# soc_collector -- Gathering vulnerability information and presenting it ## The oneliner The collector answers the fundamental question constantly posed by all SOC staff ever: Can we have lunch now? ## The elevator pitch Your're working as a Security Operations Center engineer and your job is to, one, know when any part of your infrastructure is vulnerable and, two, if it is, do something smart about it. The collector compiles data from vulnerability scanners and stores the data in a database. You query the collector for the current vulnerability status of your network infrastructure. Without a summary of your vulnerability status and the ability to quickly deepen your knowledge of a given system, your chances of ever eating lunch with a clear conscience are slim. ## The user interface TODO ## The gory^Wtechnical details TODO ## The name The "soc" part means Security Operations Center. The "collector" part is correct but misleading since `soc_collector` also processes and presents. ## The license This code is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE for the full text. ## How to test it out The collector has been tested on Debian 10 (Buster). Other Unix systems should also be capable of hosting it. Clone the repository. git clone https://git.sunet.se/soc_collector.git Install dependencies (Debian). sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-leveldb pip3 install falcon Start CouchDB, make sure to give it a username and password: cd docker export COUCHDB_USER=couchdb export COUCHDB_PASSWORD=insecure docker-compose up -d Start the demo HTTP server. Here we should pass on a few environment variables to let it know which CouchDB to use: cd demo export COUCHDB_NAME=test export COUCHDB_HOSTNAME=localhost export COUCHDB_USER=couchdb export COUCHDB_PASSWORD=insecure python3 ../src/wsgi.py Try adding some observations, basic auth user:pw from `wsgi_demo_users.yaml`, including `{"domain": "sunet.se"}` in at least one of them: echo '[{ "ip": "", "port": 443, "whois_description": "SOMENET", "asn": "AS65001", "asn_country_code": "SE", "ptr": "host10.test.soc.sunet.se", "abuse_mail": "abuse@test.soc.sunet.se", "domain": "sunet.se", "timestamp_in_utc": "2021-06-21T14:06 UTC", "producer_unique_keys": { "subject_cn": "unknown", "subject_o": "unknown", "full_name": "VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-17700523", "end_of_general_support": false, "cve_2021_21972": "CVE-2021-21972 not applicable", "cve_2021_21974": "CVE-2021-21974 patched", "cve_2021_21985": "CVE-2021-21985 not applicable" } }]' | curl -s -u user3:pw3 --data-binary @- http://localhost:8000/sc/v0/add Try retreiving all observations for a user with read access to 'sunet.se': curl -s -u user1:pw1 http://localhost:8000/sc/v0/get | json_pp -json_opt utf8,pretty We might also filter the data: curl -s -u user1:pw1 http://localhost:8000/sc/v0/get?port=111 | json_pp -json_opt utf8,pretty