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2 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b2680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+plop is a public log based on a Merkle tree. It can be used for
+implementing Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962).
+The first implementation is in Erlang. The only interface supported
+initially is Erlang messages.
diff --git a/src/ht.erl b/src/ht.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97842bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ht.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+-record(leaf, {hash :: binary()}). % hash of data
+-record(inner, {child0 :: #leaf{} | #inner{}, % left child
+ child1 :: #leaf{} | #inner{}, % right child
+ hash :: binary()}). % hash of children's hashes
+-record(head, {version :: non_neg_integer(), % number of leafs
+ tree :: tree()}). % the tree
+-type head() :: #head{}.
+-type tree() :: inner() | leaf().
+-type leaf() :: #leaf{}.
+-type inner() :: #inner{}.
+-export_type([head/0, tree/0, inner/0, leaf/0]).
+-export([create/1, append/2, tree_hash/1, tree_version/1]).
+%% Public interface.
+-spec create(iolist() | binary()) -> head().
+create(D) ->
+ mkhead(1, mkleaf(D)).
+-spec tree_hash(head()) -> binary();
+ (tree()) -> binary().
+tree_hash(#head{tree=T}) ->
+ case T of
+ #inner{hash=H} -> H;
+ #leaf{hash=H} -> H
+ end.
+%% @doc Tree version number, i.e. number of leafs in tree. Note that
+%% this is set off by one (one higher) compared with the history tree
+%% version as explained by Crosby and Wallach.
+-spec tree_version(head()) -> non_neg_integer().
+tree_version(#head{version=Ver}) ->
+ Ver.
+%% @doc Append Leaf to Head.
+%% Walk down the tree in Head, stop at The Right Place and make Leaf
+%% the right sibling of that place. To find the right place, let d be
+%% the depth of the tree, then go down the tree on the right side to
+%% level l, where l is the position of the first set bit in d, looking
+%% at d "from the right". l=0 is where the leafs are and l=d-1 is the
+%% root.
+%% The depth of the tree is found by walking down the right path. It
+%% would be better if we inserted the leaf and calculated the nodes on
+%% the way up instead of walking down the tree again. Worst case this
+%% is lg2(N) iterations, i.e. 24 steps for N=16e10.
+%% Example: N=3 (011) => l=0, the rightmost leaf
+%% Example: N=4 (100) => l=2, the root (soon not to be root).
+%% Example: N=5 (101) => l=0, the rightmost leaf.
+%% Example: N=6 (110) => l=1, the last and rightmost inner node.
+-spec append(head(), leaf()) -> head().
+append(Head, Leaf) when is_record(Leaf, leaf) ->
+ N = Head#head.version,
+ %Depth = depth(Head),
+ Level = fls(N),
+ RBD = rightbranchdepth(Head#head.tree),
+ %io:format("N=~p, Depth=~p, Level=~p, RBD=~p~n", [N, Depth, Level, RBD]),
+ #head{version = N + 1, tree = append(Head#head.tree, Leaf, RBD-Level-1)}.
+-spec append(tree(), tree(), pos_integer()) -> tree().
+append(Dest, Newtree, _) when is_record(Dest, leaf) ->
+ mkinner(Dest, Newtree);
+append(Dest, Newtree, 0) when is_record(Dest, inner) ->
+ mkinner(Dest, Newtree);
+append(Dest, Newtree, Depth) when is_record(Dest, inner) ->
+ mkinner(Dest#inner.child0, append(Dest#inner.child1, Newtree, Depth - 1)).
+%% Private functions.
+-spec mkhead(non_neg_integer(), tree()) -> head();
+ (head(), list()) -> head().
+mkhead(Version, Tree) when is_integer(Version) ->
+ #head{version=Version, tree=Tree};
+mkhead(Head, []) ->
+ Head;
+mkhead(Head, [H|T]) ->
+ append(mkhead(Head, T), mkleaf(H)).
+-spec hashfun(iolist() | binary()) -> binary().
+hashfun(Data) ->
+ code:ensure_loaded(crypto),
+ case erlang:function_exported(crypto, hash, 2) of
+ true -> crypto:hash(sha256, Data);
+ _ -> crypto:sha(Data)
+ end.
+%% hashfun_init() ->
+%% sha_init().
+%% hashfun_update(C, D) ->
+%% sha_update(C, D).
+%% hashfun_final(C) ->
+%% sha_final(C).
+-spec mkleaf(iolist() | binary()) -> leaf().
+mkleaf(Data) ->
+ #leaf{hash = hashfun([<<"\x00">>, Data])}.
+-spec mkinner(tree(), tree()) -> inner().
+mkinner(Leaf, Tree) ->
+ #inner{child0 = Leaf,
+ child1 = Tree,
+ hash = mkhash(Leaf, Tree)}.
+%% TODO: merge mkhash/2 and gethash? if so, use it in mkleaf/1.
