%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_config). -export([consult_root/0 ,consult/1 ,consult_app_file/1 ,consult_file/1 ,consult_lock_file/1 ,write_lock_file/2 ,verify_config_format/1 ,format_error/1 ,merge_locks/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -define(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "rebar.config"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== %% @doc reads the default config file at the top of a full project -spec consult_root() -> [any()]. consult_root() -> consult_file(config_file()). %% @doc reads the default config file in a given directory. -spec consult(file:name()) -> [any()]. consult(Dir) -> consult_file(filename:join(Dir, ?DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)). %% @doc reads a given app file, including the `.script' variations, %% if any can be found. -spec consult_app_file(file:filename()) -> [any()]. consult_app_file(File) -> consult_file_(File). %% @doc reads the lock file for the project, and re-formats its %% content to match the internals for rebar3. -spec consult_lock_file(file:filename()) -> [any()]. % TODO: refine lock() consult_lock_file(File) -> Terms = consult_file_(File), case Terms of [] -> []; [Locks] when is_list(Locks) -> % beta lock file read_attrs(beta, Locks, []); [{Vsn, Locks}|Attrs] when is_list(Locks) -> % versioned lock file %% Because this is the first version of rebar3 to introduce a lock %% file, all versionned lock files with a different versions have %% to be newer. case Vsn of ?CONFIG_VERSION -> ok; _ -> %% Make sure the warning below is to be shown whenever a version %% newer than the current one is being used, as we can't parse %% all the contents of the lock file properly. warn_vsn_once() end, read_attrs(Vsn, Locks, Attrs) end. %% @private outputs a warning for a newer lockfile format than supported %% at most once. %% The warning can also be cancelled by configuring the `warn_config_vsn' %% OTP env variable. -spec warn_vsn_once() -> ok. warn_vsn_once() -> Warn = application:get_env(rebar, warn_config_vsn) =/= {ok, false}, application:set_env(rebar, warn_config_vsn, false), case Warn of false -> ok; true -> ?WARN("Rebar3 detected a lock file from a newer version. " "It will be loaded in compatibility mode, but important " "information may be missing or lost. It is recommended to " "upgrade Rebar3.", []) end. %% @doc Converts the internal format for locks into the multi-version %% compatible one used within rebar3 lock files. %% @end %% TODO: refine type for lock() -spec write_lock_file(file:filename(), [any()]) -> ok | {error, term()}. write_lock_file(LockFile, Locks) -> {NewLocks, Attrs} = write_attrs(Locks), %% Write locks in the beta format, at least until it's been long %% enough we can start modifying the lock format. case Attrs of [] -> % write the old beta copy to avoid changes file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [NewLocks])); _ -> file:write_file(LockFile, io_lib:format("{~p,~n~p}.~n[~n~s~n].~n", [?CONFIG_VERSION, NewLocks, format_attrs(Attrs)])) end. %% @private Because attributes for packages are fairly large, there is the need %% for a special formatting to ensure there's only one entry per lock file %% line and that diffs are generally stable. -spec format_attrs([term()]) -> iodata(). format_attrs([]) -> []; format_attrs([{pkg_hash, Vals}|T]) -> [io_lib:format("{pkg_hash,[~n",[]), format_hashes(Vals), "]}", maybe_comma(T) | format_attrs(T)]. %% @private format hashing in order to disturb source diffing as little %% as possible -spec format_hashes([term()]) -> iodata(). format_hashes([]) -> []; format_hashes([{Pkg,Hash}|T]) -> [" {", io_lib:format("~p",[Pkg]), ", ", io_lib:format("~p", [Hash]), "}", maybe_comma(T) | format_hashes(T)]. %% @private add a comma if we're not done with the full list of terms %% to convert. -spec maybe_comma([term()]) -> iodata(). maybe_comma([]) -> ""; maybe_comma([_|_]) -> io_lib:format(",~n", []). %% @private extract attributes from the lock file and integrate them %% into the full-blow internal lock format %% @end %% TODO: