diff options
authorLeif Johansson <>2011-01-26 14:42:17 +0100
committerLeif Johansson <>2011-01-26 14:42:17 +0100
commit4a19966c3bb9f7dce1cca158163d583a33458723 (patch)
13 files changed, 1355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b124ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension LDAPShell.
+0.01 Mon Nov 4 10:39:28 2002
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
+ -X -n LDAPShell
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87e087f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+package LDAPShell;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+#use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+# This allows declaration use LDAPShell ':all';
+# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
+# will save memory.
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( '_funcs' => [ qw(
+ _ls
+ _mv
+ _add
+ _modify
+ _delete
+ _cat
+ _login
+ _auth
+ _logout
+ _pwd
+ _cd
+) ],
+ 'all' => [ qw(
+) ]
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+our $VERSION = '1.00';
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use Term::ReadLine::Gnu;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use URI;
+use Text::FormatTable;
+use Unicode::String qw(utf8 latin1);
+use vars qw(%Attribs @EXPORT @ISA);
+use ResourcePool;
+use ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP;
+use LDAPShell::Callbacks;
+# Preloaded methods go here.
+# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
+sub toutf8
+ {
+ latin1($_[1]||'')->utf8;
+ }
+sub tolatin1
+ {
+ utf8($_[1]||'')->latin1;
+ }
+sub new
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref $self || $self;
+ my $this = bless {},$class;
+ $this->{_term} = Term::ReadLine::Gnu->new('LDAP Shell');
+ my $attribs = $this->{_term}->Attribs;
+ $attribs->{completion_entry_function} = \&rdn_completion_function;
+ $attribs->{basic_word_break_characters} = "\t\n\ ";
+ $attribs->{completer_word_break_characters} = $attribs->{basic_word_break_characters};
+ $attribs->{filename_quote_characters} = "\ ";
+ $attribs->{completion_append_character} = '/';
+ $attribs->{filename_completion_desired} = 1;
+ $this->{_base} = '';
+ $this->{_callbacks} = LDAPShell::Callbacks->new();
+ my $uri = $this->getenv('AUTOCONNECT');
+ if ($uri)
+ {
+ my $u = URI->new($uri) or die "Malformed uri: $uri\n";
+ my ($host,$port,$path) = $u->opaque =~ /\/\/([^\/:]+):?([0-9]*)\/?(.*)/;
+ $this->{_server} = $host;
+ $this->{_port} = $port if $port;
+ $this->{_base} = $path if $path;
+ $this->reconnect();
+ }
+ $this;
+ }
+sub init
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ini = shift;
+ }
+sub callbacks { $_[0]->{_callbacks} }
+my $_i;
+sub rdn_completion_function ( $$ ) {
+ my($text, $state) = @_;
+ $_i = $state ? $_i + 1 : 0; # clear counter at the first call
+ *Attribs = \%Term::ReadLine::Gnu::Attribs;
+ my $cw = $Attribs{completion_word};
+ for (; $_i <= $#{$cw}; $_i++) {
+ #warn "\"$cw->[$_i]\"\n";
+ return $cw->[$_i] if (substr($cw->[$_i],0,length($text)) eq $text);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub getenv
+ {
+ $ENV{"DSH_".$_[1]};
+ }
+sub setenv
+ {
+ $ENV{"DSH_".$_[1]} = $_[2];
+ }
+sub unset
+ {
+ delete $ENV{"DSH_".$_[1]};
+ }
+sub _escapespace
+ {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/ /\\\ /og;
+ $_;
+ }
+sub _unescapespace
+ {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/\\\ / /og;
