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2 files changed, 63 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/plop.erl b/src/plop.erl
index 13bad30..90a5249 100644
--- a/src/plop.erl
+++ b/src/plop.erl
@@ -7,46 +7,77 @@
%%% to prove that your entry is indeed present in the log.
+%% API.
+-export([start_link/0, start_link/2, stop/0]).
+-export([add/1, sth/0]).
+%% gen_server callbacks.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, code_change/3]).
--export([start/2, loop/1]).
-define(PLOPVERSION, 1).
-record(plop, {pubkey :: public_key:rsa_public_key(),
privkey :: public_key:rsa_private_key(),
logid :: binary(),
hashtree :: ht:head()}).
--spec start(string(), string()) -> pid().
-start(Keyfile, Passphrase) ->
+start_link() ->
+ start_link("test/rsakey.pem", "sikrit").
+start_link(Keyfile, Passphrase) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [Keyfile, Passphrase], []).
+stop() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).
+init([Keyfile, Passphrase]) ->
{Private_key, Public_key} = read_keyfile(Keyfile, Passphrase),
LogID = crypto:hash(sha256,
public_key:der_encode('RSAPublicKey', Public_key)),
- Plop = #plop{pubkey = Public_key,
- privkey = Private_key,
- logid = LogID,
- hashtree = ht:create()},
- Pid = spawn_link(plop, loop, [Plop]),
- register(plop, Pid),
- Pid.
-log(Format, Data) ->
- io:format(Format, Data).
-loop(Plop) ->
- receive
- {From, quit} ->
- From ! {ok, quit};
- {From, Data} ->
- handle_req(From, Plop, Data),
- loop(Plop);
- Unknown ->
- log("DEBUG: Received malformed command: ~p~n", [Unknown]),
- loop(Plop)
- end.
+ {ok, #plop{pubkey = Public_key,
+ privkey = Private_key,
+ logid = LogID,
+ hashtree = ht:create()}}.
+handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+add(Data) when is_record(Data, plop_data) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add, Data}).
+sth() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, sth).
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, stopped, State};
+handle_call({add, Data = #plop_data{entry = Entry}},
+ _From,
+ Plop = #plop{privkey = Privkey,
+ logid = LogID,
+ hashtree = Tree}) ->
+ %% fixme: add Entry to db,
+ ht:append(Tree, serialise(Entry)),
+ SPT = spt(LogID, Privkey, Data),
+ {reply, SPT, Plop};
+handle_call(sth, _From, Plop = #plop{hashtree = Tree}) ->
+ {reply, sth(Tree), Plop}.
-spec serialise(plop_entry() | plop_data()) -> iolist().
serialise(#plop_entry{type = EntryType, entry = Entry}) ->
@@ -57,25 +88,6 @@ serialise(#plop_data{version = Version,
entry = Entry}) ->
[<<Version:8, Sigtype:8, Timestamp:64>>, serialise(Entry)].
- #plop{privkey = Privkey,
- logid = LogID,
- hashtree = Tree},
- Arg) ->
- case Arg of
- {add, PlopData = #plop_data{entry = Entry}}
- when is_record(Entry, plop_entry) ->
- %% fixme: add Entry to db,
- ht:append(Tree, serialise(Entry)),
- SPT = spt(LogID, Privkey, PlopData),
- %% io:format("adding ~p to ~p -> H: ~p, SPT: ~p~n", [Entry, Tree, H, SPT]),
- From ! {ok, SPT};
- sth -> % Signed tree head.
- From ! {ok, sth(Tree)};
- Unknown ->
- From ! {error, Unknown}
- end.
%% @doc Signed Plop Timestamp according to RFC6962 3.2 and RFC5246 4.7.
diff --git a/src/test/plop_test.erl b/src/test/plop_test.erl
index 6b612dd..83b5240 100644
--- a/src/test/plop_test.erl
+++ b/src/test/plop_test.erl
@@ -12,16 +12,12 @@ adding_test_() ->
start() ->
- plop:start("test/rsakey.pem", "sikrit").
+ plop:start_link("test/rsakey.pem", "sikrit").
-stop(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {self(), quit},
- [?_assert(receive
- {ok, quit} -> true
- after 500 -> false
- end)].
+stop(_Pid) ->
+ [?_assertEqual({ok, plop}, plop:stop())].
-test_add(Pid) ->
+test_add(_Pid) ->
TestVector =
@@ -43,11 +39,6 @@ test_add(Pid) ->
PlopData = #plop_data{signature_type = ?PLOP_SIGTYPE_TEST,
timestamp = 4711,
entry = Entry},
- Pid ! {self(), {add, PlopData}},
- Res = receive M -> M end,
- %% {ok, Dev} = file:open("d", write),
- %% io:format(Dev, "~p~n", [Res]),
- %% file:close(Dev),
- [?_assertEqual({ok, TestVector}, Res)].
+ [?_assertEqual(TestVector, plop:add(PlopData))].
% Helpers.