path: root/src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl
diff options
authorBryan Paxton <>2019-03-07 10:54:01 -0600
committerTristan Sloughter <>2019-03-07 09:54:01 -0700
commit209c02ec57c2cc3207ee0174c3af3675b8dc8f79 (patch)
treee07b25a27a2c4cc438db75d8d066179b4e57f3f7 /src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl
parent9e2e54afd74104ecb05c55e033803f41932eb940 (diff)
Fix fetching of private packages from orgs on hex repos (#2020)
- vendor in hex_core at v0.5.0 - Change where repo_name should be the org and not the parent - Changed rebar_utils:url_append_path/2 to not explicitly add a '?', this is returned in the Query chunk by http_uri:parse/1 (e.g., "?foo=bar") - update organization_merging test to expect the sub-repo as the repo_name - Add tests for rebar_utils:url_append_path/2 - Stop referencing/setting "organization" in config and use new organization settings (api_repository and repo_organization) - Do not set (assume) the read key is valid for any/every repo - Set repo_organization and api_repository to org - Update tests to check for new config opts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl b/src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c306a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/r3_safe_erl_term.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+-file("/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.8/include/leexinc.hrl", 0).
+%% The source of this file is part of leex distribution, as such it
+%% has the same Copyright as the other files in the leex
+%% distribution. The Copyright is defined in the accompanying file
+%% COPYRIGHT. However, the resultant scanner generated by leex is the
+%% property of the creator of the scanner and is not covered by that
+%% Copyright.
+%% User code. This is placed here to allow extra attributes.
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 26).
+terms(Tokens) ->
+ terms(Tokens, []).
+terms([{dot, _} = H], Buffer) ->
+ [buffer_to_term([H|Buffer])];
+terms([{dot, _} = H|T], Buffer) ->
+ [buffer_to_term([H|Buffer])|terms(T, [])];
+terms([H|T], Buffer) ->
+ terms(T, [H|Buffer]).
+buffer_to_term(Buffer) ->
+ {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(lists:reverse(Buffer)),
+ Term.
+unquote(TokenChars, TokenLen) ->
+ lists:sublist(TokenChars, 2, TokenLen - 2).
+tokenize_atom(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+ try list_to_existing_atom(TokenChars) of
+ Atom -> {token, {atom, TokenLine, Atom}}
+ catch
+ error:badarg -> {error, "illegal atom " ++ TokenChars}
+ end.
+escape([$\\|Cs]) ->
+ do_escape(Cs);
+escape([C|Cs]) ->
+ [C|escape(Cs)];
+escape([]) -> [].
+do_escape([O1,O2,O3|S]) when
+ O1 >= $0, O1 =< $7, O2 >= $0, O2 =< $7, O3 >= $0, O3 =< $7 ->
+ [(O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0|escape(S)];
+do_escape([$^,C|Cs]) ->
+ [C band 31|escape(Cs)];
+do_escape([C|Cs]) when C >= $\000, C =< $\s ->
+ escape(Cs);
+do_escape([C|Cs]) ->
+ [escape_char(C)|escape(Cs)].
+escape_char($n) -> $\n; %\n = LF
+escape_char($r) -> $\r; %\r = CR
+escape_char($t) -> $\t; %\t = TAB
+escape_char($v) -> $\v; %\v = VT
+escape_char($b) -> $\b; %\b = BS
+escape_char($f) -> $\f; %\f = FF
+escape_char($e) -> $\e; %\e = ESC
+escape_char($s) -> $\s; %\s = SPC
+escape_char($d) -> $\d; %\d = DEL
+escape_char(C) -> C.
+-file("/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.8/include/leexinc.hrl", 14).
+format_error({illegal,S}) -> ["illegal characters ",io_lib:write_string(S)];
+format_error({user,S}) -> S.
+string(String) -> string(String, 1).
+string(String, Line) -> string(String, Line, String, []).
+%% string(InChars, Line, TokenChars, Tokens) ->
+%% {ok,Tokens,Line} | {error,ErrorInfo,Line}.
+%% Note the line number going into yystate, L0, is line of token
+%% start while line number returned is line of token end. We want line
+%% of token start.
+string([], L, [], Ts) -> % No partial tokens!
