diff options
authorFred Hebert <>2016-12-23 14:16:15 -0500
committerGitHub <>2016-12-23 14:16:15 -0500
commita1a8387a191514ac0b939c23d10e34b49480dfd8 (patch)
parentb7a96fa12f9e073f4d67235b54203b113c0b1a08 (diff)
parent146f2732b96b5db6476e3b86b13e7a3d7b1b2dc5 (diff)
Merge pull request #1407 from sirihansen/ct-testspec-opts
Improve merge of command line options and config options in CT
2 files changed, 463 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl b/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
index be31e8c..2ac8fc7 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
@@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ format_error({badconfig, Msg}) ->
io_lib:format(Msg, []);
format_error({multiple_errors, Errors}) ->
io_lib:format(lists:concat(["Error running tests:"] ++
- lists:map(fun(Error) -> "~n " ++ Error end, Errors)), []).
+ lists:map(fun(Error) -> "~n " ++ Error end, Errors)), []);
+format_error({error_reading_testspec, Reason}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Error reading testspec: ~p", [Reason]).
%% ===================================================================
%% Internal functions
@@ -227,20 +229,42 @@ select_tests(State, ProjectApps, CmdOpts, CfgOpts) ->
- Merged = lists:ukeymerge(1,
- lists:ukeysort(1, CmdOpts),
- lists:ukeysort(1, CfgOpts)),
- %% make sure `dir` and/or `suite` from command line go in as
- %% a pair overriding both `dir` and `suite` from config if
- %% they exist
- Opts = case {proplists:get_value(suite, CmdOpts), proplists:get_value(dir, CmdOpts)} of
- {undefined, undefined} -> Merged;
- {_Suite, undefined} -> lists:keydelete(dir, 1, Merged);
- {undefined, _Dir} -> lists:keydelete(suite, 1, Merged);
- {_Suite, _Dir} -> Merged
- end,
+ Opts = merge_opts(CmdOpts,CfgOpts),
discover_tests(State, ProjectApps, Opts).
+%% Merge the option lists from command line and rebar.config:
+%% - Options set on the command line will replace the same options if
+%% set in rebar.config.
+%% - Special care is taken with options that select which tests to
+%% run - ANY such option on the command line will replace ALL such
+%% options in the config.
+%% Note that if 'spec' is given, common_test will ignore all 'dir',
+%% 'suite', 'group' and 'case', so there is no need to explicitly
+%% remove any options from the command line.
+%% All faulty combinations of options are also handled by
+%% common_test and are not taken into account here.
+merge_opts(CmdOpts0, CfgOpts0) ->
+ TestSelectOpts = [spec,dir,suite,group,testcase],
+ CmdOpts = lists:ukeysort(1, CmdOpts0),
+ CfgOpts1 = lists:ukeysort(1, CfgOpts0),
+ CfgOpts = case is_any_defined(TestSelectOpts,CmdOpts) of
+ false ->
+ CfgOpts1;
+ true ->
+ [Opt || Opt={K,_} <- CfgOpts1,
+ not lists:member(K,TestSelectOpts)]
+ end,
+ lists:ukeymerge(1, CmdOpts, CfgOpts).
+is_any_defined([Key|Keys],Opts) ->
+ proplists:is_defined(Key,Opts) orelse is_any_defined(Keys,Opts);
+is_any_defined([],_Opts) ->
+ false.
