path: root/site-media/js/jquery.form.wizard-3.0.4.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site-media/js/jquery.form.wizard-3.0.4.js')
1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site-media/js/jquery.form.wizard-3.0.4.js b/site-media/js/jquery.form.wizard-3.0.4.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a981cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site-media/js/jquery.form.wizard-3.0.4.js
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+ * jQuery wizard plug-in 3.0.4
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Jan Sundman (jan.sundman[at]
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Licensed under the MIT licens:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ $.widget("ui.formwizard", {
+ _init: function() {
+ var wizard = this;
+ var formOptionsSuccess = this.options.formOptions.success;
+ var formOptionsComplete = this.options.formOptions.complete;
+ var formOptionsBeforeSend = this.options.formOptions.beforeSend;
+ var formOptionsBeforeSubmit = this.options.formOptions.beforeSubmit;
+ var formOptionsBeforeSerialize = this.options.formOptions.beforeSerialize;
+ this.options.formOptions = $.extend(this.options.formOptions,{
+ success : function(responseText, textStatus, xhr){
+ if(formOptionsSuccess){
+ formOptionsSuccess(responseText, textStatus, xhr);
+ }
+ if(wizard.options.formOptions && wizard.options.formOptions.resetForm || !wizard.options.formOptions){
+ wizard._reset();
+ }
+ },
+ complete : function(xhr, textStatus){
+ if(formOptionsComplete){
+ formOptionsComplete(xhr, textStatus);
+ }
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ },
+ beforeSubmit : function(arr, theForm, options) {
+ if(formOptionsBeforeSubmit){
+ var shouldSubmit = formOptionsBeforeSubmit(arr, theForm, options);
+ if(!shouldSubmit)
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ return shouldSubmit;
+ }
+ },
+ beforeSend : function(xhr) {
+ if(formOptionsBeforeSend){
+ var shouldSubmit = formOptionsBeforeSend(xhr);
+ if(!shouldSubmit)
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ return shouldSubmit;
+ }
+ },
+ beforeSerialize: function(form, options) {
+ if(formOptionsBeforeSerialize){
+ var shouldSubmit = formOptionsBeforeSerialize(form, options);
+ if(!shouldSubmit)
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ return shouldSubmit;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.steps = this.element.find(".step").hide();
+ this.firstStep = this.steps.first().attr("id");
+ this.activatedSteps = new Array();
+ this.isLastStep = false;
+ this.previousStep = undefined;
+ this.currentStep = this.steps.eq(0).attr("id");
+ this.nextButton = this.element.find(
+ .click(function() {
+ return wizard._next();
+ });
+ this.nextButtonInitinalValue = this.nextButton.val();
+ this.nextButton.val(this.options.textNext);
+ this.backButton = this.element.find(this.options.back)
+ .click(function() {
+ wizard._back();return false;
+ });
+ this.backButtonInitinalValue = this.backButton.val();
+ this.backButton.val(this.options.textBack);
+ if(this.options.validationEnabled && jQuery().validate == undefined){
+ this.options.validationEnabled = false;
+ alert("the validation plugin needs to be included");
+ }else if(this.options.validationEnabled){
+ this.element.validate(this.options.validationOptions);
+ }
+ if(this.options.formPluginEnabled && jQuery().ajaxSubmit == undefined){
+ this.options.formPluginEnabled = false;
+ alert("the form plugin needs to be included");
+ }
+ if(this.options.disableInputFields == true){
+ $(this.steps).find(":input:not('.wizard-ignore')").attr("disabled","disabled");
+ }
+ if(this.options.historyEnabled){
+ $(window).bind('hashchange', undefined, function(event){
+ var hashStep = event.getState( "_" + $(wizard.element).attr( 'id' )) || wizard.firstStep;
+ if(hashStep !== wizard.currentStep){
+ if(wizard.options.validationEnabled && hashStep === wizard._navigate(wizard.currentStep)){
+ if(!wizard.element.valid()){
+ wizard._updateHistory(wizard.currentStep);
+ wizard.element.validate().focusInvalid();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(hashStep !== wizard.currentStep)
+ wizard._show(hashStep);
+ }
+ });
+ this._updateHistory(this.firstStep);
+ }
+ this.element.addClass("ui-formwizard");
+ this.element.find(":input").addClass("ui-wizard-content");
+ this.steps.addClass("ui-formwizard-content");
+ this.backButton.addClass("ui-formwizard-button ui-wizard-content");
+ this.nextButton.addClass("ui-formwizard-button ui-wizard-content");
+ if(!this.options.disableUIStyles){
+ this.element.addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-reset ui-corner-all");
