diff options
authorTuncer Ayaz <>2009-12-29 20:09:28 +0100
committerTuncer Ayaz <>2009-12-29 20:09:28 +0100
commitb1b29e0858e4e7c6a358e982abc483c8e9091986 (patch)
parentfe03778678fd98a62d3d2ca97011cb8261383394 (diff)
Implemented getopt option support
3 files changed, 366 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index 9598e8e..c2f7967 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
- rebar_utils ]},
+ rebar_utils,
+ getopt ]},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel,
diff --git a/src/getopt.erl b/src/getopt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b335f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getopt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+%%% @author Juan Jose Comellas <>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2009 Juan Jose Comellas
+%%% @doc Parses command line options with a format similar to that of GNU getopt.
+%%% @end
+%%% This source file is subject to the New BSD License. You should have received
+%%% a copy of the New BSD license with this software. If not, it can be
+%%% retrieved from:
+-define(TAB_LENGTH, 8).
+%% Indentation of the help messages in number of tabs.
+-define(INDENTATION, 3).
+-define(OPT_NAME, 1).
+-define(OPT_SHORT, 2).
+-define(OPT_LONG, 3).
+-define(OPT_ARG, 4).
+-define(OPT_HELP, 5).
+-define(IS_OPT_SPEC(Opt), (is_tuple(Opt) andalso (size(Opt) =:= ?OPT_HELP))).
+%% @type arg_type() = 'atom' | 'binary' | 'bool' | 'float' | 'integer' | 'string'.
+%% Atom indicating the data type that an argument can be converted to.
+-type arg_type() :: 'atom' | 'binary' | 'boolean' | 'float' | 'integer' | 'string'.
+%% @type arg_value() = atom() | binary() | bool() | float() | integer() | string().
+%% Data type that an argument can be converted to.
+-type arg_value() :: atom() | binary() | boolean() | float() | integer() | string().
+%% @type arg_spec() = arg_type() | {arg_type(), arg_value()} | undefined.
+%% Argument specification.
+-type arg_spec() :: arg_type() | {arg_type(), arg_value()} | undefined.
+%% @type option() = atom() | {atom(), arg_value()}. Option type and optional default argument.
+-type option() :: atom() | {atom(), arg_value()}.
+%% @type option_spec() = #option{}. Command line option specification.
+-type option_spec() :: {
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Short :: char() | undefined,
+ Long :: string() | undefined,
+ ArgSpec :: arg_spec(),
+ Help :: string() | undefined
+ }.
+-export([parse/2, usage/2]).
+-spec parse([option_spec()], string() | [string()]) -> {ok, {[option()], [string()]}} | {error, {Reason :: atom(), Data :: any()}}.
+%% @spec parse(OptSpecList::[option_spec()], Args::string() | [string()]) -> [option()].
+%% @doc Parse the command line options and arguments returning a list of tuples
+%% and/or atoms using the Erlang convention for sending options to a
+%% function.
+parse(OptSpecList, CmdLine) ->
+ try
+ Args = if
+ is_integer(hd(CmdLine)) ->
+ string:tokens(CmdLine, " \t\n");
+ true ->
+ CmdLine
+ end,
+ parse(OptSpecList, [], [], 0, Args)
+ catch
+ throw: {error, {_Reason, _Data}} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec parse([option_spec()], [option()], [string()], integer(), [string()]) ->
+ {ok, {[option()], [string()]}} | {error, {Reason :: atom(), Data:: any()}}.
+%% Process long options.
+parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [[$-, $- | LongName] = OptStr | Tail]) ->
+ {Option, Tail1} = get_option(OptSpecList, OptStr, LongName, ?OPT_LONG, Tail),
+ parse(OptSpecList, [Option | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail1);
+%% Process short options.
+parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [[$-, ShortName] = OptStr | Tail]) ->
+ {Option, Tail1} = get_option(OptSpecList, OptStr, ShortName, ?OPT_SHORT, Tail),
+ parse(OptSpecList, [Option | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail1);
+%% Process multiple short options with no argument.
+parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [[$- | ShortNameList] = OptStr | Tail]) ->
+ NewOptAcc =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (ShortName, OptAcc1) ->
+ [get_option_no_arg(OptSpecList, OptStr, ShortName, ?OPT_SHORT) | OptAcc1]
+ end, OptAcc, ShortNameList),
+ parse(OptSpecList, NewOptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail);
+%% Process non-option arguments.
+parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [Arg | Tail]) ->
+ case find_non_option_arg(OptSpecList, ArgPos) of
+ {value, OptSpec} when ?IS_OPT_SPEC(OptSpec) ->
+ parse(OptSpecList, [convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg) | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos + 1, Tail);
+ false ->
+ parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, [Arg | ArgAcc], ArgPos, Tail)
+ end;
+parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, _ArgPos, []) ->
+ %% Once we have completed gathering the options we add the ones that were
+ %% not present but had default arguments in the specification.
+ {ok, {lists:reverse(append_default_args(OptSpecList, OptAcc)), lists:reverse(ArgAcc)}}.
+-spec get_option([option_spec()], string(), string() | char(), integer(), [string()]) ->
+ {option(), [string()]}.
+%% @doc Retrieve the specification corresponding to an option matching a string
+%% received on the command line.
+get_option(OptSpecList, OptStr, OptName, FieldPos, Tail) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(OptName, FieldPos, OptSpecList) of
+ {value, {Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec} ->
+ case ArgSpec of
+ undefined ->
+ {Name, Tail};
+ _ ->
+ case Tail of
+ [Arg | Tail1] ->
+ {convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg), Tail1};
+ [] ->
+ throw({error, {missing_option_arg, Name}})
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ throw({error, {invalid_option, OptStr}})
+ end.
+-spec get_option_no_arg([option_spec()], string(), string() | char(), integer()) -> option().
+%% @doc Retrieve the specification corresponding to an option that has no
+%% argument and matches a string received on the command line.
+get_option_no_arg(OptSpecList, OptStr, OptName, FieldPos) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(OptName, FieldPos, OptSpecList) of
+ {value, {Name, _Short, _Long, undefined, _Help}} ->
+ Name;
+ {value, {Name, _Short, _Long, _ArgSpec, _Help}} ->
+ throw({error, {missing_option_arg, Name}});
+ false ->
+ throw({error, {invalid_option, OptStr}})
+ end.
+-spec find_non_option_arg([option_spec()], integer()) -> {value, option_spec()} | false.
+%% @doc Find the option for the discrete argument in position specified in the
+%% Pos argument.
+find_non_option_arg([{_Name, undefined, undefined, _ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec | _Tail], 0) ->
+ {value, OptSpec};
+find_non_option_arg([{_Name, undefined, undefined, _ArgSpec, _Help} | Tail], Pos) ->
+ find_non_option_arg(Tail, Pos - 1);
+find_non_option_arg([_Head | Tail], Pos) ->
+ find_non_option_arg(Tail, Pos);
+find_non_option_arg([], _Pos) ->
+ false.
+-spec append_default_args([option_spec()], [option()]) -> [option()].
+%% @doc Appends the default values of the options that are not present.
+append_default_args([{Name, _Short, _Long, {_Type, DefaultArg}, _Help} | Tail], OptAcc) ->
+ append_default_args(Tail,
+ case lists:keymember(Name, 1, OptAcc) of
+ false ->
+ [{Name, DefaultArg} | OptAcc];
+ _ ->
+ OptAcc
+ end);
+%% For options with no default argument.
+append_default_args([_Head | Tail], OptAcc) ->
+ append_default_args(Tail, OptAcc);
+append_default_args([], OptAcc) ->
+ OptAcc.