+ $_;
+ }
+sub setup_autocompletion
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $c = $self->connection;
+ my $dn = $self->{_base};
+ my $res = $c->search(base=>$dn,
+ scope=>'one',
+ filter=>$self->getenv('filter') || 'objectClass=*',
+ attr=>['objectClass']);
+ $res->code && die "LDAP Error: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my @rdns;
+ foreach my $e ($res->all_entries)
+ {
+ push(@rdns,_escapespace($self->tolatin1($self->rdn($e->dn()))));
+ }
+ $self->{_term}->Attribs->{completion_word} = \@rdns;
+ }
+sub reconnect
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{_ssl};
+ delete $self->{_authenticated};
+ if (ref $self->{_ldap})
+ {
+ $self->{_ldap}->unbind();
+ }
+ if ($self->getenv('USESSL'))
+ {
+ my $port = $self->{_port} || 636;
+ my @ca;
+ push(@ca,cafile=>$self->getenv('CAFILE')) if $self->getenv('CAFILE');
+ push(@ca,cadir=>$self->getenv('CADIR')) if $self->getenv('CADIR');
+ $self->{_ldap} = Net::LDAP->new($self->{_server},
+ version=>3,
+ port=>$port,
+ verify=>'require',@ca);
+ $self->{_ssl}++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->{_ldap} = Net::LDAP->new($self->{_server},version=>3,port=>$self->{_port}||389);
+ my $starttls = $self->getenv('STARTTLS');
+ if ($starttls)
+ {
+ my @ca;
+ push(@ca,cafile=>$self->getenv('CAFILE')) if $self->getenv('CAFILE');
+ push(@ca,cadir=>$self->getenv('CADIR')) if $self->getenv('CADIR');
+ my $res = $self->{_ldap}->start_tls(verify=>'require',@ca);
+ if ($res->code)
+ {
+ if ($starttls =~ /require/i)
+ {
+ die "START_TLS: ".$res->error."\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn "START_TLS: ".$res->error."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->{_ssl}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ die "Unable to connect" unless $self->{_ldap};
+ }
+sub yesno
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prompt = shift;
+ 'yes' eq $self->askfor("$prompt [yes|no] ",0,'\s*(yes|no)\s*');
+ }
+sub askfor
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prompt = shift;
+ my $noecho = shift;
+ my $regexp = shift || '\s*(\S+)\s*';
+ my $value;
+ while (! defined $value)
+ {
+ system "stty -echo" if $noecho;
+ print $prompt;
+ $value = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($value);
+ if ($noecho)
+ {
+ system "stty echo";
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ next unless ($value) = $value =~ /$regexp/;
+ }
+ $value;
+ }
+sub getUser
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uid = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ my $c = $self->connection;
+ my $res = $c->search(base=>$self->getenv('BASE'),filter=>"uid=$uid",attrs=>$attrs || ['objectClass','uid']);
+ $res = $c->search(base=>$self->getenv('BASE'),filter=>"sAMAccountName=$uid",attrs=>$attrs || ['objectClass','sAMAccountName']) if $res->code;
+ $res->code && die $res->error;
+ return $res->pop_entry();
+ }
+sub dologin
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $user = shift;
+ unless ($user)
+ {
+ $user = $self->askfor("Username: ");
+ }
+ my $ue = $self->getUser($user);
+ die "No such user $user\n" unless $ue;
+ $self->authenticate($ue->dn(),@_);
+ }
+sub authenticate
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dn = shift;
+ if (!$self->getenv('AUTH') || $self->getenv('AUTH') =~ /plain/is)
+ {
+ if ($self->getenv('NOCLUE'))
+ {
