%%% Mock a package resource and create an app magically for each URL submitted. -module(mock_pkg_resource). -export([mock/0, mock/1, unmock/0]). -define(MOD, rebar_pkg_resource). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Interface %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @doc same as `mock([])'. mock() -> mock([]). %% @doc Mocks a fake version of the git resource fetcher that creates %% empty applications magically, rather than trying to download them. %% Specific config options are explained in each of the private functions. -spec mock(Opts) -> ok when Opts :: [Option], Option :: {update, [App]} | {cache_dir, string()} | {default_vsn, Vsn} | {override_vsn, [{App, Vsn}]} | {not_in_index, [{App, Vsn}]} | {pkgdeps, [{{App,Vsn}, [Dep]}]}, App :: string(), Dep :: {App, string(), {pkg, App, Vsn}}, Vsn :: string(). mock(Opts) -> meck:new(?MOD, [no_link]), mock_lock(Opts), mock_update(Opts), mock_vsn(Opts), mock_download(Opts), mock_pkg_index(Opts), ok. unmock() -> meck:unload(?MOD), meck:unload(rebar_packages). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Private %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @doc creates values for a lock file. mock_lock(_) -> meck:expect(?MOD, lock, fun(_AppDir, Source) -> Source end). %% @doc The config passed to the `mock/2' function can specify which apps %% should be updated on a per-name basis: `{update, ["App1", "App3"]}'. mock_update(Opts) -> ToUpdate = proplists:get_value(upgrade, Opts, []), meck:expect( ?MOD, needs_update, fun(_Dir, {pkg, App, _Vsn}) -> lists:member(binary_to_list(App), ToUpdate) end). %% @doc Replicated an unsupported call. mock_vsn(_Opts) -> meck:expect( ?MOD, make_vsn, fun(_Dir) -> {error, "Replacing version of type pkg not supported."} end). %% @doc For each app to download, create a dummy app on disk instead. %% The configuration for this one (passed in from `mock/1') includes: %% %% - Specify a version with `{pkg, _, Vsn}' %% - Dependencies for each application must be passed of the form: %% `{pkgdeps, [{"app1", [{app2, ".*", {pkg, ...}}]}]}' -- basically %% the `pkgdeps' option takes a key/value list of terms to output directly %% into a `rebar.config' file to describe dependencies. mock_download(Opts) -> Deps = proplists:get_value(pkgdeps, Opts, []), meck:expect( ?MOD, download, fun (Dir, {pkg, AppBin, Vsn}, _) -> App = binary_to_list(AppBin), filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), AppDeps = proplists:get_value({App,Vsn}, Deps, []), {ok, AppInfo} = rebar_test_utils:create_app( Dir, App, binary_to_list(Vsn), [kernel, stdlib] ++ [element(1,D) || D <- AppDeps] ), rebar_test_utils:create_config(Dir, [{deps, AppDeps}]), TarApp = App++"-"++binary_to_list(Vsn)++".tar", Tarball = filename:join([Dir, TarApp]), Contents = filename:join([Dir, "contents.tar.gz"]), Files = all_files(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)), ok = erl_tar:create(Contents, archive_names(Dir, App, Vsn, Files), [compressed]), ok = erl_tar:create(Tarball, [{"contents.tar.gz", Contents}], []), Cache = proplists:get_value(cache_dir, Opts, filename:join(Dir,"cache")), Cached = filename:join([Cache, TarApp]), filelib:ensure_dir(Cached), rebar_file_utils:mv(Tarball, Cached), {ok, true} end). %% @doc On top of the pkg resource mocking, we need to mock the package %% index. %% %% A special option, `{not_in_index, [App]}' lets the index leave out %% specific applications otherwise listed. mock_pkg_index(Opts) -> Deps = proplists:get_value(pkgdeps, Opts, []), Skip = proplists:get_value(not_in_index, Opts, []), %% Dict: {App, Vsn}: [{<<"link">>, <<>>}, {<<"deps">>, []}] %% Digraph: all apps and deps in the index Dict = find_parts(Deps, Skip), GraphParts = to_graph_parts(Dict), Digraph = rebar_digraph:restore_graph(GraphParts), meck:new(rebar_packages, [passthrough, no_link]), meck:expect(rebar_packages, registry, fun(_State) -> {ok, to_registry(Deps)} end), meck:expect(rebar_packages, get_packages, fun(_State) -> {Dict, Digraph} end). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Helpers %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% to_registry(Deps) -> Tid = ets:new(registry, []), lists:foreach(fun({{Name, Vsn}, _}) -> case ets:lookup(Tid, Name) of [{_, [Vsns]}] -> ets:insert(Tid, {Name, [[Vsn | Vsns]]}); _ -> ets:insert(Tid, {Name, [[Vsn]]}) end end, Deps), Tid. all_files(Dir) -> filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "**"])). archive_names(Dir, _App, _Vsn, Files) -> [{(F -- Dir) -- "/", F} || F <- Files]. find_parts(Apps, Skip) -> find_parts(Apps, Skip, dict:new()). find_parts([], _, Acc) -> Acc; find_parts([{AppName, Deps}|Rest], Skip, Acc) -> case lists:member(AppName, Skip) orelse dict:is_key(AppName,Acc) of true -> find_parts(Rest, Skip, Acc); false -> AccNew = dict:store(AppName, Deps, Acc), find_parts(Rest, Skip, AccNew) end. to_graph_parts(Dict) -> LastUpdated = os:timestamp(), dict:fold(fun(K,Deps,{Ks,Vs}) -> {[{K,LastUpdated}|Ks], [{K,{list_to_binary(atom_to_list(DK)), list_to_binary(DV)}} || {DK,DV} <- Deps] ++ Vs} end, {[],[]}, Dict).