refine typings for lock() -spec read_attrs(_, [any()], [any()]) -> [any()]. read_attrs(_Vsn, Locks, Attrs) -> %% Beta copy does not know how to expand attributes, but %% is ready to support it. expand_locks(Locks, extract_pkg_hashes(Attrs)). %% @private extract the package hashes from lockfile attributes, if any. -spec extract_pkg_hashes(list()) -> [binary()]. extract_pkg_hashes(Attrs) -> Props = case Attrs of [First|_] -> First; [] -> [] end, proplists:get_value(pkg_hash, Props, []). %% @private extract attributes from the lock file and integrate them %% into the full-blow internal lock format %% @end %% TODO: refine typings for lock() -spec expand_locks(list(), list()) -> list(). expand_locks([], _Hashes) -> []; expand_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn}, Lvl} | Locks], Hashes) -> Hash = proplists:get_value(Name, Hashes), [{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,Hash}, Lvl} | expand_locks(Locks, Hashes)]; expand_locks([Lock|Locks], Hashes) -> [Lock | expand_locks(Locks, Hashes)]. %% @private split up extra attributes for locks out of the internal lock %% structure for backwards compatibility reasons -spec write_attrs(list()) -> {list(), list()}. write_attrs(Locks) -> %% No attribute known that needs to be taken out of the structure, %% just return terms as is. {NewLocks, Hashes} = split_locks(Locks, [], []), case Hashes of [] -> {NewLocks, []}; _ -> {NewLocks, [{pkg_hash, lists:sort(Hashes)}]} end. %% @private split up extra attributes for locks out of the internal lock %% structure for backwards compatibility reasons -spec split_locks(list(), list(), [{_,binary()}]) -> {list(), list()}. split_locks([], Locks, Hashes) -> {lists:reverse(Locks), Hashes}; split_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,undefined}, Lvl} | Locks], LAcc, HAcc) -> split_locks(Locks, [{Name,{pkg,PkgName,Vsn},Lvl}|LAcc], HAcc); split_locks([{Name, {pkg,PkgName,Vsn,Hash}, Lvl} | Locks], LAcc, HAcc) -> split_locks(Locks, [{Name,{pkg,PkgName,Vsn},Lvl}|LAcc], [{Name, Hash}|HAcc]); split_locks([Lock|Locks], LAcc, HAcc) -> split_locks(Locks, [Lock|LAcc], HAcc). %% @doc reads a given config file, including the `.script' variations, %% if any can be found, and asserts that the config format is in %% a key-value format. -spec consult_file(file:filename()) -> [{_,_}]. consult_file(File) -> Terms = consult_file_(File), true = verify_config_format(Terms), Terms. %% @private reads a given file; if the file has a `.script'-postfixed %% counterpart, it is evaluated along with the original file. -spec consult_file_(file:name()) -> [any()]. consult_file_(File) when is_binary(File) -> consult_file_(binary_to_list(File)); consult_file_(File) -> case filename:extension(File) of ".script" -> {ok, Terms} = consult_and_eval(remove_script_ext(File), File), Terms; _ -> Script = File ++ ".script", case filelib:is_regular(Script) of true -> {ok, Terms} = consult_and_eval(File, Script), Terms; false -> rebar_file_utils:try_consult(File) end end. %% @private checks that a list is in a key-value format. %% Raises an exception in any other case. -spec verify_config_format([{_,_}]) -> true. verify_config_format([]) -> true; verify_config_format([{_Key, _Value} | T]) -> verify_config_format(T); verify_config_format([Term | _]) -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({bad_config_format, Term})). %% @doc takes an existing configuration and the content of a lockfile %% and merges the locks into the config. -spec merge_locks([{_,_}], list()) -> [{_,_}]. merge_locks(Config, []) -> %% no lockfile Config; merge_locks(Config, Locks) -> %% lockfile with entries ConfigDeps = proplists:get_value(deps, Config, []), %% We want the top level deps only from the lock file. %% This ensures deterministic overrides for configs. %% Then check if any new deps have been added to the config %% since it was locked. Deps = [X || X <- Locks, element(3, X) =:= 0], NewDeps = find_newly_added(ConfigDeps, Locks), [{{locks, default}, Locks}, {{deps, default}, NewDeps++Deps} | Config]. %% @doc convert a given exception's payload into an io