diff options
authorSteven Gravell <>2011-06-30 22:50:56 +0100
committerSteven Gravell <>2011-07-01 18:04:32 +0100
commit0f5e3932920969dba70ae8d7edcdfa97bb472c28 (patch)
parent3e4138537f089c8c1a5e5f9173603569aa012eca (diff)
look for new and old versions in the target parent
The target_dir config in reltool allows you to put your release in a directory other than in ./NAME, so we should look in the parent directory of that to find the new and old versions instead of simply looking in ./ Move untaring and retaring into a temporary path instead of in ./ to prevent name collisions with "releases" and "lib" that might exist already. Having a subdirectory rel/releases/ can be useful.
4 files changed, 138 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_appups.erl b/src/rebar_appups.erl
index 871c426..b702e92 100644
--- a/src/rebar_appups.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_appups.erl
@@ -40,11 +40,15 @@
'generate-appups'(_Config, ReltoolFile) ->
%% Get the old release path
- OldVerPath = rebar_rel_utils:get_previous_release_path(),
+ ReltoolConfig = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(ReltoolFile),
+ TargetParentDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_parent_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ OldVerPath = filename:join([TargetParentDir,
+ rebar_rel_utils:get_previous_release_path()]),
%% Get the new and old release name and versions
{Name, _Ver} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolFile),
- NewVerPath = filename:join([".", Name]),
+ NewVerPath = filename:join([TargetParentDir, Name]),
{NewName, NewVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, NewVerPath),
{OldName, OldVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, OldVerPath),
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@
%% Get a list of any appup files that exist in the new release
NewAppUpFiles = rebar_utils:find_files(
- filename:join([NewName, "lib"]), "^.*.appup$"),
+ filename:join([NewVerPath, "lib"]), "^.*.appup$"),
%% Convert the list of appup files into app names
AppUpApps = [file_to_name(File) || File <- NewAppUpFiles],
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@
UpgradeApps = genappup_which_apps(Upgraded, AppUpApps),
%% Generate appup files for upgraded apps
- generate_appup_files(Name, OldVerPath, UpgradeApps),
+ generate_appup_files(NewVerPath, OldVerPath, UpgradeApps),
@@ -124,10 +128,10 @@ genappup_which_apps(UpgradedApps, [First|Rest]) ->
genappup_which_apps(Apps, []) ->
-generate_appup_files(Name, OldVerPath, [{App, {OldVer, NewVer}}|Rest]) ->
- OldEbinDir = filename:join([".", OldVerPath, "lib",
+generate_appup_files(NewVerPath, OldVerPath, [{App, {OldVer, NewVer}}|Rest]) ->
+ OldEbinDir = filename:join([OldVerPath, "lib",
atom_to_list(App) ++ "-" ++ OldVer, "ebin"]),
- NewEbinDir = filename:join([".", Name, "lib",
+ NewEbinDir = filename:join([NewVerPath, "lib",
atom_to_list(App) ++ "-" ++ NewVer, "ebin"]),
{AddedFiles, DeletedFiles, ChangedFiles} = beam_lib:cmp_dirs(NewEbinDir,
@@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ generate_appup_files(Name, OldVerPath, [{App, {OldVer, NewVer}}|Rest]) ->
OldVer, Inst, OldVer])),
?CONSOLE("Generated appup for ~p~n", [App]),
- generate_appup_files(Name, OldVerPath, Rest);
+ generate_appup_files(NewVerPath, OldVerPath, Rest);
generate_appup_files(_, _, []) ->
?CONSOLE("Appup generation complete~n", []).
diff --git a/src/rebar_rel_utils.erl b/src/rebar_rel_utils.erl
index 0b14a28..627ce13 100644
--- a/src/rebar_rel_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_rel_utils.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@
- get_rel_file_path/2]).
+ get_rel_file_path/2,
+ load_config/1,
+ get_sys_tuple/1,
+ get_target_dir/1,
+ get_target_parent_dir/1]).
