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authorLinus Nordberg <>2014-09-11 11:54:10 +0200
committerLinus Nordberg <>2014-09-11 11:54:10 +0200
commitd8294b2eb95858818a0ce1d5fe3e980aadf7ce53 (patch)
parentc8454a70758a307cf55044fcc55f7425c22b94ec (diff)
Another hashtree implementation, first cut.
This one stores the tree in arrays, one per layer in the tree. It's implemented as gen_server.
2 files changed, 239 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/ht.erl b/src/ht.erl
index 5398483..5fa285c 100644
--- a/src/ht.erl
+++ b/src/ht.erl
@@ -8,125 +8,181 @@
%%% [0]
-%%% Useful terminology:
-%%% E -- Entry, stored in leaf nodes.
-%%% I(i,r) -- Inner node with index i, on layer r.
-%%% A(v)(i,r) -- Hash of I(i,r) in tree of version v.
-%%% d -- Depth of tree.
-%%% Nodes are identified by their index i and layer r.
-%%% I(i,r) has left child I(i,r-1) and right child I(i+2^(r-1),r-1).
-%%% A version-n tree stores n+1 entries.
-%%% In a version-n tree, I(i,r) is frozen when n >= i + 2^r - 1.
+%%% Hashes of inner nodes and leaves are stored in arrays, one per
+%%% layer with layer 0 being where the leaves are. The total number of
+%%% arrays is equal to the depth of the tree. The depth of the tree is
+%%% ceil(lg2(number of leaves)).
+%%% Let {r,i} denote the hash with index i on layer r. The first leaf
+%%% is {0,0}, second is {0,1} and n:th is {0,n-1}.
+%%% The parent of {r,i} is {r+1,floor(i/2)} (not true bc of
+%%% "placeholders", FIXME: doc)
+%%% The sibling of {r,i} is {r,i+1} when i is even and {r,i-1} when i
+%%% is odd.
-%%% Data types:
-%%% history_tree
-%%% version (integer)
-%%% store (tree storage handled by ts)
-%%% Interface:
-%%% create tree (-> tree)
-%%% add entry (data -> tree)
-%%% get hash of leaf or inner node (i, r -> hash)
-%%% get inclusion proof for leaf i in version-n tree (i, n -> hashes)
-%%% get consistency proof between trees of version n and m (n, m -> hashes)
+-export([size/0, add/1, tree_hash/0, tree_hash/1]).
+-export([get_incl/2, get_cons/2]).
+-export([start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/0]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3]).
-import(lists, [foreach/2, foldl/3, reverse/1]).
--export_type([history_tree/0, inner/0]).
--export([new/0, new/1, destroy/1, size/1, add/2]).
--export([get_hash/3, get_incl/3, get_cons/3]).
--export([tree_hash/1, tree_hash/2]).
+%% Data types.
+-record(tree, {version :: integer(),
+ evaluated :: integer(),
+ store :: ts:tree_store()}).
+-type tree() :: #tree{}.
%% Public interface.
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+start_link(NEntries) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [NEntries], []).
+stop() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).
+size() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, size).
+add(Entry) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add, Entry}).
+tree_hash() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, tree_hash).
+tree_hash(Version) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {tree_hash, Version}).
+get_incl(I, V) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {inclusion, I, V}).
+get_cons(V1, V2) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {consistency, V1, V2}).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+ {ok, new()};
+init(Args) ->
+ {ok, new(Args)}.
+handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVersion, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, stopped, State};
+handle_call(size, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, State#tree.version + 1, State};
+handle_call({add, Entry}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, add(State, Entry)};
+handle_call(tree_hash, _From, State) ->
+ {NewState, Hash} = tree_hash(State, State#tree.version),
+ {reply, Hash, NewState};
+handle_call({tree_hash, Version}, _From, State) ->
+ {NewState, Hash} = tree_hash(State, Version),
+ {reply, Hash, NewState};
+handle_call({inclusion, _Index, _Version}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, nyi, State};
+handle_call({consistency, _Version1, _Version2}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, nyi, State}.
-%% Data types.
--record(history_tree, {version :: integer(),
- store :: ts:tree_store()}).
--type history_tree() :: #history_tree{}.
+%% Private.
+-spec get_hash(tree(), non_neg_integer(), tuple()) -> {tree(), binary()}.
+get_hash(Tree, Version, IR) ->
+ NewTree = update(Tree, Version),
+ Hash = ts:retrieve_hash(, IR), % TODO: Honour version!
+ %%io:format("DEBUG: get_hash(Tree=~p,~nVersion=~p,~nIR=~p):~nNewTree=~p~n", [Tree, Version, IR, NewTree]),
+ {NewTree, Hash}.