sys_config_list(CmdOpts, CfgOpts) ->
CmdSysConfigs = split_string(proplists:get_value(sys_config, CmdOpts, "")),
case proplists:get_value(sys_config, CfgOpts, []) of
@@ -253,11 +277,10 @@ sys_config_list(CmdOpts, CfgOpts) ->
discover_tests(State, ProjectApps, Opts) ->
- case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
- %% no dirs or suites defined, try using `$APP/test` and `$ROOT/test`
- %% as suites
- {undefined, undefined} -> {ok, [default_tests(State, ProjectApps)|Opts]};
- {_, _} -> {ok, Opts}
+ case is_any_defined([spec,dir,suite],Opts) of
+ %% no tests defined, try using `$APP/test` and `$ROOT/test` as dirs
+ false -> {ok, [default_tests(State, ProjectApps)|Opts]};
+ true -> {ok, Opts}
default_tests(State, ProjectApps) ->
@@ -397,14 +420,29 @@ readable(State) ->
test_dirs(State, Apps, Opts) ->
- case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
- {Suites, undefined} -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {suite, Suites});
- {undefined, Dirs} -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs});
- {Suites, Dir} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
- set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
- {Suites, [Dir]} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
- set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
- {_Suites, _Dirs} -> {error, "Only a single directory may be specified when specifying suites"}
+ case proplists:get_value(spec, Opts) of
+ undefined ->
+ case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
+ {Suites, undefined} -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {suite, Suites});
+ {undefined, Dirs} -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs});
+ {Suites, Dir} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
+ set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
+ {Suites, [Dir]} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
+ set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
+ {_Suites, _Dirs} -> {error, "Only a single directory may be specified when specifying suites"}
+ end;
+ Specs0 ->
+ case get_dirs_from_specs(Specs0) of
+ {ok,{Specs,SuiteDirs}} ->
+ {State1,Apps1} = set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps,
+ {dir, SuiteDirs}),
+ {State2,Apps2} = set_compile_dirs1(State1, Apps1,
+ {spec, Specs}),
+ [maybe_copy_spec(State2,Apps2,S) || S <- Specs],
+ {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(State2, Apps2)};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
join(Suite, Dir) when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ->
@@ -412,27 +450,28 @@ join(Suite, Dir) when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ->
join(Suites, Dir) ->
{suite, lists:map(fun(S) -> filename:join([Dir, S]) end, Suites)}.
-set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {dir, Dir}) when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
+set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, What) ->
+ {NewState,NewApps} = set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, What),
+ {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(NewState, NewApps)}.
+set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {dir, Dir}) when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
%% single directory
%% insert `Dir` into an app if relative, or the base state if not
%% app relative but relative to the root or not at all if outside
%% project scope
- {NewState, NewApps} = maybe_inject_test_dir(State, [], Apps, Dir),
- {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(NewState, NewApps)};
-set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs}) ->
+ maybe_inject_test_dir(State, [], Apps, Dir);
+set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs}) ->
%% multiple directories
F = fun(Dir, {S, A}) -> maybe_inject_test_dir(S, [], A, Dir) end,
- {NewState, NewApps} = lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs),
- {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(NewState, NewApps)};
-set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {suite, Suites}) ->
- %% suites with dir component
- Dirs = find_suite_dirs(Suites),
+ lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs);
+set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {Type, Files}) when Type==spec; Type==suite ->
+ %% specs or suites with dir component
+ Dirs = find_file_dirs(Files),
F = fun(Dir, {S, A}) -> maybe_inject_test_dir(S, [], A, Dir) end,
- {NewState, NewApps} = lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs),
- {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(NewState, NewApps)}.
+ lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs).
-find_suite_dirs(Suites) ->
- AllDirs = lists:map(fun(S) -> filename:dirname(filename:absname(S)) end, Suites),
+find_file_dirs(Files) ->
+ AllDirs = lists:map(fun(F) -> filename:dirname(filename:absname(F)) end, Files),
%% eliminate duplicates
@@ -480,52 +519,82 @@ copy_bare_suites(From, To) ->
ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r(SrcFiles, To),
rebar_file_utils:cp_r(DataDirs, To).
+maybe_copy_spec(State, [App|Apps], Spec) ->
+ case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(filename:dirname(Spec), rebar_app_info:dir(App)) of
+ {ok, []} ->
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r([Spec],rebar_app_info:out_dir(App));
+ {ok,_} ->
+ ok;
+ {error,badparent} ->
+ maybe_copy_spec(State, Apps, Spec)
+ end;
+maybe_copy_spec(State, [], Spec) ->
+ case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(filename:dirname(Spec), rebar_state:dir(State)) of
+ {ok, []} ->
+ ExtrasDir = filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "extras"]),
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r([Spec],ExtrasDir);
+ _R ->
+ ok
+ end.
inject_test_dir(Opts, Dir) ->
%% append specified test targets to app defined `extra_src_dirs`
ExtraSrcDirs = rebar_opts:get(Opts, extra_src_dirs, []),
rebar_opts:set(Opts, extra_src_dirs, ExtraSrcDirs ++ [Dir]).
