# Changes in plop 1.0.1-alpha-dev ## Features - Signing nodes now requires signatures from a configurable number of storage nodes. This prevents a rouge frontend node from sending out an SCT for an entry that will never be merged (closes CATLFISH-28). - Send HTTP request body in 512 kB chunks (addresses CATLFISH-98). - Status server implementation added, for sending and receiving status updates to a separate server (closes CATLFISH-93). ## Bug fixes - Support for R19 added. - Don't corrupt internal tree structure when evaluating a version zero tree (closes CATLFISH-100). # Changes in plop 0.10.1 - 2017-02-11 ## Bug fixes - Correct version number for merge application. # Changes in plop 0.10.0 - 2017-02-11 ## Features - API keys have moved from the file system and into the global config file. So has the log public key. The fingerpring of the internal CA cert has also been added to the global config file. - Parts of a nodes configuration settings can now be reloaded in a running system without the need to restart. This is particularly useful for adding and removing nodes from a log instance. ## Improvements - Three out of four compontens of merge have been reimplemented in Erlang -- backup, sth and dist -- and are now running concurrently in the background. Backup and dist are running one process per storage node and frontend node, respectively. This makes it possible to back up and distribute to nodes independently of other nodes, especially useful when adding a new merge secondary or frontend node. The fetch component is still a Python program run from a shell script. # Changes in plop 0.9.0 - 2016-12-04 ## Features - A new key-value store database backend, permdb, has been added (closes CATLFISH-63, CATLFISH-64, CATLFISH-76). ## Improvements - Support for R17 and R18 added (closes CATLFISH-69). - Handling of large amounts of data over the internal HTTP API:s has been improved. # Changes in plop 0.8.0 - 2015-09-21 ## Features - frontend/sendsth now verifies the content of entries received, keeping track of how far it has verified in order to be able to resume verification in case of timeout (closes CATLFISH-53). - Creation of certindex files has moved from frontend/sendlog to frontend/sendsth (closes CATLFISH-58). - storage/fetchnewentries now returns only those entries newer than what the lastverifiednewentry file says, i.e. new entries (closes CATLFISH-54). catlfish/tools/storagegc.py can be used to keep that updated. ## Bug fixes - Timeout for generating a tree has been increased to 30 seconds. # Changes in plop 0.7.0 - 2015-04-25 ## Features - Support for reading an HSM PIN from a file added. ## Bugfixes - Fix a bug where duplicated entries were not accepted by frontend nodes, f.ex. at merge (CATLFISH-44). # Changes in plop 0.6.0 - 2015-04-13 ## Incompatible changes - Database format changes. Don't run 0.6.0 on an older database. ## Features - Scale -- split up in frontend, storage and signing nodes. A frontend and a storage node use a shared file system for persistent storage of log entries, duplicate detection and mapping from merkle tree leaf hash to entry (see doc/db.md). - Message validation -- intercommunication is done over HTTPS with message signatures. A URL-based authorization scheme is read from node config. - Cleanup -- major API cleanups peformed. # Changes in plop 0.1.1 - 2014-09-20 plop version 0.1.1 removes the depency on maps and fixes several major bugs. ## Bugfixes - Add a field in the database with the Merkle Tree Leaf hash, for get-proof-by-hash (closes CATLFISH-3). - Do hash the full MerkleTreeLeaf. This bug made the tree head to sometimes change after a crash. Found by Tom Fitzhenry. - Handle unknown hashes in inclusion(). - Make ht:print_tree() print something more useful. - Add a field in the database with extra-data, for catlfish this holds x509 cert chains without the leaf cert. ## Features - get-entry-and-proof implemented. # plop version 0.1.0 "PoC" - 2014-09-15 plop version 0.1.0 is the proof of concept release.