--record(inner, {index :: non_neg_integer(), % 27bit integer => max 134e6 entries
- layer :: non_neg_integer(), % 5bit integer
- hash :: binary()}).
--type inner() :: #inner{}.
+-spec tree_hash(tree(), integer()) -> {tree(), binary()}.
+tree_hash(Tree, -1) ->
+ {Tree, hash(<<"">>)};
+tree_hash(Tree, Version) ->
+ get_hash(Tree, Version, {0, depth(Tree) - 1}).
-%% Public interface.
-size(#history_tree{version = V}) ->
- V + 1.
+%% @doc Add an entry but don't update the tree.
+-spec add(tree(), binary()) -> tree().
+add(Tree = #tree{version = V, store = Store}, Entry) ->
+ NewVersion = V + 1,
+ LeafIndex = NewVersion,
+ LeafHash = mkleafhash(Entry),
+ Tree#tree{version = NewVersion,
+ store = ts:store(Store, {LeafIndex, 0}, LeafHash)}.
--spec new() -> history_tree().
+-spec new() -> tree().
new() ->
- #history_tree{version = -1, store = ts:new()}.
+ #tree{version = -1,
+ evaluated = -1,
+ store = ts:new()}.
--spec new(non_neg_integer()) -> history_tree().
-new(Version) ->
+-spec new(non_neg_integer()) -> tree().
+new([Version]) when is_integer(Version) ->
foldl(fun(#mtl{entry = E}, Tree) ->
D = (E#timestamped_entry.entry),
add(Tree, D) % Return value -> Tree in next invocation.
- end, new(), db:get_by_index_sorted(0, Version)).
-destroy(Tree) ->
- ts:delete(
+ end, new(), db:get_by_index_sorted(0, Version));
+new([List]) when is_list(List) ->
+ foldl(fun(D, Tree) ->
+ add(Tree, D) % Return value -> Tree in next invocation.
+ end, new(), List).
-%% @doc Which layers need to change when creating a version-n tree?
-%% Layer 0 is where the new leaf is added and always needs
-%% updating. Apart from 0, the layers with a number corresponding to
-%% the "positions of the bits set in n" are the ones that need to be
-%% touched. This assumes a somewhat unorthodox bit numbering where the
-%% least significant bit has number 1 (rather than 0).
-%% For example:
-%% A version 2 (0010) tree has had changes to layer 2
-%% A version 5 (0101) tree has had changes to layers 1 and 3
-%% A version 8 (1000) tree has had changes to layer 4
--spec add(history_tree(), binary()) -> history_tree().
-add(#history_tree{version = V, store = Store}, Entry) ->
- NewVersion = V + 1,
- LeafIndex = NewVersion,
- LeafHash = mkleafhash(Entry),
- LayerMap = reverse([B || <<B:1>> <= binary:encode_unsigned(NewVersion)]),
- #history_tree{version = NewVersion,
- store = update(ts:store(Store, {LeafIndex, 0}, LeafHash),
- 1, LayerMap,
- #inner{index = LeafIndex, layer = 0,
- hash = LeafHash})}.
+%% @doc Calculate hashes in Tree up to and including leaf with index
+%% equal to Version. Update Tree.evaluated to reflect the new state.
+-spec update(tree(), non_neg_integer()) -> tree().
+update(Tree, 0) ->
+ %% A version 0 tree needs no updating.
+ Tree;
+update(Tree = #tree{evaluated = E}, V) when E >= V ->
+ %% Evaluated enough already. Nothing to do.
+ Tree;
+update(Tree = #tree{version = MaxV}, V) when V > MaxV ->
+ %% Asking for more than we've got. Do as much as possible.
+ update(Tree, MaxV);
+update(Tree = #tree{evaluated = Evaluated}, Version) ->
+ NewTree = update_layer(Tree, 0, Evaluated + 1, Version),
+ NewTree#tree{evaluated = Version}.
--spec tree_hash(history_tree()) -> binary().
-tree_hash(Tree) ->
- tree_hash(Tree, Tree#history_tree.version).
+-spec update_layer(tree(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer()) -> tree().
+update_layer(Tree, _Layer, _ICur, 0) ->
+ Tree;
+update_layer(Tree, Layer, ICur, ILast) ->
+ NewTree = Tree#tree{store = update_parent(, Layer,
+ strip_bits_bottom(ICur, 1), ILast)},
+ %%io:format("DEBUG: update_layer(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p
+ update_layer(NewTree, Layer + 1, parent(ICur), parent(ILast)).
--spec tree_hash(history_tree(), integer()) -> binary().
-tree_hash(_, -1) ->
- hash("");
-tree_hash(Tree, Version) ->
- get_hash(Tree, Version, {0, depth(Tree) - 1}).
+-spec update_parent(ts:tree_store(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer()) -> ts:tree_store().
