%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_erlc_compiler). -export([compile/2, clean/2]). %% for internal use by only eunit and qc -export([test_compile/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== %% Supported configuration variables: %% %% * erl_opts - Erlang list of options passed to compile:file/2 %% It is also possible to specify platform specific %% options by specifying a pair or a triplet where the %% first string is a regex that is checked against the %% string %% %% OtpRelease ++ "-" ++ SysArch ++ "-" ++ Words. %% %% where %% %% OtpRelease = erlang:system_info(otp_release). %% SysArch = erlang:system_info(system_architecture). %% Words = integer_to_list(8 * %% erlang:system_info({wordsize, external})). %% %% E.g. to define HAVE_SENDFILE only on systems with %% sendfile(), to define BACKLOG on Linux/FreeBSD as 128, %% and to define 'old_inets' for R13 OTP release do: %% %% {erl_opts, [{platform_define, %% "(linux|solaris|freebsd|darwin)", %% 'HAVE_SENDFILE'}, %% {platform_define, "(linux|freebsd)", %% 'BACKLOG', 128}, %% {platform_define, "R13", %% 'old_inets'}]}. %% -spec compile(Config::rebar_config:config(), AppFile::file:filename()) -> 'ok'. compile(Config, _AppFile) -> rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, check_files(rebar_config:get_local( Config, xrl_first_files, [])), "src", ".xrl", "src", ".erl", fun compile_xrl/3), rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, check_files(rebar_config:get_local( Config, yrl_first_files, [])), "src", ".yrl", "src", ".erl", fun compile_yrl/3), rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, check_files(rebar_config:get_local( Config, mib_first_files, [])), "mibs", ".mib", "priv/mibs", ".bin", fun compile_mib/3), doterl_compile(Config, "ebin"). -spec clean(Config::rebar_config:config(), AppFile::file:filename()) -> 'ok'. clean(_Config, _AppFile) -> MibFiles = rebar_utils:find_files("mibs", "^.*\\.mib\$"), MIBs = [filename:rootname(filename:basename(MIB)) || MIB <- MibFiles], rebar_file_utils:delete_each( [filename:join(["include",MIB++".hrl"]) || MIB <- MIBs]), lists:foreach(fun(F) -> ok = rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(F) end, ["ebin/*.beam", "priv/mibs/*.bin"]), YrlFiles = rebar_utils:find_files("src", "^.*\\.[x|y]rl\$"), rebar_file_utils:delete_each( [ binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(re:replace(F, "\\.[x|y]rl$", ".erl"))) || F <- YrlFiles ]), %% Erlang compilation is recursive, so it's possible that we have a nested %% directory structure in ebin with .beam files within. As such, we want %% to scan whatever is left in the ebin/ directory for sub-dirs which %% satisfy our criteria. BeamFiles = rebar_utils:find_files("ebin", "^.*\\.beam\$"), rebar_file_utils:delete_each(BeamFiles), lists:foreach(fun(Dir) -> delete_dir(Dir, dirs(Dir)) end, dirs("ebin")), ok. %% =================================================================== %% .erl Compilation API (externally used by only eunit and qc) %% =================================================================== test_compile(Config) -> %% Obtain all the test modules for inclusion in the compile stage. %% Notice: this could also be achieved with the following %% rebar.config option: {eunit_compile_opts, [{src_dirs, ["test"]}]} TestErls = rebar_utils:find_files("test", ".*\\.erl\$"), %% Copy source files to eunit dir for cover in case they are not directly %% in src but in a subdirectory of src. Cover only looks in cwd and ../src %% for source files. Also copy files from src_dirs. ErlOpts = rebar_utils:erl_opts(Config), SrcDirs = rebar_utils:src_dirs(proplists:append_values(src_dirs, ErlOpts)), SrcErls = lists:foldl( fun(Dir, Acc) -> Files = rebar_utils:find_files(Dir, ".