+ {ok,yyrev(Ts),L};
+string(Ics0, L0, Tcs, Ts) ->
+ case yystate(yystate(), Ics0, L0, 0, reject, 0) of
+ {A,Alen,Ics1,L1} -> % Accepting end state
+ string_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts);
+ {A,Alen,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Accepting transistion state
+ string_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts);
+ {reject,_Alen,Tlen,_Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % After a non-accepting state
+ {error,{L0,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen+1)}},L1};
+ {A,Alen,Tlen,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen),
+ L2 = adjust_line(Tlen, Alen, Tcs1, L1),
+ string_cont(Tcs1, L2, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts)
+ end.
+%% string_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Tokens)
+%% Test for and remove the end token wrapper. Push back characters
+%% are prepended to RestChars.
+-dialyzer({nowarn_function, string_cont/4}).
+string_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}, Ts) ->
+ string(Rest, Line, Rest, [T|Ts]);
+string_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, [T|Ts]);
+string_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}, Ts) ->
+ string(Rest, Line, Rest, [T|Ts]);
+string_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, [T|Ts]);
+string_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Ts) ->
+ string(Rest, Line, Rest, Ts);
+string_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, Ts);
+string_cont(_Rest, Line, {error,S}, _Ts) ->
+ {error,{Line,?MODULE,{user,S}},Line}.
+%% token(Continuation, Chars) ->
+%% token(Continuation, Chars, Line) ->
+%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
+%% Must be careful when re-entering to append the latest characters to the
+%% after characters in an accept. The continuation is:
+%% {token,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,AccAction,AccLen}
+token(Cont, Chars) -> token(Cont, Chars, 1).
+token([], Chars, Line) ->
+ token(yystate(), Chars, Line, Chars, 0, Line, reject, 0);
+token({token,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
+ token(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Action, Alen).
+%% token(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine,
+%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
+%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
+%% The argument order is chosen to be more efficient.
+token(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, A0, Alen0) ->
+ case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
+ %% Accepting end state, we have a token.
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} ->
+ token_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline));
+ %% Accepting transition state, can take more chars.
+ {A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
+ {more,{token,S1,L1,Tcs,Alen1,Tline,A1,Alen1}};
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Take what we got
+ token_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline));
+ %% After a non-accepting state, maybe reach accept state later.
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
+ {more,{token,S1,L1,Tcs,Tlen1,Tline,A1,Alen1}};
+ {reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
+ %% Check for partial token which is error.
+ Ret = if Tlen1 > 0 -> {error,{Tline,?MODULE,
+ %% Skip eof tail in Tcs.
+ {illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1)}},L1};
+ true -> {eof,L1}
+ end,
+ {done,Ret,eof};
+ {reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
+ Error = {Tline,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1+1)}},
+ {done,{error,Error,L1},Ics1};
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Use last accept match
+ Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
+ L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
+ token_cont(Tcs1, L2, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline))
+ end.
+%% token_cont(RestChars, Line, Token)
+%% If we have a token or error then return done, else if we have a
+%% skip_token then continue.
+-dialyzer({nowarn_function, token_cont/3}).
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}) ->
+ {done,{ok,T,Line},Rest};
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ {done,{ok,T,Line},NewRest};
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}) ->
+ {done,{ok,T,Line},Rest};
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ {done,{ok,T,Line},NewRest};
+token_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token) ->
+ token(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, reject, 0);
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ token(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, reject, 0);
+token_cont(Rest, Line, {error,S}) ->
+ {done,{error,{Line,?MODULE,{user,S}},Line},Rest}.
+%% tokens(Continuation, Chars, Line) ->
+%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
+%% Must be careful when re-entering to append the latest characters to the
+%% after characters in an accept. The continuation is:
+%% {tokens,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,Tokens,AccAction,AccLen}
+%% {skip_tokens,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,Error,AccAction,AccLen}
+tokens(Cont, Chars) -> tokens(Cont, Chars, 1).
+tokens([], Chars, Line) ->
+ tokens(yystate(), Chars, Line, Chars, 0, Line, [], reject, 0);
+tokens({tokens,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Ts,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
+ tokens(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Ts, Action, Alen);
+tokens({skip_tokens,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Error,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
+ skip_tokens(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Error, Action, Alen).
+%% tokens(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine, Tokens,
+%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
+%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
+tokens(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, Ts, A0, Alen0) ->
+ case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
+ %% Accepting end state, we have a token.
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} ->
+ tokens_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Ts);
+ %% Accepting transition state, can take more chars.
