%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_core). -export([process_commands/2, help/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== help(ParentConfig, Commands) -> %% get all core modules {ok, AnyDirModules} = application:get_env(rebar, any_dir_modules), {ok, RawCoreModules} = application:get_env(rebar, modules), AppDirModules = proplists:get_value(app_dir, RawCoreModules), RelDirModules = proplists:get_value(rel_dir, RawCoreModules), CoreModules = AnyDirModules ++ AppDirModules ++ RelDirModules, %% get plugin modules Predirs = [], Dir = rebar_utils:get_cwd(), PredirsAssoc = remember_cwd_predirs(Dir, Predirs), Config = maybe_load_local_config(Dir, ParentConfig), {ok, PluginModules} = plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc), AllModules = CoreModules ++ PluginModules, lists:foreach( fun(Cmd) -> ?CONSOLE("==> help ~p~n~n", [Cmd]), CmdModules = select_modules(AllModules, Cmd, []), Modules = select_modules(CmdModules, info, []), lists:foreach(fun(M) -> ?CONSOLE("=== ~p:~p ===~n", [M, Cmd]), M:info(help, Cmd), ?CONSOLE("~n", []) end, Modules) end, Commands). process_commands([], ParentConfig) -> AbortTrapped = rebar_config:get_xconf(ParentConfig, abort_trapped, false), case {get_operations(ParentConfig), AbortTrapped} of {0, _} -> %% None of the commands had any effect ?FAIL; {_, true} -> %% An abort was previously trapped ?FAIL; _ -> ok end; process_commands([Command | Rest], ParentConfig) -> %% Reset skip dirs ParentConfig1 = rebar_config:reset_skip_dirs(ParentConfig), Operations = get_operations(ParentConfig1), ParentConfig4 = try %% Convert the code path so that all the entries are %% absolute paths. If not, code:set_path() may choke on %% invalid relative paths when trying to restore the code %% path from inside a subdirectory. true = rebar_utils:expand_code_path(), {ParentConfig2, _DirSet} = process_dir(rebar_utils:get_cwd(), ParentConfig1, Command, sets:new()), case get_operations(ParentConfig2) of Operations -> %% This command didn't do anything ?CONSOLE("Command '~p' not understood or not applicable~n", [Command]); _ -> ok end, %% TODO: reconsider after config inheritance removal/re-design ParentConfig3 = rebar_config:clean_config(ParentConfig1, ParentConfig2), %% Wipe out vsn cache to avoid invalid hits when %% dependencies are updated rebar_config:set_xconf(ParentConfig3, vsn_cache, dict:new()) catch throw:rebar_abort -> case rebar_config:get_xconf(ParentConfig1, keep_going, false) of false -> ?FAIL; true -> ?WARN("Continuing on after abort: ~p\n", [Rest]), rebar_config:set_xconf(ParentConfig1, abort_trapped, true) end end, process_commands(Rest, ParentConfig4). process_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command, DirSet) -> case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of false -> ?WARN("Skipping non-existent sub-dir: ~p\n", [Dir]), {ParentConfig, DirSet}; true -> ok = file:set_cwd(Dir), Config = maybe_load_local_config(Dir, ParentConfig), %% Save the current code path and then update it with %% lib_dirs. Children inherit parents code path, but we %% also want to ensure that we restore everything to pristine %% condition after processing this child CurrentCodePath = update_code_path(Config), %% Get the list of processing modules and check each one against %% CWD to see if it's a fit -- if it is, use that set of modules %% to process this dir. {ok, AvailModuleSets} = application:get_env(rebar, modules), ModuleSet = choose_module_set(AvailModuleSets, Dir), skip_or_process_dir(ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir, Command, DirSet) end. skip_or_process_dir({[], undefined}=ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir, Command, DirSet) -> process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet); skip_or_process_dir({_, ModuleSetFile}=ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir, Command, DirSet) -> case lists:suffix(".app.src", ModuleSetFile) orelse lists:suffix(".app", ModuleSetFile) of true -> %% .app or .app.src file, check if is_skipped_app skip_or_process_dir1(ModuleSetFile, ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir, Command, DirSet); false -> %% not an app dir, no need to consider apps=/skip_apps= process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet) end. skip_or_process_dir1(AppFile, ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir, Command, DirSet) -> case rebar_app_utils:is_skipped_app(Config, AppFile) of {Config1, {true, _SkippedApp}} when Command == 'update-deps' -> %% update-deps does its own app skipping. Unfortunately there's no %% way to