%%% TODO: check that warnings are appearing -module(rebar_deps_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). all() -> [flat, pick_highest_left, pick_highest_right, pick_earliest, circular1, circular2, circular_skip]. init_per_suite(Config) -> application:start(meck), Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> application:stop(meck). init_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> {Deps, Warnings, Expect} = deps(Case), Expected = case Expect of {ok, List} -> {ok, format_expected_deps(List)}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end, mock_warnings(), [{expect, Expected}, {warnings, Warnings} | setup_project(Case, Config, expand_deps(Deps))]. end_per_testcase(_, Config) -> meck:unload(), Config. format_expected_deps(Deps) -> [case Dep of {N,V} -> {dep, N, V}; N -> {dep, N} end || Dep <- Deps]. %% format: %% {Spec, %% [Warning], %% {ok, Result} | {error, Reason}} %% %% Spec is a list of levelled dependencies of two possible forms: %% - {"Name", Spec} %% - {"Name", "Vsn", Spec} %% %% Warnings are going to match on mocked ?WARN(...) %% calls to be evaluated. An empty list means we do not care about %% warnings, not that no warnings will be printed. This means %% the list of warning isn't interpreted to be exhaustive, and more %% warnings may be generated than are listed. deps(flat) -> {[{"B", []}, {"C", []}], [], {ok, ["B", "C"]}}; deps(pick_highest_left) -> {[{"B", [{"C", "2", []}]}, {"C", "1", []}], [{"C","2"}], {ok, ["B", {"C", "1"}]}}; deps(pick_highest_right) -> {[{"B", "1", []}, {"C", [{"B", "2", []}]}], [{"B","2"}], {ok, [{"B","1"}, "C"]}}; deps(pick_earliest) -> {[{"B", [{"D", "1", []}]}, {"C", [{"D", "2", []}]}], [{"D","2"}], {ok, ["B","C",{"D","1"}]}}; deps(circular1) -> {[{"B", [{"A", []}]}, % A is the top-level app {"C", []}], [], {error, {rebar_prv_install_deps, {cycles, [[<<"A">>,<<"B">>]]}}}}; deps(circular2) -> {[{"B", [{"C", [{"B", []}]}]}, {"C", []}], [], {error, {rebar_prv_install_deps, {cycles, [[<<"B">>,<<"C">>]]}}}}; deps(circular_skip) -> %% Never spot the circular dep due to being to low in the deps tree. {[{"B", [{"C", "2", [{"D", []}]}]}, {"C", "1", [{"B",[]}]}], [{"C","2"}], {ok, ["B", {"C","1"}, "D"]}}. expand_deps([]) -> []; expand_deps([{Name, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {Name, ".*", {git, "https://example.org/user/"++Name++".git", "master"}}, [{Dep, expand_deps(Deps)} | expand_deps(Rest)]; expand_deps([{Name, Vsn, Deps} | Rest]) -> Dep = {Name, Vsn, {git, "https://example.org/user/"++Name++".git", {tag, Vsn}}}, [{Dep, expand_deps(Deps)} | expand_deps(Rest)]. setup_project(Case, Config0, Deps) -> Config = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config0, atom_to_list(Case)), AppDir = ?config(apps, Config), rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, "A", "0.0.0", [kernel, stdlib]), TopDeps = top_level_deps(Deps), RebarConf = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, TopDeps}]), mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, flat_deps(Deps)}]), [{rebarconfig, RebarConf} | Config]. flat_deps([]) -> []; flat_deps([{{Name,_Vsn,_Ref}, Deps} | Rest]) -> [{Name, top_level_deps(Deps)}] ++ flat_deps(Deps) ++ flat_deps(Rest). top_level_deps(Deps) -> [{list_to_atom(Name),Vsn,Ref} || {{Name,Vsn,Ref},_} <- Deps]. mock_warnings() -> %% just let it do its thing, we check warnings through %% the call log. meck:new(rebar_log, [no_link, passthrough]). %%% TESTS %%% flat(Config) -> run(Config). pick_highest_left(Config) -> run(Config). pick_highest_right(Config) -> run(Config). pick_earliest(Config) -> run(Config). circular1(Config) -> run(Config). circular2(Config) -> run(Config). circular_skip(Config) -> run(Config). run(Config) -> {ok, RebarConfig} = file:consult(?config(rebarconfig, Config)), rebar_test_utils:run_and_check( Config, RebarConfig, "install_deps", ?config(expect, Config) ), check_warnings(warning_calls(), ?config(warnings, Config)). warning_calls() -> History = meck:history(rebar_log), [{Str, Args} || {_, {rebar_log, log, [warn, Str, Args]}, _} <- History]. check_warnings(_, []) -> ok; check_warnings(Warns, [{Name, Vsn} | Rest]) -> ct:pal("Checking for warning ~p in ~p", [{Name,Vsn},Warns]), ?assert(in_warnings(Warns, Name, Vsn)), check_warnings(Warns, Rest). in_warnings(Warns, NameRaw, VsnRaw) -> Name = iolist_to_binary(NameRaw), 1 =< length([1 || {_, [AppName, {git, _, {_, Vsn}}]} <- Warns, AppName =:= Name, Vsn =:= VsnRaw]).