/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Stig Venaas * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ /* Code contributions from: * * Arne Schwabe * Maja Wolniewicz * Simon Leinen * Stefan Winter */ /* For UDP there is one server instance consisting of udpserverrd and udpserverth * rd is responsible for init and launching wr * For TLS there is a server instance that launches tlsserverrd for each TLS peer * each tlsserverrd launches tlsserverwr * For each UDP/TLS peer there is clientrd and clientwr, clientwr is responsible * for init and launching rd * * serverrd will receive a request, processes it and puts it in the requestq of * the appropriate clientwr * clientwr monitors its requestq and sends requests * clientrd looks for responses, processes them and puts them in the replyq of * the peer the request came from * serverwr monitors its reply and sends replies * * In addition to the main thread, we have: * If UDP peers are configured, there will be 2 + 2 * #peers UDP threads * If TLS peers are configured, there will initially be 2 * #peers TLS threads * For each TLS peer connecting to us there will be 2 more TLS threads * This is only for connected peers * Example: With 3 UDP peers and 30 TLS peers, there will be a max of * 1 + (2 + 2 * 3) + (2 * 30) + (2 * 30) = 129 threads */ /* Bugs: * May segfault when dtls connections go down? More testing needed * Remove expired stuff from clients request list? * Multiple outgoing connections if not enough IDs? (multiple servers per conf?) * Useful for TCP accounting? Now we require separate server config for alt port */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYS_SOLARIS9 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "list.h" #include "hash.h" #include "util.h" #include "hostport.h" #include "radsecproxy.h" #include "udp.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "tls.h" #include "dtls.h" static struct options options; static struct list *clconfs, *srvconfs; static struct list *realms; static struct hash *rewriteconfs; static pthread_mutex_t *ssl_locks = NULL; static long *ssl_lock_count; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; static const struct protodefs *protodefs[RAD_PROTOCOUNT]; /* minimum required declarations to avoid reordering code */ struct realm *adddynamicrealmserver(struct realm *realm, char *id); int dynamicconfig(struct server *server); int confserver_cb(struct gconffile **cf, void *arg, char *block, char *opt, char *val); void freerealm(struct realm *realm); void freeclsrvconf(struct clsrvconf *conf); void freerq(struct request *rq); void freerqoutdata(struct rqout *rqout); void rmclientrq(struct request *rq, uint8_t id); static const struct protodefs *(*protoinits[])(uint8_t) = { udpinit, tlsinit, tcpinit, dtlsinit }; uint8_t protoname2int(const char *name) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < RAD_PROTOCOUNT; i++) if (protodefs[i] && protodefs[i]->name && !strcasecmp(protodefs[i]->name, name)) return i; return 255; } /* callbacks for making OpenSSL thread safe */ unsigned long ssl_thread_id() { return (unsigned long)pthread_self(); } void ssl_locking_callback(int mode, int type, const char *file, int line) { if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ssl_locks[type]); ssl_lock_count[type]++; } else pthread_mutex_unlock(&ssl_locks[type]); } /* returns 1 if the len first bits are equal, else 0 */ int prefixmatch(void *a1, void *a2, uint8_t len) { static uint8_t mask[] = { 0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe }; uint8_t r, l = len / 8; if (l && memcmp(a1, a2, l)) return 0; r = len % 8; if (!r) return 1; return (((uint8_t *)a1)[l] & mask[r]) == (((uint8_t *)a2)[l] & mask[r]); } /* returns next config with matching address, or NULL */ struct clsrvconf *find_conf(uint8_t type, struct sockaddr *addr, struct list *confs, struct list_node **cur, uint8_t server_p) { struct list_node *entry; struct clsrvconf *conf; for (entry = (cur && *cur ? list_next(*cur) : list_first(confs)); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { conf = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (conf->type == type && addressmatches(conf->hostports, addr, server_p)) { if (cur) *cur = entry; return conf; } } return NULL; } struct clsrvconf *find_clconf(uint8_t type, struct sockaddr *addr, struct list_node **cur) { return find_conf(type, addr, clconfs, cur, 0); } struct clsrvconf *find_srvconf(uint8_t type, struct sockaddr *addr, struct list_node **cur) { return find_conf(type, addr, srvconfs, cur, 1); } /* returns next config of given type, or NULL */ struct clsrvconf *find_clconf_type(uint8_t type, struct list_node **cur) { struct list_node *entry; struct clsrvconf *conf; for (entry = (cur && *cur ? list_next(*cur) : list_first(clconfs)); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { conf = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (conf->type == type) { if (cur) *cur = entry; return conf; } } return NULL; } struct gqueue *newqueue() { struct gqueue *q; q = malloc(sizeof(struct gqueue)); if (!q) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); q->entries = list_create(); if (!q->entries) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); pthread_mutex_init(&q->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&q->cond, NULL); return q; } void removequeue(struct gqueue *q) { struct list_node *entry; if (!q) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&q->mutex); for (entry = list_first(q->entries); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) freerq((struct request *)entry); list_destroy(q->entries); pthread_cond_destroy(&q->cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&q->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&q->mutex); free(q); } void freebios(struct gqueue *q) { BIO *bio; pthread_mutex_lock(&q->mutex); while ((bio = (BIO *)list_shift(q->entries))) BIO_free(bio); pthread_mutex_unlock(&q->mutex); removequeue(q); } struct client *addclient(struct clsrvconf *conf, uint8_t lock) { struct client *new = malloc(sizeof(struct client)); if (!new) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } if (lock) pthread_mutex_lock(conf->lock); if (!conf->clients) { conf->clients = list_create(); if (!conf->clients) { if (lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(conf->lock); debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } } memset(new, 0, sizeof(struct client)); new->conf = conf; if (conf->pdef->addclient) conf->pdef->addclient(new); else new->replyq = newqueue(); list_push(conf->clients, new); if (lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(conf->lock); return new; } void removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(uint8_t wantlock) { static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; if (wantlock) pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); else pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); } void removeclientrqs(struct client *client) { struct request *rq; struct rqout *rqout; int i; removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(1); for (i = 0; i < MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { rq = client->rqs[i]; if (!rq) continue; if (rq->to) { rqout = rq->to->requests + rq->newid; pthread_mutex_lock(rqout->lock); if (rqout->rq == rq) /* still pointing to our request */ freerqoutdata(rqout); pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); } freerq(rq); } removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(0); } void removelockedclient(struct client *client) { struct clsrvconf *conf; conf = client->conf; if (conf->clients) { removeclientrqs(client); removequeue(client->replyq); list_removedata(conf->clients, client); free(client->addr); free(client); } } void removeclient(struct client *client) { struct clsrvconf *conf; if (!client) return; conf = client->conf; pthread_mutex_lock(conf->lock); removelockedclient(client); pthread_mutex_unlock(conf->lock); } void freeserver(struct server *server, uint8_t destroymutex) { struct rqout *rqout, *end; if (!server) return; removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(1); if (server->requests) { rqout = server->requests; for (end = rqout + MAX_REQUESTS; rqout < end; rqout++) { if (rqout->rq) rqout->rq->to = NULL; freerqoutdata(rqout); pthread_mutex_destroy(rqout->lock); free(rqout->lock); } free(server->requests); } if (server->rbios) freebios(server->rbios); free(server->dynamiclookuparg); if (server->ssl) SSL_free(server->ssl); if (destroymutex) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&server->lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&server->newrq_cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&server->newrq_mutex); } removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(0); free(server); } int addserver(struct clsrvconf *conf) { int i; if (conf->servers) { debug(DBG_ERR, "addserver: currently works with just one server per conf"); return 0; } conf->servers = malloc(sizeof(struct server)); if (!conf->servers) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } memset(conf->servers, 0, sizeof(struct server)); conf->servers->conf = conf; #ifdef RADPROT_DTLS if (conf->type == RAD_DTLS) conf->servers->rbios = newqueue(); #endif conf->pdef->setsrcres(); conf->servers->sock = -1; if (conf->pdef->addserverextra) conf->pdef->addserverextra(conf); conf->servers->requests = calloc(MAX_REQUESTS, sizeof(struct rqout)); if (!conf->servers->requests) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto errexit; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { conf->servers->requests[i].lock = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if (!conf->servers->requests[i].lock) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto errexit; } if (pthread_mutex_init(conf->servers->requests[i].lock, NULL)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "mutex init failed"); free(conf->servers->requests[i].lock); conf->servers->requests[i].lock = NULL; goto errexit; } } if (pthread_mutex_init(&conf->servers->lock, NULL)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "mutex init failed"); goto errexit; } conf->servers->newrq = 0; if (pthread_mutex_init(&conf->servers->newrq_mutex, NULL)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "mutex init failed"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&conf->servers->lock); goto errexit; } if (pthread_cond_init(&conf->servers->newrq_cond, NULL)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "mutex init failed"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&conf->servers->newrq_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&conf->servers->lock); goto errexit; } return 1; errexit: freeserver(conf->servers, 0); conf->servers = NULL; return 0; } unsigned char *attrget(unsigned char *attrs, int length, uint8_t type) { while (length > 1) { if (ATTRTYPE(attrs) == type) return attrs; length -= ATTRLEN(attrs); attrs += ATTRLEN(attrs); } return NULL; } struct request *newrqref(struct request *rq) { if (rq) rq->refcount++; return rq; } void freerq(struct request *rq) { if (!rq) return; debug(DBG_DBG, "freerq: called with refcount %d", rq->refcount); if (--rq->refcount) return; if (rq->origusername) free(rq->origusername); if (rq->buf) free(rq->buf); if (rq->replybuf) free(rq->replybuf); if (rq->msg) radmsg_free(rq->msg); free(rq); } void freerqoutdata(struct rqout *rqout) { if (!rqout) return; if (rqout->rq) { if (rqout->rq->buf) { free(rqout->rq->buf); rqout->rq->buf = NULL; } freerq(rqout->rq); rqout->rq = NULL; } rqout->tries = 0; memset(&rqout->expiry, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); } void sendrq(struct request *rq) { int i, start; struct server *to; removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(1); to = rq->to; if (!to) goto errexit; start = to->conf->statusserver ? 