path: root/lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
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index 0000000..40196bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
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+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Parse naming definition files.
+Network access control applications use definition files which contain
+information about networks and services. This naming class
+will provide an easy interface into using these definitions.
+Sample usage with definition files contained in ./acl/defs:
+ defs = Naming('acl/defs/')
+ services = defs.GetService('DNS')
+ returns ['53/tcp', '53/udp', ...]
+ networks = defs.GetNet('INTERNAL')
+ returns a list of nacaddr.IPv4 object
+The definition files are contained in a single directory and
+may consist of multiple files ending in .net or .svc extensions,
+indicating network or service definitions respectively. The
+format of the files consists of a 'token' value, followed by a
+list of values and optional comments, such as:
+INTERNAL = # RFC-1918
+ # RFC-1918
+ # RFC-1918
+DNS = 53/tcp
+ 53/udp
+__author__ = ' (Tony Watson)'
+import glob
+import nacaddr
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Create our own base error class to be inherited by other error classes."""
+class NamespaceCollisionError(Error):
+ """Used to report on duplicate symbol names found while parsing."""
+class BadNetmaskTypeError(Error):
+ """Used to report on duplicate symbol names found while parsing."""
+class NoDefinitionsError(Error):
+ """Raised if no definitions are found."""
+class ParseError(Error):
+ """Raised if an error occurs during parsing."""
+class UndefinedAddressError(Error):
+ """Raised if an address is referenced but not defined."""
+class UndefinedServiceError(Error):
+ """Raised if a service is referenced but not defined."""
+class UnexpectedDefinitionType(Error):
+ """An unexpected/unknown definition type was used."""
+class _ItemUnit(object):
+ """This class is a container for an index key and a list of associated values.
+ An ItemUnit will contain the name of either a service or network group,
+ and a list of the associated values separated by spaces.
+ Attributes:
+ name: A string representing a unique token value.
+ items: a list of strings containing values for the token.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, symbol):
+ = symbol
+ self.items = []
+class Naming(object):
+ """Object to hold naming objects from NETWORK and SERVICES definition files.
+ Attributes:
+ current_symbol: The current token being handled while parsing data.
+ services: A collection of all of the current service item tokens.
+ networks: A collection of all the current network item tokens.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, naming_dir=None, naming_file=None, naming_type=None):
+ """Set the default values for a new Naming object."""
+ self.current_symbol = None
+ = {}
+ self.networks = {}
+ self.unseen_services = {}
+ self.unseen_networks = {}
+ if naming_file and naming_type:
+ filename = os.path.sep.join([naming_dir, naming_file])
+ file_handle = gfile.GFile(filename, 'r')
+ self._ParseFile(file_handle, naming_type)
+ elif naming_dir:
+ self._Parse(naming_dir, 'services')
+ self._CheckUnseen('services')
+ self._Parse(naming_dir, 'networks')
+ self._CheckUnseen('networks')
+ def _CheckUnseen(self, def_type):
+ if def_type == 'services':
+ if self.unseen_services:
+ raise UndefinedServiceError('%s %s' % (
+ 'The following tokens were nested as a values, but not defined',
+ self.unseen_services))
+ if def_type == 'networks':
+ if self.unseen_networks:
+ raise UndefinedAddressError('%s %s' % (
+ 'The following tokens were nested as a values, but not defined',
+ self.unseen_networks))
+ def GetIpParents(self, query):
+ """Return network tokens that contain IP in query.
+ Args:
+ query: an ip string ('') or nacaddr.IP object
+ """
+ base_parents = []
+ recursive_parents = []
+ # convert string to nacaddr, if arg is ipaddr then convert str() to nacaddr
+ if type(query) != nacaddr.IPv4 and type(query) != nacaddr.IPv6:
+ if query[:1].isdigit():
+ query = nacaddr.IP(query)
+ # Get parent token for an IP
+ if type(query) == nacaddr.IPv4 or type(query) == nacaddr.IPv6:
+ for token in self.networks:
+ for item in self.networks[token].items:
+ item = item.split('#')[0].strip()
+ if item[:1].isdigit() and nacaddr.IP(item).Contains(query):
+ base_parents.append(token)
+ # Get parent token for another token
+ else:
+ for token in self.networks:
+ for item in self.networks[token].items:
+ item = item.split('#')[0].strip()
+ if item[:1].isalpha() and item == query:
+ base_parents.append(token)
+ # look for nested tokens
+ for bp in base_parents:
+ done = False
+ for token in self.networks:
+ if bp in self.networks[token].items:
+ # ignore IPs, only look at token values
+ if bp[:1].isalpha():
+ if bp not in recursive_parents:
+ recursive_parents.append(bp)
+ recursive_parents.extend(self.GetIpParents(bp))
+ done = True
+ # if no nested tokens, just append value
+ if not done:
+ if bp[:1].isalpha() and bp not in recursive_parents:
+ recursive_parents.append(bp)
+ return sorted(list(set(recursive_parents)))
+ def GetServiceParents(self, query):
+ """Given a query token, return list of services definitions with that token.
+ Args:
+ query: a service token name.
