%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com), %% Bryan Fink (bryan@basho.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The rebar_erlydtl_compiler module is a plugin for rebar that compiles %% ErlyDTL templates. By default, it compiles all templates/*.dtl %% to ebin/*_dtl.beam. %% %% Configuration options should be placed in rebar.config under %% 'erlydtl_opts'. Available options include: %% %% doc_root: where to find templates to compile %% "templates" by default %% %% out_dir: where to put compiled template beam files %% "ebin" by default %% %% source_ext: the file extension the template sources have %% ".dtl" by default %% %% module_ext: characters to append to the template's module name %% "_dtl" by default %% %% For example, if you had: %% /t_src/ %% base.html %% foo.html %% %% And you wanted them compiled to: %% /priv/ %% base.beam %% foo.beam %% %% You would add to your rebar.config: %% {erlydtl_opts, [ %% {doc_root, "t_src"}, %% {out_dir, "priv"}, %% {source_ext, ".html"}, %% {module_ext, ""} %% ]}. %% %% The default settings are the equivalent of: %% {erlydtl_opts, [ %% {doc_root, "templates"}, %% {out_dir, "ebin"}, %% {source_ext, ".dtl"}, %% {module_ext, "_dtl"} %% ]}. -module(rebar_erlydtl_compiler). -export([compile/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== compile(Config, _AppFile) -> DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config), rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, [], option(doc_root, DtlOpts), option(source_ext, DtlOpts), option(out_dir, DtlOpts), option(module_ext, DtlOpts) ++ ".beam", fun compile_dtl/3, [{check_last_mod, false}]). %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== erlydtl_opts(Config) -> rebar_config:get(Config, erlydtl_opts, []). option(Opt, DtlOpts) -> proplists:get_value(Opt, DtlOpts, default(Opt)). default(doc_root) -> "templates"; default(out_dir) -> "ebin"; default(source_ext) -> ".dtl"; default(module_ext) -> "_dtl"; default(custom_tags_dir) -> "". compile_dtl(Source, Target, Config) -> case code:which(erlydtl) of non_existing -> ?ERROR( <<"~n===============================================~n" " You need to install erlydtl to compile DTL templates~n" " Download the latest tarball release from github~n" " http://code.google.com/p/erlydtl/~n" " and install it into your erlang library dir~n" "===============================================~n~n">>, []), ?FAIL; _ -> case needs_compile(Source, Target, Config) of true -> do_compile(Source, Target, Config); false -> skipped end end. do_compile(Source, Target, Config) -> %% TODO: Check last mod on target and referenced DTLs here.. DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config), %% ensure that doc_root and out_dir are defined, %% using defaults if necessary Opts = [{out_dir, option(out_dir, DtlOpts)}, {doc_root, option(doc_root, DtlOpts)}, {custom_tags_dir, option(custom_tags_dir, DtlOpts)}, report, return], case erlydtl:compile(Source, module_name(Target), Opts++DtlOpts) of ok -> ok; Reason -> ?ERROR("Compiling template ~s failed:~n ~p~n", [Source, Reason]), ?FAIL end. module_name(Target) -> F = filename:basename(Target), string:substr(F, 1, length(F)-length(".beam")). needs_compile(Source, Target, Config) -> LM = filelib:last_modified(Target), LM < filelib:last_modified(Source) orelse lists:any(fun(D) -> LM < filelib:last_modified(D) end, referenced_dtls(Source, Config)). referenced_dtls(Source, Config) -> Set = referenced_dtls1([Source], Config, sets:add_element(Source, sets:new())), sets:to_list(sets:del_element(Source, Set)). referenced_dtls1(Step, Config, Seen) -> DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config), ExtMatch = re:replace(option(source_ext, DtlOpts), "\.", "\\\\\\\\.", [{return, list}]), ShOpts = [{use_stdout, false}, return_on_error], AllRefs = lists:append( [begin Cmd = lists:flatten(["grep -o [^\\\"]*", ExtMatch, " ", F]), case rebar_utils:sh(Cmd, ShOpts) of {ok, Res} -> string:tokens(Res, "\n"); {error, _} -> "" end end || F <- Step]), DocRoot = option(doc_root, DtlOpts), WithPaths = [ filename:join([DocRoot, F]) || F <- AllRefs ], Existing = [F || F <- WithPaths, filelib:is_regular(F)], New = sets:subtract(sets:from_list(Existing), Seen), case sets:size(New) of 0 -> Seen; _ -> referenced_dtls1(sets:to_list(New), Config, sets:union(New, Seen)) end.