1 : 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&to->newrq_mutex); if (start && rq->msg->code == RAD_Status_Server) { pthread_mutex_lock(to->requests[0].lock); if (to->requests[0].rq) { pthread_mutex_unlock(to->requests[0].lock); debug(DBG_INFO, "sendrq: status server already in queue, dropping request"); goto errexit; } i = 0; } else { if (!to->nextid) to->nextid = start; /* might simplify if only try nextid, might be ok */ for (i = to->nextid; i < MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { if (!to->requests[i].rq) { pthread_mutex_lock(to->requests[i].lock); if (!to->requests[i].rq) break; pthread_mutex_unlock(to->requests[i].lock); } } if (i == MAX_REQUESTS) { for (i = start; i < to->nextid; i++) { if (!to->requests[i].rq) { pthread_mutex_lock(to->requests[i].lock); if (!to->requests[i].rq) break; pthread_mutex_unlock(to->requests[i].lock); } } if (i == to->nextid) { debug(DBG_INFO, "sendrq: no room in queue, dropping request"); goto errexit; } } } rq->newid = (uint8_t)i; rq->msg->id = (uint8_t)i; rq->buf = radmsg2buf(rq->msg, (uint8_t *)to->conf->secret); if (!rq->buf) { pthread_mutex_unlock(to->requests[i].lock); debug(DBG_ERR, "sendrq: radmsg2buf failed"); goto errexit; } debug(DBG_DBG, "sendrq: inserting packet with id %d in queue for %s", i, to->conf->name); to->requests[i].rq = rq; pthread_mutex_unlock(to->requests[i].lock); if (i >= start) /* i is not reserved for statusserver */ to->nextid = i + 1; if (!to->newrq) { to->newrq = 1; debug(DBG_DBG, "sendrq: signalling client writer"); pthread_cond_signal(&to->newrq_cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->newrq_mutex); removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(0); return; errexit: if (rq->from) rmclientrq(rq, rq->msg->id); freerq(rq); pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->newrq_mutex); removeclientrqs_sendrq_freeserver_lock(0); } void sendreply(struct request *rq) { uint8_t first; struct client *to = rq->from; if (!rq->replybuf) rq->replybuf = radmsg2buf(rq->msg, (uint8_t *)to->conf->secret); radmsg_free(rq->msg); rq->msg = NULL; if (!rq->replybuf) { freerq(rq); debug(DBG_ERR, "sendreply: radmsg2buf failed"); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&to->replyq->mutex); first = list_first(to->replyq->entries) == NULL; if (!list_push(to->replyq->entries, rq)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->replyq->mutex); freerq(rq); debug(DBG_ERR, "sendreply: malloc failed"); return; } if (first) { debug(DBG_DBG, "signalling server writer"); pthread_cond_signal(&to->replyq->cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->replyq->mutex); } int pwdencrypt(uint8_t *in, uint8_t len, char *shared, uint8_t sharedlen, uint8_t *auth) { static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned char first = 1; static EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE], *input; unsigned int md_len; uint8_t i, offset = 0, out[128]; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); if (first) { EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); first = 0; } input = auth; for (;;) { if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, (uint8_t *)shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, input, 16) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len) || md_len != 16) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) out[offset + i] = hash[i] ^ in[offset + i]; input = out + offset - 16; offset += 16; if (offset == len) break; } memcpy(in, out, len); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 1; } int pwddecrypt(uint8_t *in, uint8_t len, char *shared, uint8_t sharedlen, uint8_t *auth) { static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned char first = 1; static EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE], *input; unsigned int md_len; uint8_t i, offset = 0, out[128]; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); if (first) { EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); first = 0; } input = auth; for (;;) { if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, (uint8_t *)shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, input, 16) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len) || md_len != 16) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) out[offset + i] = hash[i] ^ in[offset + i]; input = in + offset; offset += 16; if (offset == len) break; } memcpy(in, out, len); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 1; } int msmppencrypt(uint8_t *text, uint8_t len, uint8_t *shared, uint8_t sharedlen, uint8_t *auth, uint8_t *salt) { static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned char first = 1; static EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int md_len; uint8_t i, offset; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); if (first) { EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); first = 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt auth in", "%02x ", auth, 16); printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt salt in", "%02x ", salt, 2); printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt in", "%02x ", text, len); #endif if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, auth, 16) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, salt, 2) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt hash", "%02x ", hash, 16); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) text[i] ^= hash[i]; for (offset = 16; offset < len; offset += 16) { #if 0 printf("text + offset - 16 c(%d): ", offset / 16); printfchars(NULL, NULL, "%02x ", text + offset - 16, 16); #endif if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, text + offset - 16, 16) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len) || md_len != 16) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt hash", "%02x ", hash, 16); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) text[offset + i] ^= hash[i]; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppencrypt out", "%02x ", text, len); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 1; } int msmppdecrypt(uint8_t *text, uint8_t len, uint8_t *shared, uint8_t sharedlen, uint8_t *auth, uint8_t *salt) { static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned char first = 1; static EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int md_len; uint8_t i, offset; char plain[255]; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); if (first) { EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); first = 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt auth in", "%02x ", auth, 16); printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt salt in", "%02x ", salt, 2); printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt in", "%02x ", text, len); #endif if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, auth, 16) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, salt, 2) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt hash", "%02x ", hash, 16); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) plain[i] = text[i] ^ hash[i]; for (offset = 16; offset < len; offset += 16) { #if 0 printf("text + offset - 16 c(%d): ", offset / 16); printfchars(NULL, NULL, "%02x ", text + offset - 16, 16); #endif if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, EVP_md5(), NULL) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, shared, sharedlen) || !EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, text + offset - 16, 16) || !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash, &md_len) || md_len != 16) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 0; } #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt hash", "%02x ", hash, 16); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) plain[offset + i] = text[offset + i] ^ hash[i]; } memcpy(text, plain, len); #if 0 printfchars(NULL, "msppdecrypt out", "%02x ", text, len); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 1; } struct realm *newrealmref(struct realm *r) { if (r) r->refcount++; return r; } /* returns with lock on realm */ struct realm *id2realm(struct list *realmlist, char *id) { struct list_node *entry; struct realm *realm, *subrealm; /* need to do locking for subrealms and check subrealm timers */ for (entry = list_first(realmlist); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { realm = (struct realm *)entry->data; if (!regexec(&realm->regex, id, 0, NULL, 0)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&realm->mutex); if (realm->subrealms) { subrealm = id2realm(realm->subrealms, id); if (subrealm) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm->mutex); return subrealm; } } return newrealmref(realm); } } return NULL; } int hasdynamicserver(struct list *srvconfs) { struct list_node *entry; for (entry = list_first(srvconfs); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) if (((struct clsrvconf *)entry->data)->dynamiclookupcommand) return 1; return 0; } /* helper function, only used by removeserversubrealms() */ void _internal_removeserversubrealms(struct list *realmlist, struct clsrvconf *srv) { struct list_node *entry, *entry2; struct realm *realm; for (entry = list_first(realmlist); entry;) { realm = newrealmref((struct realm *)entry->data); pthread_mutex_lock(&realm->mutex); entry = list_next(entry); if (realm->srvconfs) { for (entry2 = list_first(realm->srvconfs); entry2; entry2 = list_next(entry2)) if (entry2->data == srv) freerealm(realm); list_removedata(realm->srvconfs, srv); } if (realm->accsrvconfs) { for (entry2 = list_first(realm->accsrvconfs); entry2; entry2 = list_next(entry2)) if (entry2->data == srv) freerealm(realm); list_removedata(realm->accsrvconfs, srv); } /* remove subrealm if no dynamic servers left */ if (!hasdynamicserver(realm->srvconfs) && !hasdynamicserver(realm->accsrvconfs)) { while (list_shift(realm->srvconfs)) freerealm(realm); list_destroy(realm->srvconfs); realm->srvconfs = NULL; while (list_shift(realm->accsrvconfs)) freerealm(realm); list_destroy(realm->accsrvconfs); realm->accsrvconfs = NULL; list_removedata(realmlist, realm); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm->mutex); freerealm(realm); } } void