+get_dirs_from_specs(Specs) ->
+ case get_tests_from_specs(Specs) of
+ {ok,Tests} ->
+ {SpecLists,NodeRunSkipLists} = lists:unzip(Tests),
+ SpecList = lists:append(SpecLists),
+ NodeRunSkipList = lists:append(NodeRunSkipLists),
+ RunList = lists:append([R || {_,R,_} <- NodeRunSkipList]),
+ DirList = [element(1,R) || R <- RunList],
+ {ok,{SpecList,DirList}};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,{?MODULE,{error_reading_testspec,Reason}}}
+ end.
+get_tests_from_specs(Specs) ->
+ _ = ct_testspec:module_info(), % make sure ct_testspec is loaded
+ case erlang:function_exported(ct_testspec,get_tests,1) of
+ true ->
+ ct_testspec:get_tests(Specs);
+ false ->
+ case ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(Specs,true) of
+ Tests when is_list(Tests) ->
+ {ok,[{S,ct_testspec:prepare_tests(R)} || {S,R} <- Tests]};
+ R when is_tuple(R), element(1,R)==testspec ->
+ %% R15
+ {ok,[{Specs,ct_testspec:prepare_tests(R)}]};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
translate_paths(State, Opts) ->
- case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
- {_Suites, undefined} -> translate_suites(State, Opts, []);
- {undefined, _Dirs} -> translate_dirs(State, Opts, []);
- %% both dirs and suites are defined, only translate dir paths
- _ -> translate_dirs(State, Opts, [])
+ case proplists:get_value(spec, Opts) of
+ undefined ->
+ case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
+ {_Suites, undefined} -> translate_paths(State, suite, Opts, []);
+ {undefined, _Dirs} -> translate_paths(State, dir, Opts, []);
+ %% both dirs and suites are defined, only translate dir paths
+ _ -> translate_paths(State, dir, Opts, [])
+ end;
+ _Specs ->
+ translate_paths(State, spec, Opts, [])
-translate_dirs(_State, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
-translate_dirs(State, [{dir, Dir}|Rest], Acc) when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
- %% single dir
- Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
- translate_dirs(State, Rest, [{dir, translate(State, Apps, Dir)}|Acc]);
-translate_dirs(State, [{dir, Dirs}|Rest], Acc) ->
- %% multiple dirs
+translate_paths(_State, _Type, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, Val}|Rest], Acc) when is_integer(hd(Val)) ->
+ %% single file or dir
+ translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, [Val]}|Rest], Acc);
+translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, Files}|Rest], Acc) ->
Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
- NewDirs = {dir, lists:map(fun(Dir) -> translate(State, Apps, Dir) end, Dirs)},
- translate_dirs(State, Rest, [NewDirs|Acc]);
-translate_dirs(State, [Test|Rest], Acc) ->
- translate_dirs(State, Rest, [Test|Acc]).
-translate_suites(_State, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
-translate_suites(State, [{suite, Suite}|Rest], Acc) when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ->
- %% single suite
- Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
- translate_suites(State, Rest, [{suite, translate_suite(State, Apps, Suite)}|Acc]);
-translate_suites(State, [{suite, Suites}|Rest], Acc) ->
- %% multiple suites
- Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
- NewSuites = {suite, lists:map(fun(Suite) -> translate_suite(State, Apps, Suite) end, Suites)},
- translate_suites(State, Rest, [NewSuites|Acc]);
-translate_suites(State, [Test|Rest], Acc) ->
- translate_suites(State, Rest, [Test|Acc]).
-translate_suite(State, Apps, Suite) ->
- Dirname = filename:dirname(Suite),
- Basename = filename:basename(Suite),
- case Dirname of
- "." -> Suite;
- _ -> filename:join([translate(State, Apps, Dirname), Basename])
- end.