+ """
+ return self._GetParents(query,
+ def GetNetParents(self, query):
+ """Given a query token, return list of network definitions with that token.
+ Args:
+ query: a network token name.
+ """
+ return self._GetParents(query, self.networks)
+ def _GetParents(self, query, query_group):
+ """Given a naming item dict, return any tokens containing the value.
+ Args:
+ query: a service or token name, such as 53/tcp or DNS
+ query_group: either services or networks dict
+ """
+ base_parents = []
+ recursive_parents = []
+ # collect list of tokens containing query
+ for token in query_group:
+ if query in query_group[token].items:
+ base_parents.append(token)
+ if not base_parents:
+ return []
+ # iterate through tokens containing query, doing recursion if necessary
+ for bp in base_parents:
+ for token in query_group:
+ if bp in query_group[token].items and bp not in recursive_parents:
+ recursive_parents.append(bp)
+ recursive_parents.extend(self._GetParents(bp, query_group))
+ if bp not in recursive_parents:
+ recursive_parents.append(bp)
+ return recursive_parents
+ def GetService(self, query):
+ """Given a service name, return a list of associated ports and protocols.
+ Args:
+ query: Service name symbol or token.
+ Returns:
+ A list of service values such as ['80/tcp', '443/tcp', '161/udp', ...]
+ Raises:
+ UndefinedServiceError: If the service name isn't defined.
+ """
+ expandset = set()
+ already_done = set()
+ data = []
+ service_name = ''
+ data = query.split('#') # Get the token keyword and remove any comment
+ service_name = data[0].split()[0] # strip and cast from list to string
+ if service_name not in
+ raise UndefinedServiceError('\nNo such service: %s' % query)
+ already_done.add(service_name)
+ for next_item in[service_name].items:
+ # Remove any trailing comment.
+ service = next_item.split('#')[0].strip()
+ # Recognized token, not a value.
+ if not '/' in service:
+ # Make sure we are not descending into recursion hell.
+ if service not in already_done:
+ already_done.add(service)
+ try:
+ expandset.update(self.GetService(service))
+ except UndefinedServiceError as e:
+ # One of the services in query is undefined, refine the error msg.
+ raise UndefinedServiceError('%s (in %s)' % (e, query))
+ else:
+ expandset.add(service)
+ return sorted(expandset)
+ def GetServiceByProto(self, query, proto):
+ """Given a service name, return list of ports in the service by protocol.
+ Args:
+ query: Service name to lookup.
+ proto: A particular protocol to restrict results by, such as 'tcp'.
+ Returns:
+ A list of service values of type 'proto', such as ['80', '443', ...]
+ Raises:
+ UndefinedServiceError: If the service name isn't defined.
+ """
+ services_set = set()
+ proto = proto.upper()
+ data = []
+ servicename = ''
+ data = query.split('#') # Get the token keyword and remove any comment
+ servicename = data[0].split()[0] # strip and cast from list to string
+ if servicename not in
+ raise UndefinedServiceError('%s %s' % ('\nNo such service,', servicename))
+ for service in self.GetService(servicename):
+ if service and '/' in service:
+ parts = service.split('/')
+ if parts[1].upper() == proto:
+ services_set.add(parts[0])
+ return sorted(services_set)
+ def GetNetAddr(self, token):
+ """Given a network token, return a list of netaddr.IPv4 objects.
+ Args:
+ token: A name of a network definition, such as 'INTERNAL'
+ Returns:
+ A list of netaddr.IPv4 objects.
+ Raises:
+ UndefinedAddressError: if the network name isn't defined.
+ """
+ return self.GetNet(token)
+ def GetNet(self, query):
+ """Expand a network token into a list of nacaddr.IPv4 objects.
+ Args:
+ query: Network definition token which may include comment text
+ Raises:
+ BadNetmaskTypeError: Results when an unknown netmask_type is
+ specified. Acceptable values are 'cidr', 'netmask', and 'hostmask'.
+ Returns:
+ List of nacaddr.IPv4 objects
+ Raises:
+ UndefinedAddressError: for an undefined token value
+ """
+ returnlist = []
+ data = []
+ token = ''
+ data = query.split('#') # Get the token keyword and remove any comment
+ token = data[0].split()[0] # Remove whitespace and cast from list to string
+ if token not in self.networks:
+ raise UndefinedAddressError('%s %s' % ('\nUNDEFINED:', str(token)))
+ for next in self.networks[token].items:
+ comment = ''
+ if next.find('#') > -1:
+ (net, comment) = next.split('#', 1)
+ else:
+ net = next
+ try:
+ net = net.strip()
+ addr = nacaddr.IP(net)
+ # we want to make sure that we're storing the network addresses
+ # ie, FOO = should actually return
+ if addr.ip !=
+ addr = nacaddr.IP('%s/%d' % (, addr.prefixlen))
+ addr.text = comment.lstrip()
+ addr.token = token
+ returnlist.append(addr)
+ except ValueError:
+ # if net was something like 'FOO', or the name of another token which
+ # needs to be dereferenced, nacaddr.IP() will return a ValueError
+ returnlist.extend(self.GetNet(net))
+ for next in returnlist:
+ next.parent_token = token
+ return returnlist
+ def _Parse(self, defdirectory, def_type):
+ """Parse files of a particular type for tokens and values.