+ this.element.find(":input").addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-state-default");
+ this.steps.addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-corner-all");
+ this.backButton.addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-state-default");
+ this.nextButton.addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-state-default");
+ }
+ this._show(undefined);
+ return $(this);
+ },
+ _next : function(){
+ if(this.options.validationEnabled){
+ if(!this.element.valid()){
+ this.element.validate().focusInvalid();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.options.remoteAjax != undefined){
+ var options = this.options.remoteAjax[this.currentStep];
+ var wizard = this;
+ if(options !== undefined){
+ var success = options.success;
+ var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
+ var complete = options.complete;
+ options = $.extend({},options,{
+ success: function(data, statusText){
+ if((success !== undefined && success(data, statusText)) || (success == undefined)){
+ wizard._continueToNextStep();
+ }
+ },
+ beforeSend : function(xhr){
+ wizard._disableNavigation();
+ if(beforeSend !== undefined)
+ beforeSend(xhr);
+ $(wizard.element).trigger('before_remote_ajax', {"currentStep" : wizard.currentStep});
+ },
+ complete : function(xhr, statusText){
+ if(complete !== undefined)
+ complete(xhr, statusText);
+ $(wizard.element).trigger('after_remote_ajax', {"currentStep" : wizard.currentStep});
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ }
+ })
+ this.element.ajaxSubmit(options);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._continueToNextStep();
+ },
+ _back : function(){
+ if(this.activatedSteps.length > 0){
+ if(this.options.historyEnabled){
+ this._updateHistory(this.activatedSteps[this.activatedSteps.length - 2]);
+ }else{
+ this._show(this.activatedSteps[this.activatedSteps.length - 2], true);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _continueToNextStep : function(){
+ if(this.isLastStep){
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.activatedSteps.length; i++){
+ this.steps.filter("#" + this.activatedSteps[i]).find(":input").not(".wizard-ignore").removeAttr("disabled");
+ }
+ if(!this.options.formPluginEnabled){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ this._disableNavigation();
+ this.element.ajaxSubmit(this.options.formOptions);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var step = this._navigate(this.currentStep);
+ if(step == this.currentStep){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(this.options.historyEnabled){
+ this._updateHistory(step);
+ }else{
+ this._show(step, true);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _updateHistory : function(step){
+ var state = {};
+ state["_" + $(this.element).attr('id')] = step;
+ $.bbq.pushState(state);
+ },
+ _disableNavigation : function(){
+ this.nextButton.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ this.backButton.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ if(!this.options.disableUIStyles){
+ this.nextButton.removeClass("ui-state-active").addClass("ui-state-disabled");
+ this.backButton.removeClass("ui-state-active").addClass("ui-state-disabled");
+ }
+ },
+ _enableNavigation : function(){
+ if(this.isLastStep){
+ this.nextButton.val(this.options.textSubmit);
+ }else{
+ this.nextButton.val(this.options.textNext);
+ }
+ if($.trim(this.currentStep) !== this.steps.eq(0).attr("id")){
+ this.backButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+ if(!this.options.disableUIStyles){
+ this.backButton.removeClass("ui-state-disabled").addClass("ui-state-active");
+ }
+ }
+ this.nextButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+ if(!this.options.disableUIStyles){
+ this.nextButton.removeClass("ui-state-disabled").addClass("ui-state-active");
+ }
+ },
+ _animate : function(oldStep, newStep){
+ this._disableNavigation();
+ var old = this.steps.filter("#" + oldStep);
+ var current = this.steps.filter("#" + newStep);
+ old.find(":input").not(".wizard-ignore").attr("disabled","disabled");
+ current.find(":input").not(".wizard-ignore").removeAttr("disabled");
+ var wizard = this;
+ old.animate(wizard.options.outAnimation, wizard.options.outDuration, wizard.options.easing, function(){
+ current.animate(wizard.options.inAnimation, wizard.options.inDuration, wizard.options.easing, function(){
+ if(wizard.options.focusFirstInput)
+ current.find(":input:first").focus();
+ wizard._enableNavigation();
+ });
+ return;
+ });
+ },
+ _checkIflastStep : function(step){
+ this.isLastStep = false;
+ if($("#" + step).hasClass(this.options.submitStepClass) || this.steps.filter(":last").attr("id") == step){
