diff options
authorFred Hebert <>2019-02-01 14:33:00 -0500
committerFred Hebert <>2019-02-01 14:44:11 -0500
commit46b1666db99473f50516eb428904f787326474b1 (patch)
parente5b9de0b8b4ad1c53ee8b68b2afc993dd15b5728 (diff)
Fix handling of updated files in extra_src_dirs
This change fixes cases where changes in .hrl files would not be picked up in .erl files that are in extra source directories (such as those defined with `extra_src_dirs` or modules in the test/ directory during a CT or Eunit run). The problem was due to the way the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of dependencies between files was being loaded and stored by the compiler modules. Prior to this fix, a single DAG would be used for all runs. On a regular run, the prior DAG is loaded from disk, re-checked, and if changed, it would get re-written to disk with the changes deciding what to re-compile. However, whenever extra source directories were specified, a second run would be done which swaps target directories around in the compiler modules. Bug 1: this second run was done without properly tracking the private .hrl files (in src/), so the changes were invisible. This has been fixed by re-adding the paths. The problem is that the DAG handling is self-contained; just invoking it was sufficient to get it loaded and rewritten to disk. But since runs with extra src dirs were done on different sets, the compilation of extra src dirs would be done with bad historical data (all the modules in src/ are dropped, all those in test/ are re-added); this DAG was then written to disk once again, polluting the next non-extra run. This is bug 2, and it is fixed by adding an optional label to each run so that a regular or extra compile round can be distinguished, each tracking their own files in their own DAG. A single test (and a lot of diffing) were sufficient for this.
2 files changed, 94 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_compiler.erl
index 7da265c..02c74db 100644
--- a/src/rebar_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_compiler.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
-callback clean([file:filename()], rebar_app_info:t()) -> _.
-define(DAG_VSN, 2).
--define(DAG_FILE, "source.dag").
+-define(DAG_ROOT, "source").
+-define(DAG_EXT, ".dag").
-type dag_v() :: {digraph:vertex(), term()} | 'false'.
-type dag_e() :: {digraph:vertex(), digraph:vertex()}.
-type dag() :: {list(dag_v()), list(dag_e()), list(string())}.
@@ -49,12 +50,13 @@ compile_all(Compilers, AppInfo) ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(compile),
lists:foreach(fun(CompilerMod) ->
- run(CompilerMod, AppInfo),
- run_on_extra_src_dirs(CompilerMod, AppInfo, fun run/2)
- end, Compilers),
+ run(CompilerMod, AppInfo, undefined),
+ run_on_extra_src_dirs(CompilerMod, AppInfo,
+ fun(Mod, App) -> run(Mod, App, "extra") end)
+ end, Compilers),
-run(CompilerMod, AppInfo) ->
+run(CompilerMod, AppInfo, Label) ->
#{src_dirs := SrcDirs,
include_dirs := InclDirs,
src_ext := SrcExt,
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ run(CompilerMod, AppInfo) ->
OutDir = rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo),
AbsSrcDirs = [filename:join(BaseDir, SrcDir) || SrcDir <- SrcDirs],
- G = init_dag(CompilerMod, AbsInclDirs, AbsSrcDirs, FoundFiles, OutDir, EbinDir),
+ G = init_dag(CompilerMod, AbsInclDirs, AbsSrcDirs, FoundFiles, OutDir, EbinDir, Label),
{{FirstFiles, FirstFileOpts}, {RestFiles, Opts}} = CompilerMod:needed_files(G, FoundFiles,
Mappings, AppInfo),
true = digraph:delete(G),
@@ -101,11 +103,12 @@ compile_each([Source | Rest], Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod) ->
-spec clean([module()], rebar_app_info:t()) -> 'ok'.
clean(Compilers, AppInfo) ->
lists:foreach(fun(CompilerMod) ->
- clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo),
- run_on_extra_src_dirs(CompilerMod, AppInfo, fun clean_/2)
- end, Compilers).
+ clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, undefined),
+ run_on_extra_src_dirs(CompilerMod, AppInfo,
+ fun(Mod, App) -> clean_(Mod, App, "extra") end)
+ end, Compilers).
-clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo) ->
+clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, Label) ->
#{src_dirs := SrcDirs,
src_ext := SrcExt} = CompilerMod:context(AppInfo),
BaseDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo) ->
FoundFiles = find_source_files(BaseDir, SrcExt, SrcDirs, Opts),
CompilerMod:clean(FoundFiles, AppInfo),
- rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(dag_file(CompilerMod, EbinDir)).
+ rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(dag_file(CompilerMod, EbinDir, Label)).
-spec needs_compile(filename:all(), extension(), [{extension(), file:dirname()}]) -> boolean().
needs_compile(Source, OutExt, Mappings) ->
@@ -133,11 +136,17 @@ run_on_extra_src_dirs([], _CompilerMod, _AppInfo, _Fun) ->
run_on_extra_src_dirs([Dir | Rest], CompilerMod, AppInfo, Fun) ->
case filelib:is_dir(filename:join(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), Dir)) of
true ->
+ OldSrcDirs = rebar_app_info:get(AppInfo, src_dirs, ["src"]),
+ AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
EbinDir = filename:join(rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo), Dir),
AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo, EbinDir),
AppInfo2 = rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo1, src_dirs, [Dir]),
- AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo2, extra_src_dirs, ["src"]),
- Fun(CompilerMod, AppInfo3);
+ AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo2, extra_src_dirs, OldSrcDirs),
+ AppInfo4 = add_to_includes( % give access to .hrl in app's src/
+ AppInfo3,
+ [filename:join([AppDir, D]) || D <- OldSrcDirs]
+ ),
+ Fun(CompilerMod, AppInfo4);
_ ->
@@ -170,8 +179,16 @@ find_source_files(BaseDir, SrcExt, SrcDirs, Opts) ->
rebar_utils:find_files_in_dirs([filename:join(BaseDir, SrcDir)], SourceExtRe, Recursive)
end, SrcDirs).
