diff options
authorLinus Nordberg <>2017-03-08 15:26:16 +0100
committerLinus Nordberg <>2017-03-08 15:26:16 +0100
commit04f5784a9af4cf49dd8a08ff4c64035272cfd370 (patch)
parent845b5a95d7192329a91d16899ed505c477173422 (diff)
parent068495af568f93b3db3ac5c29cf85f962b250632 (diff)
Merge branch 'CATLFISH-100'
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/ht.erl b/src/ht.erl
index 87090f0..7f52db0 100644
--- a/src/ht.erl
+++ b/src/ht.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
-define(MAX_READ_ENTRIES, 10000).
--define(MAX_CALC_ENTRIES, 10000).
%% Data types.
-record(tree, {version :: integer(),
@@ -100,12 +99,10 @@ print_tree(HashOutputLen) ->
%% gen_server callbacks
init(Args) ->
- lager:info("reading tree"),
- Tree = new(Args),
- lager:info("building tree"),
- UpdatedTree = update(Tree),
+ lager:info("reading and building tree"),
+ Tree = new_and_update(Args),
- {ok, UpdatedTree}.
+ {ok, Tree}.
handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
@@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
% public api
handle_call({reset_tree, Arg}, _From, _State) ->
- NewTree = new(Arg),
+ NewTree = new_and_update(Arg),
{reply, NewTree, NewTree};
handle_call({load_tree, Version}, _From, State) ->
{Reply, NewTree} = read_new_entries(State, Version),
@@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
handle_call(size, _From, State) ->
{reply, State#tree.version + 1, State};
handle_call({add, Hash}, _From, State) ->
- {reply, ok, add(State, Hash)};
+ {reply, ok, add_with_update(State, Hash)};
handle_call(root, _From, State) ->
{NewState, Hash} = head(State, State#tree.version),
{reply, Hash, NewState};
@@ -159,14 +156,13 @@ consistency(Tree, _V1, V2) when V2 > Tree#tree.version ->
consistency(Tree, V1, V2) ->
%% Walk up the tree from V1 to first left child.
{StartLayer, StartIndex} = first_left_node(0, V1),
- UpdTree = update(Tree, V2),
First = case StartIndex of
0 -> [];
- _ -> [get_hash(UpdTree, {StartLayer, StartIndex})]
+ _ -> [get_hash(Tree, {StartLayer, StartIndex})]
%% Get path from first left child to head of V2.
- {_, Path} = path(UpdTree, StartLayer, StartIndex, V2),
- {UpdTree, First ++ Path}.
+ {_, Path} = path(Tree, StartLayer, StartIndex, V2),
+ {Tree, First ++ Path}.
%% @doc Return a list of hashes showing the path from leaf Index to
%% the tree head in the tree of version Version.
@@ -182,8 +178,7 @@ path(Tree = #tree{version = V}, _, _, Version) when Version > V ->
{Tree, []}; % FIXME: Return an error?
path(Tree, Layer, Index, Version) ->
%% The magic here is to tell path/6 to stop at Version >> Layer.
- UpdTree = update(Tree, Version),
- {UpdTree, path(UpdTree, Layer, Index, Version bsr Layer, Version, [])}.
+ {Tree, path(Tree, Layer, Index, Version bsr Layer, Version, [])}.
%% @doc Return path from {Layer,I} to head of tree Version. I is the
%% leftmost and ILast the rightmost node to consider, at Layer.
@@ -214,25 +209,11 @@ get_hash(Tree, {R, I}) ->
head(Tree, -1) ->
{Tree, hash(<<"">>)};
head(Tree = #tree{version = V}, Version) when Version == V ->
- EndBound = min(Version, Tree#tree.evaluated + ?MAX_CALC_ENTRIES),
- NewTree = update(Tree, EndBound),
- case EndBound of
- Version ->
- {NewTree, get_hash(NewTree, {depth(Tree) - 1, 0})};
- _ ->
- {NewTree, eagain}
- end;
+ {Tree, get_hash(Tree, {depth(Tree) - 1, 0})};
head(Tree = #tree{version = V}, Version) when Version > V ->
{Tree, enotimetravel};
head(Tree, Version) ->
- EndBound = min(Version, Tree#tree.evaluated + ?MAX_CALC_ENTRIES),
- NewTree = update(Tree, EndBound),
- case EndBound of
- Version ->
- {NewTree, old_version_tree_head(NewTree, Version)};
- _ ->
- {NewTree, eagain}
- end.
+ {Tree, old_version_tree_head(Tree, Version)}.
-spec old_version_tree_head(tree(), non_neg_integer()) -> binary().
old_version_tree_head(Tree, Version) ->
@@ -290,26 +271,37 @@ first_left_node(Layer, Index, BAL) ->
false -> {Layer, Index}
+%% @doc Add a hash and update the tree.
+-spec add_with_update(tree(), binary()) -> tree().
+add_with_update(Tree, Hash) ->
+ update(add(Tree, Hash)).
%% @doc Add a hash but don't update the tree.
-spec add(tree(), binary()) -> tree().
add(Tree = #tree{version = V, store = Store}, Hash) ->
Tree#tree{version = V + 1, store = ts:add(Store, 0, Hash)}.