+ this.isLastStep = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _getLink : function(step){
+ var link = undefined;
+ var links = this.steps.filter("#" + step).find(this.options.linkClass);
+ if(links != undefined){
+ if(links.filter(":radio,:checkbox").size() > 0){
+ link = links.filter(this.options.linkClass + ":checked").val();
+ }else{
+ link = $(links).val();
+ }
+ }
+ return link;
+ },
+ _navigate : function(step){
+ var link = this._getLink(step);
+ if(link != undefined){
+ if((link != "" && link != null && link != undefined) && this.steps.filter("#" + link).attr("id") != undefined){
+ return link;
+ }
+ return this.currentStep;
+ }else if(link == undefined && !this.isLastStep){
+ var step1 = this.steps.filter("#" + step).next().attr("id");
+ return step1;
+ }
+ },
+ _show : function(step){
+ var backwards = false;
+ if(step == undefined || step == ""){
+ this.activatedSteps.pop();
+ step = this.firstStep;
+ this.activatedSteps.push(step);
+ }else{
+ if($.inArray(step, this.activatedSteps) > -1){
+ backwards = true;
+ this.activatedSteps.pop();
+ }else {
+ this.activatedSteps.push(step);
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.currentStep !== step || step === this.firstStep){
+ this.previousStep = this.currentStep;
+ this._checkIflastStep(step);
+ this.currentStep = step;
+ this._animate(this.previousStep, step);
+ };
+ $(this.element).trigger('step_shown', $.extend({"isBackNavigation" : backwards},this._state()));
+ },
+ _reset : function(){
+ this.element.resetForm()
+ $("label,:input,textarea",this).removeClass("error");
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.activatedSteps.length; i++){
+ this.steps.filter("#" + this.activatedSteps[i]).hide().find(":input").attr("disabled","disabled");
+ }
+ this.activatedSteps = new Array();
+ this.previousStep = undefined;
+ this.isLastStep = false;
+ if(this.options.historyEnabled){
+ this._updateHistory(this.firstStep);
+ }else{
+ this._show(this.firstStep);
+ }
+ },
+ _state : function(state){
+ var currentState = { "settings" : this.options,
+ "activatedSteps" : this.activatedSteps,
+ "isLastStep" : this.isLastStep,
+ "isFirstStep" : this.currentStep === this.firstStep,
+ "previousStep" : this.previousStep,
+ "currentStep" : this.currentStep,
+ "backButton" : this.backButton,
+ "nextButton" : this.nextButton,
+ "steps" : this.steps,
+ "firstStep" : this.firstStep
+ }
+ if(state !== undefined)
+ return currentState[state];
+ return currentState;
+ },
+ /*Methods*/
+ show : function(step){
+ if(this.options.historyEnabled){
+ this._updateHistory(step);
+ }else{
+ this._show(step);
+ }
+ },
+ state : function(state){
+ return this._state(state);
+ },
+ reset : function(){
+ this._reset();
+ },
+ next : function(){
+ this._next();
+ },
+ back : function(){
+ this._back();
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element.find("*").removeAttr("disabled").show();
+ this.nextButton.unbind("click").val(this.nextButtonInitinalValue).removeClass("ui-state-disabled").addClass("ui-state-active");
+ this.backButton.unbind("click").val(this.backButtonInitinalValue).removeClass("ui-state-disabled").addClass("ui-state-active");
+ this.backButtonInitinalValue = undefined;
+ this.nextButtonInitinalValue = undefined;
+ this.activatedSteps = undefined;
+ this.previousStep = undefined;
+ this.currentStep = undefined;
+ this.isLastStep = undefined;
+ this.options = undefined;
+ this.nextButton = undefined;
+ this.backButton = undefined;
+ this.formwizard = undefined;
+ this.element = undefined;
+ this.steps = undefined;
+ this.firstStep = undefined;
+ },
+ update_steps : function(){
+ this.steps = this.element.find(".step").addClass("ui-formwizard-content");
+ this.steps.not("#" + this.currentStep).hide().find(":input").addClass("ui-wizard-content").attr("disabled","disabled");
+ this._checkIflastStep(this.currentStep);
+ this._enableNavigation();
+ if(!this.options.disableUIStyles){
+ this.steps.addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-corner-all");
+ this.steps.find(":input").addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-state-default");
+ }
+ },
+ options: {
+ historyEnabled : false,
+ validationEnabled : false,
+ validationOptions : undefined,
+ formPluginEnabled : false,
+ linkClass : ".link",
+ submitStepClass : "submit_step",
+ back : ":reset",
+ next : ":submit",
+ textSubmit : 'Submit',
+ textNext : 'Next',
+ textBack : 'Back',
+ remoteAjax : undefined,
+ inAnimation : {opacity: 'show'},
+ outAnimation: {opacity: 'hide'},
+ inDuration : 400,
+ outDuration: 400,
+ easing: 'swing',
+ focusFirstInput : false,
+ disableInputFields : true,
+ formOptions : { reset: true, success: function(data) { alert("success"); },
+ disableUIStyles : false
+ }
+ }
+ });