# Catlfish expects to find its configuration in
# /usr/local/etc/catlfish/catlfish.config so mounting
# /usr/local/etc/catlfish is recommended. This can be done using the
# `-v' flag to `docker run'.
# NOTE: The directory on the host system that's mounted at
# /var/db/catlfish in the container has to be writable by a host
# user with uid 147.
# Example, running a frontend node:
# $ docker run -v /etc/catlfish:/usr/local/etc/catlfish:ro catlfish
#       frontend /usr/local/catlfish
# Example, running a merge node:
# $ docker run -v /etc/catlfish:/usr/local/etc/catlfish:ro catlfish
#       merge /usr/local/catlfish /var/db/catlfish-merge

FROM erlang
RUN apt-get update
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections

# For building.
RUN apt-get -y -q install gcc git make curl

# For merge.
RUN apt-get -y -q install git python-ecdsa python-yaml

# Build dependencies in /usr/local/src.
WORKDIR /usr/local/src

RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/mochiweb-v2.12.2.tar.gz | tar xzf -
RUN ln -s mochiweb-2.12.2 mochiweb
RUN make -C mochiweb

RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/lager-2.1.1.tar.gz | tar xzf -
RUN ln -s lager-2.1.1 lager
RUN mkdir lager/deps
RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/goldrush-0.1.6.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C lager/deps && ln -s goldrush-0.1.6 lager/deps/goldrush
RUN make -C lager

RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/hackney-1.1.0.tar.gz | tar xzf -
RUN ln -s hackney-1.1.0 hackney
RUN mkdir hackney/deps
RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/erlang-idna-1.0.2.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C hackney/deps && ln -s erlang-idna-1.0.2 hackney/deps/idna
RUN curl https://www.ct.nordu.net/dist/ssl_verify_hostname-1.0.4.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C hackney/deps && ln -s ssl_verify_hostname-1.0.4 hackney/deps/ssl_verify_hostname
RUN make -C hackney REBAR=../lager/rebar

# Build plop and catlfish.
RUN git clone https://git.nordu.net/plop.git
RUN make -C plop

RUN git clone https://git.nordu.net/catlfish.git
RUN make -C catlfish PREFIX=/usr/local all release

# Config dir is mounted from host using `-v' to 'docker run'.
VOLUME /usr/local/etc/catlfish

# Create a catlfish user.
RUN groupadd --gid 147 catlfish
RUN useradd --uid 147 --gid 147 catlfish

# Working has to be where catlfish.config is. We want to run in
# /var/run/catlfish and not in /usr/local/etc/catlfish, so symlink.
RUN mkdir /var/run/catlfish
WORKDIR /var/run/catlfish
RUN mkdir erlang_log sasl_log merge_log
RUN chown -R catlfish:catlfish /var/run/catlfish
RUN ln -s /usr/local/etc/catlfish/catlfish.config /var/run/catlfish/

ADD merge.sh /usr/local/catlfish/
ADD start.sh /var/run/catlfish/
WORKDIR /var/run/catlfish
USER catlfish
ENTRYPOINT ["/var/run/catlfish/start.sh"]