%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar_prv_dialyzer). -behaviour(provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -define(PROVIDER, dialyzer). -define(DEPS, [compile]). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== -spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}. init(State) -> Opts = [{update_plt, $u, "update-plt", boolean, "Enable updating the PLT. Default: true"}, {succ_typings, $s, "succ-typings", boolean, "Enable success typing analysis. Default: true"}], State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER}, {module, ?MODULE}, {bare, false}, {deps, ?DEPS}, {example, "rebar3 dialyzer"}, {short_desc, short_desc()}, {desc, desc()}, {opts, Opts}])), {ok, State1}. desc() -> short_desc() ++ "\n" "\n" "This command will build, and keep up-to-date, a suitable PLT and will use " "it to carry out success typing analysis on the current project.\n" "\n" "The following (optional) configurations can be added to a rebar.config:\n" "`dialyzer_warnings` - a list of dialyzer warnings\n" "`dialyzer_plt` - the PLT file to use\n" "`dialyzer_plt_apps` - a list of applications to include in the PLT file*\n" "`dialyzer_plt_warnings` - display warnings when updating a PLT file " "(boolean)\n" "`dialyzer_base_plt` - the base PLT file to use**\n" "`dialyzer_base_plt_dir` - the base PLT directory**\n" "`dialyzer_base_plt_apps` - a list of applications to include in the base " "PLT file**\n" "\n" "*The applications in `dialyzer_base_plt_apps` and any `applications` and " "`included_applications` listed in their .app files will be added to the " "list.\n" "**The base PLT is a PLT containing the core OTP applications often " "required for a project's PLT. One base PLT is created per OTP version and " "stored in `dialyzer_base_plt_dir` (defaults to $HOME/.rebar3/). A base " "PLT is used to create a project's initial PLT.". short_desc() -> "Run the Dialyzer analyzer on the project.". -spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}. do(State) -> ?INFO("Dialyzer starting, this may take a while...", []), code:add_pathsa(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)), Plt = get_plt_location(State), try do(State, Plt) catch throw:{dialyzer_error, Error} -> ?PRV_ERROR({error_processing_apps, Error}); throw:{dialyzer_warnings, Warnings} -> ?PRV_ERROR({dialyzer_warnings, Warnings}); throw:{output_file_error, _, _} = Error -> ?PRV_ERROR(Error) after rebar_utils:cleanup_code_path(rebar_state:code_paths(State, default)) end. -spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error({error_processing_apps, Error}) -> io_lib:format("Error in dialyzing apps: ~s", [Error]); format_error({dialyzer_warnings, Warnings}) -> io_lib:format("Warnings occured running dialyzer: ~b", [Warnings]); format_error({output_file_error, File, Error}) -> Error1 = file:format_error(Error), io_lib:format("Failed to write to ~s: ~s", [File, Error1]); format_error(Reason) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]). %% Internal functions get_plt_location(State) -> BaseDir = rebar_dir:base_dir(State), DefaultPlt = filename:join(BaseDir, default_plt()), rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_plt, DefaultPlt). default_plt() -> rebar_utils:otp_release() ++ ".plt". do(State, Plt) -> Output = get_output_file(State), {PltWarnings, State1} = update_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output), {Warnings, State2} = succ_typings(State1, Plt, Output), case PltWarnings + Warnings of 0 -> {ok, State2}; TotalWarnings -> ?INFO("Warnings written to ~s", [Output]), throw({dialyzer_warnings, TotalWarnings}) end. get_output_file(State) -> BaseDir = rebar_dir:base_dir(State), Output = filename:join(BaseDir, default_output_file()), case file:open(Output, [write]) of {ok, File} -> ok = file:close(File), Output; {error, Reason} -> throw({output_file_error, Output, Reason}) end. default_output_file() -> rebar_utils:otp_release() ++ ".dialyzer_warnings". update_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output) -> {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), case proplists:get_value(update_plt, Args) of false -> {0, State}; _ -> do_update_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output) end. do_update_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output) -> ?INFO("Updating plt...", []), {Files, Warnings} = proj_plt_files(State), Warnings2 = format_warnings(Output, Warnings), {Warnings3, State2} = case read_plt(State, Plt) of {ok, OldFiles} -> check_plt(State, Plt, Output, OldFiles, Files); {error, no_such_file} -> build_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) end, {Warnings2 + Warnings3, State2}. proj_plt_files(State) -> BasePltApps = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_base_plt_apps, default_plt_apps()), PltApps = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_plt_apps, []), Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State), DepApps = lists:flatmap(fun rebar_app_info:applications/1, Apps), get_plt_files(BasePltApps ++ PltApps ++ DepApps, Apps). default_plt_apps() -> [erts, crypto, kernel, stdlib]. get_plt_files(DepApps, Apps) -> ?INFO("Resolving files...", []), get_plt_files(DepApps, Apps, [], [], []). get_plt_files([], _, _, Files, Warnings) -> {Files, Warnings}; get_plt_files([AppName | DepApps], Apps, PltApps, Files, Warnings) -> case lists:member(AppName, PltApps) orelse app_member(AppName, Apps) of true -> get_plt_files(DepApps, Apps, PltApps, Files, Warnings); false -> {DepApps2, Files2, Warnings2} = app_name_to_info(AppName), ?DEBUG("~s dependencies: ~p", [AppName, DepApps2]), ?DEBUG("~s files: ~p", [AppName, Files2]), DepApps3 = DepApps2 ++ DepApps, PltApps2 = [AppName | PltApps], Files3 = Files2 ++ Files, Warnings3 = Warnings2 ++ Warnings, get_plt_files(DepApps3, Apps, PltApps2, Files3, Warnings3) end. app_member(AppName, Apps) -> case rebar_app_utils:find(ec_cnv:to_binary(AppName), Apps) of {ok, _App} -> true; error -> false end. app_name_to_info(AppName) -> case app_name_to_ebin(AppName) of {error, _} -> {[], [], [{unknown_application, {"", 0}, [AppName]}]}; EbinDir -> ebin_to_info(EbinDir, AppName) end. app_name_to_ebin(AppName) -> case code:lib_dir(AppName, ebin) of {error, bad_name} -> search_ebin(AppName); EbinDir -> check_ebin(EbinDir, AppName) end. check_ebin(EbinDir, AppName) -> case filelib:is_dir(EbinDir) of true -> EbinDir; false -> search_ebin(AppName) end. search_ebin(AppName) -> case code:where_is_file(atom_to_list(AppName) ++ ".app") of non_existing -> {error, bad_name}; AppFile -> filename:dirname(AppFile) end. ebin_to_info(EbinDir, AppName) -> AppFile = filename:join(EbinDir, atom_to_list(AppName) ++ ".app"), ?DEBUG("Consulting app file ~p", [AppFile]), case file:consult(AppFile) of {ok, [{application, AppName, AppDetails}]} -> DepApps = proplists:get_value(applications, AppDetails, []), IncApps = proplists:get_value(included_applications, AppDetails, []), Modules = proplists:get_value(modules, AppDetails, []), {Files, Warnings} = modules_to_files(Modules, EbinDir), {IncApps ++ DepApps, Files, Warnings}; {error, enoent} when AppName =:= erts -> {[], ebin_files(EbinDir), []}; {error, Reason} -> Error = io_lib:format("Could not parse ~s: ~p", [AppFile, file:format_error(Reason)]), throw({dialyzer_error, Error}) end. modules_to_files(Modules, EbinDir) -> Ext = code:objfile_extension(), Result = [module_to_file(Module, EbinDir, Ext) || Module <- Modules], Files = [File || {_, File} <- Result, File =/= unknown], Warnings = [{unknown_module, {"", 0}, [Module]} || {Module, unknown} <- Result], {Files, Warnings}. module_to_file(Module, EbinDir, Ext) -> File = filename:join(EbinDir, atom_to_list(Module) ++ Ext), case filelib:is_file(File) of true -> {Module, File}; false -> {Module, unknown} end. ebin_files(EbinDir) -> Wildcard = "*" ++ code:objfile_extension(), [filename:join(EbinDir, File) || File <- filelib:wildcard(Wildcard, EbinDir)]. read_plt(_State, Plt) -> case dialyzer:plt_info(Plt) of {ok, Info} -> Files = proplists:get_value(files, Info, []), {ok, Files}; {error, no_such_file} = Error -> Error; {error, read_error} -> Error = io_lib:format("Could not read the PLT file ~p", [Plt]), throw({dialyzer_error, Error}) end. check_plt(State, Plt, Output, OldList, FilesList) -> Old = sets:from_list(OldList), Files = sets:from_list(FilesList), Remove = sets:to_list(sets:subtract(Old, Files)), {RemWarnings, State1} = remove_plt(State, Plt, Output, Remove), Check = sets:to_list(sets:intersection(Files, Old)), {CheckWarnings, State2} = check_plt(State1, Plt, Output, Check), Add = sets:to_list(sets:subtract(Files, Old)), {AddWarnings, State3} = add_plt(State2, Plt, Output, Add), {RemWarnings + CheckWarnings + AddWarnings, State3}. remove_plt(State, _Plt, _Output, []) -> {0, State}; remove_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) -> ?INFO("Removing ~b files from ~p...", [length(Files), Plt]), run_plt(State, Plt, Output, plt_remove, Files). check_plt(State, _Plt, _Output, []) -> {0, State}; check_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) -> ?INFO("Checking ~b files in ~p...", [length(Files), Plt]), run_plt(State, Plt, Output, plt_check, Files). add_plt(State, _Plt, _Output, []) -> {0, State}; add_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) -> ?INFO("Adding ~b files to ~p...", [length(Files), Plt]), run_plt(State, Plt, Output, plt_add, Files). run_plt(State, Plt, Output, Analysis, Files) -> GetWarnings = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_plt_warnings, false), Opts = [{analysis_type, Analysis}, {get_warnings, GetWarnings}, {init_plt, Plt}, {from, byte_code}, {files, Files}], run_dialyzer(State, Opts, Output). build_proj_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) -> BasePlt = get_base_plt_location(State), ?INFO("Updating base plt...", []), {BaseFiles, BaseWarnings} = base_plt_files(State), BaseWarnings2 = format_warnings(Output, BaseWarnings), {BaseWarnings3, State1} = update_base_plt(State, BasePlt, Output, BaseFiles), ?INFO("Copying ~p to ~p...", [BasePlt, Plt]), _ = filelib:ensure_dir(Plt), case file:copy(BasePlt, Plt) of {ok, _} -> {CheckWarnings, State2} = check_plt(State1, Plt, Output, BaseFiles, Files), {BaseWarnings2 + BaseWarnings3 + CheckWarnings, State2}; {error, Reason} -> Error = io_lib:format("Could not copy PLT from ~p to ~p: ~p", [BasePlt, Plt, file:format_error(Reason)]), throw({dialyzer_error, Error}) end. get_base_plt_location(State) -> GlobalCacheDir = rebar_dir:global_cache_dir(State), BaseDir = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_base_plt_dir, GlobalCacheDir), BasePlt = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_base_plt, default_plt()), filename:join(BaseDir, BasePlt). base_plt_files(State) -> BasePltApps = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_base_plt_apps, default_plt_apps()), Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State), get_plt_files(BasePltApps, Apps). update_base_plt(State, BasePlt, Output, BaseFiles) -> case read_plt(State, BasePlt) of {ok, OldBaseFiles} -> check_plt(State, BasePlt, Output, OldBaseFiles, BaseFiles); {error, no_such_file} -> _ = filelib:ensure_dir(BasePlt), build_plt(State, BasePlt, Output, BaseFiles) end. build_plt(State, Plt, Output, Files) -> ?INFO("Adding ~b files to ~p...", [length(Files), Plt]), GetWarnings = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_plt_warnings, false), Opts = [{analysis_type, plt_build}, {get_warnings, GetWarnings}, {output_plt, Plt}, {files, Files}], run_dialyzer(State, Opts, Output). succ_typings(State, Plt, Output) -> {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), case proplists:get_value(succ_typings, Args) of false -> {0, State}; _ -> Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State), succ_typings(State, Plt, Output, Apps) end. succ_typings(State, Plt, Output, Apps) -> ?INFO("Doing success typing analysis...", []), {Files, Warnings} = apps_to_files(Apps), Warnings2 = format_warnings(Output, Warnings), ?INFO("Analyzing ~b files with ~p...", [length(Files), Plt]), Opts = [{analysis_type, succ_typings}, {get_warnings, true}, {from, byte_code}, {files, Files}, {init_plt, Plt}], {Warnings3, State2} = run_dialyzer(State, Opts, Output), {Warnings2 + Warnings3, State2}. apps_to_files(Apps) -> ?INFO("Resolving files...", []), Result = [{Files, Warnings} || App <- Apps, {Files, Warnings} <- [app_to_files(App)]], Files = [File || {Files, _} <- Result, File <- Files], Warnings = [Warning || {_, Warnings} <- Result, Warning <- Warnings], {Files, Warnings}. app_to_files(App) -> AppName = ec_cnv:to_atom(rebar_app_info:name(App)), {_, Files, Warnings} = app_name_to_info(AppName), {Files, Warnings}. run_dialyzer(State, Opts, Output) -> %% dialyzer may return callgraph warnings when get_warnings is false case proplists:get_bool(get_warnings, Opts) of true -> WarningsList = rebar_state:get(State, dialyzer_warnings, []), Opts2 = [{warnings, WarningsList}, {check_plt, false} | Opts], ?DEBUG("Running dialyzer with options: ~p~n", [Opts2]), Warnings = format_warnings(Output, dialyzer:run(Opts2)), {Warnings, State}; false -> Opts2 = [{warnings, no_warnings()}, {check_plt, false} | Opts], ?DEBUG("Running dialyzer with options: ~p~n", [Opts2]), _ = dialyzer:run(Opts2), {0, State} end. format_warnings(Output, Warnings) -> Warnings1 = format_warnings(Warnings), console_warnings(Warnings1), file_warnings(Output, Warnings1), length(Warnings1). format_warnings(Warnings) -> [format_warning(Warning) || Warning <- Warnings]. format_warning({unknown_application, _, [AppName]}) -> io_lib:format("Unknown application: ~s", [AppName]); format_warning({unknown_module, _, [Module]}) -> io_lib:format("Unknown module: ~s", [Module]); format_warning(Warning) -> case strip(dialyzer:format_warning(Warning, fullpath)) of ":0: " ++ Unknown -> Unknown; Warning1 -> Warning1 end. console_warnings(Warnings) -> _ = [?CONSOLE("~s", [Warning]) || Warning <- Warnings], ok. file_warnings(_, []) -> ok; file_warnings(Output, Warnings) -> Warnings1 = [[Warning, $\n] || Warning <- Warnings], case file:write_file(Output, Warnings1, [append]) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> throw({output_file_error, Output, Reason}) end. strip(Warning) -> string:strip(Warning, right, $\n). no_warnings() -> [no_return, no_unused, no_improper_lists, no_fun_app, no_match, no_opaque, no_fail_call, no_contracts, no_behaviours, no_undefined_callbacks].