description. -spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error({bad_config_format, Term}) -> io_lib:format("Unable to parse config. Term is not in {Key, Value} format:~n~p", [Term]); format_error({bad_dep_name, Dep}) -> io_lib:format("Dependency name must be an atom, instead found: ~p", [Dep]). %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== %% @private consults a consult file, then executes its related script file %% with the data returned from the consult. -spec consult_and_eval(File::file:name_all(), Script::file:name_all()) -> {ok, Terms::[term()]} | {error, Reason::term()}. consult_and_eval(File, Script) -> ?DEBUG("Evaluating config script ~p", [Script]), StateData = rebar_file_utils:try_consult(File), %% file:consult/1 always returns the terms as a list, however file:script %% can (and will) return any kind of term(), to make consult_and_eval %% work the same way as eval we ensure that when no list is returned we %% convert it in a list. case file:script(Script, bs([{'CONFIG', StateData}, {'SCRIPT', Script}])) of {ok, Terms} when is_list(Terms) -> {ok, Terms}; {ok, Term} -> {ok, [Term]}; Error -> Error end. %% @private drops the .script extension from a filename. -spec remove_script_ext(file:filename()) -> file:filename(). remove_script_ext(F) -> filename:rootname(F, ".script"). %% @private sets up bindings for evaluations from a KV list. -spec bs([{_,_}]) -> erl_eval:binding_struct(). bs(Vars) -> lists:foldl(fun({K,V}, Bs) -> erl_eval:add_binding(K, V, Bs) end, erl_eval:new_bindings(), Vars). %% @private Find deps that have been added to the config after the lock was created -spec find_newly_added(list(), list()) -> list(). find_newly_added(ConfigDeps, LockedDeps) -> [D || {true, D} <- [check_newly_added(Dep, LockedDeps) || Dep <- ConfigDeps]]. %% @private checks if a given dependency is not within the lock file. %% TODO: refine types for dependencies -spec check_newly_added(term(), list()) -> false | {true, term()}. check_newly_added({_, _}=Dep, LockedDeps) -> check_newly_added_(Dep, LockedDeps); check_newly_added({_, _, {pkg, _}}=Dep, LockedDeps) -> check_newly_added_(Dep, LockedDeps); check_newly_added({Name, _, Source}, LockedDeps) -> check_newly_added_({Name, Source}, LockedDeps); check_newly_added(Dep, LockedDeps) -> check_newly_added_(Dep, LockedDeps). %% @private checks if a given dependency is not within the lock file. %% TODO: refine types for dependencies %% @end -spec check_newly_added_(term(), list()) -> false | {true, term()}. %% get [raw] deps out of the way check_newly_added_({Name, Source, Opts}, LockedDeps) when is_tuple(Source), is_list(Opts) -> case check_newly_added_(Name, LockedDeps) of {true, Name1} -> {true, {Name1, Source}}; false -> false end; check_newly_added_({Name,_Vsn,Source,Opts}, LockedDeps) when is_tuple(Source), is_list(Opts) -> case check_newly_added_(Name, LockedDeps) of {true, Name1} -> {true, {Name1, Source}}; false -> false end; %% and on to regular deps check_newly_added_({Name, Vsn, Source}, LockedDeps) -> case check_newly_added_(Name, LockedDeps) of {true, Name1} -> {true, {Name1, Vsn, Source}}; false -> false end; check_newly_added_({Name, Source}, LockedDeps) -> case check_newly_added_(Name, LockedDeps) of {true, Name1} -> {true, {Name1, Source}}; false -> false end; check_newly_added_(Dep, LockedDeps) when is_atom(Dep) -> Name = ec_cnv:to_binary(Dep), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, LockedDeps) of false -> {true, Name}; Match -> case element(3, Match) of 0 -> {true, Name}; _ -> ?WARN("Newly added dep ~s is locked at a lower level. " "If you really want to unlock it, use 'rebar3 upgrade ~s'", [Name, Name]), false end end; check_newly_added_(Dep, _) -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({bad_dep_name, Dep})). %% @private returns the name/path of the default config file, or its %% override from the OS ENV var `REBAR_CONFIG'. -spec config_file() -> file:filename(). config_file() -> case os:getenv("REBAR_CONFIG") of false -> ?DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; ConfigFile -> ConfigFile end.