-module(rebar_prv_compile). -behaviour(provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -export([compile/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -define(PROVIDER, compile). -define(DEPS, [lock]). -define(DEFAULT_JOBS, 3). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== -spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}. init(State) -> JobsHelp = io_lib:format( "Number of concurrent workers the compiler may use. Default: ~B", [?DEFAULT_JOBS]), State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER}, {module, ?MODULE}, {bare, false}, {deps, ?DEPS}, {example, "rebar compile"}, {short_desc, "Compile apps .app.src and .erl files."}, {desc, ""}, {opts, [ {jobs, $j, "jobs", integer, JobsHelp} ]}])), {ok, State1}. -spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}. do(State) -> {ok, State1} = handle_args(State), Jobs = rebar_state:get(State1, jobs), ProjectApps = rebar_state:project_apps(State1), Deps = rebar_state:deps_to_build(State1), Cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd(), rebar_hooks:run_compile_hooks(Cwd, pre_hooks, compile, State1), %% Need to allow global config vars used on deps %% Right now no way to differeniate and just give deps a new state EmptyState = rebar_state:new(), EmptyState1 = rebar_state:set(EmptyState, jobs, Jobs), build_apps(EmptyState1, Deps), %% Use the project State for building project apps %% Set hooks to empty so top-level hooks aren't run for each project app State2 = rebar_state:set(rebar_state:set(State1, post_hooks, []), pre_hooks, []), ProjectApps1 = build_apps(State2, ProjectApps), rebar_hooks:run_compile_hooks(Cwd, post_hooks, compile, State1), {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(State1, ProjectApps1)}. -spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error(Reason) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]). build_apps(State, Apps) -> [build_app(State, AppInfo) || AppInfo <- Apps]. build_app(State, AppInfo) -> AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), OutDir = rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo), copy_app_dirs(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), AppDir, OutDir), S = case rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo) of undefined -> C = rebar_config:consult(AppDir), rebar_state:new(State, C, AppDir); AppState -> AppState end, %% Legacy hook support rebar_hooks:run_compile_hooks(AppDir, pre_hooks, compile, S), AppInfo1 = compile(S, AppInfo), rebar_hooks:run_compile_hooks(AppDir, post_hooks, compile, S), true = code:add_patha(rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo1)), AppInfo1. compile(State, AppInfo) -> ?INFO("Compiling ~s", [rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo)]), rebar_erlc_compiler:compile(State, ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)), ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo))), case rebar_otp_app:compile(State, AppInfo) of {ok, AppInfo1} -> AppInfo1; Error -> throw(Error) end. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== handle_args(State) -> {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), Jobs = proplists:get_value(jobs, Args, ?DEFAULT_JOBS), {ok, rebar_state:set(State, jobs, Jobs)}. copy_app_dirs(AppName, OldAppDir, AppDir) -> case ec_cnv:to_binary(filename:absname(OldAppDir)) =/= ec_cnv:to_binary(filename:absname(AppDir)) of true -> Name = ec_cnv:to_list(AppName), AppFile = filename:join([OldAppDir, "ebin", Name++".app"]), case filelib:is_file(AppFile) of true -> file:copy(AppFile, filename:join([AppDir, "ebin", Name++".app"])); false -> ok end, filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(AppDir, "dummy")), %% link to src to be adjacent to ebin is needed for R15 use of cover/xref [symlink_or_copy(OldAppDir, AppDir, Dir) || Dir <- ["priv", "include", "src"]]; false -> ok end. symlink_or_copy(OldAppDir, AppDir, Dir) -> Source = filename:join(OldAppDir, Dir), Target = filename:join(AppDir, Dir), rebar_file_utils:symlink_or_copy(Source, Target).