@@ -51,16 +55,11 @@ is_rel_dir(Dir) ->
%% Get release name and version from a reltool.config
-get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolFile) ->
- %% expect sys to be the first proplist in reltool.config
- case file:consult(ReltoolFile) of
- {ok, [{sys, Config}| _]} ->
- %% expect the first rel in the proplist to be the one you want
- {rel, Name, Ver, _} = proplists:lookup(rel, Config),
- {Name, Ver};
- _ ->
- ?ABORT("Failed to parse ~s~n", [ReltoolFile])
- end.
+get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolConfig) ->
+ %% expect the first rel in the proplist to be the one you want
+ {sys, Config} = get_sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig),
+ {rel, Name, Ver, _} = proplists:lookup(rel, Config),
+ {Name, Ver}.
%% Get release name and version from a rel file
get_rel_release_info(RelFile) ->
@@ -107,6 +106,59 @@ get_previous_release_path() ->
+%% Load terms from reltool.config
+load_config(ReltoolFile) ->
+ case file:consult(ReltoolFile) of
+ {ok, Terms} ->
+ Terms;
+ Other ->
+ ?ABORT("Failed to load expected config from ~s: ~p\n",
+ [ReltoolFile, Other])
+ end.
+%% Look for the {sys, [...]} tuple in the reltool.config file.
+%% Without this present, we can't run reltool.
+get_sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(sys, 1, ReltoolConfig) of
+ {sys, _} = SysTuple ->
+ SysTuple;
+ false ->
+ ?ABORT("Failed to find {sys, [...]} tuple in reltool.config.", [])
+ end.
+%% Look for {target_dir, TargetDir} in the reltool config file; if none is
+%% found, use the name of the release as the default target directory.
+get_target_dir(ReltoolConfig) ->
+ case rebar_config:get_global(target_dir, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ case lists:keyfind(target_dir, 1, ReltoolConfig) of
+ {target_dir, TargetDir} ->
+ filename:absname(TargetDir);
+ false ->
+ {sys, SysInfo} = get_sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig),
+ case lists:keyfind(rel, 1, SysInfo) of
+ {rel, Name, _Vsn, _Apps} ->
+ filename:absname(Name);
+ false ->
+ filename:absname("target")
+ end
+ end;
+ TargetDir ->
+ filename:absname(TargetDir)
+ end.
+get_target_parent_dir(ReltoolConfig) ->
+ case lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(filename:split(get_target_dir(ReltoolConfig))))) of
+ [] -> ".";
+ Components -> filename:join(Components)
+ end.
%% ===================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ===================================================================
diff --git a/src/rebar_reltool.erl b/src/rebar_reltool.erl
index 72bfe49..b1b4a4c 100644
--- a/src/rebar_reltool.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_reltool.erl
@@ -42,14 +42,16 @@ generate(Config, ReltoolFile) ->
%% Load the reltool configuration from the file
- ReltoolConfig = load_config(ReltoolFile),
+ ReltoolConfig = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(ReltoolFile),
+ Sys = rebar_rel_utils:get_sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig),
%% Spin up reltool server and load our config into it
- {ok, Server} = reltool:start_server([sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig)]),
+ {ok, Server} = reltool:start_server([Sys]),
%% Do some validation of the reltool configuration; error messages out of
%% reltool are still pretty cryptic
- validate_rel_apps(Server, sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig)),
+ validate_rel_apps(Server, Sys),
%% Finally, run reltool
case catch(run_reltool(Server, Config, ReltoolConfig)) of
@@ -64,8 +66,8 @@ generate(Config, ReltoolFile) ->
clean(_Config, ReltoolFile) ->
- ReltoolConfig = load_config(ReltoolFile),
- TargetDir = target_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ ReltoolConfig = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(ReltoolFile),
+ TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(ReltoolConfig),
@@ -92,53 +94,6 @@ check_vsn() ->
-%% Load terms from reltool.config
-load_config(ReltoolFile) ->
- case file:consult(ReltoolFile) of
- {ok, Terms} ->
- Terms;
- Other ->
- ?ABORT("Failed to load expected config from ~s: ~p\n",
- [ReltoolFile, Other])
- end.