+update_parent(S, Layer, I, ILast) when I >= ILast ->
+ case right_leaf_p(ILast) of
+ true -> S;
+ _ -> ts:append(S, Layer + 1, ts:retrieve_hash(S, {ILast, Layer}))
+ end;
+update_parent(S, Layer, I, ILast) ->
+ %%io:format("DEBUG: update_parent(R=~p, I=~p, ILast=~p): parent(I)=~p~n", [Layer, I, ILast, parent(I)]),
+ S2 = ts:store(S, {parent(I), Layer + 1},
+ mkinnerhash(ts:retrieve_hash(S, {I, Layer}),
+ ts:retrieve_hash(S, {I + 1, Layer}))),
+ update_parent(S2, Layer, I + 2, ILast).
--spec get_hash(history_tree(), non_neg_integer(), tuple()) -> binary().
-get_hash(#history_tree{store = S}, _Version, IR) ->
- %% TODO: Use Version!
- {{_I, _R}, Hash} = ts:retrieve(S, IR),
- Hash.
+parent(I) ->
+ I bsr 1.
-%-spec get_incl/3
-get_incl(_, _, _) ->
- nyi.
-%-spec get_cons/3
-get_cons(_, _, _) ->
- nyi.
+-spec right_leaf_p(integer()) -> boolean().
+right_leaf_p(Index) ->
+ case Index band 1 of
+ 1 -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
-%% Private.
-%% -spec head(history_tree()) -> inner().
-%% head(#history_tree{store = Store}) ->
-%% {{I, R}, Hash} = ts:retrieve(Store, {0, 0}),
-%% #inner{index = I, layer = R, hash = Hash}.
+strip_bits_bottom(N, Nbits) ->
+ (N bsr Nbits) bsl Nbits.
%% @doc Return position of highest bit set, counting from the least
%% significant bit, starting at 1.
@@ -141,65 +197,23 @@ ffs([H|T], Acc) ->
_ -> Acc
-depth(#history_tree{version = -1}) ->
+depth(#tree{version = -1}) ->
-depth(#history_tree{version = V}) ->
+depth(#tree{version = V}) ->
bitpos_first_set(V) + 1.
--spec update(ts:tree_store(), pos_integer(), list(), inner()) -> ts:tree_store().
-update(Store, _, [], _) ->
- Store;
- CurrentLayer, [UpdateThisLayerP|LayerMap],
- Child = #inner{index = ChildIndex,
- layer = ChildLayer,
- hash = ChildHash}) ->
- case UpdateThisLayerP == 1 of
- true ->
- %% Create/update the parent of ChildHash at ChildIndex.
- %%
- %% Parent index is equal to child index with its r lowest
- %% bits stripped off, where r is current layer.
- %%
- %% Other child is found by comparing index of parent and
- %% known child. If they're the same, the known child is
- %% the left child and its sibling is found on the same
- %% layer. If they differ, the known child is the right
- %% child and the left child is to be found one layer below
- %% the parent, same index.
- Index = strip_low_bits(ChildIndex, CurrentLayer),
- Hash =
- case Index == ChildIndex of
- true ->
- {_SibIR, SibHash} =
- ts:retrieve(Store, {Index + (1 bsl ChildLayer) - 1,
- ChildLayer}),
- mkinnerhash(ChildHash, SibHash);
- _ ->
- {_SibIR, SibHash} =
- ts:retrieve(Store, {Index, CurrentLayer - 1}),
- mkinnerhash(SibHash, ChildHash)
- end,
- update(ts:store(Store, {Index, CurrentLayer}, Hash),
- CurrentLayer + 1, LayerMap,
- #inner{index = Index, layer = CurrentLayer, hash = Hash});
- _ ->
- update(Store, CurrentLayer + 1, LayerMap, Child)
- end.
-strip_low_bits(N, Nbits) ->
- (N bsr Nbits) bsl Nbits.
-hash(Data) ->
- crypto:hash(sha256, Data).
+-spec mkleafhash(binary()) -> binary().
mkleafhash(Data) ->
hash([<<"\x00">>, Data]).
+-spec mkinnerhash(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
mkinnerhash(Hash1, Hash2) ->
hash([<<"\x01">>, Hash1, Hash2]).
+-spec hash(binary()) -> binary() | iolist().
+hash(Data) ->
+ crypto:hash(sha256, Data).
%% Testing ht.
@@ -214,14 +228,33 @@ mkinnerhash(Hash1, Hash2) ->
-%% @doc Build trees using add/2 and mth/2 and compare the resulting
+%% @doc Build tree using add/2 and mth/2 and compare the resulting
%% tree hashes.
