#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import urllib
import json
import base64
import sys
import struct
import hashlib
import itertools
from certtools import *

baseurl = sys.argv[1]
certfile = sys.argv[2]

lookup_in_log = True

certs = get_certs_from_file(certfile)

result = add_chain(baseurl, {"chain":map(base64.b64encode, certs)})

    check_signature(baseurl, certs[0], result)
except AssertionError, e:
    print "ERROR:", e
except ecdsa.keys.BadSignatureError, e:
    print "ERROR: bad signature"
print "signature check succeeded"

if lookup_in_log:

    merkle_tree_leaf = pack_mtl(result["timestamp"], certs[0])

    leaf_hash = get_leaf_hash(merkle_tree_leaf)

    sth = get_sth(baseurl)

    proof = get_proof_by_hash(baseurl, leaf_hash, sth["tree_size"])

    leaf_index = proof["leaf_index"]

    entries = get_entries(baseurl, leaf_index, leaf_index)

    fetched_entry = entries["entries"][0]

    print "does the leaf_input of the fetched entry match what we calculated:", \
      base64.decodestring(fetched_entry["leaf_input"]) == merkle_tree_leaf

    extra_data = fetched_entry["extra_data"]

    certchain = decode_certificate_chain(base64.decodestring(extra_data))

    submittedcertchain = certs[1:]

    for (submittedcert, fetchedcert, i) in zip(submittedcertchain,
                                               certchain, itertools.count(1)):
        print "cert", i, "in chain is the same:", submittedcert == fetchedcert

    if len(certchain) == len(submittedcertchain) + 1:
        last_issuer = get_cert_info(certs[-1])["issuer"]
        root_subject = get_cert_info(certchain[-1])["subject"]
        print "issuer of last cert in submitted chain and " \
            "subject of last cert in fetched chain is the same:", \
            last_issuer == root_subject
    elif len(certchain) == len(submittedcertchain):
        print "cert chains are the same length"
        print "ERROR: fetched cert chain has length", len(certchain),
        print "and submitted chain has length", len(submittedcertchain)