diff options
authorMagnus Ahltorp <>2014-10-20 12:22:50 +0200
committerMagnus Ahltorp <>2014-10-24 15:36:35 +0200
commit088e4de4f1e2499f6cc0e332ae8cb34b935a6425 (patch)
parent80c8ef847d996af04ec677a79555d640733641f2 (diff)
Added HTTP API:s for external merge
3 files changed, 215 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/db.erl b/src/db.erl
index 6fce8a3..413f4b9 100644
--- a/src/db.erl
+++ b/src/db.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
%% API.
-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
--export([add/4, size/0]).
--export([get_by_index/1, get_by_indices/3, get_by_leaf_hash/1, get_by_entry_hash/1]).
+-export([add/4, add/2, add_entryhash/2, add_index/2, set_treesize/1, size/0]).
+-export([get_by_index/1, get_by_indices/3, get_by_leaf_hash/1, get_by_entry_hash/1, entry_for_leafhash/1, leafhash_for_index/1]).
%% gen_server callbacks.
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
@@ -34,6 +34,22 @@ stop() ->
add(LeafHash, EntryHash, Data, Index) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add, {LeafHash, EntryHash, Data, Index}}).
+-spec add(binary(), binary()) -> ok.
+add(LeafHash, Data) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add, {LeafHash, Data}}).
+-spec add_entryhash(binary(), binary()) -> ok.
+add_entryhash(LeafHash, EntryHash) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_entryhash, {LeafHash, EntryHash}}).
+-spec add_index(binary(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
+add_index(LeafHash, Index) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_index, {LeafHash, Index}}).
+-spec set_treesize(non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
+set_treesize(Size) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_treesize, Size}).
-spec get_by_indices(integer(), integer(), {sorted, true|false}) ->
[{non_neg_integer(), binary(), binary()}].
get_by_indices(Start, End, {sorted, Sorted}) ->
@@ -143,6 +159,24 @@ handle_call({add, {LeafHash, EntryHash, Data, Index}}, _From, State) ->
ok = atomic:replacefile(treesize_path(), integer_to_list(Index+1)),
{reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({add, {LeafHash, Data}}, _From, State) ->
+ ok = perm:ensurefile(entry_root_path(), LeafHash, Data),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({add_entryhash, {LeafHash, EntryHash}}, _From, State) ->
+ ok = perm:ensurefile(entryhash_root_path(), EntryHash, LeafHash),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({add_index, {LeafHash, Index}}, _From, State) ->
+ ok = perm:ensurefile(indexforhash_root_path(),
+ LeafHash, integer_to_binary(Index)),
+ ok = index:add(index_path(), Index, LeafHash),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({set_treesize, Size}, _From, State) ->
+ ok = atomic:replacefile(treesize_path(), integer_to_list(Size)),
+ {reply, ok, State};
handle_call({get_by_indices, {Start, End, _Sorted}}, _From, State) ->
{reply, get_by_indices_helper(Start, End), State};
diff --git a/src/frontend.erl b/src/frontend.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d0eccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2014, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%%% @doc Frontend node API
+%% API (URL)
+-export([sendlog/3, missingentries/3, sendentry/3, sendsth/3, currentposition/3]).
+sendentry(SessionID, _Env, Input) ->
+ R = (catch case (catch jiffy:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("sendentry: bad input:", E);
+ {PropList} ->
+ LogEntry = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"entry">>, PropList)),
+ TreeLeafHash = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"treeleafhash">>, PropList)),
+ ok = db:add(TreeLeafHash, LogEntry),
+ binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}]}))
+ end),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+sendlog(SessionID, _Env, Input) ->
+ R = (catch case (catch jiffy:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("sendentry: bad input:", E);
+ {PropList} ->
+ Start = proplists:get_value(<<"start">>, PropList),
+ Hashes = lists:map(fun (S) -> base64:decode(S) end, proplists:get_value(<<"hashes">>, PropList)),
+ Indices = lists:seq(Start, Start + length(Hashes) - 1),
+ lists:foreach(fun ({Hash, Index}) ->
+ ok = db:add_index(Hash, Index)
+ end, lists:zip(Hashes, Indices)),
+ binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}]}))
+ end),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+sendsth(SessionID, _Env, Input) ->
+ R = (catch case (catch jiffy:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("sendentry: bad input:", E);
+ {PropList} ->
+ Treesize = proplists:get_value(<<"tree_size">>, PropList),
+ ok = db:set_treesize(Treesize),
+ ht:reset_tree([db:size() - 1]),
+ binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}]}))
+ end),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+currentposition(SessionID, _Env, _Input) ->
+ Size = db:size(),
+ R = binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}, {position, Size}]})),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+fetchmissingentries(Index) ->
+ lists:reverse(fetchmissingentries(Index, [])).