+ Given a directory name and the type (services|networks) to
+ process, grab all the appropriate files in that directory
+ and parse them for definitions.
+ Args:
+ defdirectory: Path to directory containing definition files.
+ def_type: Type of definitions to parse
+ Raises:
+ NoDefinitionsError: if no definitions are found.
+ """
+ file_names = []
+ get_files = {'services': lambda: glob.glob(defdirectory + '/*.svc'),
+ 'networks': lambda: glob.glob(defdirectory + '/*.net')}
+ if def_type in get_files:
+ file_names = get_files[def_type]()
+ else:
+ raise NoDefinitionsError('Unknown definitions type.')
+ if not file_names:
+ raise NoDefinitionsError('No definition files for %s in %s found.' %
+ (def_type, defdirectory))
+ for current_file in file_names:
+ try:
+ file_handle = open(current_file, 'r').readlines()
+ for line in file_handle:
+ self._ParseLine(line, def_type)
+ except IOError as error_info:
+ raise NoDefinitionsError('%s', error_info)
+ def _ParseFile(self, file_handle, def_type):
+ for line in file_handle:
+ self._ParseLine(line, def_type)
+ def ParseServiceList(self, data):
+ """Take an array of service data and import into class.
+ This method allows us to pass an array of data that contains service
+ definitions that are appended to any definitions read from files.
+ Args:
+ data: array of text lines containing service definitions.
+ """
+ for line in data:
+ self._ParseLine(line, 'services')
+ def ParseNetworkList(self, data):
+ """Take an array of network data and import into class.
+ This method allows us to pass an array of data that contains network
+ definitions that are appended to any definitions read from files.
+ Args:
+ data: array of text lines containing net definitions.
+ """
+ for line in data:
+ self._ParseLine(line, 'networks')
+ def _ParseLine(self, line, definition_type):
+ """Parse a single line of a service definition file.
+ This routine is used to parse a single line of a service
+ definition file, building a list of '' objects
+ as each line of the file is iterated through.
+ Args:
+ line: A single line from a service definition files.
+ definition_type: Either 'networks' or 'services'
+ Raises:
+ UnexpectedDefinitionType: when called with unexpected type of defintions
+ NamespaceCollisionError: when overlapping tokens are found.
+ ParseError: If errors occur
+ """
+ if definition_type not in ['services', 'networks']:
+ raise UnexpectedDefinitionType('%s %s' % (
+ 'Received an unexpected defintion type:', definition_type))
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line or line.startswith('#'): # Skip comments and blanks.
+ return
+ comment = ''
+ if line.find('#') > -1: # if there is a comment, save it
+ (line, comment) = line.split('#', 1)
+ line_parts = line.split('=') # Split on var = val lines.
+ # the value field still has the comment at this point
+ # If there was '=', then do var and value
+ if len(line_parts) > 1:
+ self.current_symbol = line_parts[0].strip() # varname left of '='
+ if definition_type == 'services':
+ if self.current_symbol in
+ raise NamespaceCollisionError('%s %s' % (
+ '\nMultiple definitions found for service: ',
+ self.current_symbol))
+ elif definition_type == 'networks':
+ if self.current_symbol in self.networks:
+ raise NamespaceCollisionError('%s %s' % (
+ '\nMultiple definitions found for service: ',
+ self.current_symbol))
+ self.unit = _ItemUnit(self.current_symbol)
+ if definition_type == 'services':
+[self.current_symbol] = self.unit
+ # unseen_services is a list of service TOKENS found in the values
+ # of newly defined services, but not previously defined themselves.
+ # When we define a new service, we should remove it (if it exists)
+ # from the list of unseen_services.
+ if self.current_symbol in self.unseen_services:
+ self.unseen_services.pop(self.current_symbol)
+ elif definition_type == 'networks':
+ self.networks[self.current_symbol] = self.unit
+ if self.current_symbol in self.unseen_networks:
+ self.unseen_networks.pop(self.current_symbol)
+ else:
+ raise ParseError('Unknown definitions type.')
+ values = line_parts[1]
+ # No '=', so this is a value only line
+ else:
+ values = line_parts[0] # values for previous var are continued this line
+ for value_piece in values.split():
+ if not value_piece:
+ continue
+ if not self.current_symbol:
+ break
+ if comment:
+ self.unit.items.append(value_piece + ' # ' + comment)
+ else:
+ self.unit.items.append(value_piece)
+ # token?
+ if value_piece[0].isalpha() and ':' not in value_piece:
+ if definition_type == 'services':
+ # already in top definitions list?
+ if value_piece not in
+ # already have it as an unused value?
+ if value_piece not in self.unseen_services:
+ self.unseen_services[value_piece] = True
+ if definition_type == 'networks':
+ if value_piece not in self.networks:
+ if value_piece not in self.unseen_networks:
+ self.unseen_networks[value_piece] = True