+ New = {Type, lists:map(fun(File) -> translate(State, Apps, File) end, Files)},
+ translate_paths(State, Type, Rest, [New|Acc]);
+translate_paths(State, Type, [Test|Rest], Acc) ->
+ translate_paths(State, Type, Rest, [Test|Acc]).
translate(State, [App|Rest], Path) ->
case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(Path, rebar_app_info:dir(App)) of
diff --git a/test/rebar_ct_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_ct_SUITE.erl
index 8e989b5..06dc76e 100644
--- a/test/rebar_ct_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_ct_SUITE.erl
@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@
- misspecified_ct_first_files/1]).
+ misspecified_ct_first_files/1,
+ testspec/1,
+ testspec_at_root/1,
+ testspec_parse_error/1,
+ cmd_vs_cfg_opts/1]).
@@ -67,7 +71,11 @@ all() -> [{group, basic_app},
- misspecified_ct_first_files].
+ misspecified_ct_first_files,
+ testspec,
+ testspec_at_root,
+ testspec_parse_error,
+ cmd_vs_cfg_opts].
groups() -> [{basic_app, [], [basic_app_default_dirs,
@@ -689,7 +697,33 @@ suite_at_root(Config) ->
true = filelib:is_dir(DataDir),
DataFile = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "extras", "root_SUITE_data", "some_data.txt"]),
- true = filelib:is_file(DataFile).
+ true = filelib:is_file(DataFile),
+ %% Same test again, but using relative path to the suite from the
+ %% project root
+ {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ rebar_file_utils:rm_rf("_build"),
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--suite=" ++ "root_SUITE"]),
+ State3 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State1, GetOptResult2),
+ Tests2 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State3),
+ {ok, NewState2} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State3, Tests2),
+ {ok, T2} = Tests2,
+ Opts2 = rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState2, T2),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
+ Suite2 = proplists:get_value(suite, Opts2),
+ [Expected] = Suite2,
+ true = filelib:is_file(TestHrl),
+ true = filelib:is_file(TestBeam),
+ true = filelib:is_dir(DataDir),
+ true = filelib:is_file(DataFile),
+ ok.
suite_at_app_root(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
@@ -726,7 +760,32 @@ suite_at_app_root(Config) ->
true = filelib:is_dir(DataDir),
DataFile = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "lib", Name2, "app_root_SUITE_data", "some_data.txt"]),
- true = filelib:is_file(DataFile).
+ true = filelib:is_file(DataFile),
+ %% Same test again using relative path to the suite from the project root
+ {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ rebar_file_utils:rm_rf("_build"),
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--suite=" ++ filename:join(["apps", Name2, "app_root_SUITE"])]),
+ State3 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State1, GetOptResult2),
+ Tests2 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State3),
+ {ok, NewState2} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State3, Tests2),
+ {ok, T2} = Tests2,
+ Opts2 = rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState2, T2),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
+ Suite2 = proplists:get_value(suite, Opts2),
+ [Expected] = Suite2,
+ true = filelib:is_file(TestHrl),
+ true = filelib:is_file(TestBeam),
+ true = filelib:is_dir(DataDir),
+ true = filelib:is_file(DataFile),
+ ok.
%% this test probably only fails when this suite is run via rebar3 with the --cover flag
data_dir_correct(Config) ->
@@ -1234,6 +1293,261 @@ misspecified_ct_first_files(Config) ->
{badconfig, {"Value `~p' of option `~p' must be a list", {some_file, ct_first_files}}} = Error.