+fetchmissingentries(Index, Acc) ->
+ case db:leafhash_for_index(Index) of
+ noentry ->
+ Acc;
+ Hash ->
+ case db:entry_for_leafhash(Hash) of
+ noentry ->
+ fetchmissingentries(Index + 1, [Hash | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ fetchmissingentries(Index + 1, Acc)
+ end
+ end.
+missingentries(SessionID, _Env, _Input) ->
+ Size = db:size(),
+ Missing = fetchmissingentries(Size),
+ R = binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}, {entries, Missing}]})),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+%% Private functions.
+html(Text, Input) ->
+ io_lib:format(
+ "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" ++
+ "<html><body><p>~n" ++
+ "~s~n" ++
+ "~p~n" ++
+ "</body></html>~n", [Text, Input]).
+-spec deliver(any(), string()) -> ok | {error, _Reason}.
+deliver(Session, Data) ->
+ mod_esi:deliver(Session, Data).
diff --git a/src/storage.erl b/src/storage.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243cc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/storage.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2014, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%%% @doc Storage node API
+%% API (URL)
+-export([sendentry/3, entrycommitted/3, fetchnewentries/3]).
+newentries_path() ->
+ {ok, Value} = application:get_env(plop, newentries_path),
+ Value.
+sendentry(SessionID, _Env, Input) ->
+ R = (catch case (catch jiffy:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("sendentry: bad input:", E);
+ {PropList} ->
+ LogEntry = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"entry">>, PropList)),
+ TreeLeafHash = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"treeleafhash">>, PropList)),
+ ok = db:add(TreeLeafHash, LogEntry),
+ ok = index:addlast(newentries_path(), TreeLeafHash),
+ binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}]}))
+ end),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+entrycommitted(SessionID, _Env, Input) ->
+ R = (catch case (catch jiffy:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("entrycommitted: bad input:", E);
+ {PropList} ->
+ EntryHash = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"entryhash">>, PropList)),
+ LeafHash = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"treeleafhash">>, PropList)),
+ ok = db:add_entryhash(LeafHash, EntryHash),
+ binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}]}))
+ end),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+fetchnewhashes(Index) ->
+ lists:reverse(fetchnewhashes(Index, [])).
+fetchnewhashes(Index, Acc) ->
+ case index:get(newentries_path(), Index) of
+ noentry ->
+ Acc;
+ Entry ->
+ fetchnewhashes(Index + 1, [Entry | Acc])
+ end.
+fetchnewentries(SessionID, _Env, _Input) ->
+ NewHashes = fetchnewhashes(0),
+ Entries = lists:map(fun(LeafHash) ->
+ {[{hash, base64:encode(LeafHash)},
+ {entry, base64:encode(db:entry_for_leafhash(LeafHash))}]}
+ end, NewHashes),
+ R = (catch binary_to_list(
+ jiffy:encode(
+ {[{result, <<"ok">>}, {entries, Entries}]}))),
+ deliver(SessionID, R).
+%% Private functions.
+html(Text, Input) ->
+ io_lib:format(
+ "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" ++
+ "<html><body><p>~n" ++
+ "~s~n" ++
+ "~p~n" ++
+ "</body></html>~n", [Text, Input]).
+-spec deliver(any(), string()) -> ok | {error, _Reason}.
+deliver(Session, Data) ->
+ mod_esi:deliver(Session, Data).