signal this to rebar_core, so we have to explicitly do it %% here... Otherwise if you use app=, it'll skip the toplevel %% directory and nothing will be updated. process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config1, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet); {Config1, {true, SkippedApp}} -> ?DEBUG("Skipping app: ~p~n", [SkippedApp]), Config2 = increment_operations(Config1), {Config2, DirSet}; {Config1, false} -> process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config1, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet) end. process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, {DirModules, ModuleSetFile}) -> Config0 = rebar_config:set(Config, current_command, Command), %% Get the list of modules for "any dir". This is a catch-all list %% of modules that are processed in addition to modules associated %% with this directory type. These any_dir modules are processed %% FIRST. {ok, AnyDirModules} = application:get_env(rebar, any_dir_modules), Modules = AnyDirModules ++ DirModules, %% Invoke 'preprocess' on the modules -- this yields a list of other %% directories that should be processed _before_ the current one. {Config1, Predirs} = acc_modules(Modules, preprocess, Config0, ModuleSetFile), %% Remember associated pre-dirs (used for plugin lookup) PredirsAssoc = remember_cwd_predirs(Dir, Predirs), %% Get the list of plug-in modules from rebar.config. These %% modules may participate in preprocess and postprocess. {ok, PluginModules} = plugin_modules(Config1, PredirsAssoc), {Config2, PluginPredirs} = acc_modules(PluginModules, preprocess, Config1, ModuleSetFile), AllPredirs = Predirs ++ PluginPredirs, ?DEBUG("Predirs: ~p\n", [AllPredirs]), {Config3, DirSet2} = process_each(AllPredirs, Command, Config2, ModuleSetFile, DirSet), %% Make sure the CWD is reset properly; processing the dirs may have %% caused it to change ok = file:set_cwd(Dir), %% Check that this directory is not on the skip list Config7 = case rebar_config:is_skip_dir(Config3, Dir) of true -> %% Do not execute the command on the directory, as some %% module has requested a skip on it. ?INFO("Skipping ~s in ~s\n", [Command, Dir]), Config3; false -> %% Check for and get command specific environments {Config4, Env} = setup_envs(Config3, Modules), %% Execute any before_command plugins on this directory Config5 = execute_pre(Command, PluginModules, Config4, ModuleSetFile, Env), %% Execute the current command on this directory Config6 = execute(Command, Modules ++ PluginModules, Config5, ModuleSetFile, Env), %% Execute any after_command plugins on this directory execute_post(Command, PluginModules, Config6, ModuleSetFile, Env) end, %% Mark the current directory as processed DirSet3 = sets:add_element(Dir, DirSet2), %% Invoke 'postprocess' on the modules. This yields a list of other %% directories that should be processed _after_ the current one. {Config8, Postdirs} = acc_modules(Modules ++ PluginModules, postprocess, Config7, ModuleSetFile), ?DEBUG("Postdirs: ~p\n", [Postdirs]), Res = process_each(Postdirs, Command, Config8, ModuleSetFile, DirSet3), %% Make sure the CWD is reset properly; processing the dirs may have %% caused it to change ok = file:set_cwd(Dir), %% Once we're all done processing, reset the code path to whatever %% the parent initialized it to restore_code_path(CurrentCodePath), %% Return the updated {config, dirset} as result Res. remember_cwd_predirs(Cwd, Predirs) -> Store = fun(Dir, Dict) -> case dict:find(Dir, Dict) of error -> ?DEBUG("Associate sub_dir ~s with ~s~n", [Dir, Cwd]), dict:store(Dir, Cwd, Dict); {ok, Existing} -> ?ABORT("Internal consistency assertion failed.~n" "sub_dir ~s already associated with ~s.~n" "Duplicate sub_dirs or deps entries?", [Dir, Existing]) end end, lists:foldl(Store, dict:new(), Predirs). maybe_load_local_config(Dir, ParentConfig) -> %% We need to ensure we don't overwrite custom %% config when we are dealing with base_dir. case rebar_utils:processing_base_dir(ParentConfig, Dir) of true -> ParentConfig; false -> rebar_config:new(ParentConfig) end. %% %% Given a list of directories and a set of previously processed directories, %% process each one we haven't seen yet %% process_each([], _Command, Config, _ModuleSetFile, DirSet) -> %% reset cached (setup_env) envs Config1 = rebar_config:reset_envs(Config), {Config1, DirSet}; process_each([Dir | Rest], Command, Config, ModuleSetFile, DirSet) -> case sets:is_element(Dir, DirSet) of true -> ?DEBUG("Skipping ~s; already processed!