+-spec convert_option_arg(option_spec(), string()) -> [option()].
+%% @doc Convert the argument passed in the command line to the data type
+%% indicated byt the argument specification.
+convert_option_arg({Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help}, Arg) ->
+ try
+ Converted = case ArgSpec of
+ {Type, _DefaultArg} ->
+ to_type(Type, Arg);
+ Type when is_atom(Type) ->
+ to_type(Type, Arg)
+ end,
+ {Name, Converted}
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ throw({error, {invalid_option_arg, {Name, Arg}}})
+ end.
+-spec to_type(atom(), string()) -> arg_value().
+to_type(binary, Arg) ->
+ list_to_binary(Arg);
+to_type(atom, Arg) ->
+ list_to_atom(Arg);
+to_type(integer, Arg) ->
+ list_to_integer(Arg);
+to_type(float, Arg) ->
+ list_to_float(Arg);
+to_type(boolean, Arg) ->
+ LowerArg = string:to_lower(Arg),
+ (LowerArg =:= "true") orelse (LowerArg =:= "t") orelse
+ (LowerArg =:= "yes") orelse (LowerArg =:= "y") orelse
+ (LowerArg =:= "on") orelse (LowerArg =:= "enabled");
+to_type(_Type, Arg) ->
+ Arg.
+-spec usage([option_spec()], string()) -> ok.
+%% @spec usage(OptSpecList :: option_spec_list(), ProgramName :: string()) -> ok.
+%% @doc Show a message on stdout indicating the command line options and
+%% arguments that are supported by the program.
+usage(OptSpecList, ProgramName) ->
+ io:format("Usage: ~s~s~n~n~s~n",
+ [ProgramName, usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList), usage_options(OptSpecList)]).
+-spec usage_cmd_line([option_spec()]) -> string().
+%% @doc Return a string with the syntax for the command line options and
+%% arguments.
+usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList) ->
+ usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList, []).
+usage_cmd_line([{Name, Short, Long, ArgSpec, _Help} | Tail], Acc) ->
+ CmdLine =
+ case ArgSpec of
+ undefined ->
+ if
+ %% For options with short form and no argument.
+ Short =/= undefined ->
+ [$\s, $[, $-, Short, $]];
+ %% For options with only long form and no argument.
+ Long =/= undefined ->
+ [$\s, $[, $-, $-, Long, $]];
+ true ->
+ []
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ if
+ %% For options with short form and argument.
+ Short =/= undefined ->
+ [$\s, $[, $-, Short, $\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>, $]];
+ %% For options with only long form and argument.
+ Long =/= undefined ->
+ [$\s, $[, $-, $-, Long, $\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>, $]];
+ %% For options with neither short nor long form and argument.
+ true ->
+ [$\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>]
+ end
+ end,
+ usage_cmd_line(Tail, [CmdLine | Acc]);
+usage_cmd_line([], Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+-spec usage_options([option_spec()]) -> string().
+%% @doc Return a string with the help message for each of the options and
+%% arguments.
+usage_options(OptSpecList) ->
+ usage_options(OptSpecList, []).
+usage_options([{Name, Short, Long, _ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec | Tail], Acc) ->
+ Prefix =
+ case Long of
+ undefined ->
+ case Short of
+ %% Neither short nor long form (non-option argument).
+ undefined ->
+ [$<, atom_to_list(Name), $>];
+ %% Only short form.
+ _ ->
+ [$-, Short]
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case Short of
+ %% Only long form.
+ undefined ->
+ [$-, $-, Long];
+ %% Both short and long form.
+ _ ->
+ [$-, Short, $,, $\s, $-, $-, Long]
+ end
+ end,
+ usage_options(Tail, add_option_help(OptSpec, Prefix, Acc));
+usage_options([], Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+-spec add_option_help(option_spec(), Prefix :: string(), Acc :: string()) -> string().
+%% @doc Add the help message corresponding to an option specification to a list
+%% with the correct indentation.