*\\.erl\$"), lists:append(Acc, Files) end, [], SrcDirs), %% If it is not the first time rebar eunit is executed, there will be source %% files already present in ?TEST_DIR. Since some SCMs (like Perforce) set %% the source files as being read only (unless they are checked out), we %% need to be sure that the files already present in ?TEST_DIR are writable %% before doing the copy. This is done here by removing any file that was %% already present before calling rebar_file_utils:cp_r. %% Get the full path to a file that was previously copied in ?TEST_DIR ToCleanUp = fun(F, Acc) -> F2 = filename:basename(F), F3 = filename:join([?TEST_DIR, F2]), case filelib:is_regular(F3) of true -> [F3|Acc]; false -> Acc end end, ok = rebar_file_utils:delete_each(lists:foldl(ToCleanUp, [], TestErls)), ok = rebar_file_utils:delete_each(lists:foldl(ToCleanUp, [], SrcErls)), ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r(SrcErls ++ TestErls, ?TEST_DIR), %% Compile erlang code to ?TEST_DIR, using a tweaked config %% with appropriate defines for eunit, and include all the test modules %% as well. ok = doterl_compile(test_compile_config(Config), ?TEST_DIR, TestErls), {ok, SrcErls}. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== test_compile_config(Config) -> {Config1, TriqOpts} = triq_opts(Config), {Config2, PropErOpts} = proper_opts(Config1), {Config3, EqcOpts} = eqc_opts(Config2), ErlOpts = rebar_config:get_list(Config3, erl_opts, []), EunitOpts = rebar_config:get_list(Config3, eunit_compile_opts, []), Opts0 = [{d, 'TEST'}] ++ ErlOpts ++ EunitOpts ++ TriqOpts ++ PropErOpts ++ EqcOpts, Opts = [O || O <- Opts0, O =/= no_debug_info], Config4 = rebar_config:set(Config3, erl_opts, Opts), FirstErls = rebar_config:get_list(Config4, eunit_first_files, []), rebar_config:set(Config4, erl_first_files, FirstErls). triq_opts(Config) -> {NewConfig, IsAvail} = is_lib_avail(Config, is_triq_avail, triq, "triq.hrl", "Triq"), Opts = define_if('TRIQ', IsAvail), {NewConfig, Opts}. proper_opts(Config) -> {NewConfig, IsAvail} = is_lib_avail(Config, is_proper_avail, proper, "proper.hrl", "PropEr"), Opts = define_if('PROPER', IsAvail), {NewConfig, Opts}. eqc_opts(Config) -> {NewConfig, IsAvail} = is_lib_avail(Config, is_eqc_avail, eqc, "eqc.hrl", "QuickCheck"), Opts = define_if('EQC', IsAvail), {NewConfig, Opts}. define_if(Def, true) -> [{d, Def}]; define_if(_Def, false) -> []. is_lib_avail(Config, DictKey, Mod, Hrl, Name) -> case rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, DictKey, undefined) of undefined -> IsAvail = case code:lib_dir(Mod, include) of {error, bad_name} -> false; Dir -> filelib:is_regular(filename:join(Dir, Hrl)) end, NewConfig = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, DictKey, IsAvail), ?DEBUG("~s availability: ~p\n", [Name, IsAvail]), {NewConfig, IsAvail}; IsAvail -> {Config, IsAvail} end. -spec doterl_compile(Config::rebar_config:config(), OutDir::file:filename()) -> 'ok'. doterl_compile(Config, OutDir) -> doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, []). doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, MoreSources) -> FirstErls = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []), ErlOpts = rebar_utils:erl_opts(Config), ?DEBUG("erl_opts ~p~n", [ErlOpts]), %% Support the src_dirs option allowing multiple directories to %% contain erlang source. This might be used, for example, should %% eunit tests be separated from the core application source. SrcDirs = rebar_utils:src_dirs(proplists:append_values(src_dirs, ErlOpts)), RestErls = [Source || Source <- gather_src(SrcDirs, []) ++ MoreSources, not lists:member(Source, FirstErls)], %% Split