-module(rebar_test_utils). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -export([init_rebar_state/1, init_rebar_state/2, run_and_check/4]). -export([expand_deps/2, flat_deps/1, flat_pkgdeps/1, top_level_deps/1]). -export([create_app/4, create_eunit_app/4, create_empty_app/4, create_config/2]). -export([create_random_name/1, create_random_vsn/0]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Public %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @doc {@see init_rebar_state/2} init_rebar_state(Config) -> init_rebar_state(Config, "apps_dir1_"). %% @doc Takes a common test config and a name (string) and sets up %% a basic OTP app directory with a pre-configured rebar state to %% run tests with. init_rebar_state(Config, Name) -> application:load(rebar), DataDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), AppsDir = filename:join([DataDir, create_random_name(Name)]), CheckoutsDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "_checkouts"]), ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(AppsDir), ok = ec_file:mkdir_p(CheckoutsDir), Verbosity = rebar3:log_level(), rebar_log:init(command_line, Verbosity), State = rebar_state:new([{base_dir, filename:join([AppsDir, "_build"])} ,{root_dir, AppsDir}]), [{apps, AppsDir}, {checkouts, CheckoutsDir}, {state, State} | Config]. %% @doc Takes common test config, a rebar config ([] if empty), a command to %% run ("install_deps", "compile", etc.), and a list of expected applications %% and/or dependencies to be present, and verifies whether they are all in %% place. %% %% The expectation list takes elements of the form: %% - `{app, Name :: string()}': checks that the app is properly built. %% - `{dep, Name :: string()}': checks that the dependency has been fetched. %% Ignores the build status of the dependency. %% - `{dep, Name :: string(), Vsn :: string()}': checks that the dependency %% has been fetched, and that a given version has been chosen. Useful to %% test for conflict resolution. Also ignores the build status of the %% dependency. %% %% This function assumes `init_rebar_state/1-2' has run before, in order to %% fetch the `apps' and `state' values from the CT config. run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, Command, Expect) -> %% Assumes init_rebar_state has run first AppDir = ?config(apps, Config), State = ?config(state, Config), try Res = rebar3:run(rebar_state:new(State, RebarConfig, AppDir), Command), case Expect of {error, Reason} -> ?assertEqual({error, Reason}, Res); {ok, Expected} -> {ok, _} = Res, check_results(AppDir, Expected), Res; return -> Res end catch rebar_abort when Expect =:= rebar_abort -> rebar_abort end. %% @doc Creates a dummy application including: %% - src/.erl %% - src/.app.src %% And returns a `rebar_app_info' object. create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps) -> write_src_file(AppDir, Name ++ ".erl"), write_src_file(AppDir, "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".erl"), write_app_src_file(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps), rebar_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, AppDir, Deps). %% @doc Creates a dummy application including: %% - src/.erl %% - src/.app.src %% - test/_tests.erl %% And returns a `rebar_app_info' object. create_eunit_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps) -> write_eunitized_src_file(AppDir, Name), write_eunit_suite_file(AppDir, Name), write_app_src_file(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps), rebar_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, AppDir, Deps). %% @doc Creates a dummy application including: %% - ebin/.app %% And returns a `rebar_app_info' object. create_empty_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps) -> write_app_file(AppDir, Name, Vsn, Deps), rebar_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, AppDir, Deps). %% @doc Creates a rebar.config file. The function accepts a list of terms, %% each of which will be dumped as a consult file. For example, the list %% `[a, b, c]' will return the consult file `a. b. c.'. create_config(AppDir, Contents) -> Conf = filename:join([AppDir, "rebar.config"]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Conf), Config = lists:flatten([io_lib:fwrite("~p.~n", [Term]) || Term <- Contents]), ok = ec_file:write(Conf, Config), Conf. %% @doc Util to create a random variation of a given name. create_random_name(Name) -> random:seed(os:timestamp()), Name ++ erlang:integer_to_list(random:uniform(1000000)). %% @doc Util to create a random variation of a given version. create_random_vsn() -> random:seed(os:timestamp()), lists:flatten([erlang:integer_to_list(random:uniform(100)), ".", erlang:integer_to_list(random:uniform(100)), ".", erlang:integer_to_list(random:uniform(100))]). expand_deps(_, []) -> []; expand_deps(git, [{Name, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {Name, ".