerifyFun = {fun ssl_verify_hostname:verify_fun/3,
+ [{check_hostname, Hostname}]},
+ CACerts = certifi:cacerts(),
+ [{verify, verify_peer}, {depth, 2}, {cacerts, CACerts},
+ {partial_chain, fun partial_chain/1}, {verify_fun, VerifyFun}];
+ false ->
+ ?WARN("Insecure HTTPS request (peer verification disabled), "
+ "please update to OTP 17.4 or later", []),
+ [{verify, verify_none}]
+ end.
+-spec partial_chain(Certs) -> Res when
+ Certs :: list(any()),
+ Res :: unknown_ca | {trusted_ca, any()}.
+partial_chain(Certs) ->
+ Certs1 = [{Cert, public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp)} || Cert <- Certs],
+ CACerts = certifi:cacerts(),
+ CACerts1 = [public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp) || Cert <- CACerts],
+ case ec_lists:find(fun({_, Cert}) ->
+ check_cert(CACerts1, Cert)
+ end, Certs1) of
+ {ok, Trusted} ->
+ {trusted_ca, element(1, Trusted)};
+ _ ->
+ unknown_ca
+ end.
+-spec extract_public_key_info(Cert) -> Res when
+ Cert :: #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate::#'OTPTBSCertificate'{}},
+ Res :: any().
+extract_public_key_info(Cert) ->
+ ((Cert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate)#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo).
+-spec check_cert(CACerts, Cert) -> Res when
+ CACerts :: list(any()),
+ Cert :: any(),
+ Res :: boolean().
+check_cert(CACerts, Cert) ->
+ lists:any(fun(CACert) ->
+ extract_public_key_info(CACert) == extract_public_key_info(Cert)
+ end, CACerts).
+-spec check_ssl_version() ->
+ boolean().
+check_ssl_version() ->
+ case application:get_key(ssl, vsn) of
+ {ok, Vsn} ->
+ parse_vsn(Vsn) >= {5, 3, 6};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+-spec get_ssl_config() ->
+ ssl_verify_disabled | ssl_verify_enabled.
+get_ssl_config() ->
+ GlobalConfigFile = rebar_dir:global_config(),
+ Config = rebar_config:consult_file(GlobalConfigFile),
+ case proplists:get_value(ssl_verify, Config, []) of
+ false ->
+ ssl_verify_disabled;
+ _ ->
+ ssl_verify_enabled
+ end.
+-spec parse_vsn(Vsn) -> Res when
+ Vsn :: string(),
+ Res :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}.
+parse_vsn(Vsn) ->
+ version_pad(rebar_string:lexemes(Vsn, ".-")).
+-spec version_pad(list(nonempty_string())) -> Res when
+ Res :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}.
+version_pad([Major]) ->
+ {list_to_integer(Major), 0, 0};
+version_pad([Major, Minor]) ->
+ {list_to_integer(Major), list_to_integer(Minor), 0};
+version_pad([Major, Minor, Patch]) ->
+ {list_to_integer(Major), list_to_integer(Minor), list_to_integer(Patch)};
+version_pad([Major, Minor, Patch | _]) ->
+ {list_to_integer(Major), list_to_integer(Minor), list_to_integer(Patch)}.
+find_source(Filename, Dir, Rules) ->
+ filelib:find_source(Filename, Dir, Rules).
+%% Looks for a file relative to a given directory
+-type find_file_rule() :: {ObjDirSuffix::string(), SrcDirSuffix::string()}.
+%% Looks for a source file relative to the object file name and directory
+-type find_source_rule() :: {ObjExtension::string(), SrcExtension::string(),
+ [find_file_rule()]}.
+keep_suffix_search_rules(Rules) ->
+ [T || {_,_,_}=T <- Rules].
+-spec find_source(file:filename(), file:filename(), [find_source_rule()]) ->
+ {ok, file:filename()} | {error, not_found}.
+find_source(Filename, Dir, Rules) ->
+ try_suffix_rules(keep_suffix_search_rules(Rules), Filename, Dir).
+try_suffix_rules(Rules, Filename, Dir) ->
+ Ext = filename:extension(Filename),
+ try_suffix_rules(Rules, filename:rootname(Filename, Ext), Dir, Ext).
+try_suffix_rules([{Ext,Src,Rules}|Rest], Root, Dir, Ext)
+ when is_list(Src), is_list(Rules) ->
+ case try_dir_rules(add_local_search(Rules), Root ++ Src, Dir) of
+ {ok, File} -> {ok, File};
+ _Other ->
+ try_suffix_rules(Rest, Root, Dir, Ext)
+ end;
+try_suffix_rules([_|Rest], Root, Dir, Ext) ->
+ try_suffix_rules(Rest, Root, Dir, Ext);
+try_suffix_rules([], _Root, _Dir, _Ext) ->
+ {error, not_found}.
+%% ensuring we check the directory of the object file before any other directory
+add_local_search(Rules) ->
+ Local = {"",""},
+ [Local] ++ lists:filter(fun (X) -> X =/= Local end, Rules).
+try_dir_rules([{From, To}|Rest], Filename, Dir)
+ when is_list(From), is_list(To) ->
+ case try_dir_rule(Dir, Filename, From, To) of
+ {ok, File} -> {ok, File};
+ error -> try_dir_rules(Rest, Filename, Dir)
+ end;
+try_dir_rules([], _Filename, _Dir) ->
+ {error, not_found}.
+try_dir_rule(Dir, Filename, From, To) ->
+ case lists:suffix(From, Dir) of
+ true ->
+ NewDir = lists:sublist(Dir, 1, length(Dir)-length(From))++To,
+ Src = filename:join(NewDir, Filename),
+ case filelib:is_regular(Src) of
+ true -> {ok, Src};
+ false -> find_regular_file(filelib:wildcard(Src))
+ end;
+ false ->
+ error
+ end.
+find_regular_file([]) ->
+ error;
+find_regular_file([File|Files]) ->
+ case filelib:is_regular(File) of
+ true -> {ok, File};
+ false -> find_regular_file(Files)
+ end.