+ warn "*** You have set DSH_NOCLUE=1. I will send passwords in the clear.\n" unless $self->{_ssl};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "I refuse to send passwords in the clear. Enable ssl/start_tls\n" unless $self->{_ssl};
+ }
+ my $pass = $self->askfor("Password for $dn: ",1);
+ my $res = $self->{_ldap}->bind($dn,password=>$pass,version=>3);
+ $res->code && die $res->error;
+ $self->{_authenticated} = $dn;
+ }
+ elsif ($self->getenv('AUTH') =~ /sasl/is)
+ {
+ use Authen::SASL;
+ my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism=>$self->getenv('SASL_MECH') || 'GSSAPI');
+ my $res = $self->{_ldap}->bind($dn,sasl=>$sasl,version=>3);
+ $res->code && die $res->error;
+ $self->{_authenticated} = $dn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Unknown authentication method \"".$self->getenv('AUTH')."\"";
+ }
+ }
+sub getDN
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ustr = shift;
+ my $path;
+ my @paths;
+ if ($ustr =~ /^ldap:/)
+ {
+ my $uri = URI->new($ustr);
+ $path = $uri->path;
+ my ($host,$port) = $uri->opaque =~ /\/\/([^\/:]+):?([0-9]+)*$path$/;
+ $path =~ s/^\///o;
+ if ($host || $port)
+ {
+ if ($self->{_server} ne $host || $self->{_port} ne $port)
+ {
+ $self->{_server} = $host;
+ $self->{_port} = $port;
+ $self->reconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ push(@paths,$path);
+ }
+ elsif ($ustr =~ /^~(.+)/)
+ {
+ my $e = $self->getUser($1);
+ die "No such user $1\n" unless ref $e;
+ push(@paths,$e->dn());
+ }
+ elsif ($ustr =~ /^\*(.+)/)
+ {
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ base=>$self->{_base},
+ scope=>'base');
+ $res->code && die $res->error;
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry: ".$self->{_base}."\n" unless $e;
+ my @v = $e->get_value($1);
+ die "No such attribute \'$1\'\n" unless @v;
+ push(@paths,@v);
+ }
+ elsif ($ustr =~ /^(\/?)\?(.+)/)
+ {
+ my $base = $1 ? '' : $self->{_base};
+ my $res =
+ $self->connection->search(base=>$base,
+ filter=>$2,
+ scope=>'sub',
+ attrs=>['objectClass']);
+ $res->code && die "LDAP Error: ".$res->error."\n";
+ foreach my $e ($res->all_entries)
+ {
+ push(@paths,$e->dn());
+ }
+ die "No entry matching search for $2 below $base\n" unless @paths;
+ }
+ elsif ($ustr =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9-]\.)+/s)
+ {
+ my @dc = split /\./,$ustr;
+ push(@paths,join(',',map { "dc=$_" } @dc));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ustr =~ s/\/$//o;
+ my $abs;
+ $abs++ if $ustr =~ s/^\///;
+ $ustr = join(',',reverse(split(/\//,$ustr)));
+ push(@paths,$ustr.($self->{_base} && !$abs ? ','.$self->{_base} : ''));
+ }
+ map
+ {
+ my $mod = 1;
+ while ($mod)
+ {
+ $mod = 0;
+ $mod++ if s/\.\.,([^,]+)//o;
+ $mod++ if s/\.,([^,]+)/$1/g;
+ $mod++ if s/^\.$//o;
+ $mod++ if s/^\.\.$//o;
+ $mod++ if s/^,//o;
+ $mod++ if s/,$//o;
+ $mod++ if s/^,//o;
+ $mod++ if s/,,/,/o;
+ }
+ } @paths;
+ wantarray ? @paths : $paths[0];
+ }
+sub dequote
+ {
+ shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/^\"//og;
+ s/\"$//og;
+ s/^\'//og;
+ s/\'$//og;
+ $_;
+ }
+sub url
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "not connected" unless $self->{_server};
+ if (!$self->{_port} || $self->{_port} == 389)
+ {
+ sprintf "ldap://%s/%s",$self->{_server},$self->{_base}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf "ldap://%s:%d/%s",$self->{_server},$self->{_port},$self->{_base}
+ }
+ }
+sub displayUrl
+ {