+-spec mkhash(tree(), tree()) -> binary().
+mkhash(Tree0, Tree1) ->
+ hashfun([<<"\x01">>, gethash(Tree0), gethash(Tree1)]).
+-spec gethash(tree()) -> binary().
+gethash(#leaf{hash=Hash}) ->
+ Hash;
+gethash(#inner{child0=Child0, child1=Child1}) ->
+ mkhash(Child0, Child1).
+%% @doc Unsigned integer -> binary.
+%% In R16, we can use integer_to_binary/1.
+-spec ui2b(pos_integer()) -> binary().
+ui2b(Unsigned) ->
+ binary:encode_unsigned(Unsigned).
+%% @doc Find first set bit in V, starting counting at zero from the
+%% least significant bit.
+ffs(V) when is_integer(V) ->
+ L = [Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= ui2b(V)],
+ length(L) - ffs(L, 0) - 1.
+ffs([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+ffs([H|T], Acc) ->
+ case H of
+ 0 -> ffs(T, Acc+1);
+ _ -> Acc
+ end.
+fls(V) when is_integer(V) ->
+ L = lists:reverse([Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= ui2b(V)]),
+ ffs(L, 0).
+rightbranchdepth(Tree) ->
+ 1 + rightbranchdepth(Tree, 0).
+-spec rightbranchdepth(tree(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+rightbranchdepth(Tree, Acc) when is_record(Tree, leaf) ->
+ Acc;
+rightbranchdepth(Tree, Acc) ->
+ rightbranchdepth(Tree#inner.child1, Acc + 1).
+%% Internal tests.
+-define(EMPTY_HASH, "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855").
+-define(TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, ["", "\x00", "\x10", " !", "01", "@ABC", "PQRSTUVW", "`abcdefghijklmno"]).
+-define(TEST_VECTOR_HASHES, ["6e340b9cffb37a989ca544e6bb780a2c78901d3fb33738768511a30617afa01d",
+ "fac54203e7cc696cf0dfcb42c92a1d9dbaf70ad9e621f4bd8d98662f00e3c125",
+ "aeb6bcfe274b70a14fb067a5e5578264db0fa9b51af5e0ba159158f329e06e77",
+ "d37ee418976dd95753c1c73862b9398fa2a2cf9b4ff0fdfe8b30cd95209614b7",
+ "4e3bbb1f7b478dcfe71fb631631519a3bca12c9aefca1612bfce4c13a86264d4",
+ "76e67dadbcdf1e10e1b74ddc608abd2f98dfb16fbce75277b5232a127f2087ef",
+ "ddb89be403809e325750d3d263cd78929c2942b7942a34b77e122c9594a74c8c",
+ "5dc9da79a70659a9ad559cb701ded9a2ab9d823aad2f4960cfe370eff4604328"]).
+empty_hash_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(hex:hexstr_to_bin(?EMPTY_HASH), mth([])).
+mth_test() ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X) -> ?assertEqual(
+ mth(lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, X)),
+ hex:hexstr_to_bin(lists:nth(X, ?TEST_VECTOR_HASHES)))
+ end,
+ lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+%% @doc Build trees using append/2 and mth/2 and compare the resulting
+%% tree hashes.
+append_test() ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X) -> L = lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, X),
+ io:format("~p~n", [L]),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ mth(L),
+ gethash((mkhead(L))#head.tree))
+ end,
+ lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+mkhead_from_list_test() ->
+ L = ["a", "b"],
+ ?assertEqual(append(mkhead(1, mkleaf(lists:nth(1, L))),
+ mkleaf(lists:nth(2, L))),
+ mkhead(L)).
+append_eq_mth_test() ->
+ %% FIXME: Make larger trees once we've fixed That Bug.
+ L = lists:seq(1, 255),
+ ?assertEqual(gethash((mkhead(L))#head.tree), mth(L)).
+%% Test helpers.
+%% @doc Calculate a Merkle Tree Hash from an ordered list as specified
+%% in RFC 6962.
+%% K, the split point, is the number of leafs comprising the largest
+%% possible full tree.
+%% The way we calculate K is to let N be the number of entries, find
+%% the most significant bit in N-1 and raise two to that number. This
+%% is K.
+-spec mth(list()) -> binary().
+mth([]) ->
+ hashfun(<<"">>);
+mth(L) ->
+ case length(L) of
+ 1 -> hashfun([<<"\x00">>, L]);
+ _ -> Split = 1 bsl ffs(length(L) - 1),
+ {L1, L2} = lists:split(Split, L), % TODO: PERF
+ hashfun([<<"\x01">>, mth(L1), mth(L2)])
+ end.
+-spec mkhead(list()) -> head().
+mkhead([]) ->
+ mkhead(1, mkleaf([]));
+mkhead(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ mkhead(create(hd(L)), lists:reverse(tl(L))).