# Copyright (c) 2014, NORDUnet A/S. # See LICENSE for licensing information. import subprocess import json import base64 import urllib import urllib2 import struct import sys import hashlib import ecdsa import datetime import cStringIO import zipfile publickeys = { "https://ct.googleapis.com/pilot/": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEfahLEimAoz2t01p3uMziiLOl/fHTD" "M0YDOhBRuiBARsV4UvxG2LdNgoIGLrtCzWE0J5APC2em4JlvR8EEEFMoA==", "": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE4qWq6afhBUi0OdcWUYhyJLNXTkGqQ9" "PMS5lqoCgkV2h1ZvpNjBH2u8UbgcOQwqDo66z6BWQJGolozZYmNHE2kQ==", "https://flimsy.ct.nordu.net/": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE4qWq6afhBUi0OdcWUYhyJLNXTkGqQ9" "PMS5lqoCgkV2h1ZvpNjBH2u8UbgcOQwqDo66z6BWQJGolozZYmNHE2kQ==", } def get_cert_info(s): p = subprocess.Popen( ["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-subject", "-issuer", "-inform", "der"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) parsed = p.communicate(s) if parsed[1]: print "ERROR:", parsed[1] sys.exit(1) result = {} for line in parsed[0].split("\n"): (key, sep, value) = line.partition("=") if sep == "=": result[key] = value return result def get_pemlike(filename, marker): return get_pemlike_from_file(open(filename), marker) def get_pemlike_from_file(f, marker): entries = [] entry = "" inentry = False for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "-----BEGIN " + marker + "-----": entry = "" inentry = True elif line == "-----END " + marker + "-----": entries.append(base64.decodestring(entry)) inentry = False elif inentry: entry += line return entries def get_certs_from_file(certfile): return get_pemlike(certfile, "CERTIFICATE") def get_certs_from_string(s): f = cStringIO.StringIO(s) return get_pemlike_from_file(f, "CERTIFICATE") def get_eckey_from_file(keyfile): keys = get_pemlike(keyfile, "EC PRIVATE KEY") assert len(keys) == 1 return keys[0] def get_root_cert(issuer): accepted_certs = \ json.loads(open("googlelog-accepted-certs.txt").read())["certificates"] root_cert = None for accepted_cert in accepted_certs: subject = get_cert_info(base64.decodestring(accepted_cert))["subject"] if subject == issuer: root_cert = base64.decodestring(accepted_cert) return root_cert def get_sth(baseurl): result = urllib2.urlopen(baseurl + "ct/v1/get-sth").read() return json.loads(result) def get_proof_by_hash(baseurl, hash, tree_size): try: params = urllib.urlencode({"hash":base64.b64encode(hash), "tree_size":tree_size}) result = \ urllib2.urlopen(baseurl + "ct/v1/get-proof-by-hash?" + params).read() return json.loads(result) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print "ERROR:", e.read() sys.exit(1) def get_consistency_proof(baseurl, tree_size1, tree_size2): try: params = urllib.urlencode({"first":tree_size1, "second":tree_size2}) result = \ urllib2.urlopen(baseurl + "ct/v1/get-sth-consistency?" + params).read() return json.loads(result)["consistency"] except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print "ERROR:", e.read() sys.exit(1) def tls_array(data, length_len): length_bytes = struct.pack(">Q", len(data))[-length_len:] return length_bytes + data def unpack_tls_array(packed_data, length_len): padded_length = ["\x00"] * 8 padded_length[-length_len:] = packed_data[:length_len] (length,) = struct.unpack(">Q", "".join(padded_length)) unpacked_data = packed_data[length_len:length_len+length] assert len(unpacked_data) == length, \ "data is only %d bytes long, but length is %d bytes" % \ (len(unpacked_data), length) rest_data = packed_data[length_len+length:] return (unpacked_data, rest_data) def add_chain(baseurl, submission): try: result = urllib2.urlopen(baseurl + "ct/v1/add-chain", json.dumps(submission)).read() return json.loads(result) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print "ERROR", e.code,":", e.read() if e.code == 400: return None sys.exit(1) except ValueError, e: print "==== FAILED REQUEST ====" print submission print "======= RESPONSE =======" print result print "========================" raise e def get_entries(baseurl, start, end): try: params = urllib.urlencode({"start":start, "end":end}) result = urllib2.urlopen(baseurl + "ct/v1/get-entries?" + params).read() return json.loads(result) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print "ERROR:", e.read() sys.exit(1) def extract_precertificate(precert_chain_entry): (precert, certchain) = unpack_tls_array(precert_chain_entry, 3) return (precert, certchain) def decode_certificate_chain(packed_certchain): (unpacked_certchain, rest) = unpack_tls_array(packed_certchain, 3) assert len(rest) == 0 certs = [] while len(unpacked_certchain): (cert, rest) = unpack_tls_array(unpacked_certchain, 3) certs.append(cert) unpacked_certchain = rest return certs def decode_signature(signature): (hash_alg, signature_alg) = struct.unpack(">bb", signature[0:2]) (unpacked_signature, rest) = unpack_tls_array(signature[2:], 2) assert rest == "" return (hash_alg, signature_alg, unpacked_signature) def encode_signature(hash_alg, signature_alg, unpacked_signature): signature = struct.pack(">bb", hash_alg, signature_alg) signature += tls_array(unpacked_signature, 2) return signature def check_signature(baseurl, signature, data): publickey = base64.decodestring(publickeys[baseurl]) (hash_alg, signature_alg, unpacked_signature) = decode_signature(signature) assert hash_alg == 4, \ "hash_alg is %d, expected 4" % (hash_alg,) # sha256 assert signature_alg == 3, \ "signature_alg is %d, expected 3" % (signature_alg,) # ecdsa vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_der(publickey) vk.verify(unpacked_signature, data, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der) def create_signature(privatekey, data): sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_der(privatekey) unpacked_signature = sk.sign(data, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der) return encode_signature(4, 3, unpacked_signature) def check_sth_signature(baseurl, sth): signature = base64.decodestring(sth["tree_head_signature"]) version = struct.pack(">b", 0) signature_type = struct.pack(">b", 1) timestamp = struct.pack(">Q", sth["timestamp"]) tree_size = struct.pack(">Q", sth["tree_size"]) hash = base64.decodestring(sth["sha256_root_hash"]) tree_head = version + signature_type + timestamp + tree_size + hash check_signature(baseurl, signature, tree_head) def create_sth_signature(tree_size, timestamp, root_hash, privatekey): version = struct.pack(">b", 0) signature_type = struct.pack(">b", 1) timestamp_packed = struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) tree_size_packed = struct.pack(">Q", tree_size) tree_head = version + signature_type + timestamp_packed + tree_size_packed + root_hash return create_signature(privatekey, tree_head) def check_sct_signature(baseurl, leafcert, sct): publickey = base64.decodestring(publickeys[baseurl]) calculated_logid = hashlib.sha256(publickey).digest() received_logid = base64.decodestring(sct["id"]) assert calculated_logid == received_logid, \ "log id is incorrect:\n should be %s\n got %s" % \ (calculated_logid.encode("hex_codec"), received_logid.encode("hex_codec")) signature = base64.decodestring(sct["signature"]) version = struct.pack(">b", sct["sct_version"]) signature_type = struct.pack(">b", 0) timestamp = struct.pack(">Q", sct["timestamp"]) entry_type = struct.pack(">H", 0) signed_struct = version + signature_type + timestamp + \ entry_type + tls_array(leafcert, 3) + \ tls_array(base64.decodestring(sct["extensions"]), 2) check_signature(baseurl, signature, signed_struct) def pack_mtl(timestamp, leafcert): entry_type = struct.pack(">H", 0) extensions = "" timestamped_entry = struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + entry_type + \ tls_array(leafcert, 3) + tls_array(extensions, 2) version = struct.pack(">b", 0) leaf_type = struct.pack(">b", 0) merkle_tree_leaf = version + leaf_type + timestamped_entry return merkle_tree_leaf def unpack_mtl(merkle_tree_leaf): version = merkle_tree_leaf[0:1] leaf_type = merkle_tree_leaf[1:2] timestamped_entry = merkle_tree_leaf[2:] (timestamp, entry_type) = struct.unpack(">QH", timestamped_entry[0:10]) if entry_type == 0: issuer_key_hash = None (leafcert, rest_entry) = unpack_tls_array(timestamped_entry[10:], 3) elif entry_type == 1: issuer_key_hash = timestamped_entry[10:42] (leafcert, rest_entry) = unpack_tls_array(timestamped_entry[42:], 3) return (leafcert, timestamp, issuer_key_hash) def get_leaf_hash(merkle_tree_leaf): leaf_hash = hashlib.sha256() leaf_hash.update(struct.pack(">b", 0)) leaf_hash.update(merkle_tree_leaf) return leaf_hash.digest() def timing_point(timer_dict=None, name=None): t = datetime.datetime.now() if timer_dict: starttime = timer_dict["lasttime"] stoptime = t deltatime = stoptime - starttime timer_dict["deltatimes"].append((name, deltatime.seconds * 1000000 + deltatime.microseconds)) timer_dict["lasttime"] = t return None else: timer_dict = {"deltatimes":[], "lasttime":t} return timer_dict def internal_hash(pair): if len(pair) == 1: return pair[0] else: hash = hashlib.sha256() hash.update(struct.pack(">b", 1)) hash.update(pair[0]) hash.update(pair[1]) return hash.digest() def chunks(l, n): return [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)] def next_merkle_layer(layer): return [internal_hash(pair) for pair in chunks(layer, 2)] def build_merkle_tree(layer0): if len(layer0) == 0: return [[hashlib.sha256().digest()]] layers = [] current_layer = layer0 layers.append(current_layer) while len(current_layer) > 1: current_layer = next_merkle_layer(current_layer) layers.append(current_layer) return layers def print_inclusion_proof(proof): audit_path = proof[u'audit_path'] n = proof[u'leaf_index'] level = 0 for s in audit_path: entry = base64.b16encode(base64.b64decode(s)) n ^= 1 print level, n, entry n >>= 1 level += 1 def get_one_cert(store, i): filename = i / 10000 zf = zipfile.ZipFile("%s/%04d.zip" % (store, i / 10000)) cert = zf.read("%08d" % i) zf.close() return cert def get_hash_from_certfile(cert): for line in cert.split("\n"): if line.startswith("-----"): return None if line.startswith("Leafhash: "): return base64.b16decode(line[len("Leafhash: "):]) return None def get_proof(store, tree_size, n): hash = get_hash_from_certfile(get_one_cert(store, n)) return get_proof_by_hash(args.baseurl, hash, tree_size) def get_certs_from_zipfiles(zipfiles, firstleaf, lastleaf): for i in range(firstleaf, lastleaf + 1): try: yield zipfiles[i / 10000].read("%08d" % i) except KeyError: return def get_merkle_hash_64k(store, blocknumber, write_to_cache=False, treesize=None): firstleaf = blocknumber * 65536 lastleaf = firstleaf + 65535 if treesize != None: assert firstleaf < treesize usecache = lastleaf < treesize lastleaf = min(lastleaf, treesize - 1) else: usecache = True hashfilename = "%s/%04x.64khash" % (store, blocknumber) if usecache: try: hash = base64.b16decode(open(hashfilename).read()) assert len(hash) == 32 return ("hash", hash) except IOError: pass firstfile = firstleaf / 10000 lastfile = lastleaf / 10000 zipfiles = {} for i in range(firstfile, lastfile + 1): try: zipfiles[i] = zipfile.ZipFile("%s/%04d.zip" % (store, i)) except IOError: break certs = get_certs_from_zipfiles(zipfiles, firstleaf, lastleaf) layer0 = [get_hash_from_certfile(cert) for cert in certs] tree = build_merkle_tree(layer0) calculated_hash = tree[-1][0] for zf in zipfiles.values(): zf.close() if len(layer0) != lastleaf - firstleaf + 1: return ("incomplete", (len(layer0), calculated_hash)) if write_to_cache: f = open(hashfilename, "w") f.write(base64.b16encode(calculated_hash)) f.close() return ("hash", calculated_hash) def get_tree_head(store, treesize): merkle_64klayer = [] for blocknumber in range(0, (treesize / 65536) + 1): (resulttype, result) = get_merkle_hash_64k(store, blocknumber, treesize=treesize) if resulttype == "incomplete": print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't read until tree size", treesize (incompletelength, hash) = result print >>sys.stderr, "Stopped at", blocknumber * 65536 + incompletelength