path: root/src/ht.erl
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authorLinus Nordberg <>2014-09-09 16:29:53 +0200
committerLinus Nordberg <>2014-09-09 16:52:57 +0200
commitfbf64f31f34a12a9fc983f74bec27e5fbbe85f34 (patch)
tree74ba2a26673c4686f0baaad658918e1cf216bc59 /src/ht.erl
parente7a1ca43af470b6e99c0e11d845903f9bf00c723 (diff)
New hash tree implementation, using an ETS table for the hashes.
Also, add an untested entry storage implementation, using multiple DETS tables.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ht.erl')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/src/ht.erl b/src/ht.erl
index b24d04d..bcd9421 100644
--- a/src/ht.erl
+++ b/src/ht.erl
@@ -1,233 +1,204 @@
%%% Copyright (c) 2014, NORDUnet A/S.
%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
-%%% Implementation of a history tree similar to what is described in
-%%% Efficient Data Structures for Tamper-Evident Logging [0]. This
-%%% implementation follows RFC 6962 and differs from [0] only in how
-%%% non-full trees are handled.
+%%% Implementation of a history tree as described in Efficient Data
+%%% Structures for Tamper-Evident Logging [0]. This implementation
+%%% follows RFC 6962 and differs from [0] only in how non-full trees
+%%% are handled.
+%%% [0]
%%% Useful terminology:
-%%% C -- Commitment.
-%%% X -- Event, stored in leaf nodes.
-%%% I(i,r) -- Interior node with index i, on layer r.
+%%% E -- Entry, stored in leaf nodes.
+%%% I(i,r) -- Inner node with index i, on layer r.
%%% A(v)(i,r) -- Hash of I(i,r) in tree of version v.
%%% d -- Depth of tree.
%%% Nodes are identified by their index i and layer r.
%%% I(i,r) has left child I(i,r-1) and right child I(i+2^(r-1),r-1).
-%%% A version-n tree stores n+1 events.
+%%% A version-n tree stores n+1 entries.
%%% In a version-n tree, I(i,r) is frozen when n >= i + 2^r - 1.
-%%% [0]
+%%% Data types:
+%%% history_tree
+%%% version (integer)
+%%% head (reference to a frozen or warm node)
+%%% frozen nodes (ets tables handled by ts)
+%%% warm nodes (ets table handled by ts)
+%%% Interface:
+%%% create tree (-> tree)
+%%% add entry (data -> tree)
+%%% get hash of leaf or inner node (i, r -> hash)
+%%% get inclusion proof for leaf i in version-n tree (i, n -> hashes)
+%%% get consistency proof between trees of version n and m (n, m -> hashes)
+-import(lists, [foreach/2, foldl/3, reverse/1]).
--record(leaf, {hash :: binary()}). % hash of data
--record(inner, {child0 :: #leaf{} | #inner{}, % left child
- child1 :: #leaf{} | #inner{}, % right child
- hash :: binary()}). % hash of children's hashes
--record(head, {version :: non_neg_integer(), % number of leaves
- tree :: tree()}). % the tree
--type head() :: #head{}.
--type tree() :: inner() | leaf() | undefined.
--type leaf() :: #leaf{}.
--type inner() :: #inner{}.
--export_type([head/0, tree/0, inner/0, leaf/0]).
--export([create/0, append/2, tree_hash/1, size/1, audit_path/2,
- consistency_proof/2]).
+-export_type([history_tree/0, inner/0]).
+-export([new/0, new/1, destroy/1, size/1, add/2]).
+-export([get_hash/3, get_incl/3, get_cons/3]).
+-export([tree_hash/1, tree_hash/2]).
%% Public interface.
-%% @doc Return an empty tree.
--spec create() -> head().
-create() ->
- mkhead(0, undefined).
-%% @doc Return the merkle tree hash of a tree.
--spec tree_hash(head()) -> binary();
- (tree()) -> binary().
-tree_hash(#head{tree=T}) ->
- case T of
- undefined -> hashfun(<<>>);
- #inner{hash=H} -> H;
- #leaf{hash=H} -> H
- end.
-%% @doc Return the size of a tree, i.e. its number of leaves.
--spec size(head()) -> non_neg_integer().
-size(Head) ->
- tree_version(Head).
-%% @doc Append a leaf to a tree.