+ $_[0]->tolatin1($_[0]->url);
+ }
+sub prompt
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = $self->{_authenticated};
+ my $durl = $self->displayUrl();
+ my $len = length($durl);
+ sprintf "[%s%s]>",defined $auth ? '*' : '',($len > 37 ? substr($durl,0,37)." ..." : $durl);
+ }
+sub connection
+ {
+ $_[0]->{_ldap};
+ }
+sub get
+ {
+ die "Not connected\n" unless $_[0]->{_server};
+ $_[0]->{_rp}->get();
+ }
+sub free
+ {
+ $_[0]->{_rp}->free($_[1]);
+ }
+sub print
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print @_;
+ }
+sub printf
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ printf @_;
+ }
+sub rdn
+ {
+ my @rdns = split /\s*,\s*/,$_[1];
+ $rdns[0];
+ }
+sub write
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = shift;
+ $self->printf("\n%s:\n\n",$self->tolatin1($e->dn()));
+ my $len = 0;
+ foreach my $attr ($e->attributes)
+ {
+ my $alen = length($attr);
+ $len = $len > $alen ? $len : $alen;
+ }
+ $len+=2;
+ foreach my $attr ($e->attributes)
+ {
+ foreach my $value ($e->get_value($attr))
+ {
+ $self->printf("%${len}s: %s\n",$attr,$self->tolatin1($value));
+ }
+ }
+ $self->print("\n");
+ }
+sub split
+ {
+ $_[1] =~ s/\\\ /%20;/og;
+ my @parts = split /\s+/,$_[1];
+ map { s/%20;/\\\ /og; $_ } @parts;
+ }
+sub loop
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $cmd (keys %LDAPShell::Builtins::builtins)
+ {
+ no warnings;
+ eval "sub $cmd { \$self->_$cmd(\@_); }";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }
+ while (defined ($_ = $self->{_term}->readline($self->prompt())) )
+ {
+ my @parts = $self->split($_);
+ if (ref $LDAPShell::Builtins::builtins{$parts[0]})
+ {
+ my $cmd = shift @parts;
+ my $spec = $LDAPShell::Builtins::builtins{$cmd};
+ eval
+ {
+ my %args;
+ my @opts = @{$spec->[1]};
+ local @ARGV = @parts;
+ if (@opts && @ARGV)
+ {
+ GetOptions(\%args,@opts)
+ or die "Usage: $spec->[2]\n";
+ }
+ &{$spec->[0]}($self,\%args,@ARGV)
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eval;
+ }
+ print "** $@\n" if $@;
+ }
+ }
+package LDAPShell::Builtins;
+@LDAPShell::Builtins::ISA = qw(LDAPShell);
+use vars qw(%builtins);
+%builtins = (
+ ls => [\&_ls,['filter:s'],"ls [--filter=<ldap filter>] <what>"],
+ cat => [\&_cat,['format=s','attributes=s'],"cat [--format=<ldif|dsml|dump*>] [--attributes=<attr list>] <object>?"],
+ cd => [\&_cd,[],"cd <object>"],
+ pwd => [\&_pwd,[],"pwd"],
+ add => [\&_add,['interactive!'],"add [--interactive] -- {<attribute>=<value>}+"],
+ modify => [\&_modify,['interactive!'],"modify [--interactive] [<what>] -- {[+|-|&|!]<attribute>=<value>}+"],
+ delete => [\&_delete,['interactive!'],"delete [--interactive] [<object>]"],
+ mv => [\&_mv,['interactive!'],"mv [--interactive] <object>+"],
+ logout => [\&_logout,[],"logout"],
+ login => [\&_login,[],["login [<user>]"]],
+ auth => [\&_auth,[],["auth [<dn>]"]],
+ whoami => [\&_whoami,[],["whoami"]],
+ );
+sub _def
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $block = shift;
+ $builtins{$name} = eval "sub _$name { my \$self = shift; my \$args = shift; eval \"$block\" }";
+ }
+sub _whoami
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self->print($self->{_authenticated} ? "$self->{_authenticated}\n" : "anonymous\n");
+ }
+sub _ls
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $c = $self->connection;
+ # The semantics of ls forbids us to ls multiple directories so we
+ # don't want an array here.