-read_new_entries(State, Version) when is_integer(Version) ->
- EndBound = min(Version, State#tree.version + ?MAX_READ_ENTRIES),
- NewEntries = db:get_by_indices(State#tree.version + 1, EndBound, {sorted, true}),
- NewState = foldl(fun(Hash, Tree) ->
- add(Tree, Hash)
- end, State, [H || {_I, H, _E} <-
- NewEntries]),
+read_new_entries(Tree, Version) when is_integer(Version) ->
+ EndBound = min(Version, Tree#tree.version + ?MAX_READ_ENTRIES),
+ NewEntries = db:get_by_indices(Tree#tree.version + 1, EndBound, {sorted, true}),
+ NewHashes = [H || {_I, H, _E} <- NewEntries],
+ NewTree = foldl(fun(H, T) ->
+ add(T, H)
+ end, Tree, NewHashes),
+ UpdatedTree = update(NewTree),
case EndBound of
Version ->
- {ok, NewState};
+ {ok, UpdatedTree};
_ ->
- {eagain, NewState}
+ {eagain, UpdatedTree}
-%% @doc Return a new tree.
+%% @doc Return a new updated tree.
+-spec new_and_update(list()) -> tree().
+new_and_update(List) ->
+ update(new(List)).
+%% @doc Return a new tree, not updated.
-spec new(list()) -> tree().
new([]) ->
#tree{version = -1,
@@ -329,22 +321,14 @@ new([List]) when is_list(List) ->
foldl(fun(Hash, Tree) -> add(Tree, Hash) end,
new([]), List).
-update(Tree) ->
- update(Tree, Tree#tree.version).
-%% @doc Calculate hashes in Tree up to and including node with index
-%% equal to Version. Update Tree.evaluated to reflect the new state.
--spec update(tree(), non_neg_integer()) -> tree().
-update(Tree, 0) ->
- %% A version 0 tree needs no updating.
- Tree#tree{evaluated = 0};
-update(Tree = #tree{evaluated = E}, V) when E >= V ->
+%% @doc Calculate hashes in Tree. Update Tree.evaluated to reflect the
+%% new state.
+-spec update(tree()) -> tree().
+update(Tree = #tree{version = Version, evaluated = E}) when E >= Version ->
%% Evaluated enough already. Nothing to do.
+ true = E == Version, % ASSERTION.
-update(Tree = #tree{version = MaxV}, V) when V > MaxV ->
- %% Asking for more than we've got. Do as much as possible.
- update(Tree, MaxV);
-update(Tree = #tree{evaluated = Evaluated}, Version) ->
+update(Tree = #tree{version = Version, evaluated = Evaluated}) ->
NewTree = update_layer(Tree, 0, Evaluated + 1, Version),
NewTree#tree{evaluated = Version}.
@@ -462,8 +446,7 @@ print_layer(Tree, HashOutputLen, Layer, ILast) ->
%% Testing ht.
-%% TODO: Move all these tests to a separate file in ../test. They're
-%% only using external functions.
["", "\x00", "\x10", " !", "01", "@ABC", "PQRSTUVW", "`abcdefghijklmno"]).
@@ -473,6 +456,53 @@ test_init(L) ->
{ok, _Pid} = start_link(L).
+%% Using internal interfaces.
+storage_consistency_test() ->
+ LEAVES = [<<X:32>> || X <- lists:seq(0, 64)],
+ test_init(lists:map(fun mkleafhash/1, LEAVES)),
+ Tree = testing_get_state(),
+ ?assert(check_consistency(Tree)),
+ Tree2 = update(Tree),
+ ?assert(check_consistency(Tree2)),
+ Tree3 = add_with_update(Tree2, <<>>),
+ ?assert(check_consistency(Tree3)).
+%%%% Test helpers, internal interfaces.
+levelsize(0, 1) ->
+ 0;
+levelsize(LastIndex, Level) ->
+ trunc((LastIndex)/math:pow(2, Level))+1.
+deptheval(#tree{evaluated = -1}) ->
+ 0;
+deptheval(#tree{evaluated = V}) ->
+ bitpos_first_set(V) + 1.
+%% check_consistency(#tree{evaluated = Evaluated}) when Evaluated == -1 ->
+%% true;
+check_consistency(Tree) ->
+ check_consistency_tree(Tree) and check_consistency_storage(Tree).
+check_consistency_tree(Tree) ->
+ Tree#tree.evaluated == Tree#tree.version.
+check_consistency_storage(Tree) ->
+ lists:all(fun (R) ->
+ ActualSize = ts:count(, R),
+ ShouldBeSize = levelsize(Tree#tree.evaluated, R),
+ case ActualSize of
+ ShouldBeSize ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ lager:error("lastindex: ~p level ~p actual size: ~p should be: ~p", [Tree#tree.evaluated, R, ActualSize, ShouldBeSize]),
+ false
+ end
+ end, lists:seq(1, deptheval(Tree) - 1)).
+%% Using only exported functions.
+%% TODO: Move all these tests to a separate file in ../test. They're
+%% only using external functions.
%% @doc Verify trees using add/2.
add_test() ->