-module(rebar_hex_repos). -export([from_state/2, get_repo_config/2, auth_config/1, update_auth_config/2, format_error/1]). -ifdef(TEST). %% exported for test purposes -export([repos/1, merge_repos/1]). -endif. -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -export_type([repo/0]). -type repo() :: #{name => unicode:unicode_binary(), api_url => binary(), api_key => binary(), repo_url => binary(), repo_public_key => binary(), repo_verify => binary(), repo_verify_origin => binary()}. from_state(BaseConfig, State) -> HexConfig = rebar_state:get(State, hex, []), Repos = repos(HexConfig), %% auth is stored in a separate config file since the plugin generates and modifies it Auth = ?MODULE:auth_config(State), %% add base config entries that are specific to use by rebar3 and not overridable Repos1 = merge_with_base_and_auth(Repos, BaseConfig, Auth), %% merge organizations parent repo options into each oraganization repo update_organizations(Repos1). -spec get_repo_config(unicode:unicode_binary(), rebar_state:t() | [repo()]) -> {ok, repo()} | error. get_repo_config(RepoName, Repos) when is_list(Repos) -> case ec_lists:find(fun(#{name := N}) -> N =:= RepoName end, Repos) of error -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({repo_not_found, RepoName})); {ok, RepoConfig} -> {ok, RepoConfig} end; get_repo_config(RepoName, State) -> Resources = rebar_state:resources(State), #{repos := Repos} = rebar_resource_v2:find_resource_state(pkg, Resources), get_repo_config(RepoName, Repos). merge_with_base_and_auth(Repos, BaseConfig, Auth) -> [maps:merge(maps:get(maps:get(name, Repo), Auth, #{}), maps:merge(Repo, BaseConfig)) || Repo <- Repos]. %% A user's list of repos are merged by name while keeping the order %% intact. The order is based on the first use of a repo by name in the %% list. The default repo is appended to the user's list. repos(HexConfig) -> HexDefaultConfig = default_repo(), case [R || R <- HexConfig, element(1, R) =:= repos] of [] -> [HexDefaultConfig]; %% we only care if the first element is a replace entry [{repos, replace, Repos} | _]-> merge_repos(Repos); Repos -> RepoList = repo_list(Repos), merge_repos(RepoList ++ [HexDefaultConfig]) end. -spec merge_repos([repo()]) -> [repo()]. merge_repos(Repos) -> lists:foldl(fun(R=#{name := Name}, ReposAcc) -> %% private organizations include the parent repo before a : case rebar_string:split(Name, <<":">>) of [Repo, Org] -> update_repo_list(R#{name => Name, organization => Org, parent => Repo}, ReposAcc); _ -> update_repo_list(R, ReposAcc) end end, [], Repos). update_organizations(Repos) -> lists:map(fun(Repo=#{organization := Organization, parent := ParentName}) -> {ok, Parent} = get_repo_config(ParentName, Repos), ParentRepoUrl = rebar_utils:to_list(maps:get(repo_url, Parent)), {ok, RepoUrl} = rebar_utils:url_append_path(ParentRepoUrl, filename:join("repos", rebar_utils:to_list(Organization))), %% still let the organization config override this constructed repo url maps:merge(Parent#{repo_url => rebar_utils:to_binary(RepoUrl)}, Repo); (Repo) -> Repo end, Repos). update_repo_list(R=#{name := N}, [H=#{name := HN} | Rest]) when N =:= HN -> [maps:merge(R, H) | Rest]; update_repo_list(R, [H | Rest]) -> [H | update_repo_list(R, Rest)]; update_repo_list(R, []) -> [R]. default_repo() -> HexDefaultConfig = hex_core:default_config(), HexDefaultConfig#{name => ?PUBLIC_HEX_REPO, repo_verify_origin => repo_verify_origin()}. repo_verify_origin() -> case os:getenv("REBAR_NO_VERIFY_REPO_ORIGIN") of "1" -> false; _ -> true end. repo_list([]) -> []; repo_list([{repos, Repos} | T]) -> Repos ++ repo_list(T); repo_list([{repos, replace, Repos} | T]) -> Repos ++ repo_list(T). format_error({repo_not_found, RepoName}) -> io_lib:format("The repo ~ts was not found in the configuration.", [RepoName]). %% auth functions %% authentication is in a separate config file because the hex plugin updates it -spec auth_config_file(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). auth_config_file(State) -> filename:join(rebar_dir:global_config_dir(State), ?HEX_AUTH_FILE). -spec auth_config(rebar_state:t()) -> map(). auth_config(State) -> case file:consult(auth_config_file(State)) of {ok, [Config]} -> Config; _ -> #{} end. -spec update_auth_config(map(), rebar_state:t()) -> ok. update_auth_config(Updates, State) -> Config = auth_config(State), AuthConfigFile = auth_config_file(State), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(AuthConfigFile), NewConfig = iolist_to_binary([io_lib:print(maps:merge(Config, Updates)) | ".\n"]), ok = file:write_file(AuthConfigFile, NewConfig).