+ my $dn = $self->getDN($self->toutf8($_[0]));
+ my $res = $c->search(base=>$dn,
+ scope=>'one',
+ filter=>$args->{'filter'} || 'objectClass=*',
+ attr=>['objectClass']);
+ $res->code && die "ls $dn:".$res->error."\n";
+ my $line;
+ my @rdns;
+ foreach my $e ($res->all_entries)
+ {
+ push(@rdns,$self->tolatin1($self->rdn($e->dn())));
+ }
+ my $tab = Text::FormatTable->new('l l l l l');
+ my @row; my $nc = 0;
+ foreach my $rdn (sort @rdns)
+ {
+ push(@row,$rdn);
+ $nc++;
+ if ($nc == 5)
+ {
+ $tab->row(@row);
+ $nc = 0;
+ @row = ();
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (my $i = $nc; $i < 5; $i++)
+ {
+ push(@row,'');
+ }
+ $tab->row(@row);
+ $self->print($tab->render);
+ }
+sub _cat
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my @dn = $self->getDN($self->toutf8($_[0]));
+ my @attrs = split(',',$args->{attributes}) if $args->{attributes};
+ my $writer;
+ my $format = $args->{format} || 'dump';
+ if ($format eq 'ldif')
+ {
+ use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
+ $writer = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new(\*STDOUT,"w");
+ }
+ elsif ($format eq 'dsml')
+ {
+ use Net::LDAP::DSML;
+ $writer = Net::LDAP::DSML->new();
+ $writer->open(\*STDOUT);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $writer = $self;
+ }
+ foreach my $dn (@dn)
+ {
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(scope=>'base',
+ base=>$dn,
+ attrs=>\@attrs,
+ filter=>'objectClass=*');
+ $res->code && die "cat $dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry: $dn\n"
+ unless UNIVERSAL::isa($e,'Net::LDAP::Entry');
+ $args->{diff} ? $writer->write_cmd($e) : $writer->write($e);
+ }
+ $writer->finish() if $format eq 'dsml';
+ }
+sub _login
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self->dologin($_[0] || $self->getenv('USER'));
+ }
+sub _auth
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self->authenticate($_[0] || $self->getenv('USER') || $self->getenv('AUTHDN'));
+ }
+sub _logout
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self->reconnect();
+ }
+sub _pwd
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self->print($self->displayUrl(),"\n");
+ }
+sub _cd
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $dir = $self->toutf8($_[0]);
+ $dir = ($self->getenv('HOME') || $self->{_authenticated} || '/') unless $dir;
+ my $dn = $self->getDN($dir);
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(base=>$dn,
+ filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ scope=>'base',
+ attrs=>['objectClass']);
+ $res->code && $res->code != LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT && die "cd $dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ $res->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT && do {
+ $self->printf("cd: %s: %s\n",$dn,$res->error);
+ $dn = $res->dn();
+ };
+ $self->{_base} = $dn;
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+sub __moddn
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = shift;
+ my @newdn = @_;
+ my $newrdn = shift @newdn;
+ $e->replace(newrdn => $newrdn,
+ newsuperior => join(',',@newdn),
+ deleteoldrdn => 1);
+ $e->changetype('moddn');
+ }
+sub _mv
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my @dn;
+ foreach my $expr (@_)
+ {
+ push(@dn,$self->getDN($self->toutf8($expr)));
+ }
+ my $target_dn = pop @dn;
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ scope=>'base',
+ base=>$target_dn);
+ $res->code && die "mv $target_dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $target_entry = $res->pop_entry();
+ my @target_rdns = split(',',$target_dn);
+ if (ref $target_entry)
+ {
+ foreach my $dn (@dn)
+ {
+ my $nres = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ scope=>'base',
+ base=>$dn);
+ $nres->code && die "mv $dn: ".$nres->error."\n";
+ my $e = $nres->pop_entry();
+ next unless ref $e;
+ my @rdns = split(',',$dn);
+ my $rdn = shift @rdns;
+ &__moddn($self,$e,$rdn,@target_rdns);
+ if ($args->{interactive})
+ {
+ $self->write($e);
+ $self->print("\n");
+ die "Cancelled\n" unless $self->yesno("++ Really complete this move/rename?");
+ }
+ my $res = $e->update($self->connection);
+ $res->code && die "mv $dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Last argument must be a container when moving multiple targets\n"
+ unless 1 == @dn;
+ my $nres = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ scope=>'base',
+ base=>$dn[0]);
+ $nres->code && die "mv $dn[0]: ".$nres->error."\n";