+add_option_help({_Name, _Short, _Long, _ArgSpec, Help}, Prefix, Acc) when is_list(Help), Help =/= [] ->
+ FlatPrefix = lists:flatten(Prefix),
+ case ((?INDENTATION * ?TAB_LENGTH) - 2 - length(FlatPrefix)) of
+ TabSize when TabSize > 0 ->
+ Tab = lists:duplicate(ceiling(TabSize / ?TAB_LENGTH), $\t),
+ [[$\s, $\s, FlatPrefix, Tab, Help, $\n] | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ %% The indentation for the option description is 3 tabs (i.e. 24 characters)
+ %% IMPORTANT: Change the number of tabs below if you change the
+ %% value of the INDENTATION macro.
+ [[$\t, $\t, $\t, Help, $\n], [$\s, $\s, FlatPrefix, $\n] | Acc]
+ end;
+add_option_help(_Opt, _Prefix, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+-spec ceiling(float()) -> integer().
+%% @doc Return the smallest integral valur not less than the argument.
+ceiling(X) ->
+ T = erlang:trunc(X),
+ case (X - T) of
+ %% Neg when Neg < 0 ->
+ %% T;
+ Pos when Pos > 0 ->
+ T + 1;
+ _ ->
+ T
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rebar_core.erl b/src/rebar_core.erl
index 06afc7f..e6cfa73 100644
--- a/src/rebar_core.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_core.erl
@@ -46,19 +46,41 @@ run(["version"]) ->
?CONSOLE("Version ~s built ~s\n", [Vsn, ?BUILD_TIME]),
run(Args) ->
- %% Filter all the flags (i.e. string of form key=value) from the
- %% command line arguments. What's left will be the commands to run.
- Commands = filter_flags(Args, []),
%% Pre-load the rebar app so that we get default configuration
ok = application:load(rebar),
+ %% Parse getopt options
+ case getopt:parse(option_spec_list(), Args) of
+ {ok, {Options, NonOptArgs}} ->
+ case proplists:get_bool(help, Options) of
+ true ->
+ %% display usage info
+ getopt:usage(option_spec_list(), "rebar");
+ false ->
+ %% Set global variables based on getopt options
+ set_global_flag(Options, verbose),
+ set_global_flag(Options, quiet),
+ set_global_flag(Options, force),
+ %% run rebar with supplied options
+ run2(NonOptArgs)
+ end;
+ {error, {Reason, Data}} ->
+ ?ERROR("Error: ~s ~p~n~n", [Reason, Data]),
+ getopt:usage(option_spec_list(), "rebar")
+ end.
+run2(Args) ->
%% Make sure crypto is running
%% Initialize logging system
+ %% Filter all the flags (i.e. string of form key=value) from the
+ %% command line arguments. What's left will be the commands to run.
+ Commands = filter_flags(Args, []),
%% Convert command strings to atoms
CommandAtoms = [list_to_atom(C) || C <- Commands],
@@ -71,6 +93,30 @@ run(Args) ->
%% ===================================================================
+%% set global flag based on getopt option boolean value
+set_global_flag(Options, Flag) ->
+ Value = case proplists:get_bool(Flag, Options) of
+ true ->
+ "1";
+ false ->
+ "0"
+ end,
+ rebar_config:set_global(Flag, Value).
+%% options accepted via getopt
+option_spec_list() ->
+ [
+ %% {Name, ShortOpt, LongOpt, ArgSpec, HelpMsg}
+ {help, $h, "help", undefined, "Show the program options"},
+ {verbose, $v, "verbose", undefined, "Be verbose about what gets done"},
+ {quiet, $q, "quiet", undefined, "Be quiet about what gets done"},
+ {force, $f, "force", undefined, "Force"}
+ ].
%% Seperate all commands (single-words) from flags (key=value) and store
%% values into the rebar_config global storage.