+testspec(Config) ->
+ C = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "ct_testspec_"),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, C),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("ct_testspec_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ Spec1 = filename:join([AppDir, "test", "some.spec"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Spec1),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec1, "{suites,\".\",all}.\n"),
+ Spec2 = filename:join([AppDir, "specs", "another.spec"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Spec2),
+ Suites2 = filename:join([AppDir,"suites","*"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Suites2),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec2, "{suites,\"../suites/\",all}.\n"),
+ {ok,Wd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(C,
+ [],
+ ["as", "test", "lock"],
+ return),
+ Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
+ Namespace = rebar_state:namespace(State),
+ CommandProvider = providers:get_provider(ct, Providers, Namespace),
+ GetOptSpec = providers:opts(CommandProvider),
+ %% Testspec in "test" directory
+ {ok, GetOptResult1} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec","test/some.spec"]),
+ State1 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult1),
+ Tests1 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State1),
+ {ok, NewState1} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State1, Tests1),
+ {ok, T1} = Tests1,
+ Opts1= rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState1, T1),
+ %% check that extra src dir is added
+ [App1] = rebar_state:project_apps(NewState1),
+ ["test"] = rebar_dir:extra_src_dirs(rebar_app_info:opts(App1)),
+ %% check that path is translated
+ ExpectedSpec1 = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "lib", Name,
+ "test", "some.spec"]),
+ [ExpectedSpec1] = proplists:get_value(spec, Opts1),
+ %% Testspec in directory other than "test"
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec,
+ ["--spec","specs/another.spec"]),
+ State2 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult2),
+ Tests2 = {ok, T2} =rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State2),
+ {ok, NewState2} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State2, Tests2),
+ Opts2= rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState2, T2),
+ %% check that extra src dirs are added
+ [App2] = rebar_state:project_apps(NewState2),
+ ["specs","suites","test"] =
+ lists:sort(rebar_dir:extra_src_dirs(rebar_app_info:opts(App2))),
+ %% check that paths are translated
+ ExpectedSpec2 = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "lib", Name,
+ "specs", "another.spec"]),
+ [ExpectedSpec2] = proplists:get_value(spec, Opts2),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Wd),
+ ok.
+testspec_at_root(Config) ->
+ C = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "ct_testspec_at_root_"),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, C),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("ct_testspec_at_root_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ AppDir1 = filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name]),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir1, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ Spec1 = filename:join([AppDir, "root.spec"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Spec1),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec1, "{suites,\"test\",all}."),
+ Spec2 = filename:join([AppDir, "root1.spec"]),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec2, "{suites,\".\",all}."),
+ Spec3 = filename:join([AppDir, "root2.spec"]),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec3, "{suites,\"suites\",all}."),
+ Suite1 = filename:join(AppDir,"root_SUITE.erl"),
+ ok = file:write_file(Suite1, test_suite("root")),
+ Suite2 = filename:join([AppDir,"suites","test_SUITE.erl"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Suite2),
+ ok = file:write_file(Suite2, test_suite("test")),
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(C,
+ [],
+ ["as", "test", "lock"],
+ return),
+ Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
+ Namespace = rebar_state:namespace(State),
+ CommandProvider = providers:get_provider(ct, Providers, Namespace),
+ GetOptSpec = providers:opts(CommandProvider),
+ SpecArg1 = string:join([Spec1,Spec2,Spec3],","),
+ {ok, GetOptResult1} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec",SpecArg1]),
+ State1 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult1),
+ Tests1 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State1),
+ {ok, NewState1} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State1, Tests1),
+ {ok, T1} = Tests1,
+ Opts1= rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState1, T1),
+ %% check that extra src dir is added
+ ExtraDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "extras"]),
+ [ExtraDir,"suites","test"] =
+ rebar_dir:extra_src_dirs(rebar_state:opts(NewState1)),
+ %% check that path is translated
+ ExpectedSpec1 = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test",
+ "extras", "root.spec"]),
+ ExpectedSpec2 = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test",
+ "extras", "root1.spec"]),
+ ExpectedSpec3 = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test",
+ "extras", "root2.spec"]),
+ [ExpectedSpec1,ExpectedSpec2,ExpectedSpec3] =
+ lists:sort(proplists:get_value(spec, Opts1)),
+ %% check that test specs are copied
+ [ExpectedSpec1,ExpectedSpec2,ExpectedSpec3] =
+ lists:sort(filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test",
+ "extras", "*.spec"]))),
+ %% Same test again, using relative path
+ {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:rm_rf("_build"),
+ SpecArg2 = "root.spec,root1.spec,root2.spec",
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec",SpecArg2]),
+ State2 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult2),
+ Tests2 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State2),
+ {ok, NewState2} = rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State2, Tests2),
+ {ok, T2} = Tests2,
+ Opts2= rebar_prv_common_test:translate_paths(NewState2, T2),
+ %% check that extra src dir is added
+ [ExtraDir,"suites","test"] =
+ rebar_dir:extra_src_dirs(rebar_state:opts(NewState2)),
+ %% check that path is translated
+ [ExpectedSpec1,ExpectedSpec2,ExpectedSpec3] =
+ lists:sort(proplists:get_value(spec, Opts2)),
+ %% check that test specs are copied
+ [ExpectedSpec1,ExpectedSpec2,ExpectedSpec3] =
+ lists:sort(filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test",
+ "extras", "root*.spec"]))),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
+ ok.
