%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar_hg_resource). -behaviour(rebar_resource_v2). -export([init/2, lock/2, download/4, needs_update/2, make_vsn/2]). %% For backward compatibilty -export([ download/3 ]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -spec init(atom(), rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_resource_v2:resource()}. init(Type, _State) -> Resource = rebar_resource_v2:new(Type, ?MODULE, #{}), {ok, Resource}. lock(AppInfo, _) -> check_type_support(), lock_(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo)). lock_(AppDir, {hg, Url, _}) -> lock_(AppDir, {hg, Url}); lock_(AppDir, {hg, Url}) -> Ref = get_ref(AppDir), {hg, Url, {ref, Ref}}. %% Return `true' if either the hg url or tag/branch/ref is not the same as %% the currently checked out repo for the dep needs_update(AppInfo, _) -> needs_update_(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo)). needs_update_(Dir, {hg, Url, {tag, Tag}}) -> Ref = get_ref(Dir), {ClosestTag, Distance} = get_tag_distance(Dir, Ref), ?DEBUG("Comparing hg tag ~ts with ref ~ts (closest tag is ~ts at distance ~ts)", [Tag, Ref, ClosestTag, Distance]), not ((Distance =:= "0") andalso (Tag =:= ClosestTag) andalso compare_url(Dir, Url)); needs_update_(Dir, {hg, Url, {branch, Branch}}) -> Ref = get_ref(Dir), BRef = get_branch_ref(Dir, Branch), not ((Ref =:= BRef) andalso compare_url(Dir, Url)); needs_update_(Dir, {hg, Url, "default"}) -> Ref = get_ref(Dir), BRef = get_branch_ref(Dir, "default"), not ((Ref =:= BRef) andalso compare_url(Dir, Url)); needs_update_(Dir, {hg, Url, Ref}) -> LocalRef = get_ref(Dir), TargetRef = case Ref of {ref, Ref1} -> Length = length(LocalRef), if Length >= 7 -> lists:sublist(Ref1, Length); Length < 7 -> Ref1 end; Ref1 -> Ref1 end, ?DEBUG("Comparing hg ref ~ts with ~ts", [Ref1, LocalRef]), not ((LocalRef =:= TargetRef) andalso compare_url(Dir, Url)). download(TmpDir, AppInfo, State, _) -> check_type_support(), case download_(TmpDir, rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo), State) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Error -> {error, Error} end. %% For backward compatibilty download(Dir, AppInfo, State) -> download_(Dir, AppInfo, State). download_(Dir, {hg, Url}, State) -> ?WARN("WARNING: It is recommended to use {branch, Name}, {tag, Tag} or {ref, Ref}, otherwise updating the dep may not work as expected.", []), download_(Dir, {hg, Url, {branch, "default"}}, State); download_(Dir, {hg, Url, ""}, State) -> ?WARN("WARNING: It is recommended to use {branch, Name}, {tag, Tag} or {ref, Ref}, otherwise updating the dep may not work as expected.", []), download_(Dir, {hg, Url, {branch, "default"}}, State); download_(Dir, {hg, Url, {branch, Branch}}, _State) -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), maybe_warn_local_url(Url), rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("hg clone -q -b ~ts ~ts ~ts", [rebar_utils:escape_chars(Branch), rebar_utils:escape_chars(Url), rebar_utils:escape_chars(filename:basename(Dir))]), [{cd, filename:dirname(Dir)}]); download_(Dir, {hg, Url, {tag, Tag}}, _State) -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), maybe_warn_local_url(Url), rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("hg clone -q -u ~ts ~ts ~ts", [rebar_utils:escape_chars(Tag), rebar_utils:escape_chars(Url), rebar_utils:escape_chars(filename:basename(Dir))]), [{cd, filename:dirname(Dir)}]); download_(Dir, {hg, Url, {ref, Ref}}, _State) -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), maybe_warn_local_url(Url), rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("hg