\n", [Dir]), process_each(Rest, Command, Config, ModuleSetFile, DirSet); false -> {Config1, DirSet2} = process_dir(Dir, Config, Command, DirSet), Config2 = rebar_config:clean_config(Config, Config1), %% reset cached (setup_env) envs Config3 = rebar_config:reset_envs(Config2), process_each(Rest, Command, Config3, ModuleSetFile, DirSet2) end. %% %% Given a list of module sets from rebar.app and a directory, find %% the appropriate subset of modules for this directory %% choose_module_set([], _Dir) -> {[], undefined}; choose_module_set([{Type, Modules} | Rest], Dir) -> case is_dir_type(Type, Dir) of {true, File} -> {Modules, File}; false -> choose_module_set(Rest, Dir) end. is_dir_type(app_dir, Dir) -> rebar_app_utils:is_app_dir(Dir); is_dir_type(rel_dir, Dir) -> rebar_rel_utils:is_rel_dir(Dir); is_dir_type(_, _) -> false. execute_pre(Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) -> execute_plugin_hook("pre_", Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env). execute_post(Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) -> execute_plugin_hook("post_", Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env). execute_plugin_hook(Hook, Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) -> HookFunction = list_to_atom(Hook ++ atom_to_list(Command)), execute(HookFunction, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env). %% %% Execute a command across all applicable modules %% execute(Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) -> case select_modules(Modules, Command, []) of [] -> Cmd = atom_to_list(Command), case lists:prefix("pre_", Cmd) orelse lists:prefix("post_", Cmd) of true -> ok; false -> ?WARN("'~p' command does not apply to directory ~s\n", [Command, rebar_utils:get_cwd()]) end, Config; TargetModules -> %% Provide some info on where we are Dir = rebar_utils:get_cwd(), ?CONSOLE("==> ~s (~s)\n", [filename:basename(Dir), Command]), Config1 = increment_operations(Config), %% Run the available modules apply_hooks(pre_hooks, Config1, Command, Env), case catch(run_modules(TargetModules, Command, Config1, ModuleFile)) of {ok, NewConfig} -> apply_hooks(post_hooks, NewConfig, Command, Env), NewConfig; {error, failed} -> ?FAIL; {Module, {error, _} = Other} -> ?ABORT("~p failed while processing ~s in module ~s: ~s\n", [Command, Dir, Module, io_lib:print(Other, 1, 80, -1)]); Other -> ?ABORT("~p failed while processing ~s: ~s\n", [Command, Dir, io_lib:print(Other, 1, 80, -1)]) end end. %% Increment the count of operations, since some module %% responds to this command increment_operations(Config) -> Operations = get_operations(Config), rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, operations, Operations + 1). get_operations(Config) -> rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, operations). update_code_path(Config) -> case rebar_config:get_local(Config, lib_dirs, []) of [] -> no_change; Paths -> LibPaths = expand_lib_dirs(Paths, rebar_utils:get_cwd(), []), ok = code:add_pathsa(LibPaths), %% track just the paths we added, so we can remove them without %% removing other paths added by this dep {added, LibPaths} end. restore_code_path(no_change) -> ok; restore_code_path({added, Paths}) -> %% Verify that all of the paths still exist -- some dynamically %% added paths can get blown away during clean. [code:del_path(F) || F <- Paths, erl_prim_loader_is_file(F)], ok. erl_prim_loader_is_file(File) -> erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(File) =/= error. expand_lib_dirs([], _Root, Acc) -> Acc; expand_lib_dirs([Dir | Rest], Root, Acc) -> Apps = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "*", "ebin"])), FqApps = case filename:pathtype(Dir) of absolute -> Apps; _ -> [filename:join([Root, A]) || A <- Apps] end, expand_lib_dirs(Rest, Root, Acc ++ FqApps). select_modules([], _Command, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); select_modules([Module | Rest], Command, Acc) -> {module, Module} = code:ensure_loaded(Module), case erlang:function_exported(Module, Command, 2) of true -> select_modules(Rest, Command, [Module | Acc]); false -> select_modules(Rest, Command, Acc) end. run_modules([], _Command, Config, _File) -> {ok, Config}; run_modules([Module | Rest], Command, Config, File) -> case Module:Command(Config, File) of ok -> run_modules(Rest, Command, Config, File); {ok, NewConfig} -> run_modules(Rest, Command, NewConfig, File); {error, _} = Error -> {Module, Error} end. apply_hooks(Mode, Config, Command, Env) -> Hooks = rebar_config:get_local(Config, Mode, []), lists:foreach(fun apply_hook/1, [{Env, Hook} || Hook <- Hooks, element(1, Hook) =:= Command orelse element(2, Hook) =:= Command]). apply_hook({Env, {Arch, Command, Hook}}) -> case rebar_utils:is_arch(Arch) of true -> apply_hook({Env, {Command, Hook}}); false -> ok end; apply_hook({Env, {Command, Hook}}) -> Msg = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Command [~p] failed!