removeserversubrealms(struct list *realmlist, struct clsrvconf *srv) { struct list_node *entry; struct realm *realm; for (entry = list_first(realmlist); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { realm = (struct realm *)entry->data; pthread_mutex_lock(&realm->mutex); if (realm->subrealms) { _internal_removeserversubrealms(realm->subrealms, srv); if (!list_first(realm->subrealms)) { list_destroy(realm->subrealms); realm->subrealms = NULL; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm->mutex); } } int attrvalidate(unsigned char *attrs, int length) { while (length > 1) { if (ATTRLEN(attrs) < 2) { debug(DBG_INFO, "attrvalidate: invalid attribute length %d", ATTRLEN(attrs)); return 0; } length -= ATTRLEN(attrs); if (length < 0) { debug(DBG_INFO, "attrvalidate: attribute length %d exceeds packet length", ATTRLEN(attrs)); return 0; } attrs += ATTRLEN(attrs); } if (length) debug(DBG_INFO, "attrvalidate: malformed packet? remaining byte after last attribute"); return 1; } int pwdrecrypt(uint8_t *pwd, uint8_t len, char *oldsecret, char *newsecret, uint8_t *oldauth, uint8_t *newauth) { if (len < 16 || len > 128 || len % 16) { debug(DBG_WARN, "pwdrecrypt: invalid password length"); return 0; } if (!pwddecrypt(pwd, len, oldsecret, strlen(oldsecret), oldauth)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "pwdrecrypt: cannot decrypt password"); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG printfchars(NULL, "pwdrecrypt: password", "%02x ", pwd, len); #endif if (!pwdencrypt(pwd, len, newsecret, strlen(newsecret), newauth)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "pwdrecrypt: cannot encrypt password"); return 0; } return 1; } int msmpprecrypt(uint8_t *msmpp, uint8_t len, char *oldsecret, char *newsecret, uint8_t *oldauth, uint8_t *newauth) { if (len < 18) return 0; if (!msmppdecrypt(msmpp + 2, len - 2, (uint8_t *)oldsecret, strlen(oldsecret), oldauth, msmpp)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "msmpprecrypt: failed to decrypt msppe key"); return 0; } if (!msmppencrypt(msmpp + 2, len - 2, (uint8_t *)newsecret, strlen(newsecret), newauth, msmpp)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "msmpprecrypt: failed to encrypt msppe key"); return 0; } return 1; } int msmppe(unsigned char *attrs, int length, uint8_t type, char *attrtxt, struct request *rq, char *oldsecret, char *newsecret) { unsigned char *attr; for (attr = attrs; (attr = attrget(attr, length - (attr - attrs), type)); attr += ATTRLEN(attr)) { debug(DBG_DBG, "msmppe: Got %s", attrtxt); if (!msmpprecrypt(ATTRVAL(attr), ATTRVALLEN(attr), oldsecret, newsecret, rq->buf + 4, rq->rqauth)) return 0; } return 1; } int findvendorsubattr(uint32_t *attrs, uint32_t vendor, uint32_t subattr) { if (!attrs) return 0; for (; attrs[0]; attrs += 2) if (attrs[0] == vendor && attrs[1] == subattr) return 1; return 0; } /* returns 1 if entire element is to be removed, else 0 */ int dovendorrewriterm(struct tlv *attr, uint32_t *removevendorattrs) { uint8_t alen, sublen; uint32_t vendor; uint8_t *subattrs; if (!removevendorattrs) return 0; memcpy(&vendor, attr->v, 4); vendor = ntohl(vendor); while (*removevendorattrs && *removevendorattrs != vendor) removevendorattrs += 2; if (!*removevendorattrs) return 0; if (findvendorsubattr(removevendorattrs, vendor, 256)) return 1; /* remove entire vendor attribute */ sublen = attr->l - 4; subattrs = attr->v + 4; if (!attrvalidate(subattrs, sublen)) { debug(DBG_INFO, "dovendorrewrite: vendor attribute validation failed, no rewrite"); return 0; } while (sublen > 1) { alen = ATTRLEN(subattrs); sublen -= alen; if (findvendorsubattr(removevendorattrs, vendor, ATTRTYPE(subattrs))) { memmove(subattrs, subattrs + alen, sublen); attr->l -= alen; } else subattrs += alen; } return 0; } void dorewriterm(struct radmsg *msg, uint8_t *rmattrs, uint32_t *rmvattrs) { struct list_node *n, *p; struct tlv *attr; p = NULL; n = list_first(msg->attrs); while (n) { attr = (struct tlv *)n->data; if ((rmattrs && strchr((char *)rmattrs, attr->t)) || (rmvattrs && attr->t == RAD_Attr_Vendor_Specific && dovendorrewriterm(attr, rmvattrs))) { list_removedata(msg->attrs, attr); freetlv(attr); n = p ? list_next(p) : list_first(msg->attrs); } else { p = n; n = list_next(n); } } } int dorewriteadd(struct radmsg *msg, struct list *addattrs) { struct list_node *n; struct tlv *a; for (n = list_first(addattrs); n; n = list_next(n)) { a = copytlv((struct tlv *)n->data); if (!a) return 0; if (!radmsg_add(msg, a)) { freetlv(a); return 0; } } return 1; } int resizeattr(struct tlv *attr, uint8_t newlen) { uint8_t *newv; if (newlen != attr->l) { newv = realloc(attr->v, newlen); if (!newv) return 0; attr->v = newv; attr->l = newlen; } return 1; } int dorewritemodattr(struct tlv *attr, struct modattr *modattr) { size_t nmatch = 10, reslen = 0, start = 0; regmatch_t pmatch[10], *pfield; int i; char *in, *out; in = stringcopy((char *)attr->v, attr->l); if (!in) return 0; if (regexec(modattr->regex, in, nmatch, pmatch, 0)) { free(in); return 1; } out = modattr->replacement; for (i = start; out[i]; i++) { if (out[i] == '\\' && out[i + 1] >= '1' && out[i + 1] <= '9') { pfield = &pmatch[out[i + 1] - '0']; if (pfield->rm_so >= 0) { reslen += i - start + pfield->rm_eo - pfield->rm_so; start = i + 2; } i++; } } reslen += i - start; if (reslen > 253) { debug(DBG_INFO, "rewritten attribute length would be %d, max possible is 253, discarding message", reslen); free(in); return 0; } if (!resizeattr(attr, reslen)) { free(in); return 0; } start = 0; reslen = 0; for (i = start; out[i]; i++) { if (out[i] == '\\' && out[i + 1] >= '1' && out[i + 1] <= '9') { pfield = &pmatch[out[i + 1] - '0']; if (pfield->rm_so >= 0) { memcpy(attr->v + reslen, out + start, i - start); reslen += i - start; memcpy(attr->v + reslen, in + pfield->rm_so, pfield->rm_eo - pfield->rm_so); reslen += pfield->rm_eo - pfield->rm_so; start = i + 2; } i++; } } memcpy(attr->v + reslen, out + start, i - start); return 1; } int dorewritemod(struct radmsg *msg, struct list *modattrs) { struct list_node *n, *m; for (n = list_first(msg->attrs); n; n = list_next(n)) for (m = list_first(modattrs); m; m = list_next(m)) if (((struct tlv *)n->data)->t == ((struct modattr *)m->data)->t && !dorewritemodattr((struct tlv *)n->data, (struct modattr *)m->data)) return 0; return 1; } int dorewrite(struct radmsg *msg, struct rewrite *rewrite) { int rv = 1; /* Success. */ if (rewrite) { if (rewrite->removeattrs || rewrite->removevendorattrs) dorewriterm(msg, rewrite->removeattrs, rewrite->removevendorattrs); if (rewrite->modattrs) if (!dorewritemod(msg, rewrite->modattrs)) rv = 0; if (rewrite->addattrs) if (!dorewriteadd(msg, rewrite->addattrs)) rv = 0; } return rv; } int rewriteusername(struct request *rq, struct tlv *attr) { char *orig = (char *)tlv2str(attr); if (!dorewritemodattr(attr, rq->from->conf->rewriteusername)) { free(orig); return 0; } if (strlen(orig) != attr->l || memcmp(orig, attr->v, attr->l)) rq->origusername = (char *)orig; else free(orig); return 1; } /** Create vendor specific tlv with ATTR. ATTR is consumed (freed) if * all is well with the new tlv, i.e. if the function returns * !NULL. */ static struct tlv * makevendortlv(uint32_t vendor, struct tlv *attr) { struct tlv *newtlv = NULL; uint8_t l, *v; if (!attr) return NULL; l = attr->l + 6; v = malloc(l); if (v) { vendor = htonl(vendor & 0x00ffffff); /* MSB=0 according to RFC 2865. */ memcpy(v, &vendor, 4); tlv2buf(v + 4, attr); v[5] += 2; /* Vendor length increased for type and length fields. */ newtlv = maketlv(RAD_Attr_Vendor_Specific, l, v); if (newtlv == NULL) free(v); else freetlv(attr); } return newtlv; } /** Ad vendor attribute with VENDOR + ATTR and push it on MSG. ATTR * is consumed. */ int addvendorattr(struct radmsg *msg, uint32_t vendor, struct tlv *attr) { struct tlv *vattr; vattr = makevendortlv(vendor, attr); if (!vattr) { freetlv(attr); return 0; } if (!radmsg_add(msg, vattr)) { freetlv(vattr); return 0; } return 1; } void addttlattr(struct radmsg *msg, uint32_t *attrtype, uint8_t addttl) { uint8_t ttl[4]; struct tlv *attr; memset(ttl, 0, 4); ttl[3] = addttl; if (attrtype[1] == 256) { /* not vendor */ attr = maketlv(attrtype[0], 4, ttl); if (attr && !radmsg_add(msg, attr)) freetlv(attr); } else { attr = maketlv(attrtype[1], 4, ttl); if (attr) addvendorattr(msg, attrtype[0], attr); } } int decttl(uint8_t l, uint8_t *v) { int i; i = l - 1; if (v[i]) { if (--v[i--]) return 1; while (i >= 0 && !v[i]) i--; return i >= 0; } for (i--; i >= 0 && !v[i]; i--); if (i < 0) return 0; v[i]--; while (++i < l) v[i] = 255; return 1; } /* returns -1 if no ttl, 0 if exceeded, 1 if ok */ int checkttl(struct radmsg *msg, uint32_t *attrtype) { uint8_t alen, *subattrs; struct tlv *attr; struct list_node *node; uint32_t vendor; int sublen; if (attrtype[1] == 256) { /* not vendor */ attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, attrtype[0]); if (attr) return decttl(attr->l, attr->v); } else for (node = list_first(msg->attrs); node; node = list_next(node)) { attr = (struct tlv *)node->data; if (attr->t != RAD_Attr_Vendor_Specific || attr->l <= 4) continue; memcpy(&vendor, attr->v, 4); if (ntohl(vendor) != attrtype[0]) continue; sublen = attr->l - 4; subattrs = attr->v + 4; if (!attrvalidate(subattrs, sublen)) continue; while (sublen > 1) { if (ATTRTYPE(subattrs) == attrtype[1]) return decttl(ATTRVALLEN(subattrs), ATTRVAL(subattrs)); alen = ATTRLEN(subattrs); sublen -= alen; subattrs += alen; } } return -1; } const char *radmsgtype2string(uint8_t code) { static const char *rad_msg_names[] = { "", "Access-Request", "Access-Accept", "Access-Reject", "Accounting-Request", "Accounting-Response", "", "", "", "", "", "Access-Challenge", "Status-Server", "Status-Client" }; return code < 14 && *rad_msg_names[code] ? rad_msg_names[code] : "Unknown"; } void char2hex(char *h, unsigned char c) { static const char hexdigits[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; h[0] = hexdigits[c / 16]; h[1] = hexdigits[c % 16]; return; } uint8_t *radattr2ascii(struct tlv *attr) { int i, l; uint8_t *a, *d; if (!attr) return NULL; l = attr->l; for (i = 0; i < attr->l; i++) if (attr->v[i] < 32 || attr->v[i] > 126) l += 2; if (l == attr->l) return (uint8_t *)stringcopy((char *)attr->v, attr->l); a = malloc(l + 1); if (!a) return NULL; d = a; for (i = 0; i < attr->l; i++) if (attr->v[i] < 32 || attr->v[i] > 126) { *d++ = '%'; char2hex((char *)d, attr->v[i]); d += 2; } else *d++ = attr->v[i]; *d = '\0'; return a; } void acclog(struct radmsg *msg, struct client *from) { struct tlv *attr; uint8_t *username; attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_User_Name); if (!attr) { debug(DBG_INFO, "acclog: accounting-request from client %s (%s) without username attribute", from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); return; } username = radattr2ascii(attr); if (username) { debug(DBG_INFO, "acclog: accounting-request from client %s (%s) with username: %s", from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr), username); free(username); } } void respond(struct request *rq, uint8_t code, char *message) { struct radmsg *msg; struct tlv *attr; msg = radmsg_init(code, rq->msg->id, rq->msg->auth); if (!msg) { debug(DBG_ERR, "respond: malloc failed"); return; } if (message && *message) { attr = maketlv(RAD_Attr_Reply_Message, strlen(message), message); if (!attr || !radmsg_add(msg, attr)) { freetlv(attr); radmsg_free(msg); debug(DBG_ERR, "respond: malloc failed"); return; } } radmsg_free(rq->msg); rq->msg = msg; debug(DBG_DBG, "respond: sending %s to %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), rq->from->conf->name, addr2string(rq->from->addr)); sendreply(newrqref(rq)); } struct clsrvconf *choosesrvconf(struct list *srvconfs) { struct list_node *entry; struct clsrvconf *server, *best = NULL, *first = NULL; for (entry = list_first(srvconfs); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { server = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (!server->servers) return server; if (!first) first = server; if (!server->servers->connectionok && !server->servers->dynstartup) continue; if (!server->servers->lostrqs) return server; if (!best) { best = server; continue; } if (server->servers->lostrqs < best->servers->lostrqs) best = server; } return best ? best : first; } /* returns with lock on realm, protects from server changes while in use by radsrv/sendrq */ struct server *findserver(struct realm **realm, struct tlv *username, uint8_t acc) { struct clsrvconf *srvconf; struct realm *subrealm; struct server *server = NULL; char *id = (char *)tlv2str(username); if (!id) return NULL; /* returns with lock on realm */ *realm = id2realm(realms, id); if (!*realm) goto exit; debug(DBG_DBG, "found matching realm: %s", (*realm)->name); srvconf = choosesrvconf(acc ? (*realm)->accsrvconfs : (*realm)->srvconfs); if (srvconf && !(*realm)->parent && !srvconf->servers && srvconf->dynamiclookupcommand) { subrealm = adddynamicrealmserver(*realm, id); if (subrealm) { pthread_mutex_lock(&subrealm->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(*realm)->mutex); freerealm(*realm); *realm = subrealm; srvconf = choosesrvconf(acc ? (*realm)->accsrvconfs : (*realm)->srvconfs); } } if (srvconf) server = srvconf->servers; exit: free(id); return server; } struct request *newrequest() { struct request *rq; rq = malloc(sizeof(struct request)); if (!rq) { debug(DBG_ERR, "newrequest: malloc failed"); return NULL; } memset(rq, 0, sizeof(struct request)); rq->refcount = 1; gettimeofday(&rq->created, NULL); return rq; } int addclientrq(struct request *rq) { struct request *r; struct timeval now; r = rq->from->rqs[rq->rqid]; if (r) { if (rq->udpport == r->udpport && !memcmp(rq->rqauth, r->rqauth, 16)) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (now.tv_sec - r->created.tv_sec < r->from->conf->dupinterval) { if (r->replybuf) { debug(DBG_INFO, "addclientrq: already sent reply to request with id %d from %s, resending", rq->rqid, addr2string(r->from->addr)); sendreply(newrqref(r)); } else debug(DBG_INFO, "addclientrq: already got request with id %d from %s, ignoring", rq->rqid, addr2string(r->from->addr)); return 0; } } freerq(r); } rq->from->rqs[rq->rqid] = newrqref(rq); return 1; } void rmclientrq(struct request *rq, uint8_t id) { struct request *r; r = rq->from->rqs[id]; if (r) { freerq(r); rq->from->rqs[id] = NULL; } } /* returns 0 if validation/authentication fails, else 1 */ int radsrv(struct request *rq) { struct radmsg *msg = NULL; struct tlv *attr; uint8_t *userascii = NULL; struct realm *realm = NULL; struct server *to = NULL; struct client *from = rq->from; int ttlres; msg = buf2radmsg(rq->buf, (uint8_t *)from->conf->secret, NULL); free(rq->buf); rq->buf = NULL; if (!msg) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: message validation failed, ignoring packet"); freerq(rq); return 0; } rq->msg = msg; rq->rqid = msg->id; memcpy(rq->rqauth, msg->auth, 16); debug(DBG_DBG, "radsrv: code %d, id %d", msg->code, msg->id); if (msg->code != RAD_Access_Request && msg->code != RAD_Status_Server && msg->code != RAD_Accounting_Request) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: server currently accepts only access-requests, accounting-requests and status-server, ignoring"); goto exit; } if (!addclientrq(rq)) goto exit; if (msg->code == RAD_Status_Server) { respond(rq, RAD_Access_Accept, NULL); goto exit; } /* below: code == RAD_Access_Request || code == RAD_Accounting_Request */ if (from->conf->rewritein && !dorewrite(msg, from->conf->rewritein)) goto rmclrqexit; ttlres = checkttl(msg, options.ttlattrtype); if (!ttlres) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: ignoring request from client %s (%s), ttl exceeded", from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); goto exit; } attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_User_Name); if (!attr) { if (msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Request) { acclog(msg, from); respond(rq, RAD_Accounting_Response, NULL); } else debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: ignoring access request, no username attribute"); goto exit; } if (from->conf->rewriteusername && !rewriteusername(rq, attr)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "radsrv: username malloc failed, ignoring request"); goto rmclrqexit; } userascii = radattr2ascii(attr); if (!userascii) goto rmclrqexit; debug(DBG_DBG, "%s with username: %s", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), userascii); /* will return with lock on the realm */ to = findserver(&realm, attr, msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Request); if (!realm) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: ignoring request, don't know where to send it"); goto exit; } if (!to) { if (realm->message && msg->code == RAD_Access_Request) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: sending reject to %s (%s) for %s", from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr), userascii); respond(rq, RAD_Access_Reject, realm->message); } else if (realm->accresp && msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Request) { acclog(msg, from); respond(rq, RAD_Accounting_Response, NULL); } goto exit; } if ((to->conf->loopprevention == 1 || (to->conf->loopprevention == UCHAR_MAX && options.loopprevention == 1)) && !strcmp(from->conf->name, to->conf->name)) { debug(DBG_INFO, "radsrv: Loop prevented, not forwarding request from client %s (%s) to server %s, discarding", from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr), to->conf->name); goto exit; } if (msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Request) memset(msg->auth, 0, 16); else if (!RAND_bytes(msg->auth, 16)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "radsrv: failed to generate random auth"); goto rmclrqexit; } #ifdef DEBUG printfchars(NULL, "auth", "%02x ", auth, 16); #endif attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_User_Password); if (attr) { debug(DBG_DBG, "radsrv: found userpwdattr with value length %d", attr->l); if (!pwdrecrypt(attr->v, attr->l, from->conf->secret, to->conf->secret, rq->rqauth, msg->auth)) goto rmclrqexit; } attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_Tunnel_Password); if (attr) { debug(DBG_DBG, "radsrv: found tunnelpwdattr with value length %d", attr->l); if (!pwdrecrypt(attr->v, attr->l, from->conf->secret, to->conf->secret, rq->rqauth, msg->auth)) goto rmclrqexit; } if (to->conf->rewriteout && !dorewrite(msg, to->conf->rewriteout)) goto rmclrqexit; if (ttlres == -1 && (options.addttl || to->conf->addttl)) addttlattr(msg, options.ttlattrtype, to->conf->addttl ? to->conf->addttl : options.addttl); free(userascii); rq->to = to; sendrq(rq); pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm->mutex); freerealm(realm); return 1; rmclrqexit: rmclientrq(rq, msg->id); exit: freerq(rq); free(userascii); if (realm) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm->mutex); freerealm(realm); } return 1; } void replyh(struct server *server, unsigned char *buf) { struct client *from; struct rqout *rqout; int sublen, ttlres; unsigned char *subattrs; uint8_t *username, *stationid, *replymsg; struct radmsg *msg = NULL; struct tlv *attr; struct list_node *node; server->connectionok = 1; server->lostrqs = 0; rqout = server->requests + buf[1]; pthread_mutex_lock(rqout->lock); if (!rqout->tries) { free(buf); buf = NULL; debug(DBG_INFO, "replyh: no outstanding request with this id, ignoring reply"); goto errunlock; } msg = buf2radmsg(buf, (uint8_t *)server->conf->secret, rqout->rq->msg->auth); free(buf); buf = NULL; if (!msg) { debug(DBG_INFO, "replyh: message validation failed, ignoring packet"); goto errunlock; } if (msg->code != RAD_Access_Accept && msg->code != RAD_Access_Reject && msg->code != RAD_Access_Challenge && msg->code != RAD_Accounting_Response) { debug(DBG_INFO, "replyh: discarding message type %s, accepting only access accept, access reject, access challenge and accounting response messages", radmsgtype2string(msg->code)); goto errunlock; } debug(DBG_DBG, "got %s message with id %d", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), msg->id); gettimeofday(&server->lastrcv, NULL); if (rqout->rq->msg->code == RAD_Status_Server) { freerqoutdata(rqout); debug(DBG_DBG, "replyh: got status server response from %s", server->conf->name); goto errunlock; } gettimeofday(&server->lastreply, NULL); from = rqout->rq->from; if (server->conf->rewritein && !dorewrite(msg, from->conf->rewritein)) { debug(DBG_INFO, "replyh: rewritein failed"); goto errunlock; } ttlres = checkttl(msg, options.ttlattrtype); if (!ttlres) { debug(DBG_INFO, "replyh: ignoring reply from server %s, ttl exceeded", server->conf->name); goto errunlock; } /* MS MPPE */ for (node = list_first(msg->attrs); node; node = list_next(node)) { attr = (struct tlv *)node->data; if (attr->t != RAD_Attr_Vendor_Specific) continue; if (attr->l <= 4) break; if (attr->v[0] != 0 || attr->v[1] != 0 || attr->v[2] != 1 || attr->v[3] != 55) /* 311 == MS */ continue; sublen = attr->l - 4; subattrs = attr->v + 4; if (!attrvalidate(subattrs, sublen) || !msmppe(subattrs, sublen, RAD_VS_ATTR_MS_MPPE_Send_Key, "MS MPPE Send Key", rqout->rq, server->conf->secret, from->conf->secret) || !msmppe(subattrs, sublen, RAD_VS_ATTR_MS_MPPE_Recv_Key, "MS MPPE Recv Key", rqout->rq, server->conf->secret, from->conf->secret)) break; } if (node) { debug(DBG_WARN, "replyh: MS attribute handling failed, ignoring reply"); goto errunlock; } if (msg->code == RAD_Access_Accept || msg->code == RAD_Access_Reject || msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Response) { username = radattr2ascii(radmsg_gettype(rqout->rq->msg, RAD_Attr_User_Name)); if (username) { stationid = radattr2ascii(radmsg_gettype(rqout->rq->msg, RAD_Attr_Calling_Station_Id)); replymsg = radattr2ascii(radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_Reply_Message)); if (stationid) { if (replymsg) { debug(DBG_WARN, "%s for user %s stationid %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), username, stationid, server->conf->name, replymsg, from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); free(replymsg); } else debug(DBG_WARN, "%s for user %s stationid %s from %s to %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), username, stationid, server->conf->name, from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); free(stationid); } else { if (replymsg) { debug(DBG_WARN, "%s for user %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), username, server->conf->name, replymsg, from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); free(replymsg); } else debug(DBG_WARN, "%s for user %s from %s to %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), username, server->conf->name, from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); } free(username); } } msg->id = (char)rqout->rq->rqid; memcpy(msg->auth, rqout->rq->rqauth, 16); #ifdef DEBUG printfchars(NULL, "origauth/buf+4", "%02x ", buf + 4, 16); #endif if (rqout->rq->origusername && (attr = radmsg_gettype(msg, RAD_Attr_User_Name))) { if (!resizeattr(attr, strlen(rqout->rq->origusername))) { debug(DBG_WARN, "replyh: malloc failed, ignoring reply"); goto errunlock; } memcpy(attr->v, rqout->rq->origusername, strlen(rqout->rq->origusername)); } if (from->conf->rewriteout && !dorewrite(msg, from->conf->rewriteout)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "replyh: rewriteout failed"); goto errunlock; } if (ttlres == -1 && (options.addttl || from->conf->addttl)) addttlattr(msg, options.ttlattrtype, from->conf->addttl ? from->conf->addttl : options.addttl); debug(msg->code == RAD_Access_Accept || msg->code == RAD_Access_Reject || msg->code == RAD_Accounting_Response ? DBG_WARN : DBG_INFO, "replyh: passing %s to client %s (%s)", radmsgtype2string(msg->code), from->conf->name, addr2string(from->addr)); radmsg_free(rqout->rq->msg); rqout->rq->msg = msg; sendreply(newrqref(rqout->rq)); freerqoutdata(rqout); pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); return; errunlock: radmsg_free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); return; } struct request *createstatsrvrq() { struct request *rq; struct tlv *attr; rq = newrequest(); if (!rq) return NULL; rq->msg = radmsg_init(RAD_Status_Server, 0, NULL); if (!rq->msg) goto exit; attr = maketlv(RAD_Attr_Message_Authenticator, 16, NULL); if (!attr) goto exit; if (!radmsg_add(rq->msg, attr)) { freetlv(attr); goto exit; } return rq; exit: freerq(rq); return NULL; } /* code for removing state not finished */ void *clientwr(void *arg) { struct server *server = (struct server *)arg; struct rqout *rqout = NULL; pthread_t clientrdth; int i, dynconffail = 0; time_t secs; uint8_t rnd; struct timeval now, laststatsrv; struct timespec timeout; struct request *statsrvrq; struct clsrvconf *conf; conf = server->conf; if (server->dynamiclookuparg && !dynamicconfig(server)) { dynconffail = 1; server->dynstartup = 0; sleep(900); goto errexit; } if (!resolvehostports(conf->hostports, conf->pdef->socktype)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "clientwr: resolve failed"); server->dynstartup = 0; sleep(900); goto errexit; } memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(struct timespec)); if (conf->statusserver) { gettimeofday(&server->lastrcv, NULL); gettimeofday(&laststatsrv, NULL); } if (conf->pdef->connecter) { if (!conf->pdef->connecter(server, NULL, server->dynamiclookuparg ? 5 : 0, "clientwr")) { if (server->dynamiclookuparg) { server->dynstartup = 0; sleep(900); } goto errexit; } server->connectionok = 1; if (pthread_create(&clientrdth, NULL, conf->pdef->clientconnreader, (void *)server)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "clientwr: pthread_create failed"); goto errexit; } } else server->connectionok = 1; server->dynstartup = 0; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&server->newrq_mutex); if (!server->newrq) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); /* random 0-7 seconds */ RAND_bytes(&rnd, 1); rnd /= 32; if (conf->statusserver) { secs = server->lastrcv.tv_sec > laststatsrv.tv_sec ? server->lastrcv.tv_sec : laststatsrv.tv_sec; if (now.tv_sec - secs > STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD) secs = now.tv_sec; if (!timeout.tv_sec || timeout.tv_sec > secs + STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD + rnd) timeout.tv_sec = secs + STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD + rnd; } else { if (!timeout.tv_sec || timeout.tv_sec > now.tv_sec + STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD + rnd) timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD + rnd; } #if 0 if (timeout.tv_sec > now.tv_sec) debug(DBG_DBG, "clientwr: waiting up to %ld secs for new request", timeout.tv_sec - now.tv_sec); #endif pthread_cond_timedwait(&server->newrq_cond, &server->newrq_mutex, &timeout); timeout.tv_sec = 0; } if (server->newrq) { debug(DBG_DBG, "clientwr: got new request"); server->newrq = 0; } #if 0 else debug(DBG_DBG, "clientwr: request timer expired, processing request queue"); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&server->newrq_mutex); for (i = 0; i < MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { if (server->clientrdgone) { pthread_join(clientrdth, NULL); goto errexit; } for (; i < MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { rqout = server->requests + i; if (rqout->rq) { pthread_mutex_lock(rqout->lock); if (rqout->rq) break; pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); } } if (i == MAX_REQUESTS) break; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (now.tv_sec < rqout->expiry.tv_sec) { if (!timeout.tv_sec || rqout->expiry.tv_sec < timeout.tv_sec) timeout.tv_sec = rqout->expiry.tv_sec; pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); continue; } if (rqout->tries == (*rqout->rq->buf == RAD_Status_Server ? 1 : conf->retrycount + 1)) { debug(DBG_DBG, "clientwr: removing expired packet from queue"); if (conf->statusserver) { if (*rqout->rq->buf == RAD_Status_Server) { debug(DBG_WARN, "clientwr: no status server response, %s dead?", conf->name); if (server->lostrqs < 255) server->lostrqs++; } } else { debug(DBG_WARN, "clientwr: no server response, %s dead?", conf->name); if (server->lostrqs < 255) server->lostrqs++; } freerqoutdata(rqout); pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); continue; } rqout->expiry.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + conf->retryinterval; if (!timeout.tv_sec || rqout->expiry.tv_sec < timeout.tv_sec) timeout.tv_sec = rqout->expiry.tv_sec; rqout->tries++; conf->pdef->clientradput(server, rqout->rq->buf); pthread_mutex_unlock(rqout->lock); } if (conf->statusserver && server->connectionok) { secs = server->lastrcv.tv_sec > laststatsrv.tv_sec ? server->lastrcv.tv_sec : laststatsrv.tv_sec; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (now.tv_sec - secs > STATUS_SERVER_PERIOD) { laststatsrv = now; statsrvrq = createstatsrvrq(); if (statsrvrq) { statsrvrq->to = server; debug(DBG_DBG, "clientwr: sending status server to %s", conf->name); sendrq(statsrvrq); } } } } errexit: conf->servers = NULL; if (server->dynamiclookuparg) { removeserversubrealms(realms, conf); if (dynconffail) free(conf); else freeclsrvconf(conf); } freeserver(server, 1); ERR_remove_state(0); return NULL; } void createlistener(uint8_t type, char *arg) { pthread_t th; struct addrinfo *res; int s = -1, on = 1, *sp = NULL; struct hostportres *hp = newhostport(arg, protodefs[type]->portdefault, 0); if (!hp || !resolvehostport(hp, protodefs[type]->socktype, 1)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "createlistener: failed to resolve %s", arg); for (res = hp->addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) { s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (s < 0) { debug(DBG_WARN, "createlistener: socket failed"); continue; } setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)); disable_DF_bit(s, res); #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6) setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &on, sizeof(on)); #endif if (bind(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { debug(DBG_WARN, "createlistener: bind failed"); close(s); s = -1; continue; } sp = malloc(sizeof(int)); if (!sp) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); *sp = s; if (pthread_create(&th, NULL, protodefs[type]->listener, (void *)sp)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "pthread_create failed"); pthread_detach(th); } if (!sp) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "createlistener: socket/bind failed"); debug(DBG_WARN, "createlistener: listening for %s on %s:%s", protodefs[type]->name, hp->host ? hp->host : "*", hp->port); freehostport(hp); } void createlisteners(uint8_t type) { int i; char **args; args = protodefs[type]->getlistenerargs(); if (args) for (i = 0; args[i]; i++) createlistener(type, args[i]); else createlistener(type, NULL); } void sslinit() { int i; time_t t; pid_t pid; ssl_locks = calloc(CRYPTO_num_locks(), sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); ssl_lock_count = OPENSSL_malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(long)); for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++) { ssl_lock_count[i] = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&ssl_locks[i], NULL); } CRYPTO_set_id_callback(ssl_thread_id); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(ssl_locking_callback); SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init(); while (!RAND_status()) { t = time(NULL); pid = getpid(); RAND_seed((unsigned char *)&t, sizeof(time_t)); RAND_seed((unsigned char *)&pid, sizeof(pid)); } } struct list *addsrvconfs(char *value, char **names) { struct list *conflist; int n; struct list_node *entry; struct clsrvconf *conf = NULL; if (!names || !*names) return NULL; conflist = list_create(); if (!conflist) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } for (n = 0; names[n]; n++) { for (entry = list_first(srvconfs); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { conf = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (!strcasecmp(names[n], conf->name)) break; } if (!entry) { debug(DBG_ERR, "addsrvconfs failed for realm %s, no server named %s", value, names[n]); list_destroy(conflist); return NULL; } if (!list_push(conflist, conf)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); list_destroy(conflist); return NULL; } debug(DBG_DBG, "addsrvconfs: added server %s for realm %s", conf->name, value); } return conflist; } void freerealm(struct realm *realm) { if (!realm) return; debug(DBG_DBG, "freerealm: called with refcount %d", realm->refcount); if (--realm->refcount) return; free(realm->name); free(realm->message); regfree(&realm->regex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&realm->mutex); /* if refcount == 0, all subrealms gone */ list_destroy(realm->subrealms); /* if refcount == 0, all srvconfs gone */ list_destroy(realm->srvconfs); /* if refcount == 0, all accsrvconfs gone */ list_destroy(realm->accsrvconfs); freerealm(realm->parent); free(realm); } struct realm *addrealm(struct list *realmlist, char *value, char **servers, char **accservers, char *message, uint8_t accresp) { int n; struct realm *realm; char *s, *regex = NULL; if (*value == '/') { /* regexp, remove optional trailing / if present */ if (value[strlen(value) - 1] == '/') value[strlen(value) - 1] = '\0'; } else { /* not a regexp, let us make it one */ if (*value == '*' && !value[1]) regex = stringcopy(".