# catlfish

catlfish is a Certificate Transparency log server (RFC 6962).

# Compile

    $ CTROOT=.. make
    $ make release

# Requirements

A compiled plop application in ../plop

A compiled https://github.com/davisp/jiffy (for JSON encoding and decoding) in ../jiffy

# Start

Make sure plop has a database. See `plop/README`. Then run catlfish:

    $ (cd rel ; bin/erl -config catlfish)

# Logs and traces

As configured in httpd_props.conf, logs can be found in
catlfish/webroot/log in the rel directory.

To enable a crazy amount of tracing information from inets, do

    1> inets_trace:enable(max, io).

# To do

- Stop using inets httpd mod_esi and make catlfish a proper