-%% Look for the {sys, [...]} tuple in the reltool.config file.
-%% Without this present, we can't run reltool.
-sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig) ->
- case lists:keyfind(sys, 1, ReltoolConfig) of
- {sys, _} = SysTuple ->
- SysTuple;
- false ->
- ?ABORT("Failed to find {sys, [...]} tuple in reltool.config.", [])
- end.
-%% Look for {target_dir, TargetDir} in the reltool config file; if none is
-%% found, use the name of the release as the default target directory.
-target_dir(ReltoolConfig) ->
- case rebar_config:get_global(target_dir, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- case lists:keyfind(target_dir, 1, ReltoolConfig) of
- {target_dir, TargetDir} ->
- filename:absname(TargetDir);
- false ->
- {sys, SysInfo} = sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig),
- case lists:keyfind(rel, 1, SysInfo) of
- {rel, Name, _Vsn, _Apps} ->
- filename:absname(Name);
- false ->
- filename:absname("target")
- end
- end;
- TargetDir ->
- filename:absname(TargetDir)
- end.
%% Look for overlay_vars file reference. If the user provides an overlay_vars on
%% the command line (i.e. a global), the terms from that file OVERRIDE the one
%% listed in reltool.config. To re-iterate, this means you can specify a
@@ -203,7 +158,7 @@ run_reltool(Server, _Config, ReltoolConfig) ->
case reltool:get_target_spec(Server) of
{ok, Spec} ->
%% Pull the target dir and make sure it exists
- TargetDir = target_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(ReltoolConfig),
%% Dump the spec, if necessary
diff --git a/src/rebar_upgrade.erl b/src/rebar_upgrade.erl
index 0bf0338..009715e 100644
--- a/src/rebar_upgrade.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_upgrade.erl
@@ -38,29 +38,34 @@
'generate-upgrade'(_Config, ReltoolFile) ->
%% Get the old release path
- OldVerPath = rebar_rel_utils:get_previous_release_path(),
+ ReltoolConfig = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(ReltoolFile),
+ TargetParentDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_parent_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ OldVerPath = filename:join([TargetParentDir,
+ rebar_rel_utils:get_previous_release_path()]),
%% Run checks to make sure that building a package is possible
- {NewName, NewVer} = run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolFile),
+ {NewVerPath, NewName, NewVer} = run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolConfig),
NameVer = NewName ++ "_" ++ NewVer,
%% Save the code path prior to doing anything
OrigPath = code:get_path(),
%% Prepare the environment for building the package
- ok = setup(OldVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer),
+ ok = setup(OldVerPath, NewVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer),
%% Build the package
run_systools(NameVer, NewName),
%% Boot file changes
- {ok, _} = boot_files(NewVer, NewName),
+ {ok, _} = boot_files(TargetDir, NewVer, NewName),
%% Extract upgrade and tar it back up with changes
%% Clean up files that systools created
- ok = cleanup(NameVer, NewName, NewVer),
+ ok = cleanup(NameVer),
%% Restore original path
true = code:set_path(OrigPath),
@@ -71,18 +76,19 @@
%% Internal functions
%% ==================================================================
-run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolFile) ->
+run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolConfig) ->
true = rebar_utils:prop_check(filelib:is_dir(OldVerPath),
"Release directory doesn't exist (~p)~n", [OldVerPath]),
- {Name, Ver} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolFile),
+ {Name, Ver} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolConfig),
- NamePath = filename:join([".", Name]),
- true = rebar_utils:prop_check(filelib:is_dir(NamePath),
- "Release directory doesn't exist (~p)~n", [NamePath]),
+ NewVerPath = filename:join([
+ rebar_rel_utils:get_target_parent_dir(ReltoolConfig),
+ Name]),
+ true = rebar_utils:prop_check(filelib:is_dir(NewVerPath),
+ "Release directory doesn't exist (~p)~n", [NewVerPath]),
- {NewName, NewVer} = NewNameAndVer =
- rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, NamePath),
+ {NewName, NewVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, NewVerPath),
{OldName, OldVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, OldVerPath),
true = rebar_utils:prop_check(NewName == OldName,
@@ -94,11 +100,10 @@ run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolFile) ->
true = rebar_utils:prop_check(Ver == NewVer,
"Reltool and .rel versions do not match~n", []),
- NewNameAndVer.
