%%% Common functions to boot/stop distributed setups for %%% the rebar3 script. -module(rebar_dist_utils). -export([either/3, short/2, long/2, find_options/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% PUBLIC API %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @doc allows to pick whether to use a short or long name, and %% starts the distributed mode for it. -spec either(Name::atom(), SName::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> atom(). either(undefined, undefined, _) -> 'nonode@nohost'; either(Name, undefined, Opts) -> long(Name, Opts), node(); either(undefined, SName, Opts) -> short(SName, Opts), node(); either(_, _, _) -> ?ABORT("Cannot have both short and long node names defined", []). %% @doc starts a node with a short name. -spec short(SName::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> term(). short(Name, Opts) -> start(Name, shortnames, Opts). %% @doc starts a node with a long name. -spec long(Name::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> term(). long(Name, Opts) -> start(Name, longnames, Opts). %% @doc utility function to extract all distribution options %% from a rebar3 state tuple. -spec find_options(rebar_state:t()) -> {Long, Short, Opts} when Long :: atom(), Short :: atom(), Opts :: [{setcookie,term()}]. find_options(State) -> {Long, Short} = find_name_options(State), case find_cookie_option(State) of nocookie -> {Long, Short, []}; Cookie -> {Long, Short, [{setcookie, Cookie}]} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% PRIVATE %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start(Name, Type, Opts) -> case dist_up(net_kernel:start([Name, Type])) of false -> start_epmd(), dist_up(net_kernel:start([Name, Type])) orelse warn_dist(); true -> ok end, setup_cookie(Opts). dist_up({error,{{shutdown,{_,net_kernel,{'EXIT',nodistribution}}},_}}) -> false; dist_up(_) -> true. start_epmd() -> %% Indirectly boot EPMD through calling Erlang so that we don't risk %% attaching it to the current proc ?CONSOLE("Attempting to start epmd...", []), os:cmd("erl -sname a -eval 'halt(0).'"). warn_dist() -> ?ERROR("Erlang Distribution failed, falling back to nonode@nohost.", []). setup_cookie(Opts) -> case {node(), proplists:get_value(setcookie, Opts, nocookie)} of {'nonode@nohost', _} -> nocookie; {_, nocookie} -> nocookie; {Node, Name} -> erlang:set_cookie(Node, Name) end. find_name_options(State) -> {Opts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), %% First try the CLI case {proplists:get_value(name, Opts), proplists:get_value(sname, Opts)} of {undefined, undefined} -> %% Else try the config file DistOpts = rebar_state:get(State, dist_node, []), %% Pick the first one seen to support profile merges find_first_name(DistOpts); Res -> Res end. find_first_name([]) -> {undefined, undefined}; find_first_name([{sname,Val}|_]) -> {undefined, Val}; find_first_name([{name,Val}|_]) -> {Val, undefined}; find_first_name([_|Opts]) -> find_first_name(Opts). find_cookie_option(State) -> {Opts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), %% First try the CLI case proplists:get_value(setcookie, Opts) of undefined -> %% Else try the config file DistOpts = rebar_state:get(State, dist_node, []), proplists:get_value(setcookie, DistOpts, nocookie); Res -> Res end.