-%% Walk down the tree in Head, stop at The Right Place and make Leaf
-%% the right sibling of that place. To find the right place, let d be
-%% the depth of the tree, then go down the tree on the right hand side
-%% to level l, where l is the position of the first set bit in d,
-%% looking at d from the least significant bit. l=0 is where the leaves
-%% are and l=d-1 is the root.
-%% The depth of the tree is found by walking down the right path. It
-%% would be better if we inserted the leaf and calculated the nodes on
-%% the way up instead of walking down the tree again. Worst case this
-%% is lg2(N) iterations, i.e. 24 steps for N=16e10.
-%% Example: N=3 (011) => l=0, the rightmost leaf.
-%% Example: N=4 (100) => l=2, the root (soon not to be root).
-%% Example: N=5 (101) => l=0, the rightmost leaf.
-%% Example: N=6 (110) => l=1, the last and rightmost inner node.
-%% NOTE: Adding a tree requires some more work. One thing is that if
-%% the tree to append doesn't fit in right-hand subtree, it has to be
-%% added in smaller pieces.
--spec append(head(), leaf() | iolist() | binary()) -> head().
-append(#head{version = 0}, Leaf) when is_record(Leaf, leaf) ->
- mkhead(1, Leaf);
-append(#head{version = N, tree = Tree}, Leaf) when is_record(Leaf, leaf) ->
- Level = fls(N),
- RBD = rightbranchdepth(Tree),
- %io:format("N=~p, Level=~p, RBD=~p~n", [N, Level, RBD]),
- #head{version = N + 1, tree = append_at(Tree, Leaf, RBD-Level-1)};
-append(Head, Data) ->
- append(Head, mkleaf(Data)).
--spec append_at(tree(), tree(), pos_integer()) -> tree().
-append_at(Dest, Newtree, _) when is_record(Dest, leaf) ->
- mkinner(Dest, Newtree);
-append_at(Dest, Newtree, 0) when is_record(Dest, inner) ->
- mkinner(Dest, Newtree);
-append_at(Dest, Newtree, Depth) when is_record(Dest, inner) ->
- mkinner(Dest#inner.child0, append_at(Dest#inner.child1, Newtree, Depth - 1)).
-%% @doc Return an audit path.
-%% An audit path is a list of those hashes needed to calculate the
-%% tree hash for Head given the knowledge of the nth hash in the
-%% tree. An audit path proves existance of a given leaf in a given
-%% tree.
-%% Walk down the tree to N and build the list in Acc by adding each
-%% sibling.
--spec audit_path(head(), non_neg_integer()) -> list().
-audit_path(#head{version = Version, tree = Tree}, N) ->
- L = [Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= ui2b(N)],
- {_, Path} = lists:split(length(L) - ffs(Version) -1, L),
- audit_path(Tree, Path, []).
-audit_path(Tree, _, Acc) when is_record(Tree, leaf) ->
- Acc;
-audit_path(_, [], Acc) ->
- Acc;
-audit_path(#inner{child0 = Left, child1 = Right}, [PathH|PathT], Acc) ->
- case PathH of
- 0 -> % Take a left.
- audit_path(Left, PathT, [gethash(Right) | Acc]);
- _ -> % Take a right.
- audit_path(Right, PathT, [gethash(Left) | Acc])
- end.
-%% @doc Return a consistency proof.
-%% A consistency proof is the shortest list of nodes required to
-%% verify that the tree built from the first n leaves of a given tree
-%% is a subset of that tree. Consistency proofs prove the append-only
-%% property of a tree.
--spec consistency_proof(head(), non_neg_integer()) -> list().
-consistency_proof(Head, N) ->
- [fixme, Head, N].
-%% Private functions.
+%% Data types.
+-record(history_tree, {version :: integer(),
+ store :: ts:tree_store()}).
+-type history_tree() :: #history_tree{}.
+-record(inner, {index :: non_neg_integer(), % 27bit integer => max 134e6 entries
+ layer :: non_neg_integer(), % 5bit integer
+ hash :: binary()}).
+-type inner() :: #inner{}.
-%% @doc Return version number of a tree.
+%% Public interface.
+size(#history_tree{version = V}) ->
+ V + 1.
+-spec new() -> history_tree().
+new() ->
+ #history_tree{version = -1, store = ts:new()}.
+-spec new(integer()) -> history_tree().
+new(Version) ->
+ foldl(fun(#mtl{entry = E}, Tree) ->
+ D = (E#timestamped_entry.entry),
+ add(Tree, D) % Return value -> Tree in next invocation.