+ {NewVerPath, NewName, NewVer}.
-setup(OldVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer) ->
- NewRelPath = filename:join([".", NewName]),
- Src = filename:join([NewRelPath, "releases",
+setup(OldVerPath, NewVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer) ->
+ Src = filename:join([NewVerPath, "releases",
NewVer, NewName ++ ".rel"]),
Dst = filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".rel"]),
{ok, _} = file:copy(Src, Dst),
@@ -108,9 +113,9 @@ setup(OldVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer) ->
"releases", "*"])),
"lib", "*", "ebin"])),
- filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewRelPath,
+ filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewVerPath,
"lib", "*", "ebin"])),
- filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewRelPath, "*"]))
+ filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewVerPath, "*"]))
run_systools(NewVer, Name) ->
@@ -135,30 +140,35 @@ run_systools(NewVer, Name) ->
-boot_files(Ver, Name) ->
- ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", "releases"])),
- ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", "releases", Ver])),
+boot_files(TargetDir, Ver, Name) ->
+ Tmp = "_tmp",
+ ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", Tmp])),
+ ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", Tmp, "releases"])),
+ ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", Tmp, "releases", Ver])),
ok = file:make_symlink(
- filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, Name ++ ".boot"])),
+ filename:join([".", Tmp, "releases", Ver, Name ++ ".boot"])),
{ok, _} = file:copy(
- filename:join([".", Name, "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"]),
- filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"])).
+ filename:join([TargetDir, "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"]),
+ filename:join([".", Tmp, "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"])).
make_tar(NameVer) ->
Filename = NameVer ++ ".tar.gz",
- ok = erl_tar:extract(Filename, [compressed]),
- ok = file:delete(Filename),
- {ok, Tar} = erl_tar:open(Filename, [write, compressed]),
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Absname = filename:join([Cwd, Filename]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd("_tmp"),
+ ok = erl_tar:extract(Absname, [compressed]),
+ ok = file:delete(Absname),
+ {ok, Tar} = erl_tar:open(Absname, [write, compressed]),
ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, "lib", []),
ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, "releases", []),
ok = erl_tar:close(Tar),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
?CONSOLE("~s upgrade package created~n", [NameVer]).
-cleanup(NameVer, Name, Ver) ->
+cleanup(NameVer) ->
?DEBUG("Removing files needed for building the upgrade~n", []),
Files = [
- filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, Name ++ ".boot"]),
filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".rel"]),
filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".boot"]),
filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".script"]),
@@ -166,18 +176,17 @@ cleanup(NameVer, Name, Ver) ->
lists:foreach(fun(F) -> ok = file:delete(F) end, Files),
- ok = remove_dir_tree("releases"),
- ok = remove_dir_tree("lib").
+ ok = remove_dir_tree("_tmp").
-%% taken from
+%% adapted from
remove_dir_tree(Dir) ->
remove_all_files(".", [Dir]).
remove_all_files(Dir, Files) ->
lists:foreach(fun(File) ->
FilePath = filename:join([Dir, File]),
- {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(FilePath),
- case FileInfo#file_info.type of
- directory ->
+ {ok, FileInfo, Link} = file_info(FilePath),
+ case {Link, FileInfo#file_info.type} of
+ {false, directory} ->
{ok, DirFiles} = file:list_dir(FilePath),
remove_all_files(FilePath, DirFiles),
@@ -185,3 +194,14 @@ remove_all_files(Dir, Files) ->
end, Files).
+file_info(Path) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ {ok, Info, false};
+ {error, enoent} ->
+ {ok, Info} = file:read_link_info(Path),
+ {ok, Info, true};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.