+ my $e = $nres->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry: $dn[0]\n" unless ref $e;
+ &__moddn($self,$e,@target_rdns);
+ if ($args->{interactive})
+ {
+ $self->write($e);
+ $self->print("\n");
+ die "Cancelled\n" unless $self->yesno("++ Really complete this move/rename?");
+ }
+ my $res = $e->update($self->connection);
+ $res->code && die "mv $dn[0]: ".$res->error."\n";
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+ }
+sub _utf_eq
+ {
+ my ($self,$a,$b,$caseexact) = @_;
+ if ($caseexact)
+ {
+ return $a eq $b;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $ua = $self->tolatin1($a);
+ my $ub = $self->tolatin1($b);
+ return uc($ua) eq uc($ub);
+ }
+ }
+sub _add
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $dn = $self->getDN();
+ my $c = $self->connection;
+ my $res = $c->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ base=>$dn,
+ scope=>'base');
+ $res->code && die "add $dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $pe = $res->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry \'$dn\'\n"
+ unless $pe;
+ my $e = Net::LDAP::Entry->new();
+ my $rdn;
+ foreach my $av (@_)
+ {
+ my ($c,$a,$v) = $av =~ /([+-]?)([^+-=]+)\s*=?\s*(.*)/;
+ die "Improperly formatted add request: \'$av\'\n"
+ unless $a && $v;
+ $rdn = "$a=$v" unless $rdn;
+ $e->add($a => $v);
+ }
+ die "Must specify an RDN\n" unless $rdn;
+ my @dn = ($rdn);
+ push(@dn,$dn) if $dn;
+ $e->dn(join(',',@dn));
+ $self->callbacks->add_callbacks($e,$self->connection);
+ if ($args->{interactive})
+ {
+ $self->write($e);
+ $self->print("\n");
+ die "Cancelled\n" unless $self->yesno("++ Really ADD this entry?");
+ }
+ $res = $e->update($c);
+ $res->code && die "add ".$e->dn().": ".$res->error."\n";
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+sub _modify
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ foreach my $dn ($self->getDN($self->toutf8($dir)))
+ {
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ base=>$dn,
+ scope=>'base');
+ $res->code && die "modify $dn: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry $dn\n" unless $e;
+ my $mod = 0;
+ my @ma;
+ foreach my $av (@_)
+ {
+ my $avc = $av;
+ my ($c,$a,$eq,$v);
+ $avc =~ s/^([\+\-\&]?)([^\&\+\-=]+)\s*//o;
+ $c = $1;
+ $a = $2;
+ if ($avc)
+ {
+ $avc =~ s/(==|=)\s*(.*)//o;
+ $eq = $1;
+ $v = LDAPShell::_unescapespace($2);
+ }
+ if ($c eq '&')
+ {
+ die "Improperly formatted value append request: \'$av\'\n"
+ unless $a && $v;
+ $e->add($a => $v),$mod++,push(@ma,$a) unless
+ grep { _utf_eq($self,$_,$v,$eq eq '='); } $e->get_value($a);
+ }
+ elsif ($c eq '+')
+ {
+ die "Improperly formatted add request: \'$av\'\n"
+ unless $a && $v;
+ $e->add($a => $v),$mod++,push(@ma,$a);
+ }
+ elsif ($c eq '-')
+ {
+ die "Improperly formatted remove request: \'$av\'\n"
+ unless $a;
+ unless ($v)
+ {
+ $e->delete($a),$mod++,push(@ma,$a);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my @v = $e->get_value($a);
+ my @nv = grep { !_utf_eq($self,$v,$_,$eq eq '='); } @v;
+ $e->replace($a => \@nv),$mod++,push(@ma,$a) if scalar @nv != scalar @v;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Improperly formatted replace request: \'$av\'\n"
+ unless $a && $v;
+ $e->replace($a => $v),$mod++,push(@ma,$a);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->print("No modifications required\n"),next unless $mod;
+ $self->callbacks->modify_callbacks($e,$self->connection,\@ma);
+ if ($args->{interactive})
+ {
+ $self->write($e);
+ $self->print("\n");
+ die "Cancelled\n" unless $self->yesno("++ Really save these MODIFIED attributes?");
+ }
+ $res = $e->update($self->connection);
+ $res->code && die "mv ".$e->dn().": ".$res->error."\n";
+ }
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+sub _delete
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $dn ($self->getDN($self->toutf8($_[0])))
+ {
+ my $res = $self->connection->search(filter=>'objectClass=*',
+ base=>$dn,
+ scope=>'base');
+ $res->code && $res->error;
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry();
+ die "No such entry $dn\n" unless $e;
+ $e->delete();
+ if ($args->{interactive})
+ {
+ $self->write($e);
+ $self->print("\n");
+ die "Cancelled\n" unless $self->yesno("++ Really DELETE this entry?");
+ }
+ $res = $e->update($self->connection);
+ $res->code && die "delete ".$e->dn().": ".$res->error."\n";
+ }
+ $self->setup_autocompletion();
+ }
+package LDAPShell;
+# Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it!