sys.exit(1) assert resulttype == "hash" hash = result merkle_64klayer.append(hash) #print >>sys.stderr, print blocknumber * 65536, sys.stdout.flush() tree = build_merkle_tree(merkle_64klayer) calculated_root_hash = tree[-1][0] return calculated_root_hash def get_intermediate_hash(store, treesize, level, index): if level >= 16: merkle_64klayer = [] levelsize = (2**(level-16)) for blocknumber in range(index * levelsize, (index + 1) * levelsize): if blocknumber * (2 ** 16) >= treesize: break #print "looking at block", blocknumber (resulttype, result) = get_merkle_hash_64k(store, blocknumber, treesize=treesize) if resulttype == "incomplete": print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't read until tree size", treesize (incompletelength, hash) = result print >>sys.stderr, "Stopped at", blocknumber * 65536 + incompletelength sys.exit(1) assert resulttype == "hash" hash = result #print "block hash", base64.b16encode(hash) merkle_64klayer.append(hash) #print >>sys.stderr, print blocknumber * 65536, sys.stdout.flush() tree = build_merkle_tree(merkle_64klayer) return tree[-1][0] else: levelsize = 2 ** level firstleaf = index * levelsize lastleaf = firstleaf + levelsize - 1 #print "firstleaf", firstleaf #print "lastleaf", lastleaf assert firstleaf < treesize lastleaf = min(lastleaf, treesize - 1) #print "modified lastleaf", lastleaf firstfile = firstleaf / 10000 lastfile = lastleaf / 10000 #print "files", firstfile, lastfile zipfiles = {} for i in range(firstfile, lastfile + 1): try: zipfiles[i] = zipfile.ZipFile("%s/%04d.zip" % (store, i)) except IOError: break certs = get_certs_from_zipfiles(zipfiles, firstleaf, lastleaf) layer0 = [get_hash_from_certfile(cert) for cert in certs] #print "layer0", repr(layer0) tree = build_merkle_tree(layer0) calculated_hash = tree[-1][0] for zf in zipfiles.values(): zf.close() assert len(layer0) == lastleaf - firstleaf + 1 return calculated_hash def bits(n): p = 0 while n > 0: n >>= 1 p += 1 return p def merkle_height(n): if n == 0: return 1 return bits(n - 1) def node_above((pathp, pathl), levels=1): return (pathp >> levels, pathl + levels) def node_even((pathp, pathl)): return pathp & 1 == 0 def node_odd((pathp, pathl)): return pathp & 1 == 1 def node_lower((path1p, path1l), (path2p, path2l)): return path1l < path2l def node_higher((path1p, path1l), (path2p, path2l)): return path1l > path2l def node_level((path1p, path1l)): return path1l def node_outside((path1p, path1l), (path2p, path2l)): assert path1l == path2l return path1p > path2p def combine_two_hashes((path1, hash1), (path2, hash2), treesize): assert not node_higher(path1, path2) edge_node = (treesize - 1, 0) if node_lower(path1, path2): assert path1 == node_above(edge_node, levels=node_level(path1)) while node_even(path1): path1 = node_above(path1) assert node_above(path1) == node_above(path2) assert (node_even(path1) and node_odd(path2)) or (node_odd(path1) and node_even(path2)) if node_outside(path2, node_above(edge_node, levels=node_level(path2))): return (node_above(path1), hash1) if node_even(path1): newhash = internal_hash((hash1, hash2)) else: newhash = internal_hash((hash2, hash1)) return (node_above(path1), newhash) def path_as_string(pos, level, treesize): height = merkle_height(treesize) path = "{0:0{width}b}".format(pos, width=height - level) if height == level: return "" return path def nodes_for_pos(pos, treesize): height = merkle_height(treesize) nodes = [] level = 0 while pos > 0 and pos & 1 == 0: pos >>= 1 level += 1 if pos & 1: nodes.append((pos ^ 1, level)) #print pos, level while level < height: pos_level0 = pos * (2 ** level) #print pos, level if pos_level0 < treesize: nodes.append((pos, level)) pos >>= 1 pos ^= 1 level += 1 return nodes def verify_consistency_proof(consistency_proof, first, second): chain = zip(nodes_for_pos(first, second), consistency_proof) (_, hash) = reduce(lambda e1, e2: combine_two_hashes(e1, e2, second), chain) (_, oldhash) = reduce(lambda e1, e2: combine_two_hashes(e1, e2, first), chain) return (oldhash, hash)