+%% FIXME: Don't start and stop the server here!
add_test() ->
fun(X) -> L = lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, X),
- ?assertEqual(mth(L), tree_hash(mktree(L)))
- end,
- lists:seq(1, length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+ {ok, _Pid} = start_link(L),
+ mktree(L),
+ ?assertEqual(mth(L), tree_hash()),
+ stop() end,
+ random_entries(length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+random_entries(N) ->
+ [V || {_, V} <- lists:sort(
+ [{random:uniform(N), E} || E <- lists:seq(1, N)])].
+update_test_OFF() ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Test) ->
+ L = lists:sublist(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES, Test),
+ ?assertEqual(mth(L),
+ tree_hash(lists:nth(Test, ?TEST_VECTOR_HASHES))) end,
+ random_entries(length(?TEST_VECTOR_LEAVES))).
+%% verify_old_versions_test() ->
+%% {ok, _Pid} = start_link(db:size() - 1).
%% Testing the test helpers.
diff --git a/src/ts.erl b/src/ts.erl
index 345ed66..a4d8107 100644
--- a/src/ts.erl
+++ b/src/ts.erl
@@ -2,36 +2,71 @@
--export([new/0, delete/1, size/1, store/3, retrieve/2, retrieve_hash/2]).
+-export([new/0, store/3, append/3, truncate/2, retrieve/2, retrieve_hash/2, delete/2]).
-%% -record(tree_store, {warm :: ets:tid(),
-%% frozen :: list()}). % [ets:tid()]
--record(tree_store, {table :: ets:tid()}).
+%% FIXME: keep the arrays in an array? or maybe an array of binaries?
+%% hashes do have fixed lenght.
+-record(tree_store, {arrays :: map()}). % Map of arrays, indexed by layer.
-type tree_store() :: #tree_store{}.
new() ->
- %% tree_store#{warm = ets:new(nil, [{read_concurrency, true}]),
- %% frozen = ets:new(nil, [{read_concurrency, true}])}.
- #tree_store{table = ets:new(nil, [{read_concurrency, true}])}.
-delete(Store) ->
- ets:delete(Store#tree_store.table).
-size(Store) ->
- ets:info(Store#tree_store.table, size).
+ #tree_store{arrays = #{}}.
-spec store(tree_store(), tuple(), binary()) -> tree_store().
-store(Store, IR, Hash) ->
- ets:insert(Store#tree_store.table, {IR, Hash}),
- Store.
+store(S = #tree_store{arrays = Arrays}, {I, R}, Hash) ->
+ {A, NewArrays} = get_array(R, Arrays),
+ Index = case I of
+ append -> array:size(A);
+ N -> N
+ end,
+ S#tree_store{arrays = maps:put(R, array:set(Index, Hash, A), NewArrays)}.
-spec retrieve(tree_store(), tuple()) -> {tuple(), binary()}.
-retrieve(#tree_store{table = Tab}, IR) ->
- case ets:lookup(Tab, IR) of
- [] -> exit(IR);
- [R] -> R
- end.
+retrieve(#tree_store{arrays = Arrays}, {I, R}) ->
+ {{I, R},
+ case maps:get(R, Arrays, undefined) of
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ A -> array:get(I, A)
+ end}.
-spec retrieve_hash(tree_store(), tuple()) -> binary().
-retrieve_hash(#tree_store{table = Tab}, IR) ->
- ets:lookup_element(Tab, IR, 2).
+retrieve_hash(S, IR) ->
+ element(2, retrieve(S, IR)).
+-spec delete(tree_store(), tuple()) -> tree_store().
+delete(S, {I, R}) ->
+ {A, NewArrays} = get_array(R, S#tree_store.arrays),
+ Index = case I of
+ last -> array:size(A) - 1;
+ N -> N
+ end,
+ S#tree_store{arrays = maps:put(R,
+ array:reset(Index, A),
+ NewArrays)}.
+append(S, R, Hash) ->
+ store(S, {append, R}, Hash).
+truncate(S, R) ->
+ delete(S, {last, R}).
+%% Private
+get_array(Layer, Arrays) ->
+ case maps:is_key(Layer, Arrays) of
+ true -> {maps:get(Layer, Arrays), Arrays} ;
+ false ->
+ NewArray = array:new(),
+ {NewArray, maps:put(Layer, NewArray, Arrays)}
+ end.
+%% Testing ts.
+-define(TEST_VECTOR, {{{0,0}, <<00>>},
+ {{0,1}, <<01>>},
+ {{1,0}, <<10>>}}).
+store_test_() ->
+ S = new(),
+ S0 = store(S, {0,0}, <<00>>),
+ S1 = store(S0, {0,1}, <<01>>),
+ S2 = store(S1, {1,0}, <<10>>),
+ [?_assertEqual(retrieve(S2, {1,0}), element(3, T))].