*", {git, "https://example.org/user/"++Name++".git", "master"}}, [{Dep, expand_deps(git, Deps)} | expand_deps(git, Rest)]; expand_deps(git, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {Name, Vsn, {git, "https://example.org/user/"++Name++".git", {tag, Vsn}}}, [{Dep, expand_deps(git, Deps)} | expand_deps(git, Rest)]; expand_deps(pkg, [{Name, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {pkg, Name, "0.0.0"}, [{Dep, expand_deps(pkg, Deps)} | expand_deps(pkg, Rest)]; expand_deps(pkg, [{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {pkg, Name, Vsn}, [{Dep, expand_deps(pkg, Deps)} | expand_deps(pkg, Rest)]. flat_deps([]) -> []; flat_deps([{{Name,_Vsn,Ref}, Deps} | Rest]) -> [{{Name,vsn_from_ref(Ref)}, top_level_deps(Deps)}] ++ flat_deps(Deps) ++ flat_deps(Rest). flat_pkgdeps([]) -> []; flat_pkgdeps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn}, Deps} | Rest]) -> [{{iolist_to_binary(Name),iolist_to_binary(Vsn)}, top_level_deps(Deps)}] ++ flat_pkgdeps(Deps) ++ flat_pkgdeps(Rest). vsn_from_ref({git, _, {_, Vsn}}) -> Vsn; vsn_from_ref({git, _, Vsn}) -> Vsn. top_level_deps([]) -> []; top_level_deps([{{pkg, Name, Vsn}, _} | Deps]) -> [{list_to_atom(Name), Vsn} | top_level_deps(Deps)]; top_level_deps([{{Name, Vsn, Ref}, _} | Deps]) -> [{list_to_atom(Name), Vsn, Ref} | top_level_deps(Deps)]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Helpers %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check_results(AppDir, Expected) -> BuildDirs = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "*", "lib"])), PluginDirs = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "*", "plugins"])), GlobalPluginDirs = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "global", "plugins"])), CheckoutsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_checkouts"]), LockFile = filename:join([AppDir, "rebar.lock"]), Locks = lists:flatten(rebar_config:consult_file(LockFile)), InvalidApps = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(BuildDirs, invalid), ValidApps = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(BuildDirs, valid), InvalidDepsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- InvalidApps], ValidDepsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- ValidApps], Deps = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(BuildDirs, all), DepsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- Deps], Checkouts = rebar_app_discover:find_apps([CheckoutsDir], all), CheckoutsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- Checkouts], Plugins = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(PluginDirs, all), PluginsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- Plugins], GlobalPlugins = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(GlobalPluginDirs, all), GlobalPluginsNames = [{ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:name(App)), App} || App <- GlobalPlugins], lists:foreach( fun({app, Name}) -> ct:pal("App Name: ~p", [Name]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DepsNames) of false -> error({app_not_found, Name}); {Name, _App} -> ok end ; ({app, Name, invalid}) -> ct:pal("Invalid Name: ~p", [Name]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, InvalidDepsNames) of false -> error({app_not_found, Name}); {Name, _App} -> ok end ; ({app, Name, valid}) -> ct:pal("Valid Name: ~p", [Name]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, ValidDepsNames) of false -> error({app_not_found, Name}); {Name, _App} -> ok end ; ({checkout, Name}) -> ct:pal("Checkout Name: ~p", [Name]), ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(Name, 1, CheckoutsNames)) ; ({dep, Name}) -> ct:pal("Dep Name: ~p", [Name]), ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DepsNames)) ; ({dep, Name, Vsn}) -> ct:pal("Dep Name: ~p, Vsn: ~p", [Name, Vsn]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DepsNames) of false -> error({dep_not_found, Name}); {Name, App} -> ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(Vsn), iolist_to_binary(rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App))) end ; ({plugin, Name}) -> ct:pal("Plugin Name: ~p", [Name]), ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(Name, 1, PluginsNames)) ; ({plugin, Name, Vsn}) -> ct:pal("Plugin Name: ~p, Vsn: ~p", [Name, Vsn]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, PluginsNames) of false -> error({plugin_not_found, Name}); {Name, App} -> ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(Vsn), iolist_to_binary(rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App))) end ; ({global_plugin, Name}) -> ct:pal("Global Plugin Name: ~p", [Name]), ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(Name, 1, GlobalPluginsNames)) ; ({global_plugin, Name, Vsn}) -> ct:pal("Global Plugin Name: ~p, Vsn: ~p", [Name, Vsn]), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, GlobalPluginsNames) of false -> error({global_plugin_not_found, Name}); {Name, App} -> ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(Vsn), iolist_to_binary(rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App))) end ; ({lock, Name}) -> ct:pal("Lock Name: ~p", [Name]), ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(iolist_to_binary(Name), 1, Locks)) ; ({lock, Name, Vsn}) -> ct:pal("Lock Name: ~p, Vsn: ~p", [Name, Vsn]), case lists:keyfind(iolist_to_binary(Name), 1, Locks) of false -> error({lock_not_found, Name}); {_LockName, {pkg, _, LockVsn}, _} -> ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(Vsn), iolist_to_binary(LockVsn)); {_LockName, {_, _, {ref, LockVsn}}, _} -> ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(Vsn), iolist_to_binary(LockVsn)) end ; ({release, Name, Vsn, ExpectedDevMode}) -> ct:pal("Release: ~p-~s", [Name, Vsn]), {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), try file:set_cwd(AppDir), [ReleaseDir] = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "*", "rel"])), RelxState = rlx_state:new("", [], []), RelxState1 = rlx_state:base_output_dir(RelxState, ReleaseDir), {ok, RelxState2} = rlx_prv_app_discover:do(RelxState1), {ok, RelxState3} = rlx_prv_rel_discover:do(RelxState2), LibDir = filename:join([ReleaseDir, Name, "lib"]), {ok, RelLibs} = file:list_dir(LibDir), IsSymLinkFun = fun(X) -> ec_file:is_symlink(filename:join(LibDir, X)) end, DevMode = lists:all(IsSymLinkFun, RelLibs), ?assertEqual(ExpectedDevMode, DevMode), %% throws not_found if it doesn't exist rlx_state:get_realized_release(RelxState3, Name, Vsn) catch _ -> ct:fail(release_not_found) after file:set_cwd(Cwd) end ; ({tar, Name, Vsn}) -> ct:pal("Tarball: ~s-~s", [Name, Vsn]), Tarball = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "rel", Name, Name++"-"++Vsn++".tar.gz"]), ?assertNotEqual([], filelib:is_file(Tarball)) ; ({file, Filename}) -> ct:pal("Filename: ~s", [Filename]), ?assert(filelib:is_file(Filename)) end, Expected). write_src_file(Dir, Name) -> Erl = filename:join([Dir, "src", Name]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Erl), ok = ec_file:write(Erl, erl_src_file(Name)). write_eunitized_src_file(Dir, Name) -> Erl = filename:join([Dir, "src", "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".erl"]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Erl), ok = ec_file:write(Erl, erl_eunitized_src_file("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".erl")). write_eunit_suite_file(Dir, Name) -> Erl = filename:join([Dir, "test", "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ "_tests.erl"]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Erl), ok = ec_file:write(Erl, erl_eunit_suite_file("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".erl")). write_app_file(Dir, Name, Version, Deps) -> Filename = filename:join([Dir, "ebin", Name ++ ".app"]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Filename), ok = ec_file:write_term(Filename, get_app_metadata(ec_cnv:to_list(Name), Version, Deps)). write_app_src_file(Dir, Name, Version, Deps) -> Filename = filename:join([Dir, "src", Name ++ ".app.src"]), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Filename), ok = ec_file:write_term(Filename, get_app_metadata(ec_cnv:to_list(Name), Version, Deps)). erl_src_file(Name) -> io_lib:format("-module(~s).\n" "-export([main/0]).\n" "main() -> ok.\n", [filename:basename(Name, ".erl")]). erl_eunitized_src_file(Name) -> io_lib:format("-module(~s).\n" "-export([main/0]).\n" "main() -> ok.\n" "-ifdef(TEST).\n" "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n" "some_test_() -> ?_assertEqual(ok, main()).\n" "-endif.\n", [filename:basename(Name, ".erl")]). erl_eunit_suite_file(Name) -> BaseName = filename:basename(Name, ".erl"), io_lib:format("-module(~s_tests).\n" "-compile(export_all).\n" "-ifndef(some_define).\n" "-define(some_define, false).\n" "-endif.\n" "-ifdef(TEST).\n" "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n" "some_test_() -> ?_assertEqual(ok, ~s:main()).\n" "define_test_() -> ?_assertEqual(true, ?some_define).\n" "-endif.\n", [BaseName, BaseName]). get_app_metadata(Name, Vsn, Deps) -> {application, erlang:list_to_atom(Name), [{description, ""}, {vsn, Vsn}, {modules, []}, {included_applications, []}, {registered, []}, {applications, Deps}]}.