diff options
authorFred Hebert <>2017-12-02 17:32:15 -0500
committerFred Hebert <>2017-12-02 17:32:15 -0500
commit805dc0fa2aad53a5ac551033fd0da3b433f6b6e1 (patch)
parent66880e7a0653828395565d77798aed09ca142e83 (diff)
Support minimal coverage validation in tests
Adds an option (-m, --min_coverage, or {cover_opts, {min_coverage,X}}) to the 'cover' command, where the value is an integer between 0 and 100. If the total coverage during the analysis is below the value received, the command will fail with output like: ===> Requiring 64% coverage to pass. Only 62% obtained If the rate is correct, the command silently passes as it currently does. This feature allows to enforce code coverage standards in a project if desired.
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_cover.erl b/src/rebar_prv_cover.erl
index c890452..376ba72 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_cover.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_cover.erl
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
-define(PROVIDER, cover).
@@ -62,6 +63,9 @@ maybe_write_coverdata(State, Task) ->
-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
+format_error({min_coverage_failed, {PassRate, Total}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Requiring ~p% coverage to pass. Only ~p% obtained",
+ [PassRate, Total]);
format_error(Reason) ->
io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]).
@@ -102,13 +106,13 @@ do_analyze(State) ->
%% redirect cover output
true = redirect_cover_output(State, CoverPid),
%% analyze!
- ok = case analyze(State, CoverFiles) of
- [] -> ok;
+ case analyze(State, CoverFiles) of
+ [] -> {ok, State};
Analysis ->
print_analysis(Analysis, verbose(State)),
- write_index(State, Analysis)
- end,
- {ok, State}.
+ write_index(State, Analysis),
+ maybe_fail_coverage(Analysis, State)
+ end.
get_all_coverdata(CoverDir) ->
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([CoverDir, "dummy.log"])),
@@ -213,11 +217,11 @@ format_table(Stats, CoverFiles) ->
Header = header(MaxLength),
Separator = separator(MaxLength),
TotalLabel = format("total", MaxLength),
- TotalCov = format(calculate_total(Stats), 8),
+ TotalCov = format(calculate_total_string(Stats), 8),
[io_lib:format("~ts~n~ts~n~ts~n", [Separator, Header, Separator]),
lists:map(fun({Mod, Coverage, _}) ->
Name = format(Mod, MaxLength),
- Cov = format(percentage(Coverage), 8),
+ Cov = format(percentage_string(Coverage), 8),
io_lib:format(" | ~ts | ~ts |~n", [Name, Cov])
end, Stats),
io_lib:format("~ts~n", [Separator]),
@@ -239,6 +243,9 @@ separator(Width) ->
format(String, Width) -> io_lib:format("~*.ts", [Width, String]).
+calculate_total_string(Stats) ->
+ integer_to_list(calculate_total(Stats))++"%".
calculate_total(Stats) ->
fun({_Mod, {Cov, Not}, _File}, {CovAcc, NotAcc}) ->
@@ -248,8 +255,10 @@ calculate_total(Stats) ->
-percentage({_, 0}) -> "100%";
-percentage({Cov, Not}) -> integer_to_list(trunc((Cov / (Cov + Not)) * 100)) ++ "%".
+percentage_string(Data) -> integer_to_list(percentage(Data))++"%".
+percentage({_, 0}) -> 100;
+percentage({Cov, Not}) -> trunc((Cov / (Cov + Not)) * 100).
write_index(State, Coverage) ->
CoverDir = cover_dir(State),
@@ -279,14 +288,25 @@ write_index_section(F, [{Section, DataFile, Mods}|Rest]) ->
FmtLink =
fun({Mod, Cov, Report}) ->
?FMT("<tr><td><a href='~ts'>~ts</a></td><td>~ts</td>\n",
- [strip_coverdir(Report), Mod, percentage(Cov)])
+ [strip_coverdir(Report), Mod, percentage_string(Cov)])
lists:foreach(fun(M) -> ok = file:write(F, FmtLink(M)) end, Mods),
ok = file:write(F, ?FMT("<tr><td><strong>Total</strong></td><td>~ts</td>\n",
- [calculate_total(Mods)])),
+ [calculate_total_string(Mods)])),
ok = file:write(F, "</table>\n"),
write_index_section(F, Rest).
