-module(rebar_compiler_erl). -behaviour(rebar_compiler). -export([context/1, needed_files/4, dependencies/3, compile/4, clean/2, format_error/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). context(AppInfo) -> EbinDir = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo), Mappings = [{".beam", EbinDir}], OutDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), SrcDirs = rebar_dir:src_dirs(rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), ["src"]), ExistingSrcDirs = lists:filter(fun(D) -> ec_file:is_dir(filename:join(OutDir, D)) end, SrcDirs), RebarOpts = rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), ErlOpts = rebar_opts:erl_opts(RebarOpts), ErlOptIncludes = proplists:get_all_values(i, ErlOpts), InclDirs = lists:map(fun(Incl) -> filename:absname(Incl) end, ErlOptIncludes), #{src_dirs => ExistingSrcDirs, include_dirs => [filename:join([OutDir, "include"]) | InclDirs], src_ext => ".erl", out_mappings => Mappings}. needed_files(Graph, FoundFiles, _, AppInfo) -> OutDir = rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo), Dir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), EbinDir = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo), RebarOpts = rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), ErlOpts = rebar_opts:erl_opts(RebarOpts), ?DEBUG("erlopts ~p", [ErlOpts]), ?DEBUG("files to compile ~p", [FoundFiles]), %% Make sure that the ebin dir is on the path ok = rebar_file_utils:ensure_dir(EbinDir), true = code:add_patha(filename:absname(EbinDir)), {ParseTransforms, Rest} = split_source_files(FoundFiles, ErlOpts), NeededErlFiles = case needed_files(Graph, ErlOpts, RebarOpts, OutDir, EbinDir, ParseTransforms) of [] -> needed_files(Graph, ErlOpts, RebarOpts, OutDir, EbinDir, Rest); _ -> %% at least one parse transform in the opts needs updating, so recompile all FoundFiles end, {ErlFirstFiles, ErlOptsFirst} = erl_first_files(RebarOpts, ErlOpts, Dir, NeededErlFiles), SubGraph = digraph_utils:subgraph(Graph, NeededErlFiles), DepErlsOrdered = digraph_utils:topsort(SubGraph), %% Break out the files required by other modules from those %% that none other depend of; the former must be sequentially %% built, the rest is parallelizable. OtherErls = lists:partition( fun(Erl) -> digraph:in_degree(Graph, Erl) > 0 end, lists:reverse([Dep || Dep <- DepErlsOrdered, not lists:member(Dep, ErlFirstFiles)]) ), PrivIncludes = [{i, filename:join(OutDir, Src)} || Src <- rebar_dir:all_src_dirs(RebarOpts, ["src"], [])], AdditionalOpts = PrivIncludes ++ [{i, filename:join(OutDir, "include")}, {i, OutDir}, return], true = digraph:delete(SubGraph), {{ErlFirstFiles, ErlOptsFirst ++ AdditionalOpts}, {OtherErls, ErlOpts ++ AdditionalOpts}}. dependencies(Source, SourceDir, Dirs) -> case file:open(Source, [read]) of {ok, Fd} -> Incls = parse_attrs(Fd, [], SourceDir), AbsIncls = expand_file_names(Incls, Dirs), ok = file:close(Fd), AbsIncls; {error, Reason} -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({cannot_read_file, Source, file:format_error(Reason)})) end. compile(Source, [{_, OutDir}], Config, ErlOpts) -> case compile:file(Source, [{outdir, OutDir} | ErlOpts]) of {ok, _Mod} -> ok; {ok, _Mod, []} -> ok; {ok, _Mod, Ws} -> FormattedWs = format_error_sources(Ws, Config), rebar_compiler:ok_tuple(Source, FormattedWs); {error, Es, Ws} -> error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Config, ErlOpts); error -> error end. clean(Files, AppInfo) -> EbinDir = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo), [begin Source = filename:basename(File, ".erl"), Target = target_base(EbinDir, Source) ++ ".beam", file:delete(Target) end || File <- Files]. %% error_tuple(Module, Es, Ws, AllOpts, Opts) -> FormattedEs = format_error_sources(Es, AllOpts), FormattedWs = format_error_sources(Ws, AllOpts), rebar_compiler:error_tuple(Module, FormattedEs, FormattedWs, Opts). format_error_sources(Es, Opts) -> [{rebar_compiler:format_error_source(Src, Opts), Desc} || {Src, Desc} <- Es]. %% Get files which need to be compiled first, i.e. those specified in erl_first_files %% and parse_transform options. Also produce specific erl_opts for these first %% files, so that yet to be compiled parse transformations are excluded from it. erl_first_files(Opts, ErlOpts, Dir, NeededErlFiles) -> ErlFirstFilesConf = rebar_opts:get(Opts, erl_first_files, []), valid_erl_first_conf(ErlFirstFilesConf), NeededSrcDirs = lists:usort(lists:map(fun filename:dirname/1, NeededErlFiles)), %% NOTE: order of files here is important! ErlFirstFiles = [filename:join(Dir, File) || File <- ErlFirstFilesConf, lists:member(filename:join(Dir, File), NeededErlFiles)], {ParseTransforms, ParseTransformsErls} = lists:unzip(lists:flatmap( fun(PT) -> PTerls = [filename:join(D, module_to_erl(PT)) || D <- NeededSrcDirs], [{PT, PTerl} || PTerl <- PTerls, lists:member(PTerl, NeededErlFiles)] end, proplists:get_all_values(parse_transform, ErlOpts))), ErlOptsFirst = lists:filter(fun({parse_transform, PT}) -> not lists:member(PT, ParseTransforms); (_) -> true end, ErlOpts), {ErlFirstFiles ++ ParseTransformsErls, ErlOptsFirst}. split_source_files(SourceFiles, ErlOpts) -> ParseTransforms = proplists:get_all_values(parse_transform, ErlOpts), lists:partition(fun(Source) -> lists:member(filename_to_atom(Source), ParseTransforms) end, SourceFiles). filename_to_atom(F) -> list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(F))). %% Get subset of SourceFiles which need to be recompiled, respecting %% dependencies induced by given graph G. needed_files(Graph, ErlOpts, RebarOpts, Dir, OutDir, SourceFiles) -> lists:filter(fun(Source) -> TargetBase = target_base(OutDir, Source), Target = TargetBase ++ ".beam", PrivIncludes = [{i, filename:join(Dir, Src)} || Src <- rebar_dir:all_src_dirs(RebarOpts, ["src"], [])], AllOpts = [{outdir, filename:dirname(Target)} ,{i, filename:join(Dir, "include")} ,{i, Dir}] ++ PrivIncludes ++ ErlOpts, digraph:vertex(Graph, Source) > {Source, filelib:last_modified(Target)} orelse opts_changed(AllOpts, TargetBase) orelse erl_compiler_opts_set() end, SourceFiles). target_base(OutDir, Source) -> filename:join(OutDir, filename:basename(Source, ".erl")). opts_changed(NewOpts, Target) -> TotalOpts = case erlang:function_exported(compile, env_compiler_options, 0) of true -> NewOpts ++ compile:env_compiler_options(); false -> NewOpts end, case compile_info(Target) of {ok, Opts} -> lists:any(fun effects_code_generation/1, lists:usort(TotalOpts) -- lists:usort(Opts)); _ -> true end. effects_code_generation(Option) -> case Option of beam -> false; report_warnings -> false; report_errors -> false; return_errors-> false; return_warnings-> false; report -> false; warnings_as_errors -> false; binary -> false; verbose -> false; {cwd,_} -> false; {outdir, _} -> false; _ -> true end. compile_info(Target) -> case beam_lib:chunks(Target, [compile_info]) of {ok, {_mod, Chunks}} -> CompileInfo = proplists:get_value(compile_info, Chunks, []), {ok, proplists:get_value(options, CompileInfo, [])}; {error, beam_lib, Reason} -> ?WARN("Couldn't read debug info from ~p for reason: ~p", [Target, Reason]), {error, Reason} end. erl_compiler_opts_set() -> EnvSet = case os:getenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS") of false -> false; _ -> true end, %% return false if changed env opts would have been caught in opts_changed/2 EnvSet andalso not erlang:function_exported(compile, env_compiler_options, 0). valid_erl_first_conf(FileList) -> Strs = filter_file_list(FileList), case rebar_utils:is_list_of_strings(Strs) of true -> true; false -> ?ABORT("An invalid file list (~p) was provided as part of your erl_first_files directive", [FileList]) end. filter_file_list(FileList) -> Atoms = lists:filter( fun(X) -> is_atom(X) end, FileList), case Atoms of [] -> FileList; _ -> atoms_in_erl_first_files_warning(Atoms), lists:filter( fun(X) -> not(is_atom(X)) end, FileList) end. atoms_in_erl_first_files_warning(Atoms) -> W = "You have provided atoms as file entries in erl_first_files; " "erl_first_files only expects lists of filenames as strings. " "The following modules (~p) may not work as expected and it is advised " "that you change these entires to string format " "(e.g., \"src/module.erl\") ", ?WARN(W, [Atoms]). module_to_erl(Mod) -> atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".erl". parse_attrs(Fd, Includes, Dir) -> case io:parse_erl_form(Fd, "") of {ok, Form, _Line} -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of attribute -> NewIncludes = process_attr(Form, Includes, Dir), parse_attrs(Fd, NewIncludes, Dir); _ -> parse_attrs(Fd, Includes, Dir) end; {eof, _} -> lists:usort(Includes); _Err -> parse_attrs(Fd, Includes, Dir) end. process_attr(Form, Includes, Dir) -> AttrName = erl_syntax:atom_value(erl_syntax:attribute_name(Form)), process_attr(AttrName, Form, Includes, Dir). process_attr(import, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_import_attribute(Form) of {Mod, _Funs} -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Includes]; Mod -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Includes] end; process_attr(file, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> {File, _} = erl_syntax_lib:analyze_file_attribute(Form), [File|Includes]; process_attr(include, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> [FileNode] = erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Form), File = erl_syntax:string_value(FileNode), [File|Includes]; process_attr(include_lib, Form, Includes, Dir) -> [FileNode] = erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Form), RawFile = erl_syntax:string_value(FileNode), maybe_expand_include_lib_path(RawFile, Dir) ++ Includes; process_attr(behavior, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> process_attr(behaviour, Form, Includes, _Dir); process_attr(behaviour, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> [FileNode] = erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Form), File = module_to_erl(erl_syntax:atom_value(FileNode)), [File|Includes]; process_attr(compile, Form, Includes, _Dir) -> [Arg] = erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Form), case erl_syntax:concrete(Arg) of {parse_transform, Mod} -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Includes]; {core_transform, Mod} -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Includes]; L when is_list(L) -> lists:foldl( fun({parse_transform, Mod}, Acc) -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Acc]; ({core_transform, Mod}, Acc) -> [module_to_erl(Mod)|Acc]; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, Includes, L); _ -> Includes end; process_attr(_, _Form, Includes, _Dir) -> Includes. %% NOTE: If, for example, one of the entries in Files, refers to %% gen_server.erl, that entry will be dropped. It is dropped because %% such an entry usually refers to the beam file, and we don't pass a %% list of OTP src dirs for finding gen_server.erl's full path. Also, %% if gen_server.erl was modified, it's not rebar's task to compile a %% new version of the beam file. Therefore, it's reasonable to drop %% such entries. Also see process_attr(behaviour, Form, Includes). -spec expand_file_names([file:filename()], [file:filename()]) -> [file:filename()]. expand_file_names(Files, Dirs) -> %% We check if Files exist by itself or within the directories %% listed in Dirs. %% Return the list of files matched. lists:flatmap( fun(Incl) -> case filelib:is_regular(Incl) of true -> [Incl]; false -> rebar_utils:find_files_in_dirs(Dirs, [$^, Incl, $$], true) end end, Files). %% Given a path like "stdlib/include/erl_compile.hrl", return %% "OTP_INSTALL_DIR/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-x.y.z/include/erl_compile.hrl". %% Usually a simple [Lib, SubDir, File1] = filename:split(File) should %% work, but to not crash when an unusual include_lib path is used, %% utilize more elaborate logic. maybe_expand_include_lib_path(File, Dir) -> File1 = filename:basename(File), case filename:split(filename:dirname(File)) of [_] -> warn_and_find_path(File, Dir); [Lib | SubDir] -> case code:lib_dir(list_to_atom(Lib), list_to_atom(filename:join(SubDir))) of {error, bad_name} -> warn_and_find_path(File, Dir); AppDir -> [filename:join(AppDir, File1)] end end. %% The use of -include_lib was probably incorrect by the user but lets try to make it work. %% We search in the outdir and outdir/../include to see if the header exists. warn_and_find_path(File, Dir) -> SrcHeader = filename:join(Dir, File), case filelib:is_regular(SrcHeader) of true -> [SrcHeader]; false -> IncludeDir = filename:join(rebar_utils:droplast(filename:split(Dir))++["include"]), IncludeHeader = filename:join(IncludeDir, File), case filelib:is_regular(IncludeHeader) of true -> [filename:join(IncludeDir, File)]; false -> [] end end. format_error({cannot_read_file, Source, Reason}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Cannot read file '~s': ~s", [Source, Reason])); format_error(Other) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Other]).