~n", [Command])), rebar_utils:sh(Hook, [{env, Env}, {abort_on_error, Msg}]). setup_envs(Config, Modules) -> lists:foldl(fun(M, {C,E}=T) -> case erlang:function_exported(M, setup_env, 1) of true -> Env = M:setup_env(C), C1 = rebar_config:save_env(C, M, Env), {C1, E++Env}; false -> T end end, {Config, []}, Modules). acc_modules(Modules, Command, Config, File) -> acc_modules(select_modules(Modules, Command, []), Command, Config, File, []). acc_modules([], _Command, Config, _File, Acc) -> {Config, Acc}; acc_modules([Module | Rest], Command, Config, File, Acc) -> {Config1, Dirs1} = case Module:Command(Config, File) of {ok, Dirs} -> {Config, Dirs}; {ok, NewConfig, Dirs} -> {NewConfig, Dirs} end, acc_modules(Rest, Command, Config1, File, Acc ++ Dirs1). %% %% Return a flat list of rebar plugin modules. %% plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc) -> Modules = lists:flatten(rebar_config:get_all(Config, plugins)), plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, ulist(Modules)). ulist(L) -> ulist(L, []). ulist([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); ulist([H | T], Acc) -> case lists:member(H, Acc) of true -> ulist(T, Acc); false -> ulist(T, [H | Acc]) end. plugin_modules(_Config, _PredirsAssoc, []) -> {ok, []}; plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, Modules) -> FoundModules = [M || M <- Modules, code:which(M) =/= non_existing], plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, FoundModules, Modules -- FoundModules). plugin_modules(_Config, _PredirsAssoc, FoundModules, []) -> {ok, FoundModules}; plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, FoundModules, MissingModules) -> {Loaded, NotLoaded} = load_plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, MissingModules), AllViablePlugins = FoundModules ++ Loaded, case NotLoaded =/= [] of true -> %% NB: we continue to ignore this situation, as did the %% original code ?WARN("Missing plugins: ~p\n", [NotLoaded]); false -> ?DEBUG("Loaded plugins: ~p~n", [AllViablePlugins]), ok end, {ok, AllViablePlugins}. load_plugin_modules(Config, PredirsAssoc, Modules) -> Cwd = rebar_utils:get_cwd(), PluginDirs = get_all_plugin_dirs(Config, Cwd, PredirsAssoc), %% Find relevant sources in base_dir and plugin_dir Erls = string:join([atom_to_list(M)++"\\.erl" || M <- Modules], "|"), RE = "^" ++ Erls ++ "\$", %% If a plugin is found both in base_dir and plugin_dir, the clash %% will provoke an error and we'll abort. Sources = [rebar_utils:find_files(PD, RE, false) || PD <- PluginDirs], %% Compile and load plugins Loaded = [load_plugin(Src) || Src <- lists:append(Sources)], FilterMissing = is_missing_plugin(Loaded), NotLoaded = [V || V <- Modules, FilterMissing(V)], {Loaded, NotLoaded}. get_all_plugin_dirs(Config, Cwd, PredirsAssoc) -> get_plugin_dir(Config, Cwd) ++ get_base_plugin_dirs(Cwd, PredirsAssoc). get_plugin_dir(Config, Cwd) -> case rebar_config:get_local(Config, plugin_dir, undefined) of undefined -> %% Plugin can be in the project's "plugins" folder [filename:join(Cwd, "plugins")]; Dir -> [Dir] end. %% We also want to include this case: %% Plugin can be in "plugins" directory of the plugin base directory. %% For example, Cwd depends on Plugin, and deps/Plugin/plugins/Plugin.erl %% is the plugin. get_base_plugin_dirs(Cwd, PredirsAssoc) -> [filename:join(Dir, "plugins") || Dir <- get_plugin_base_dirs(Cwd, PredirsAssoc)]. %% @doc PredirsAssoc is a dictionary of plugindir -> 'parent' pairs %% 'parent' in this case depends on plugin; therefore we have to give %% all plugins that Cwd ('parent' in this case) depends on. get_plugin_base_dirs(Cwd, PredirsAssoc) -> [PluginDir || {PluginDir, Master} <- dict:to_list(PredirsAssoc), Master =:= Cwd]. is_missing_plugin(Loaded) -> fun(Mod) -> not lists:member(Mod, Loaded) end. load_plugin(Src) -> case compile:file(Src, [binary, return_errors]) of {ok, Mod, Bin} -> load_plugin_module(Mod, Bin, Src); {error, Errors, _Warnings} -> ?ABORT("Plugin ~s contains compilation errors: ~p~n", [Src, Errors]) end. load_plugin_module(Mod, Bin, Src) -> case code:is_loaded(Mod) of {file, Loaded} -> ?ABORT("Plugin ~p clashes with previously loaded module ~p~n", [Mod, Loaded]); false -> ?INFO("Loading plugin ~p from ~s~n", [Mod, Src]), {module, Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, Src, Bin), Mod end.