+ end, new(), db:get_by_index_sorted(0, Version)).
+destroy(Tree) ->
+ ts:delete(
+%% @doc Which layers need to change when creating a version-n tree?
+%% Layer 0 is where the new leaf is added and always needs
+%% updating. Apart from 0, the layers with a number corresponding to
+%% the "positions of the bits set in n" are the ones that need to be
+%% touched. This assumes a somewhat unorthodox bit numbering where the
+%% least significant bit has number 1 (rather than 0).
-%% The version number is the number of leaves in tree. Note that this
-%% is set off by one (higher) compared to the history tree version as
-%% explained by Crosby and Wallach.
--spec tree_version(head()) -> non_neg_integer().
-tree_version(#head{version=Ver}) ->
- Ver.
--spec mkhead(non_neg_integer(), tree()) -> head();
- (head(), list()) -> head().
-mkhead(Version, Tree) when is_integer(Version) ->
- #head{version=Version, tree=Tree};
-mkhead(Head, []) ->
- Head;
-mkhead(Head, [H|T]) ->
- append(mkhead(Head, T), mkleaf(H)).
--spec hashfun(iolist() | binary()) -> binary().
-hashfun(Data) ->
- crypto:hash(sha256, Data).
--spec mkleaf(iolist() | binary()) -> leaf().
-mkleaf(Data) ->
- #leaf{hash = hashfun([<<"\x00">>, Data])}.
--spec mkinner(tree(), tree()) -> inner().
-mkinner(Leaf, Tree) ->
- #inner{child0 = Leaf,
- child1 = Tree,
- hash = mkhash(Leaf, Tree)}.
--spec mkhash(tree(), tree()) -> binary().
-mkhash(Tree0, Tree1) ->
- hashfun([<<"\x01">>, hash(Tree0), hash(Tree1)]).
--spec hash(tree()) -> binary().
-hash(#leaf{hash=Hash}) ->
- Hash;
-hash(#inner{child0=Child0, child1=Child1}) ->
- mkhash(Child0, Child1).
-gethash(#leaf{hash = Hash}) -> Hash;
-gethash(#inner{hash = Hash}) -> Hash.
-%% @doc Unsigned integer -> binary.
--spec ui2b(pos_integer()) -> binary().
-ui2b(Unsigned) ->
- binary:encode_unsigned(Unsigned).
-%% @doc Find first set bit in V, starting counting at zero from the
-%% least significant bit.
-ffs(V) when is_integer(V) ->
- L = [Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= ui2b(V)],
- length(L) - ffs(L, 0) - 1.
+%% For example:
+%% A version 2 (0010) tree has had changes to layer 2
+%% A version 5 (0101) tree has had changes to layers 1 and 3
+%% A version 8 (1000) tree has had changes to layer 4
+-spec add(history_tree(), binary()) -> history_tree().
+add(#history_tree{version = V, store = Store}, Entry) ->
+ NewVersion = V + 1,
+ LeafIndex = NewVersion,
+ LeafHash = mkleafhash(Entry),
+ LayerMap = reverse([B || <<B:1>> <= binary:encode_unsigned(NewVersion)]),
+ #history_tree{version = NewVersion,
+ store = update(ts:store(Store, {LeafIndex, 0}, LeafHash),
+ 1, LayerMap,
+ #inner{index = LeafIndex, layer = 0,
+ hash = LeafHash})}.
+tree_hash(Tree) ->
+ tree_hash(Tree, Tree#history_tree.version).
+tree_hash(Tree, Version) ->
+ get_hash(Tree, Version, {0, depth(Tree) - 1}).
+-spec get_hash(history_tree(), non_neg_integer(), tuple()) -> binary().
+get_hash(#history_tree{store = S}, _Version, IR) ->
+ %% TODO: Use Version!
+ {{_I, _R}, Hash} = ts:retrieve(S, IR),
+ Hash.
+%-spec get_incl/3
+get_incl(_, _, _) ->
+ nyi.
+%-spec get_cons/3
+get_cons(_, _, _) ->
+ nyi.
+%% Private.
+%% -spec head(history_tree()) -> inner().
+%% head(#history_tree{store = Store}) ->
+%% {{I, R}, Hash} = ts:retrieve(Store, {0, 0}),
+%% #inner{index = I, layer = R, hash = Hash}.