+ {A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
+ {more,{tokens,S1,L1,Tcs,Alen1,Tline,Ts,A1,Alen1}};
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Take what we got
+ tokens_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Ts);
+ %% After a non-accepting state, maybe reach accept state later.
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
+ {more,{tokens,S1,L1,Tcs,Tlen1,Tline,Ts,A1,Alen1}};
+ {reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
+ %% Check for partial token which is error, no need to skip here.
+ Ret = if Tlen1 > 0 -> {error,{Tline,?MODULE,
+ %% Skip eof tail in Tcs.
+ {illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1)}},L1};
+ Ts == [] -> {eof,L1};
+ true -> {ok,yyrev(Ts),L1}
+ end,
+ {done,Ret,eof};
+ {reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ %% Skip rest of tokens.
+ Error = {L1,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1+1)}},
+ skip_tokens(yysuf(Tcs, Tlen1+1), L1, Error);
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ Token = yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline),
+ Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
+ L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
+ tokens_cont(Tcs1, L2, Token, Ts)
+ end.
+%% tokens_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Tokens)
+%% If we have an end_token or error then return done, else if we have
+%% a token then save it and continue, else if we have a skip_token
+%% just continue.
+-dialyzer({nowarn_function, tokens_cont/4}).
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}, Ts) ->
+ tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, [T|Ts], reject, 0);
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, [T|Ts], reject, 0);
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}, Ts) ->
+ {done,{ok,yyrev(Ts, [T]),Line},Rest};
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ {done,{ok,yyrev(Ts, [T]),Line},NewRest};
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Ts) ->
+ tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Ts, reject, 0);
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Ts) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Ts, reject, 0);
+tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {error,S}, _Ts) ->
+ skip_tokens(Rest, Line, {Line,?MODULE,{user,S}}).
+%%skip_tokens(InChars, Line, Error) -> {done,{error,Error,Line},Ics}.
+%% Skip tokens until an end token, junk everything and return the error.
+skip_tokens(Ics, Line, Error) ->
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), Ics, Line, Ics, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0).
+%% skip_tokens(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine, Tokens,
+%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
+%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
+skip_tokens(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, Error, A0, Alen0) ->
+ case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} -> % Accepting end state
+ skip_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Error);
+ {A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % After an accepting state
+ {more,{skip_tokens,S1,L1,Tcs,Alen1,Tline,Error,A1,Alen1}};
+ {A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ skip_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Error);
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % After a non-accepting state
+ {more,{skip_tokens,S1,L1,Tcs,Tlen1,Tline,Error,A1,Alen1}};
+ {reject,_Alen1,_Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} ->
+ {done,{error,Error,L1},eof};
+ {reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ skip_tokens(yysuf(Tcs, Tlen1+1), L1, Error);
+ {A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
+ Token = yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline),
+ Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
+ L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
+ skip_cont(Tcs1, L2, Token, Error)
+ end.
+%% skip_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Error)
+%% Skip tokens until we have an end_token or error then return done
+%% with the original rror.
+-dialyzer({nowarn_function, skip_cont/4}).
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {token,_T}, Error) ->
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {token,_T,Push}, Error) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,_T}, Error) ->
+ {done,{error,Error,Line},Rest};
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,_T,Push}, Error) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ {done,{error,Error,Line},NewRest};
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Error) ->
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Error) ->
+ NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
+skip_cont(Rest, Line, {error,_S}, Error) ->
+ skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0).
+-compile({nowarn_unused_function, [yyrev/1, yyrev/2, yypre/2, yysuf/2]}).
+yyrev(List) -> lists:reverse(List).
+yyrev(List, Tail) -> lists:reverse(List, Tail).
+yypre(List, N) -> lists:sublist(List, N).
+yysuf(List, N) -> lists:nthtail(N, List).
+%% adjust_line(TokenLength, AcceptLength, Chars, Line) -> NewLine
+%% Make sure that newlines in Chars are not counted twice.
+%% Line has been updated with respect to newlines in the prefix of
+%% Chars consisting of (TokenLength - AcceptLength) characters.
+-compile({nowarn_unused_function, adjust_line/4}).
+adjust_line(N, N, _Cs, L) -> L;
+adjust_line(T, A, [$\n|Cs], L) ->
+ adjust_line(T-1, A, Cs, L-1);
+adjust_line(T, A, [_|Cs], L) ->
+ adjust_line(T-1, A, Cs, L).