*", 0); else { for (n = 0, s = value; *s;) if (*s++ == '.') n++; regex = malloc(strlen(value) + n + 3); if (regex) { regex[0] = '@'; for (n = 1, s = value; *s; s++) { if (*s == '.') regex[n++] = '\\'; regex[n++] = *s; } regex[n++] = '$'; regex[n] = '\0'; } } if (!regex) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); realm = NULL; goto exit; } debug(DBG_DBG, "addrealm: constructed regexp %s from %s", regex, value); } realm = malloc(sizeof(struct realm)); if (!realm) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto exit; } memset(realm, 0, sizeof(struct realm)); if (pthread_mutex_init(&realm->mutex, NULL)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "mutex init failed"); free(realm); realm = NULL; goto exit; } realm->name = stringcopy(value, 0); if (!realm->name) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto errexit; } if (message && strlen(message) > 253) { debug(DBG_ERR, "ReplyMessage can be at most 253 bytes"); goto errexit; } realm->message = message; realm->accresp = accresp; if (regcomp(&realm->regex, regex ? regex : value + 1, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "addrealm: failed to compile regular expression %s", regex ? regex : value + 1); goto errexit; } if (servers && *servers) { realm->srvconfs = addsrvconfs(value, servers); if (!realm->srvconfs) goto errexit; } if (accservers && *accservers) { realm->accsrvconfs = addsrvconfs(value, accservers); if (!realm->accsrvconfs) goto errexit; } if (!list_push(realmlist, realm)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&realm->mutex); goto errexit; } debug(DBG_DBG, "addrealm: added realm %s", value); goto exit; errexit: while (list_shift(realm->srvconfs)); while (list_shift(realm->accsrvconfs)); freerealm(realm); realm = NULL; exit: free(regex); if (servers) { if (realm) for (n = 0; servers[n]; n++) newrealmref(realm); freegconfmstr(servers); } if (accservers) { if (realm) for (n = 0; accservers[n]; n++) newrealmref(realm); freegconfmstr(accservers); } return newrealmref(realm); } struct list *createsubrealmservers(struct realm *realm, struct list *srvconfs) { struct list_node *entry; struct clsrvconf *conf, *srvconf; struct list *subrealmservers = NULL; pthread_t clientth; if (list_first(srvconfs)) { subrealmservers = list_create(); if (!subrealmservers) return NULL; } for (entry = list_first(srvconfs); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { conf = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (!conf->servers && conf->dynamiclookupcommand) { srvconf = malloc(sizeof(struct clsrvconf)); if (!srvconf) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); continue; } *srvconf = *conf; if (addserver(srvconf)) { srvconf->servers->dynamiclookuparg = stringcopy(realm->name, 0); srvconf->servers->dynstartup = 1; if (pthread_create(&clientth, NULL, clientwr, (void *)(srvconf->servers))) { debug(DBG_ERR, "pthread_create failed"); freeserver(srvconf->servers, 1); srvconf->servers = NULL; } else pthread_detach(clientth); } conf = srvconf; } if (conf->servers) { if (list_push(subrealmservers, conf)) newrealmref(realm); else debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); } } return subrealmservers; } struct realm *adddynamicrealmserver(struct realm *realm, char *id) { struct realm *newrealm = NULL; char *realmname, *s; /* create dynamic for the realm (string after last @, exit if nothing after @ */ realmname = strrchr(id, '@'); if (!realmname) return NULL; realmname++; if (!*realmname) return NULL; for (s = realmname; *s; s++) if (*s != '.' && *s != '-' && !isalnum((int)*s)) return NULL; if (!realm->subrealms) realm->subrealms = list_create(); if (!realm->subrealms) return NULL; newrealm = addrealm(realm->subrealms, realmname, NULL, NULL, stringcopy(realm->message, 0), realm->accresp); if (!newrealm) { list_destroy(realm->subrealms); realm->subrealms = NULL; return NULL; } newrealm->parent = newrealmref(realm); /* add server and accserver to newrealm */ newrealm->srvconfs = createsubrealmservers(newrealm, realm->srvconfs); newrealm->accsrvconfs = createsubrealmservers(newrealm, realm->accsrvconfs); return newrealm; } int dynamicconfig(struct server *server) { int ok, fd[2], status; pid_t pid; struct clsrvconf *conf = server->conf; struct gconffile *cf = NULL; /* for now we only learn hostname/address */ debug(DBG_DBG, "dynamicconfig: need dynamic server config for %s", server->dynamiclookuparg); if (pipe(fd) > 0) { debug(DBG_ERR, "dynamicconfig: pipe error"); goto errexit; } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { debug(DBG_ERR, "dynamicconfig: fork error"); close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); goto errexit; } else if (pid == 0) { /* child */ close(fd[0]); if (fd[1] != STDOUT_FILENO) { if (dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "dynamicconfig: dup2 error for command %s", conf->dynamiclookupcommand); close(fd[1]); } if (execlp(conf->dynamiclookupcommand, conf->dynamiclookupcommand, server->dynamiclookuparg, NULL) < 0) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "dynamicconfig: exec error for command %s", conf->dynamiclookupcommand); } close(fd[1]); pushgconffile(&cf, fdopen(fd[0], "r"), conf->dynamiclookupcommand); ok = getgenericconfig(&cf, NULL, "Server", CONF_CBK, confserver_cb, (void *)conf, NULL ); freegconf(&cf); if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) { debug(DBG_ERR, "dynamicconfig: wait error"); goto errexit; } if (status) { debug(DBG_INFO, "dynamicconfig: command exited with status %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); goto errexit; } if (ok) return 1; errexit: debug(DBG_WARN, "dynamicconfig: failed to obtain dynamic server config"); return 0; } /* should accept both names and numeric values, only numeric right now */ uint8_t attrname2val(char *attrname) { int val = 0; val = atoi(attrname); return val > 0 && val < 256 ? val : 0; } /* ATTRNAME is on the form vendor[:type]. If only vendor is found, TYPE is set to 256 and 1 is returned. If type is >= 256, 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned. */ /* should accept both names and numeric values, only numeric right now */ int vattrname2val(char *attrname, uint32_t *vendor, uint32_t *type) { char *s; *vendor = atoi(attrname); s = strchr(attrname, ':'); if (!s) { /* Only vendor was found. */ *type = 256; return 1; } *type = atoi(s + 1); return *type < 256; } /* should accept both names and numeric values, only numeric right now */ struct tlv *extractattr(char *nameval) { int len, name = 0; int vendor = 0; /* Vendor 0 is reserved, see RFC 1700. */ char *s, *s2; struct tlv *a; s = strchr(nameval, ':'); if (!s) return NULL; name = atoi(nameval); /* Two ':' means that we have vendor:name:val. */ s2 = strchr(s + 1, ':'); if (s2) { vendor = name; name = atoi(s + 1); s = s2; } len = strlen(s + 1); if (len > 253) return NULL; if (name < 1 || name > 255) return NULL; a = malloc(sizeof(struct tlv)); if (!a) return NULL; a->v = (uint8_t *)stringcopy(s + 1, 0); if (!a->v) { free(a); return NULL; } a->t = name; a->l = len; if (vendor) a = makevendortlv(vendor, a); return a; } /* should accept both names and numeric values, only numeric right now */ struct modattr *extractmodattr(char *nameval) { int name = 0; char *s, *t; struct modattr *m; if (!strncasecmp(nameval, "User-Name:/", 11)) { s = nameval + 11; name = 1; } else { s = strchr(nameval, ':'); name = atoi(nameval); if (!s || name < 1 || name > 255 || s[1] != '/') return NULL; s += 2; } /* regexp, remove optional trailing / if present */ if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '/') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; t = strchr(s, '/'); if (!t) return NULL; *t = '\0'; t++; m = malloc(sizeof(struct modattr)); if (!m) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } m->t = name; m->replacement = stringcopy(t, 0); if (!m->replacement) { free(m); debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } m->regex = malloc(sizeof(regex_t)); if (!m->regex) { free(m->replacement); free(m); debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } if (regcomp(m->regex, s, REG_ICASE | REG_EXTENDED)) { free(m->regex); free(m->replacement); free(m); debug(DBG_ERR, "failed to compile regular expression %s", s); return NULL; } return m; } struct rewrite *getrewrite(char *alt1, char *alt2) { struct rewrite *r; if ((r = hash_read(rewriteconfs, alt1, strlen(alt1)))) return r; if ((r = hash_read(rewriteconfs, alt2, strlen(alt2)))) return r; return NULL; } void addrewrite(char *value, char **rmattrs, char **rmvattrs, char **addattrs, char **addvattrs, char **modattrs) { struct rewrite *rewrite = NULL; int i, n; uint8_t *rma = NULL; uint32_t *p, *rmva = NULL; struct list *adda = NULL, *moda = NULL; struct tlv *a; struct modattr *m; if (rmattrs) { for (n = 0; rmattrs[n]; n++); rma = calloc(n + 1, sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!rma) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!