RestErls so that parse_transforms and behaviours are instead added %% to erl_first_files, parse transforms first. %% This should probably be somewhat combined with inspect_epp [ParseTransforms, Behaviours, OtherErls] = lists:foldl(fun(F, [A, B, C]) -> case compile_priority(F) of parse_transform -> [[F | A], B, C]; behaviour -> [A, [F | B], C]; callback -> [A, [F | B], C]; _ -> [A, B, [F | C]] end end, [[], [], []], RestErls), NewFirstErls = FirstErls ++ ParseTransforms ++ Behaviours, %% Make sure that ebin/ exists and is on the path ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join("ebin", "dummy.beam")), CurrPath = code:get_path(), true = code:add_path(filename:absname("ebin")), rebar_base_compiler:run(Config, NewFirstErls, OtherErls, fun(S, C) -> internal_erl_compile(S, C, OutDir, ErlOpts) end), true = code:set_path(CurrPath), ok. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== -spec include_path(Source::file:filename(), Config::rebar_config:config()) -> [file:filename(), ...]. include_path(Source, Config) -> ErlOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, erl_opts, []), ["include", filename:dirname(Source)] ++ proplists:get_all_values(i, ErlOpts). -spec inspect(Source::file:filename(), IncludePath::[file:filename(), ...]) -> {string(), [string()]}. inspect(Source, IncludePath) -> ModuleDefault = filename:basename(Source, ".erl"), case epp:open(Source, IncludePath) of {ok, Epp} -> inspect_epp(Epp, Source, ModuleDefault, []); {error, Reason} -> ?DEBUG("Failed to inspect ~s: ~p\n", [Source, Reason]), {ModuleDefault, []} end. -spec inspect_epp(Epp::pid(), Source::file:filename(), Module::file:filename(), Includes::[string()]) -> {string(), [string()]}. inspect_epp(Epp, Source, Module, Includes) -> case epp:parse_erl_form(Epp) of {ok, {attribute, _, module, ModInfo}} -> ActualModuleStr = case ModInfo of %% Typical module name, single atom ActualModule when is_atom(ActualModule) -> atom_to_list(ActualModule); %% Packag-ized module name, list of atoms ActualModule when is_list(ActualModule) -> string:join([atom_to_list(P) || P <- ActualModule], "."); %% Parameterized module name, single atom {ActualModule, _} when is_atom(ActualModule) -> atom_to_list(ActualModule); %% Parameterized and packagized module name, list of atoms {ActualModule, _} when is_list(ActualModule) -> string:join([atom_to_list(P) || P <- ActualModule], ".") end, inspect_epp(Epp, Source, ActualModuleStr, Includes); {ok, {attribute, 1, file, {Module, 1}}} -> inspect_epp(Epp, Source, Module, Includes); {ok, {attribute, 1, file, {Source, 1}}} -> inspect_epp(Epp, Source, Module, Includes); {ok, {attribute, 1, file, {IncFile, 1}}} -> inspect_epp(Epp, Source, Module, [IncFile | Includes]); {eof, _} -> epp:close(Epp), {Module, Includes}; _ -> inspect_epp(Epp, Source, Module, Includes) end. -spec needs_compile(Source::file:filename(), Target::file:filename(), Hrls::[string()]) -> boolean(). needs_compile(Source, Target, Hrls) -> TargetLastMod = filelib:last_modified(Target), lists:any(fun(I) -> TargetLastMod < filelib:last_modified(I) end, [Source] ++ Hrls). -spec internal_erl_compile(Source::file:filename(), Config::rebar_config:config(), Outdir::file:filename(), ErlOpts::list()) -> 'ok' | 'skipped'. internal_erl_compile(Source, Config, Outdir, ErlOpts) -> %% Determine the target name and includes list by inspecting the source file {Module, Hrls} = inspect(Source, include_path(Source, Config)), %% Construct the target filename Target = filename:join([Outdir | string:tokens(Module, ".")]) ++ ".beam", ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Target), %% If the file needs compilation, based on last mod date of includes or %% the