-module(rebar_app_discover). -export([do/2, format_error/1, find_unbuilt_apps/1, find_apps/1, find_apps/2, find_app/2, validate_application_info/1, validate_application_info/2]). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). do(State, LibDirs) -> BaseDir = rebar_state:dir(State), Dirs = [filename:join(BaseDir, LibDir) || LibDir <- LibDirs], Apps = find_apps(Dirs, all), ProjectDeps = rebar_state:deps_names(State), %% Sort apps so we get the same merged deps config everytime SortedApps = rebar_utils:sort_deps(Apps), lists:foldl(fun(AppInfo, StateAcc) -> StateAcc1 = merge_deps(AppInfo, StateAcc), ProjectDeps1 = lists:delete(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), ProjectDeps), rebar_state:project_apps(StateAcc1 ,rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo, ProjectDeps1)) end, State, SortedApps). format_error({module_list, File}) -> io_lib:format("Error reading module list from ~p~n", [File]); format_error({missing_module, Module}) -> io_lib:format("Module defined in app file missing: ~p~n", [Module]). merge_deps(AppInfo, State) -> Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State), Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)), AppState = rebar_state:apply_overrides( rebar_state:apply_profiles( rebar_state:new(State, C, rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)), Profiles), Name), lists:foldl(fun(Profile, StateAcc) -> AppProfDeps = rebar_state:get(AppState, {deps, Profile}, []), TopLevelProfDeps = rebar_state:get(StateAcc, {deps, Profile}, []), ProfDeps2 = lists:keymerge(1, TopLevelProfDeps, AppProfDeps), rebar_state:set(StateAcc, {deps, Profile}, ProfDeps2) end, State, lists:reverse(Profiles)). -spec all_app_dirs(list(file:name())) -> list(file:name()). all_app_dirs(LibDirs) -> lists:flatmap(fun(LibDir) -> app_dirs(LibDir) end, LibDirs). app_dirs(LibDir) -> Path1 = filename:join([LibDir, "*", "src", "*.app.src"]), Path2 = filename:join([LibDir, "src", "*.app.src"]), Path3 = filename:join([LibDir, "*", "ebin", "*.app"]), Path4 = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", "*.app"]), lists:usort(lists:foldl(fun(Path, Acc) -> Files = filelib:wildcard(ec_cnv:to_list(Path)), [app_dir(File) || File <- Files] ++ Acc end, [], [Path1, Path2, Path3, Path4])). find_unbuilt_apps(LibDirs) -> find_apps(LibDirs, invalid). -spec find_apps([file:filename_all()]) -> [rebar_app_info:t()]. find_apps(LibDirs) -> find_apps(LibDirs, valid). -spec find_apps([file:filename_all()], valid | invalid | all) -> [rebar_app_info:t()]. find_apps(LibDirs, Validate) -> rebar_utils:filtermap(fun(AppDir) -> find_app(AppDir, Validate) end, all_app_dirs(LibDirs)). -spec find_app(file:filename_all(), valid | invalid | all) -> {true, rebar_app_info:t()} | false. find_app(AppDir, Validate) -> AppFile = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "ebin", "*.app"])), AppSrcFile = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "*.app.src"])), case AppFile of [File] -> AppInfo = create_app_info(AppDir, File), AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:app_file(AppInfo, File), AppInfo2 = case AppSrcFile of [F] -> rebar_app_info:app_file_src(AppInfo1, F); [] -> AppInfo1; Other when is_list(Other) -> throw({error, {multiple_app_files, Other}}) end, case Validate of valid -> case validate_application_info(AppInfo2) of true -> {true, AppInfo2}; _ -> false end; invalid -> case validate_application_info(AppInfo2) of true -> false; _ -> {true, AppInfo2} end; all -> {true, AppInfo2} end; [] -> case AppSrcFile of [File] -> case Validate of V when V =:= invalid ; V =:= all -> AppInfo = create_app_info(AppDir, File), {true, rebar_app_info:app_file_src(AppInfo, File)}; valid -> false end; [] -> false; Other when is_list(Other) -> throw({error, {multiple_app_files, Other}}) end; Other when is_list(Other) -> throw({error, {multiple_app_files, Other}}) end. app_dir(AppFile) -> filename:join(rebar_utils:droplast(filename:split(filename:dirname(AppFile)))). -spec create_app_info(file:name(), file:name()) -> rebar_app_info:t() | error. create_app_info(AppDir, AppFile) -> case file:consult(AppFile) of {ok, [{application, AppName, AppDetails}]} -> AppVsn = proplists:get_value(vsn, AppDetails), Applications = proplists:get_value(applications, AppDetails, []), IncludedApplications = proplists:get_value(included_applications, AppDetails, []), {ok, AppInfo} = rebar_app_info:new(AppName, AppVsn, AppDir, []), AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:applications( rebar_app_info:app_details(AppInfo, AppDetails), IncludedApplications++Applications), rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo1, AppDir); _ -> error end. -spec validate_application_info(rebar_app_info:t()) -> boolean(). validate_application_info(AppInfo) -> validate_application_info(AppInfo, rebar_app_info:app_details(AppInfo)). validate_application_info(AppInfo, AppDetail) -> EbinDir = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo), case rebar_app_info:app_file(AppInfo) of undefined -> false; AppFile -> case get_modules_list(AppFile, AppDetail) of {ok, List} -> has_all_beams(EbinDir, List); _Error -> ?PRV_ERROR({module_list, AppFile}) end end. -spec get_modules_list(file:filename_all(), proplists:proplist()) -> {ok, list()} | {warning, Reason::term()} | {error, Reason::term()}. get_modules_list(AppFile, AppDetail) -> case proplists:get_value(modules, AppDetail) of undefined -> {warning, {invalid_app_file, AppFile}}; ModulesList -> {ok, ModulesList} end. -spec has_all_beams(file:filename_all(), list()) -> true | providers:error(). has_all_beams(EbinDir, [Module | ModuleList]) -> BeamFile = filename:join([EbinDir, ec_cnv:to_list(Module) ++ ".beam"]), case filelib:is_file(BeamFile) of true -> has_all_beams(EbinDir, ModuleList); false -> ?PRV_ERROR({missing_module, Module}) end; has_all_beams(_, []) -> true.