+%% @doc Return position of highest bit set, counting from the least
+%% significant bit, starting at 1.
+bitpos_first_set(N) ->
+ L = [Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= binary:encode_unsigned(N)],
+ length(L) - ffs(L, 0).
ffs([], Acc) ->
ffs([H|T], Acc) ->
case H of
- 0 -> ffs(T, Acc+1);
+ 0 -> ffs(T, Acc + 1);
_ -> Acc
-fls(V) when is_integer(V) ->
- L = lists:reverse([Bit || <<Bit:1>> <= ui2b(V)]),
- ffs(L, 0).
-rightbranchdepth(Tree) ->
- 1 + rightbranchdepth(Tree, 0).
--spec rightbranchdepth(tree(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
-rightbranchdepth(Tree, Acc) when is_record(Tree, leaf) ->
- Acc;
-rightbranchdepth(Tree, Acc) ->
- rightbranchdepth(Tree#inner.child1, Acc + 1).
+depth(#history_tree{version = -1}) ->
+ 0;
+depth(#history_tree{version = V}) ->
+ bitpos_first_set(V) + 1.
+-spec update(ts:tree_store(), pos_integer(), list(), inner()) -> ts:tree_store().
+update(Store, _, [], _) ->
+ Store;
+ CurrentLayer, [UpdateThisLayerP|LayerMap],
+ Child = #inner{index = ChildIndex,
+ layer = ChildLayer,
+ hash = ChildHash}) ->
+ case UpdateThisLayerP == 1 of
+ true ->
+ %% Create/update the parent of ChildHash at ChildIndex.
+ %%
+ %% Parent index is equal to child index with its r lowest
+ %% bits stripped off, where r is current layer.
+ %%
+ %% Other child is found by comparing index of parent and
+ %% known child. If they're the same, the known child is
+ %% the left child and its sibling is found on the same
+ %% layer. If they differ, the known child is the right
+ %% child and the left child is to be found one layer below
+ %% the parent, same index.
+ Index = strip_low_bits(ChildIndex, CurrentLayer),
+ Hash =
+ case Index == ChildIndex of
+ true ->
+ {_SibIR, SibHash} =
+ ts:retrieve(Store, {Index + (1 bsl ChildLayer) - 1,
+ ChildLayer}),
+ mkinnerhash(ChildHash, SibHash);
+ _ ->
+ {_SibIR, SibHash} =
+ ts:retrieve(Store, {Index, CurrentLayer - 1}),
+ mkinnerhash(SibHash, ChildHash)
+ end,
+ update(ts:store(Store, {Index, CurrentLayer}, Hash),
+ CurrentLayer + 1, LayerMap,
+ #inner{index = Index, layer = CurrentLayer, hash = Hash});
+ _ ->
+ update(Store, CurrentLayer + 1, LayerMap, Child)
+ end.
+strip_low_bits(N, Nbits) ->
+ (N bsr Nbits) bsl Nbits.
+hash(Data) ->
+ crypto:hash(sha256, Data).
+mkleafhash(Data) ->
+ hash([<<"\x00">>, Data]).
+mkinnerhash(Hash1, Hash2) ->
+ hash([<<"\x01">>, Hash1, Hash2]).
-%% Internal tests.
- [[<<"a foo is a bar">>,
- <<148,242,40,0,3,172,180,106,111,230,146,161,32,40,128,38,103,8,194,
- 102,72,68, 126,70,108,47,8,216,208,146,178,107>>]]).
-%% Test vectors from certificate-transparency/src/python/ct/crypto/
- "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855").
+%% Testing ht.
["", "\x00", "\x10", " !", "01", "@ABC", "PQRSTUVW", "`abcdefghijklmno"]).
@@ -239,43 +210,18 @@ rightbranchdepth(Tree, Acc) ->
-%% Own test vectors.
--define(TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES2, ["d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6"]).