clone -q -r ~ts ~ts ~ts", [rebar_utils:escape_chars(Ref), rebar_utils:escape_chars(Url), rebar_utils:escape_chars(filename:basename(Dir))]), [{cd, filename:dirname(Dir)}]); download_(Dir, {hg, Url, Rev}, _State) -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), maybe_warn_local_url(Url), rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("hg clone -q -r ~ts ~ts ~ts", [rebar_utils:escape_chars(Rev), rebar_utils:escape_chars(Url), rebar_utils:escape_chars(filename:basename(Dir))]), [{cd, filename:dirname(Dir)}]). make_vsn(AppInfo, _) -> check_type_support(), make_vsn_(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)). make_vsn_(Dir) -> BaseHg = "hg -R \"" ++ rebar_utils:escape_double_quotes(Dir) ++ "\" ", Ref = get_ref(Dir), Cmd = BaseHg ++ "log --template \"{latesttag}+build.{latesttagdistance}.rev.{node|short}\"" " --rev " ++ Ref, AbortMsg = io_lib:format("Version resolution of hg dependency failed in ~ts", [Dir]), {ok, VsnString} = rebar_utils:sh(Cmd, [{use_stdout, false}, {debug_abort_on_error, AbortMsg}]), RawVsn = rebar_string:trim(VsnString, both, "\n"), Vsn = case RawVsn of "null+" ++ Rest -> "0.0.0+" ++ Rest; _ -> RawVsn end, {plain, Vsn}. %%% Internal functions compare_url(Dir, Url) -> CurrentUrl = rebar_string:trim(os:cmd("hg -R \"" ++ rebar_utils:escape_double_quotes(Dir) ++"\" paths default"), both, "\n"), CurrentUrl1 = rebar_string:trim(CurrentUrl, both, "\r"), parse_hg_url(CurrentUrl1) =:= parse_hg_url(Url). get_ref(Dir) -> AbortMsg = io_lib:format("Get ref of hg dependency failed in ~ts", [Dir]), {ok, RefString} = rebar_utils:sh("hg -R \"" ++ rebar_utils:escape_double_quotes(Dir) ++ "\" --debug id -i", [{use_stdout, false}, {debug_abort_on_error, AbortMsg}]), rebar_string:trim(RefString, both, "\n"). get_tag_distance(Dir, Ref) -> AbortMsg = io_lib:format("Get tag distance of hg dependency failed in ~ts", [Dir]), {ok, LogString} = rebar_utils:sh("hg -R \"" ++ rebar_utils:escape_double_quotes(Dir) ++ "\" " "log --template \"{latesttag}-{latesttagdistance}\n\" " "--rev " ++ rebar_utils:escape_chars(Ref), [{use_stdout, false}, {debug_abort_on_error, AbortMsg}]), Log = rebar_string:trim(LogString, both, "\n"), [Tag, Distance] = re:split(Log, "-([0-9]+)$", [{parts,0}, {return,list}, unicode]), {Tag, Distance}. get_branch_ref(Dir, Branch) -> AbortMsg = io_lib:format("Get branch ref of hg dependency failed in ~ts", [Dir]), {ok, BranchRefString} = rebar_utils:sh("hg -R \"" ++ rebar_utils:escape_double_quotes(Dir) ++ "\" log --template \"{node}\n\" --rev " ++ rebar_utils:escape_chars(Branch), [{use_stdout, false}, {debug_abort_on_error, AbortMsg}]), rebar_string:trim(BranchRefString, both, "\n"). maybe_warn_local_url(Url) -> try _ = parse_hg_url(Url), ok catch _:_ -> ?WARN("URL format (~ts) unsupported.", []) end. parse_hg_url("ssh://" ++ HostPath) -> [Host | Path] = rebar_string:lexemes(HostPath, "/"), {Host, filename:rootname(filename:join(Path), ".hg")}; parse_hg_url("http://" ++ HostPath) -> [Host | Path] = rebar_string:lexemes(HostPath, "/"), {Host, filename:rootname(filename:join(Path), ".hg")}; parse_hg_url("https://" ++ HostPath) -> [Host | Path] = rebar_string:lexemes(HostPath, "/"), {Host, filename:rootname(filename:join(Path), ".hg")}. check_type_support() -> case get({is_supported, ?MODULE}) of true -> ok; _ -> case rebar_utils:sh("hg --version", [{return_on_error, true}, {use_stdout, false}]) of {error, _} -> ?ABORT("hg not installed", []); _ -> put({is_supported, ?MODULE}, true), ok end end.