-dag_file(CompilerMod, Dir) ->
- filename:join([rebar_dir:local_cache_dir(Dir), CompilerMod, ?DAG_FILE]).
+%% @private generate the name for the DAG based on the compiler module and
+%% a custom label, both of which are used to prevent various compiler runs
+%% from clobbering each other. The label `undefined' is kept for a default
+%% run of the compiler, to keep in line with previous versions of the file.
+dag_file(CompilerMod, Dir, undefined) ->
+ filename:join([rebar_dir:local_cache_dir(Dir), CompilerMod,
+ ?DAG_ROOT ++ ?DAG_EXT]);
+dag_file(CompilerMod, Dir, Label) ->
+ filename:join([rebar_dir:local_cache_dir(Dir), CompilerMod,
+ ?DAG_ROOT ++ "_" ++ Label ++ ?DAG_EXT]).
%% private graph functions
@@ -179,20 +196,22 @@ dag_file(CompilerMod, Dir) ->
%% parse transforms, behaviours etc.) located in their directories or given
%% InclDirs. Note that last modification times stored in vertices already respect
%% dependencies induced by given graph G.
-init_dag(Compiler, InclDirs, SrcDirs, Erls, Dir, EbinDir) ->
+init_dag(Compiler, InclDirs, SrcDirs, Erls, Dir, EbinDir, Label) ->
G = digraph:new([acyclic]),
- try restore_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir)
+ try restore_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir, Label)
_:_ ->
- ?WARN("Failed to restore ~ts file. Discarding it.~n", [dag_file(Compiler, Dir)]),
- file:delete(dag_file(Compiler, Dir))
+ ?WARN("Failed to restore ~ts file. Discarding it.~n", [dag_file(Compiler, Dir, Label)]),
+ file:delete(dag_file(Compiler, Dir, Label))
Dirs = lists:usort(InclDirs ++ SrcDirs),
%% A source file may have been renamed or deleted. Remove it from the graph
%% and remove any beam file for that source if it exists.
Modified = maybe_rm_beams_and_edges(G, EbinDir, Erls),
Modified1 = lists:foldl(update_dag_fun(G, Compiler, Dirs), Modified, Erls),
- if Modified1 -> store_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir); not Modified1 -> ok end,
+ if Modified1 -> store_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir, Label);
+ not Modified1 -> ok
+ end,
maybe_rm_beams_and_edges(G, Dir, Files) ->
@@ -229,8 +248,8 @@ maybe_rm_beam_and_edge(G, OutDir, Source) ->
target_base(OutDir, Source) ->
filename:join(OutDir, filename:basename(Source, ".erl")).
-restore_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir) ->
- case file:read_file(dag_file(Compiler, Dir)) of
+restore_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir, Label) ->
+ case file:read_file(dag_file(Compiler, Dir, Label)) of
{ok, Data} ->
% Since externally passed InclDirs can influence dependency graph (see
% modify_dag), we have to check here that they didn't change.
@@ -248,10 +267,10 @@ restore_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir) ->
-store_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir) ->
+store_dag(Compiler, G, InclDirs, Dir, Label) ->
Vs = lists:map(fun(V) -> digraph:vertex(G, V) end, digraph:vertices(G)),
Es = lists:map(fun(E) -> digraph:edge(G, E) end, digraph:edges(G)),
- File = dag_file(Compiler, Dir),
+ File = dag_file(Compiler, Dir, Label),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(File),
Data = term_to_binary(#dag{info={Vs, Es, InclDirs}}, [{compressed, 2}]),
file:write_file(File, Data).
@@ -313,3 +332,10 @@ update_max_modified_deps(G, Source) ->
end, 0, [Source | digraph:out_neighbours(G, Source)]),
digraph:add_vertex(G, Source, MaxModified),
+add_to_includes(AppInfo, Dirs) ->
+ Opts = rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo),
+ List = rebar_opts:get(Opts, erl_opts, []),
+ NewErlOpts = [{i, Dir} || Dir <- Dirs] ++ List,
+ NewOpts = rebar_opts:set(Opts, erl_opts, NewErlOpts),
+ rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo, NewOpts).
diff --git a/test/rebar_compile_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_compile_SUITE.erl
index ddaad0c..0bc3ad0 100644
--- a/test/rebar_compile_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rebar_compile_SUITE.erl
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ all() ->
{group, basic_extras}, {group, release_extras}, {group, unbalanced_extras},
{group, root_extras},
recompile_when_hrl_changes, recompile_when_included_hrl_changes,
+ recompile_extra_when_hrl_in_src_changes,
dont_recompile_when_opts_dont_change, dont_recompile_yrl_or_xrl,
@@ -710,6 +711,49 @@ recompile_when_included_hrl_changes(Config) ->
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
+recompile_extra_when_hrl_in_src_changes(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
+ "-export([main/0]).\n"
+ "-include(\"test_header_include.hrl\").\n"
+ "main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
+ ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
+ HeaderFile = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
+ SrcFile = filename:join([AppDir, "extra", "test_header_include.erl"]),
+ filelib:ensure_dir(SrcFile),
+ ok = file:write_file(SrcFile, ExtraSrc),
+ ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
+ RebarCfg = [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}],
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarCfg, ["compile"],
+ {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
+ EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extra"]),
+ {ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
+ ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
+ || F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
+ ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader, [sync]),
+ rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarCfg, ["compile"],
+ {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
+ {ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
+ NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
+ || F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
+ ?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_opts_included_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),