- [
- {a, "C67F9FFE68E0761021341DD516428F42FBDEA633731CBDADA03BEA6B84C652F7"},
- {b, "49B717E4D6ECDD82F6F6648CF8F86FDF4A912600A4557398E1733186FA952C1D"},
- {c, "F366DF4718EF75064317794FF5300E0963E96DD93FE24203118055FA5A00BE13"},
- {d, "5E0C4E1130DFA84D27437BA073EB817E1896643D42EA100A0940F8752D496783"},
- {e, "39298BE94337336FC5515E7A34DE6EF23C9A1BFF66378B71918AE2D105D684C8"},
- {f, "6D1BB6BBB111AF4A1E9EC0B9FB2613CC2BCB394141CEE8C2CD462B5AD3803D78"},
- {g, "46C78708413A23175F51FAF1C22604BCCB44482D553B45943B189130EA8221C8"},
- {h, "C59E9A6D9575777BA3BDBD3E3086516196CF87EC9760861362ABA5CD0F78DF1D"},
- {i, "A4F2A847CCE0DCE0519B1D6B83E4CA15166193DBB0C8F864E736665EDBDE1994"},
- {j, "D750CA922FABC5422EEC469D4370779B61D5488186CB871EEEA299D8113D20BC"},
- {k, "8DF3870B33FAE650E81938994F98EB4551B143B86C95D3DAE4E6444E00715016"},
- {l, "3CF05FF16D26C024828E93B3A14C5656E5ABCBC5E6F0BCE2CF8A169720599674"}
- ]).
-smap_get(Key, SimpleMap) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, SimpleMap) of
- {_, Val} -> Val;
- Notfound -> Notfound
- end.
-basic_helpers_test_() ->
- [test_bitcount()].
-basic_tree_test_() ->
- TVT1 = lists:nth(1, ?TEST_VECTOR_TREES),
- [?_assertEqual(#head{version = 0, tree = undefined},
- create()),
- ?_assertEqual(#head{version = 1,
- tree = #leaf{hash = lists:last(TVT1)}},
- create(hd(TVT1)))].
-empty_hash_test_() ->
- [?_assertEqual(hex:hexstr_to_bin(?EMPTY_HASH), mth([]))].
+%% @doc Build trees using add/2 and mth/2 and compare the resulting
+%% tree hashes.
+add_test() ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X) -> L = lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, X),
+ ?assertEqual(mth(L), tree_hash(mktree(L)))
+ end,
+ lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+%% Testing the test helpers.
mth_test() ->
fun(X) -> ?assertEqual(
@@ -284,153 +230,25 @@ mth_test() ->
lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
-new_tree_test_() ->
- TVT1 = lists:nth(1, ?TEST_VECTOR_TREES),
- V0 = create(),
- V1 = append(V0, hd(TVT1)),
- [?_assertEqual(0, V0#head.version),
- ?_assertEqual(undefined, V0#head.tree),
- ?_assertEqual(lists:last(TVT1), (V1#head.tree)#leaf.hash),
- ?_assertEqual(1, V1#head.version)].
-%% @doc Build trees using append/2 and mth/2 and compare the resulting
-%% tree hashes.
-append_test() ->
- lists:foreach(
- fun(X) -> L = lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, X),
- ?assertEqual(
- mth(L),
- gethash((mkhead(L))#head.tree))
- end,
- lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
-mkhead_from_list_test() ->
- L = ["a", "b"],
- ?assertEqual(append(mkhead(1, mkleaf(lists:nth(1, L))),
- mkleaf(lists:nth(2, L))),
- mkhead(L)).
-append_eq_mth_test() ->
- Count = 300,
- L = [<<X:16>> || X <- lists:seq(0, Count)],
- ?assertEqual(gethash((mkhead(L))#head.tree), mth(L)).
-path_test_() ->
- %%Tree = lists:foldl(fun(E, T) -> ht:append(T, E) end, ht:create(), Leaves),
- [?_assertEqual([smap_get(b, H), smap_get(h, H), smap_get(l, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, path(0, Leaves))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(c, H), smap_get(g, H), smap_get(l, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, path(3, Leaves))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(f, H), smap_get(j, H), smap_get(k, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, path(4, Leaves))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(i, H), smap_get(k, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, path(6, Leaves)))].
-audit_path_test_() ->
- Tree = lists:foldl(fun(E, T) -> ht:append(T, E) end, ht:create(),
- [?_assertEqual([smap_get(b, H), smap_get(h, H), smap_get(l, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, audit_path(Tree, 0))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(c, H), smap_get(g, H), smap_get(l, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, audit_path(Tree, 3))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(f, H), smap_get(j, H), smap_get(k, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, audit_path(Tree, 4))),
- ?_assertEqual([smap_get(i, H), smap_get(k, H)],
- lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, audit_path(Tree, 6)))].