target case needs_compile(Source, Target, Hrls) of true -> Opts = [{outdir, filename:dirname(Target)}] ++ ErlOpts ++ [{i, "include"}, return], case compile:file(Source, Opts) of {ok, _Mod} -> ok; {ok, _Mod, Ws} -> rebar_base_compiler:ok_tuple(Source, Ws); {error, Es, Ws} -> rebar_base_compiler:error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts) end; false -> skipped end. -spec compile_mib(Source::file:filename(), Target::file:filename(), Config::rebar_config:config()) -> 'ok'. compile_mib(Source, Target, Config) -> ok = rebar_utils:ensure_dir(Target), ok = rebar_utils:ensure_dir(filename:join("include", "dummy.hrl")), Opts = [{outdir, "priv/mibs"}, {i, ["priv/mibs"]}] ++ rebar_config:get(Config, mib_opts, []), case snmpc:compile(Source, Opts) of {ok, _} -> Mib = filename:rootname(Target), ok = snmpc:mib_to_hrl(Mib), Hrl_filename = Mib ++ ".hrl", rebar_file_utils:mv(Hrl_filename, "include"), ok; {error, compilation_failed} -> ?ABORT end. -spec compile_xrl(Source::file:filename(), Target::file:filename(), Config::rebar_config:config()) -> 'ok'. compile_xrl(Source, Target, Config) -> Opts = [{scannerfile, Target} | rebar_config:get(Config, xrl_opts, [])], compile_xrl_yrl(Source, Target, Opts, leex). -spec compile_yrl(Source::file:filename(), Target::file:filename(), Config::rebar_config:config()) -> 'ok'. compile_yrl(Source, Target, Config) -> Opts = [{parserfile, Target} | rebar_config:get(Config, yrl_opts, [])], compile_xrl_yrl(Source, Target, Opts, yecc). -spec compile_xrl_yrl(Source::file:filename(), Target::file:filename(), Opts::list(), Mod::atom()) -> 'ok'. compile_xrl_yrl(Source, Target, Opts, Mod) -> case needs_compile(Source, Target, []) of true -> case Mod:file(Source, Opts ++ [{return, true}]) of {ok, _} -> ok; {ok, _Mod, Ws} -> rebar_base_compiler:ok_tuple(Source, Ws); {error, Es, Ws} -> rebar_base_compiler:error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts) end; false -> skipped end. gather_src([], Srcs) -> Srcs; gather_src([Dir|Rest], Srcs) -> gather_src(Rest, Srcs ++ rebar_utils:find_files(Dir, ".*\\.erl\$")). -spec dirs(Dir::file:filename()) -> [file:filename()]. dirs(Dir) -> [F || F <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "*"])), filelib:is_dir(F)]. -spec delete_dir(Dir::file:filename(), Subdirs::[string()]) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}. delete_dir(Dir, []) -> file:del_dir(Dir); delete_dir(Dir, Subdirs) -> lists:foreach(fun(D) -> delete_dir(D, dirs(D)) end, Subdirs), file:del_dir(Dir). -spec compile_priority(File::file:filename()) -> 'normal' | 'behaviour' | 'callback' | 'parse_transform'. compile_priority(File) -> case epp_dodger:parse_file(File) of {error, _} -> normal; % couldn't parse the file, default priority {ok, Trees} -> F2 = fun({tree,arity_qualifier,_, {arity_qualifier,{tree,atom,_,behaviour_info}, {tree,integer,_,1}}}, _) -> behaviour; ({tree,arity_qualifier,_, {arity_qualifier,{tree,atom,_,parse_transform}, {tree,integer,_,2}}}, _) -> parse_transform; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, F = fun({tree, attribute, _, {attribute, {tree, atom, _, export}, [{tree, list, _, {list, List, none}}]}}, Acc) -> lists:foldl(F2, Acc, List); ({tree, attribute, _, {attribute, {tree, atom, _, callback},_}}, _Acc) -> callback; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, lists:foldl(F, normal, Trees) end. %% %% Ensure all files in a list are present and abort if one is missing %% -spec check_files(FileList::[file:filename()]) -> [file:filename()]. check_files(FileList) -> [check_file(F) || F <- FileList]. check_file(File) -> case filelib:is_regular(File) of false -> ?ABORT("File ~p is missing, aborting\n", [File]); true -> File end.