+testspec_parse_error(Config) ->
+ C = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "ct_testspec_error"),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, C),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("ct_testspec_error"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ Spec1 = filename:join([AppDir, "test", "nonexisting.spec"]),
+ Spec2 = filename:join([AppDir, "test", "some.spec"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Spec2),
+ ok = file:write_file(Spec2, ".\n"),
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(C,
+ [],
+ ["as", "test", "lock"],
+ return),
+ Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
+ Namespace = rebar_state:namespace(State),
+ CommandProvider = providers:get_provider(ct, Providers, Namespace),
+ GetOptSpec = providers:opts(CommandProvider),
+ %% Non existing testspec
+ {ok, GetOptResult1} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec",Spec1]),
+ State1 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult1),
+ Tests1 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State1),
+ {error,
+ {rebar_prv_common_test,
+ {error_reading_testspec,
+ {Spec1,"no such file or directory"}}}} =
+ rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State1, Tests1),
+ %% Syntax error
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec",Spec2]),
+ State2 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult2),
+ Tests2 = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State2),
+ {error,
+ {rebar_prv_common_test,
+ {error_reading_testspec,
+ {Spec2,"1: syntax error before: '.'"}}}} =
+ rebar_prv_common_test:compile(State2, Tests2),
+ ok.
+cmd_vs_cfg_opts(Config) ->
+ C = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "ct_cmd_vs_cfg_opts_"),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, C),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("ct_cmd_vs_cfg_opts_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ RebarConfig = [{ct_opts, [{spec,"mytest.spec"},
+ {dir,"test"},
+ {suite,"some_SUITE"},
+ {group,"some_group"},
+ {testcase,"some_test"}]}],
+ {ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(C, RebarConfig, ["as", "test", "lock"], return),
+ {ok, TestOpts} = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State),
+ true = lists:member({spec, "mytest.spec"}, TestOpts),
+ true = lists:member({dir, "test"}, TestOpts),
+ true = lists:member({suite, "some_SUITE"}, TestOpts),
+ true = lists:member({group, "some_group"}, TestOpts),
+ true = lists:member({testcase, "some_test"}, TestOpts),
+ Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
+ Namespace = rebar_state:namespace(State),
+ CommandProvider = providers:get_provider(ct, Providers, Namespace),
+ GetOptSpec = providers:opts(CommandProvider),
+ {ok, GetOptResult1} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--spec","test/some.spec"]),
+ State1 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult1),
+ {ok, TestOpts1} = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State1),
+ true = lists:member({spec, ["test/some.spec"]}, TestOpts1),
+ false = lists:keymember(dir, 1, TestOpts1),
+ false = lists:keymember(suite, 1, TestOpts1),
+ false = lists:keymember(group, 1, TestOpts1),
+ false = lists:keymember(testcase, 1, TestOpts1),
+ {ok, GetOptResult2} = getopt:parse(GetOptSpec, ["--suite","test/some_SUITE"]),
+ State2 = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State, GetOptResult2),
+ {ok, TestOpts2} = rebar_prv_common_test:prepare_tests(State2),
+ true = lists:member({suite, ["test/some_SUITE"]}, TestOpts2),
+ false = lists:keymember(spec, 1, TestOpts2),
+ false = lists:keymember(dir, 1, TestOpts2),
+ false = lists:keymember(group, 1, TestOpts2),
+ false = lists:keymember(testcase, 1, TestOpts2),
+ ok.
%% helper for generating test data
test_suite(Name) ->