+=head1 NAME
+LDAPShell - Perl extension for blah blah blah
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use LDAPShell;
+ blah blah blah
+Stub documentation for LDAPShell, created by h2xs. It looks like the
+author of the extension was negligent enough to leave the stub
+Blah blah blah.
+=head2 EXPORT
+None by default.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+A. U. Thor, E<lt>a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.awayE<gt>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/LDAPShell/CVS/Entries b/LDAPShell/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f58e41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LDAPShell/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/ Feb 17 22:14:12 2003//
diff --git a/LDAPShell/CVS/Repository b/LDAPShell/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e12e473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LDAPShell/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/LDAPShell/CVS/Root b/LDAPShell/CVS/Root
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c43cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LDAPShell/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/LDAPShell/ b/LDAPShell/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4e60ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LDAPShell/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+package LDAPShell::Callbacks;
+use Net::LDAP;
+@LDAPShell::Callbacks::ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@LDAPShell::Callbacks::EXPORT = qw(check_global_uid_uniqueness
+ check_global_group_gid_uniqueness
+ check_global_group_cn_uniqueness
+ track_cn_and_displayname
+ track_mail
+ add_top_unless_present);
+sub new
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref $self || $self;
+ bless {},$class;
+ }
+sub add_callbacks
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my @attrs = @{shift} || $entry->attributes;
+ foreach my $attr (@attrs)
+ {
+ foreach my $cb (@{$self->{add}->{$attr}})
+ {
+ &$cb($ldap,$attr,$entry,\@attrs);
+ }
+ foreach my $cb (@{$self->{any}->{$attr}})
+ {
+ &$cb($ldap,$attr,$entry,\@attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub modify_callbacks
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $ldap = shift;
+ my @attrs = @{shift} || $entry->attributes;
+ foreach my $attr (@attrs)
+ {
+ foreach my $cb (@{$self->{modify}->{$attr}})
+ {
+ &$cb($ldap,$attr,$entry,\@attrs);
+ }
+ foreach my $cb (@{$self->{any}->{$attr}})
+ {
+ &$cb($ldap,$attr,$entry,\@attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub callback
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ die "Must be a CODE reference\n" unless ref $code eq 'CODE';
+ push(@{$self->{lc($type)}->{lc($attr)}},$code);
+ }
+sub check_global_uid_uniqueness
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ return unless grep /(uid|userid)/is,@{$attrs};
+ my $uid = $entry->get_value('uid');
+ $uid = $entry->get_value('userid') unless $uid;
+ return unless $uid;
+ my $res = $c->search(filter=>"uid=$uid",base=>'',attrs=>['uid']);
+ return if $res->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
+ $res->code && die "LDAP Error: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry;
+ return unless $e;
+ $e->dump();
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ die "The username \'$uid\' already exists: \"$dn\"\n";
+ }
+sub check_global_group_cn_uniqueness
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ return unless $c->isA($entry,'posixGroup');
+ my $cn = $entry->get_value('cn');
+ return unless $cn;
+ my $res = $c->search(filter=>"(&(cn=$cn)(posixGroup))",base=>'',scope=>'sub',attrs=>['cn']);
+ return if $res->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
+ $res->code && die "LDAP Error: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry;
+ return unless $e;
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ die "The group \'$cn\' already exists: \"$dn\"\n";
+ }
+sub check_global_group_gid_uniqueness
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ return unless $c->isA($e,'posixGroup');
+ my $gidNumber = $entry->get_value('gidNumber');
+ return unless $gidNumber;
+ my $res = $c->search(filter=>"(&(gidNumber=$gidNumber)(posixGroup))",base=>'',scope=>'sub',attrs=>['cn']);
+ return if $res->code == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
+ $res->code && die "LDAP Error: ".$res->error."\n";
+ my $e = $res->pop_entry;
+ return unless $e;
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ die "The group with GID \'$gidNumber\' already exists: \"$dn\"\n";
+ }
+sub track_cn_and_displayname
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ return unless $c->isA($entry,'inetOrgPerson');
+ return unless grep /sn/is,@{$attrs};
+ return unless grep /givenName/is,@{$attrs};
+ my $sn = $entry->get_value('sn');
+ my $givenName = $entry->get_value('givenName');