(rma[i] = attrname2val(rmattrs[i]))) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addrewrite: removing invalid attribute %s", rmattrs[i]); freegconfmstr(rmattrs); rma[i] = 0; } if (rmvattrs) { for (n = 0; rmvattrs[n]; n++); rmva = calloc(2 * n + 1, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!rmva) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); for (p = rmva, i = 0; i < n; i++, p += 2) if (!vattrname2val(rmvattrs[i], p, p + 1)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addrewrite: removing invalid vendor attribute %s", rmvattrs[i]); freegconfmstr(rmvattrs); *p = 0; } if (addattrs) { adda = list_create(); if (!adda) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); for (i = 0; addattrs[i]; i++) { a = extractattr(addattrs[i]); if (!a) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addrewrite: adding invalid attribute %s", addattrs[i]); if (!list_push(adda, a)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); } freegconfmstr(addattrs); } if (addvattrs) { if (!adda) adda = list_create(); if (!adda) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); for (i = 0; addvattrs[i]; i++) { a = extractattr(addvattrs[i]); if (!a) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addrewrite: adding invalid vendor attribute %s", addvattrs[i]); if (!list_push(adda, a)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); } freegconfmstr(addvattrs); } if (modattrs) { moda = list_create(); if (!moda) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); for (i = 0; modattrs[i]; i++) { m = extractmodattr(modattrs[i]); if (!m) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addrewrite: modifying invalid attribute %s", modattrs[i]); if (!list_push(moda, m)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); } freegconfmstr(modattrs); } if (rma || rmva || adda || moda) { rewrite = malloc(sizeof(struct rewrite)); if (!rewrite) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); rewrite->removeattrs = rma; rewrite->removevendorattrs = rmva; rewrite->addattrs = adda; rewrite->modattrs = moda; } if (!hash_insert(rewriteconfs, value, strlen(value), rewrite)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); debug(DBG_DBG, "addrewrite: added rewrite block %s", value); } int setttlattr(struct options *opts, char *defaultattr) { char *ttlattr = opts->ttlattr ? opts->ttlattr : defaultattr; if (vattrname2val(ttlattr, opts->ttlattrtype, opts->ttlattrtype + 1) && (opts->ttlattrtype[1] != 256 || opts->ttlattrtype[0] < 256)) return 1; debug(DBG_ERR, "setttlattr: invalid TTLAttribute value %s", ttlattr); return 0; } void freeclsrvconf(struct clsrvconf *conf) { free(conf->name); if (conf->hostsrc) freegconfmstr(conf->hostsrc); free(conf->portsrc); free(conf->secret); free(conf->tls); free(conf->matchcertattr); if (conf->certcnregex) regfree(conf->certcnregex); if (conf->certuriregex) regfree(conf->certuriregex); free(conf->confrewritein); free(conf->confrewriteout); if (conf->rewriteusername) { if (conf->rewriteusername->regex) regfree(conf->rewriteusername->regex); free(conf->rewriteusername->replacement); free(conf->rewriteusername); } free(conf->dynamiclookupcommand); free(conf->rewritein); free(conf->rewriteout); if (conf->hostports) freehostports(conf->hostports); if (conf->lock) { pthread_mutex_destroy(conf->lock); free(conf->lock); } /* not touching ssl_ctx, clients and servers */ free(conf); } int mergeconfstring(char **dst, char **src) { char *t; if (*src) { *dst = *src; *src = NULL; return 1; } if (*dst) { t = stringcopy(*dst, 0); if (!t) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } *dst = t; } return 1; } char **mstringcopy(char **in) { char **out; int n; if (!in) return NULL; for (n = 0; in[n]; n++); out = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!out) return NULL; for (n = 0; in[n]; n++) { out[n] = stringcopy(in[n], 0); if (!out[n]) { freegconfmstr(out); return NULL; } } out[n] = NULL; return out; } int mergeconfmstring(char ***dst, char ***src) { char **t; if (*src) { *dst = *src; *src = NULL; return 1; } if (*dst) { t = mstringcopy(*dst); if (!t) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } *dst = t; } return 1; } /* assumes dst is a shallow copy */ int mergesrvconf(struct clsrvconf *dst, struct clsrvconf *src) { if (!mergeconfstring(&dst->name, &src->name) || !mergeconfmstring(&dst->hostsrc, &src->hostsrc) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->portsrc, &src->portsrc) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->secret, &src->secret) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->tls, &src->tls) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->matchcertattr, &src->matchcertattr) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->confrewritein, &src->confrewritein) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->confrewriteout, &src->confrewriteout) || !mergeconfstring(&dst->dynamiclookupcommand, &src->dynamiclookupcommand)) return 0; if (src->pdef) dst->pdef = src->pdef; dst->statusserver = src->statusserver; dst->certnamecheck = src->certnamecheck; if (src->retryinterval != 255) dst->retryinterval = src->retryinterval; if (src->retrycount != 255) dst->retrycount = src->retrycount; return 1; } int confclient_cb(struct gconffile **cf, void *arg, char *block, char *opt, char *val) { struct clsrvconf *conf; char *conftype = NULL, *rewriteinalias = NULL; long int dupinterval = LONG_MIN, addttl = LONG_MIN; debug(DBG_DBG, "confclient_cb called for %s", block); conf = malloc(sizeof(struct clsrvconf)); if (!conf) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); memset(conf, 0, sizeof(struct clsrvconf)); conf->certnamecheck = 1; if (!getgenericconfig(cf, block, "type", CONF_STR, &conftype, "host", CONF_MSTR, &conf->hostsrc, "secret", CONF_STR, &conf->secret, #if defined(RADPROT_TLS) || defined(RADPROT_DTLS) "tls", CONF_STR, &conf->tls, "matchcertificateattribute", CONF_STR, &conf->matchcertattr, "CertificateNameCheck", CONF_BLN, &conf->certnamecheck, #endif "DuplicateInterval", CONF_LINT, &dupinterval, "addTTL", CONF_LINT, &addttl, "rewrite", CONF_STR, &rewriteinalias, "rewriteIn", CONF_STR, &conf->confrewritein, "rewriteOut", CONF_STR, &conf->confrewriteout, "rewriteattribute", CONF_STR, &conf->confrewriteusername, NULL )) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "configuration error"); conf->name = stringcopy(val, 0); if (conf->name && !conf->hostsrc) { conf->hostsrc = malloc(2 * sizeof(char *)); if (conf->hostsrc) { conf->hostsrc[0] = stringcopy(val, 0); conf->hostsrc[1] = NULL; } } if (!conf->name || !conf->hostsrc || !conf->hostsrc[0]) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); if (!conftype) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, option type missing", block); conf->type = protoname2int(conftype); if (conf->type == 255) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, unknown transport %s", block, conftype); free(conftype); conf->pdef = protodefs[conf->type]; #if defined(RADPROT_TLS) || defined(RADPROT_DTLS) if (conf->type == RAD_TLS || conf->type == RAD_DTLS) { conf->tlsconf = conf->tls ? tlsgettls(conf->tls, NULL) : tlsgettls("defaultclient", "default"); if (!conf->tlsconf) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, no tls context defined", block); if (conf->matchcertattr && !addmatchcertattr(conf)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, invalid MatchCertificateAttributeValue", block); } #endif if (dupinterval != LONG_MIN) { if (dupinterval < 0 || dupinterval > 255) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, value of option DuplicateInterval is %d, must be 0-255", block, dupinterval); conf->dupinterval = (uint8_t)dupinterval; } else conf->dupinterval = conf->pdef->duplicateintervaldefault; if (addttl != LONG_MIN) { if (addttl < 1 || addttl > 255) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, value of option addTTL is %d, must be 1-255", block, addttl); conf->addttl = (uint8_t)addttl; } if (!conf->confrewritein) conf->confrewritein = rewriteinalias; else free(rewriteinalias); conf->rewritein = conf->confrewritein ? getrewrite(conf->confrewritein, NULL) : getrewrite("defaultclient", "default"); if (conf->confrewriteout) conf->rewriteout = getrewrite(conf->confrewriteout, NULL); if (conf->confrewriteusername) { conf->rewriteusername = extractmodattr(conf->confrewriteusername); if (!conf->rewriteusername) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, invalid RewriteAttributeValue", block); } if (!addhostport(&conf->hostports, conf->hostsrc, conf->pdef->portdefault, 1) || !resolvehostports(conf->hostports, conf->pdef->socktype)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "resolve failed, exiting"); if (!conf->secret) { if (!conf->pdef->secretdefault) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, secret must be specified for transport type %s", block, conf->pdef->name); conf->secret = stringcopy(conf->pdef->secretdefault, 0); if (!conf->secret) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); } conf->lock = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if (!conf->lock) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); pthread_mutex_init(conf->lock, NULL); if (!list_push(clconfs, conf)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 1; } int compileserverconfig(struct clsrvconf *conf, const char *block) { #if defined(RADPROT_TLS) || defined(RADPROT_DTLS) if (conf->type == RAD_TLS || conf->type == RAD_DTLS) { conf->tlsconf = conf->tls ? tlsgettls(conf->tls, NULL) : tlsgettls("defaultserver", "default"); if (!conf->tlsconf) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, no tls context defined", block); return 0; } if (conf->matchcertattr && !addmatchcertattr(conf)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, invalid MatchCertificateAttributeValue", block); return 0; } } #endif if (!conf->portsrc) { conf->portsrc = stringcopy(conf->pdef->portdefault, 0); if (!conf->portsrc) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } } if (conf->retryinterval == 255) conf->retryinterval = conf->pdef->retryintervaldefault; if (conf->retrycount == 255) conf->retrycount = conf->pdef->retrycountdefault; conf->rewritein = conf->confrewritein ? getrewrite(conf->confrewritein, NULL) : getrewrite("defaultserver", "default"); if (conf->confrewriteout) conf->rewriteout = getrewrite(conf->confrewriteout, NULL); if (!addhostport(&conf->hostports, conf->hostsrc, conf->portsrc, 0)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, failed to parse %s", block, conf->hostsrc); return 0; } if (!conf->dynamiclookupcommand && !resolvehostports(conf->hostports, conf->pdef->socktype)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "resolve failed, exiting"); return 0; } return 1; } int confserver_cb(struct gconffile **cf, void *arg, char *block, char *opt, char *val) { struct clsrvconf *conf, *resconf; char *conftype = NULL, *rewriteinalias = NULL; long int retryinterval = LONG_MIN, retrycount = LONG_MIN, addttl = LONG_MIN; debug(DBG_DBG, "confserver_cb called for %s", block); conf = malloc(sizeof(struct clsrvconf)); if (!conf) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } memset(conf, 0, sizeof(struct clsrvconf)); conf->loopprevention = UCHAR_MAX; /* Uninitialized. */ resconf = (struct clsrvconf *)arg; if (resconf) { conf->statusserver = resconf->statusserver; conf->certnamecheck = resconf->certnamecheck; } else conf->certnamecheck = 1; if (!getgenericconfig(cf, block, "type", CONF_STR, &conftype, "host", CONF_MSTR, &conf->hostsrc, "port", CONF_STR, &conf->portsrc, "secret", CONF_STR, &conf->secret, #if defined(RADPROT_TLS) || defined(RADPROT_DTLS) "tls", CONF_STR, &conf->tls, "MatchCertificateAttribute", CONF_STR, &conf->matchcertattr, "CertificateNameCheck", CONF_BLN, &conf->certnamecheck, #endif "addTTL", CONF_LINT, &addttl, "rewrite", CONF_STR, &rewriteinalias, "rewriteIn", CONF_STR, &conf->confrewritein, "rewriteOut", CONF_STR, &conf->confrewriteout, "StatusServer", CONF_BLN, &conf->statusserver, "RetryInterval", CONF_LINT, &retryinterval, "RetryCount", CONF_LINT, &retrycount, "DynamicLookupCommand", CONF_STR, &conf->dynamiclookupcommand, "LoopPrevention", CONF_BLN, &conf->loopprevention, NULL )) { debug(DBG_ERR, "configuration error"); goto errexit; } conf->name = stringcopy(val, 0); if (conf->name && !conf->hostsrc) { conf->hostsrc = malloc(2 * sizeof(char *)); if (conf->hostsrc) { conf->hostsrc[0] = stringcopy(val, 0); conf->hostsrc[1] = NULL; } } if (!conf->name || !conf->hostsrc || !conf->hostsrc[0]) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto errexit; } if (!conftype) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, option type missing", block); goto errexit; } conf->type = protoname2int(conftype); if (conf->type == 255) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, unknown transport %s", block, conftype); goto errexit; } free(conftype); conftype = NULL; conf->pdef = protodefs[conf->type]; if (!conf->confrewritein) conf->confrewritein = rewriteinalias; else free(rewriteinalias); rewriteinalias = NULL; if (retryinterval != LONG_MIN) { if (retryinterval < 1 || retryinterval > conf->pdef->retryintervalmax) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, value of option RetryInterval is %d, must be 1-%d", block, retryinterval, conf->pdef->retryintervalmax); goto errexit; } conf->retryinterval = (uint8_t)retryinterval; } else conf->retryinterval = 255; if (retrycount != LONG_MIN) { if (retrycount < 0 || retrycount > conf->pdef->retrycountmax) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, value of option RetryCount is %d, must be 0-%d", block, retrycount, conf->pdef->retrycountmax); goto errexit; } conf->retrycount = (uint8_t)retrycount; } else conf->retrycount = 255; if (addttl != LONG_MIN) { if (addttl < 1 || addttl > 255) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, value of option addTTL is %d, must be 1-255", block, addttl); goto errexit; } conf->addttl = (uint8_t)addttl; } if (resconf) { if (!mergesrvconf(resconf, conf)) goto errexit; free(conf); conf = resconf; if (conf->dynamiclookupcommand) { free(conf->dynamiclookupcommand); conf->dynamiclookupcommand = NULL; } } if (resconf || !conf->dynamiclookupcommand) { if (!compileserverconfig(conf, block)) goto errexit; } if (!conf->secret) { if (!conf->pdef->secretdefault) { debug(DBG_ERR, "error in block %s, secret must be specified for transport type %s", block, conf->pdef->name); return 0; } conf->secret = stringcopy(conf->pdef->secretdefault, 0); if (!conf->secret) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); return 0; } } if (resconf) return 1; if (!list_push(srvconfs, conf)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); goto errexit; } return 1; errexit: free(conftype); free(rewriteinalias); freeclsrvconf(conf); return 0; } int confrealm_cb(struct gconffile **cf, void *arg, char *block, char *opt, char *val) { char **servers = NULL, **accservers = NULL, *msg = NULL; uint8_t accresp = 0; debug(DBG_DBG, "confrealm_cb called for %s", block); if (!getgenericconfig(cf, block, "server", CONF_MSTR, &servers, "accountingServer", CONF_MSTR, &accservers, "ReplyMessage", CONF_STR, &msg, "AccountingResponse", CONF_BLN, &accresp, NULL )) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "configuration error"); addrealm(realms, val, servers, accservers, msg, accresp); return 1; } int confrewrite_cb(struct gconffile **cf, void *arg, char *block, char *opt, char *val) { char **rmattrs = NULL, **rmvattrs = NULL; char **addattrs = NULL, **addvattrs = NULL; char **modattrs = NULL; debug(DBG_DBG, "confrewrite_cb called for %s", block); if (!getgenericconfig(cf, block, "removeAttribute", CONF_MSTR, &rmattrs, "removeVendorAttribute", CONF_MSTR, &rmvattrs, "addAttribute", CONF_MSTR, &addattrs, "addVendorAttribute", CONF_MSTR, &addvattrs, "modifyAttribute", CONF_MSTR, &modattrs, NULL )) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "configuration error"); addrewrite(val, rmattrs, rmvattrs, addattrs, addvattrs, modattrs); return 1; } int setprotoopts(uint8_t type, char **listenargs, char *sourcearg) { struct commonprotoopts *protoopts; protoopts = malloc(sizeof(struct commonprotoopts)); if (!protoopts) return 0; memset(protoopts, 0, sizeof(struct commonprotoopts)); protoopts->listenargs = listenargs; protoopts->sourcearg = sourcearg; protodefs[type]->setprotoopts(protoopts); return 1; } void getmainconfig(const char *configfile) { long int addttl = LONG_MIN, loglevel = LONG_MIN; struct gconffile *cfs; char **listenargs[RAD_PROTOCOUNT]; char *sourcearg[RAD_PROTOCOUNT]; int i; cfs = openconfigfile(configfile); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); memset(&listenargs, 0, sizeof(listenargs)); memset(&sourcearg, 0, sizeof(sourcearg)); clconfs = list_create(); if (!clconfs) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); srvconfs = list_create(); if (!srvconfs) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); realms = list_create(); if (!realms) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); rewriteconfs = hash_create(); if (!rewriteconfs) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "malloc failed"); if (!getgenericconfig(&cfs, NULL, #ifdef RADPROT_UDP "ListenUDP", CONF_MSTR, &listenargs[RAD_UDP], "SourceUDP", CONF_STR, &sourcearg[RAD_UDP], #endif #ifdef RADPROT_TCP "ListenTCP", CONF_MSTR, &listenargs[RAD_TCP], "SourceTCP", CONF_STR, &sourcearg[RAD_TCP], #endif #ifdef RADPROT_TLS "ListenTLS", CONF_MSTR, &listenargs[RAD_TLS], "SourceTLS", CONF_STR, &sourcearg[RAD_TLS], #endif #ifdef RADPROT_DTLS "ListenDTLS", CONF_MSTR, &listenargs[RAD_DTLS], "SourceDTLS", CONF_STR, &sourcearg[RAD_DTLS], #endif "TTLAttribute", CONF_STR, &options.ttlattr, "addTTL", CONF_LINT, &addttl, "LogLevel", CONF_LINT, &loglevel, "LogDestination", CONF_STR, &options.logdestination, "LoopPrevention", CONF_BLN, &options.loopprevention, "Client", CONF_CBK, confclient_cb, NULL, "Server", CONF_CBK, confserver_cb, NULL, "Realm", CONF_CBK, confrealm_cb, NULL, #if defined(RADPROT_TLS) || defined(RADPROT_DTLS) "TLS", CONF_CBK, conftls_cb, NULL, #endif "Rewrite", CONF_CBK, confrewrite_cb, NULL, NULL )) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "configuration error"); if (loglevel != LONG_MIN) { if (loglevel < 1 || loglevel > 4) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in %s, value of option LogLevel is %d, must be 1, 2, 3 or 4", configfile, loglevel); options.loglevel = (uint8_t)loglevel; } if (addttl != LONG_MIN) { if (addttl < 1 || addttl > 255) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "error in %s, value of option addTTL is %d, must be 1-255", configfile, addttl); options.addttl = (uint8_t)addttl; } if (!setttlattr(&options, DEFAULT_TTL_ATTR)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "Failed to set TTLAttribute, exiting"); for (i = 0; i < RAD_PROTOCOUNT; i++) if (listenargs[i] || sourcearg[i]) setprotoopts(i, listenargs[i], sourcearg[i]); } void getargs(int argc, char **argv, uint8_t *foreground, uint8_t *pretend, uint8_t *loglevel, char **configfile, char **pidfile) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:i:fpv")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': *configfile = optarg; break; case 'd': if (strlen(optarg) != 1 || *optarg < '1' || *optarg > '4') debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "Debug level must be 1, 2, 3 or 4, not %s", optarg); *loglevel = *optarg - '0'; break; case 'f': *foreground = 1; break; case 'i': *pidfile = optarg; break; case 'p': *pretend = 1; break; case 'v': debug(DBG_ERR, "radsecproxy revision $Rev$"); debug(DBG_ERR, "This binary was built with support for the following transports:"); #ifdef RADPROT_UDP debug(DBG_ERR, " UDP"); #endif #ifdef RADPROT_TCP debug(DBG_ERR, " TCP"); #endif #ifdef RADPROT_TLS debug(DBG_ERR, " TLS"); #endif #ifdef RADPROT_DTLS debug(DBG_ERR, " DTLS"); #endif exit(0); default: goto usage; } } if (!(argc - optind)) return; usage: debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "Usage:\n%s [ -c configfile ] [ -d debuglevel ] [ -f ] [ -i pidfile ] [ -p ] [ -v ]", argv[0]); } #ifdef SYS_SOLARIS9 int daemon(int a, int b) { int i; if (fork()) exit(0); setsid(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { close(i); open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); } return 1; } #endif void *sighandler(void *arg) { sigset_t sigset; int sig; for(;;) { sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGPIPE); sigwait(&sigset, &sig); switch (sig) { case 0: /* completely ignoring this */ break; case SIGHUP: debug(DBG_INFO, "sighandler: got SIGHUP"); debug_reopen_log(); break; case SIGPIPE: debug(DBG_WARN, "sighandler: got SIGPIPE, TLS write error?"); break; default: debug(DBG_WARN, "sighandler: ignoring signal %d", sig); } } } int createpidfile(const char *pidfile) { int r; FILE *f = fopen(pidfile, "w"); if (f) r = fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()); return f && !fclose(f) && r >= 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t sigth; sigset_t sigset; struct list_node *entry; uint8_t foreground = 0, pretend = 0, loglevel = 0; char *configfile = NULL, *pidfile = NULL; struct clsrvconf *srvconf; int i; debug_init("radsecproxy"); debug_set_level(DEBUG_LEVEL); for (i = 0; i < RAD_PROTOCOUNT; i++) protodefs[i] = protoinits[i](i); /* needed even if no TLS/DTLS transport */ sslinit(); getargs(argc, argv, &foreground, &pretend, &loglevel, &configfile, &pidfile); if (loglevel) debug_set_level(loglevel); getmainconfig(configfile ? configfile : CONFIG_MAIN); if (loglevel) options.loglevel = loglevel; else if (options.loglevel) debug_set_level(options.loglevel); if (!foreground) debug_set_destination(options.logdestination ? options.logdestination : "x-syslog:///"); free(options.logdestination); if (!list_first(clconfs)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "No clients configured, nothing to do, exiting"); if (!list_first(realms)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "No realms configured, nothing to do, exiting"); if (pretend) debugx(0, DBG_ERR, "All OK so far; exiting since only pretending"); if (!foreground && (daemon(0, 0) < 0)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "daemon() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); debug_timestamp_on(); debug(DBG_INFO, "radsecproxy revision $Rev$ starting"); if (pidfile && !createpidfile(pidfile)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "failed to create pidfile %s: %s", pidfile, strerror(errno)); sigemptyset(&sigset); /* exit on all but SIGHUP|SIGPIPE, ignore more? */ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGPIPE); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL); pthread_create(&sigth, NULL, sighandler, NULL); for (entry = list_first(srvconfs); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) { srvconf = (struct clsrvconf *)entry->data; if (srvconf->dynamiclookupcommand) continue; if (!addserver(srvconf)) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "failed to add server"); if (pthread_create(&srvconf->servers->clientth, NULL, clientwr, (void *)(srvconf->servers))) debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "pthread_create failed"); } for (i = 0; i < RAD_PROTOCOUNT; i++) { if (!protodefs[i]) continue; if (protodefs[i]->initextra) protodefs[i]->initextra(); if (find_clconf_type(i, NULL)) createlisteners(i); } /* just hang around doing nothing, anything to do here? */ for (;;) sleep(1000); } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-file-style: "stroustrup" */ /* End: */