+%% yystate() -> InitialState.
+%% yystate(State, InChars, Line, CurrTokLen, AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
+%% {Action, AcceptLen, RestChars, Line} |
+%% {Action, AcceptLen, RestChars, Line, State} |
+%% {reject, AcceptLen, CurrTokLen, RestChars, Line, State} |
+%% {Action, AcceptLen, CurrTokLen, RestChars, Line, State}.
+%% Generated state transition functions. The non-accepting end state
+%% return signal either an unrecognised character or end of current
+%% input.
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.erl", 360).
+yystate() -> 13.
+yystate(20, [60|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(20, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,20};
+yystate(19, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 38 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 40, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,19};
+yystate(18, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 33 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 35, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(18, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,18};
+yystate(17, [37|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(17, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(17, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(17, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 11, C =< 32 ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {8,Tlen,Ics,Line,17};
+yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {4,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(15, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(7, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 11, C =< 38 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 40, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 1, Tlen);
+yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {1,Tlen,Ics,Line,15};
+yystate(14, [94|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(18, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [93|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 33 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 35, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 95 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,14};
+yystate(13, [125|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [123|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [93|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [91|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [62|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [61|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [60|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(20, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [47|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(4, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [46|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [37|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [35|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 32 ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 43, C =< 45 ->
+ yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
+ yystate(12, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,13};
+yystate(12, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
+ yystate(12, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
+yystate(12, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {3,Tlen,Ics,Line,12};
+yystate(11, [94|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [93|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 38 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 40, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 95 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,11};
+yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {5,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(9, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(1, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 33 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 35, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,9};
+yystate(8, [37|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(17, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 11, C =< 32 ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 33, C =< 36 ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 38 ->
+ yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
+yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {8,Tlen,Ics,Line,8};
+yystate(7, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {1,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(6, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(1, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 11, C =< 33 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 35, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 2, Tlen);
+yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {2,Tlen,Ics,Line,6};
+yystate(5, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
+yystate(5, [64|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
+yystate(5, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
+yystate(5, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
+yystate(5, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
+ yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
+yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {0,Tlen,Ics,Line,5};
+yystate(4, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {7,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {6,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(2, [62|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,2};
+yystate(1, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
+ {2,Tlen,Ics,Line};
+yystate(0, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(7, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11, C =< 38 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 40, C =< 91 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 93 ->
+ yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
+yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,0};
+yystate(S, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
+ {Action,Alen,Tlen,Ics,Line,S}.
+%% yyaction(Action, TokenLength, TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+%% {token,Token} | {end_token, Token} | skip_token | {error,String}.
+%% Generated action function.
+yyaction(0, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_0(TokenChars, TokenLine);
+yyaction(1, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_1(TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine);
+yyaction(2, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_2(TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine);
+yyaction(3, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_3(TokenChars, TokenLine);
+yyaction(4, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_4(TokenChars, TokenLine);
+yyaction(5, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
+ TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
+ yyaction_5(TokenChars, TokenLine);
+yyaction(6, _, _, TokenLine) ->
+ yyaction_6(TokenLine);
+yyaction(7, _, _, TokenLine) ->
+ yyaction_7(TokenLine);
+yyaction(8, _, _, _) ->
+ yyaction_8();
+yyaction(_, _, _, _) -> error.
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 14).
+yyaction_0(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+ tokenize_atom (TokenChars, TokenLine) .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 15).
+yyaction_1(TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine) ->
+ tokenize_atom (escape (unquote (TokenChars, TokenLen)), TokenLine) .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 16).
+yyaction_2(TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { string, TokenLine, escape (unquote (TokenChars, TokenLen)) } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 17).
+yyaction_3(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { integer, TokenLine, list_to_integer (TokenChars) } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 18).
+yyaction_4(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { list_to_atom (TokenChars), TokenLine } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 19).
+yyaction_5(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { list_to_atom (TokenChars), TokenLine } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 20).
+yyaction_6(TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { dot, TokenLine } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 21).
+yyaction_7(TokenLine) ->
+ { token, { '/', TokenLine } } .
+-file("/Users/starbelly/devel/erlang/rebar3/src/hex_core/r3_safe_erl_term.xrl", 22).
+yyaction_8() ->
+ skip_token .
+-file("/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.8/include/leexinc.hrl", 313).