+ return unless $sn && $givenName;
+ my $cn = "$givenName $sn";
+ $entry->replace(cn=>$cn);
+ $entry->replace(displayName=>$cn);
+ }
+sub track_mail
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ return unless $c->isA($entry,'inetOrgPerson');
+ my $uid = $entry->get_value('uid');
+ my $domain = $c->domainOf($entry);
+ return unless $uid && $domain;
+ $entry->add(mail=>"$uid\@$domain")
+ unless grep /$uid\@$domain/is,$entry->get_value('mail');
+ }
+sub add_top_unless_present
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $attr = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $attrs = shift;
+ my @oc = $entry->get_value('objectClass');
+ push(@oc,'top') unless grep /top/is,@oc;
+ $entry->replace(objectClass=>\@oc);
+ }
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8364826
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+META.yml Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b9600b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name: LDAPShell
+version: 1.00
+installdirs: site
+ Getopt::Long: 0
+ Net::LDAP: 0
+ Net::LDAP::LDIF: 0
+ ResourcePool: 0
+ ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP: 0
+ Term::ANSIColor: 0
+ Term::ReadLine: 0
+ Term::ReadLine::Gnu: 0
+ Text::FormatTable: 0
+ Unicode::String: 0
+ URI: 0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b90d45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ 'NAME' => 'LDAPShell',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {
+ Net::LDAP=>0,
+ Net::LDAP::LDIF=>0,
+ Term::ReadLine::Gnu=>0,
+ Term::ReadLine=>0,
+ Term::ANSIColor=>0,
+ Getopt::Long=>0,
+ URI=>0,
+ Text::FormatTable=>0,
+ Unicode::String=>0,
+ ResourcePool=>0,
+ ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP=>0
+ },
+ ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+ (ABSTRACT_FROM => '', # retrieve abstract from module
+ AUTHOR => 'A. U. Thor <a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.away>') : ()),
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d2e8212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+LDAPShell version 0.01
+The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on
+how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for
+example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information
+that should be provided before the module is installed.
+A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the
+README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the
+archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a
+good idea to provide version information here so that people can
+decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+ blah blah blah
+Put the correct copyright and licence information here.
+Copyright (C) 2002 A. U. Thor blah blah blah
diff --git a/adsh b/adsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb4f587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adsh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export KRB5_CONFIG=$HOME/krb5-ad.conf
+export DSH_AUTOCONNECT=ldap://,dc=su,dc=se
+export DSH_AUTH=sasl
+export DSH_BASE="dc=win,dc=su,dc=se"
diff --git a/dirsh b/dirsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b48a2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dirsh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use lib './blib/lib/';
+use LDAPShell;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $usage=<<EOU;
+Usage: $0
+$0 is a command-line shell for administration of directory-based information.
+Using $0 it is possible to add, delete and modify entries in a directory. The
+shell presents a filesystem-like interface (with some support for tab-completion
+of directory names) to a directory server.
+$0 always runs over a secure connection (using TLS) and will not start unless
+the START_TLS extended operation is supported by the directory server.
+$0 implements a basic set of unix-like command look-alikes (cd,ls,pwd etc)
+together with a few ldap-specific commands (modify,add,delete) and add-ons which
+perform specific tasks (for instance the 'user' command which looks up a user based
+on the 'uid' attribute).
+$0 supports the notion of basic batch-file like scripts. These script are simply
+lines which are executed one line at a time with simple substitution of command
+line arguments from the batch-file call (%{0} is the first variable etc etc). Such
+scripts can be used to automate tasks (creating new users, gropus, or adding members
+to groups for instance).
+my %args = ('verbose'=>0,'help'=>0);
+my @args = ("config=s","verbose+","help!","template=s");
+GetOptions(\%args,@args) or die $usage;
+die $usage if $args{help};
+my $shell = LDAPShell->new($ini);
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da79591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
+use LDAPShell;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
+# Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script.