+maybe_fail_coverage(Analysis, State) ->
+ {_, _CoverFiles, Stats} = lists:keyfind("aggregate", 1, Analysis),
+ Total = calculate_total(Stats),
+ PassRate = min_coverage(State),
+ ?DEBUG("Comparing ~p to pass rate ~p", [Total, PassRate]),
+ if Total >= PassRate ->
+ {ok, State}
+ ; Total < PassRate ->
+ ?PRV_ERROR({min_coverage_failed, {PassRate, Total}})
+ end.
%% fix for r15b which doesn't put the correct path in the `source` section
%% of `module_info(compile)`
strip_coverdir([]) -> "";
@@ -401,12 +421,23 @@ verbose(State) ->
{Verbose, _} -> Verbose
+min_coverage(State) ->
+ Command = proplists:get_value(min_coverage, command_line_opts(State), undefined),
+ Config = proplists:get_value(min_coverage, config_opts(State), undefined),
+ case {Command, Config} of
+ {undefined, undefined} -> 0;
+ {undefined, Rate} -> Rate;
+ {Rate, _} -> Rate
+ end.
cover_dir(State) ->
filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "cover"]).
cover_opts(_State) ->
[{reset, $r, "reset", boolean, help(reset)},
- {verbose, $v, "verbose", boolean, help(verbose)}].
+ {verbose, $v, "verbose", boolean, help(verbose)},
+ {min_coverage, $m, "min_coverage", integer, help(min_coverage)}].
help(reset) -> "Reset all coverdata.";
-help(verbose) -> "Print coverage analysis.".
+help(verbose) -> "Print coverage analysis.";
+help(min_coverage) -> "Mandate a coverage percentage required to succeed (0..100)".
diff --git a/test/rebar_cover_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_cover_SUITE.erl
index cc06c95..2918123 100644
--- a/test/rebar_cover_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_cover_SUITE.erl
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
- coverdata_is_reset_on_write/1]).
+ coverdata_is_reset_on_write/1,
+ flag_min_coverage/1,
+ config_min_coverage/1]).
@@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ all() ->
flag_verbose, config_verbose,
- excl_mods_and_apps, coverdata_is_reset_on_write].
+ excl_mods_and_apps, coverdata_is_reset_on_write,
+ flag_min_coverage, config_min_coverage].
flag_coverdata_written(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
@@ -257,3 +260,46 @@ coverdata_is_reset_on_write(Config) ->
Res = lists:map(fun(M) -> cover:analyse(M) end, cover:modules()),
Ok = lists:foldl(fun({ok, R}, Acc) -> R ++ Acc end, [], Res),
[] = lists:filter(fun({_, {0,_}}) -> false; (_) -> true end, Ok).
+flag_min_coverage(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("min_cover_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_eunit_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{d, some_define}]}],
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _},
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig,
+ ["do", "eunit", "--cover", ",", "cover", "--min_coverage=5"],
+ return)),
+ ?assertMatch({error,{rebar_prv_cover,{min_coverage_failed,{65,_}}}},
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig,
+ ["do", "eunit", "--cover", ",", "cover", "--min_coverage=65"],
+ return)),
+ ok.
+config_min_coverage(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("cover_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_eunit_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ RebarConfig1 = [{erl_opts, [{d, some_define}]}, {cover_opts, [{min_coverage,5}]}],
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _},
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig1,
+ ["do", "eunit", "--cover", ",", "cover"],
+ return)),
+ RebarConfig2 = [{erl_opts, [{d, some_define}]}, {cover_opts, [{min_coverage,65}]}],
+ ?assertMatch({error,{rebar_prv_cover,{min_coverage_failed,{65,_}}}},
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
+ Config, RebarConfig2,
+ ["do", "eunit", "--cover", ",", "cover"],
+ return)),
+ ok.