-consistency_proof_test_() ->
- H = mkhead([]),
- M = 0,
- [?_assertEqual([niy, H, M], proof(H, M))].
%% Test helpers.
-%% @doc Calculate a Merkle Tree Hash from an ordered list as specified
-%% in RFC 6962.
-%% K, the split point, is the number of leaves comprising the largest
-%% possible full tree.
-%% The way we calculate K is to let N be the number of entries, find
-%% the most significant bit in N-1 and raise two to that number. This
-%% is K.
-test_bitcount() ->
- L = [1, 2, 3, 255, 256, 511, 512, 32767, 32768, 65535, 65536,
- 2147483648, 4294967296, 8589934591, 8589934592, 18446744073709551616],
- [[?_assertEqual(lists:nth(1, tv_bitcount(X)), ffs(X)) || X <- L],
- [?_assertEqual(lists:nth(2, tv_bitcount(X)), fls(X)) || X <- L]].
-tv_bitcount(1) -> [0, 0];
-tv_bitcount(2) -> [1, 1];
-tv_bitcount(3) -> [1, 0];
-tv_bitcount(255) -> [7, 0];
-tv_bitcount(256) -> [8, 8];
-tv_bitcount(511) -> [8, 0];
-tv_bitcount(512) -> [9, 9];
-tv_bitcount(32767) -> [14, 0];
-tv_bitcount(32768) -> [15, 15];
-tv_bitcount(65535) -> [15, 0];
-tv_bitcount(65536) -> [16, 16];
-tv_bitcount(2147483648) -> [31, 31];
-tv_bitcount(4294967296) -> [32, 32];
-tv_bitcount(8589934591) -> [32, 0];
-tv_bitcount(8589934592) -> [33, 33];
-tv_bitcount(18446744073709551616) -> [64, 64].
+mktree(L) ->
+ mktree(new(), L).
+mktree(Tree, []) ->
+ Tree;
+mktree(Tree, [H|T]) ->
+ mktree(add(Tree, H), T).
%% @doc Return the Merkle Tree Head for the leaves in L. Implements
%% the algorithm in section 2.1 of RFC 6962. Used for testing.
-spec mth(list()) -> binary().
mth([]) ->
- hashfun(<<"">>);
+ hash(<<"">>);
mth(L) ->
case length(L) of
- 1 -> hashfun([<<"\x00">>, L]);
- _ -> Split = 1 bsl ffs(length(L) - 1),
+ 1 -> hash([<<"\x00">>, L]);
+ _ -> Split = 1 bsl (bitpos_first_set(length(L) - 1) - 1),
{L1, L2} = lists:split(Split, L), % TODO: PERF
- hashfun([<<"\x01">>, mth(L1), mth(L2)])
+ hash([<<"\x01">>, mth(L1), mth(L2)])
-%% @doc Return the Merkle Audit Path for leaf m in L. Implements the
-%% algorithm in section 2.1.1 of RFC 6962. Used for testing.
--spec path(integer(), list()) -> list().
-path(0, L) when length(L) == 1 ->
- [];
-path(M, L) ->
- K = 1 bsl ffs(length(L) - 1),
- {L1, L2} = lists:split(K, L),
- R = case M < K of
- true -> [path(M, L1), mth(L2)];
- _ -> [path(M - K, L2), mth(L1)]
- end,
- lists:flatten(R).
-%% @doc Return the Merkle Consistency Proof between the first m leaves
-%% of L and L. Implements the algorithm in section 2.1.2 of RFC
-%% 6962. Used for testing.
--spec proof(integer(), list()) -> list().
-proof(M, L) ->
- [niy, M, L].
--spec create(iolist() | binary()) -> head().
-create(D) ->
- mkhead(1, mkleaf(D)).
--spec mkhead(list()) -> head().
-mkhead([]) ->
- mkhead(1, mkleaf([]));
-mkhead(L) when is_list(L) ->
- mkhead(create(hd(L)), lists:reverse(tl(L))).
-%% For looking at a tree in a REPL.
-%% hashes_hex(Head) ->
-%% lists:map(fun hex:bin_to_hexstr/1, hashes(Head)).
-%% hashes(Head) when is_record(Head, head) ->
-%% lists:flatten(hashes(Head#head.tree));
-%% hashes(#inner{child0 = L, child1 = R, hash = H}) ->
-%% [H | [hashes(L), hashes(R)]];
-%% hashes(#leaf{hash = H}) ->
-%% H.