%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar). -export([main/1, run/2, help/0, parse_args/1, version/0, get_jobs/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -ifndef(BUILD_TIME). -define(BUILD_TIME, "undefined"). -endif. -ifndef(VCS_INFO). -define(VCS_INFO, "undefined"). -endif. -ifndef(OTP_INFO). -define(OTP_INFO, "undefined"). -endif. -define(DEFAULT_JOBS, 3). %% ==================================================================== %% Public API %% ==================================================================== %% escript Entry point main(Args) -> case catch(run(Args)) of ok -> ok; rebar_abort -> rebar_utils:delayed_halt(1); Error -> %% Nothing should percolate up from rebar_core; %% Dump this error to console io:format("Uncaught error in rebar_core: ~p\n", [Error]), rebar_utils:delayed_halt(1) end. %% Erlang-API entry point run(BaseConfig, Commands) -> _ = application:load(rebar), run_aux(BaseConfig, Commands). %% ==================================================================== %% Internal functions %% ==================================================================== run(["help"|RawCmds]) when RawCmds =/= [] -> ok = load_rebar_app(), Cmds = unabbreviate_command_names(RawCmds), Args = parse_args(Cmds), BaseConfig = init_config(Args), {BaseConfig1, _} = save_options(BaseConfig, Args), BaseConfig2 = init_config1(BaseConfig1), rebar_core:help(BaseConfig2, [list_to_atom(C) || C <- Cmds]); run(["help"]) -> help(); run(["info"|_]) -> %% Catch calls to 'rebar info' to avoid treating plugins' info/2 functions %% as commands. ?CONSOLE("Command 'info' not understood or not applicable~n", []); run(["version"]) -> ok = load_rebar_app(), %% Display vsn and build time info version(); run(RawArgs) -> ok = load_rebar_app(), %% Parse out command line arguments -- what's left is a list of commands to %% run -- and start running commands Args = parse_args(RawArgs), BaseConfig = init_config(Args), {BaseConfig1, Cmds} = save_options(BaseConfig, Args), case rebar_config:get_xconf(BaseConfig1, enable_profiling, false) of true -> io:format("Profiling!\n"), try fprof:apply(fun run_aux/2, [BaseConfig1, Cmds]) after ok = fprof:profile(), ok = fprof:analyse([{dest, "fprof.analysis"}]) end; false -> run_aux(BaseConfig1, Cmds) end. load_rebar_app() -> %% Pre-load the rebar app so that we get default configuration ok = application:load(rebar). init_config({Options, _NonOptArgs}) -> %% If $HOME/.rebar/config exists load and use as global config GlobalConfigFile = filename:join([os:getenv("HOME"), ".rebar", "config"]), GlobalConfig = case filelib:is_regular(GlobalConfigFile) of true -> ?DEBUG("Load global config file ~p~n", [GlobalConfigFile]), rebar_config:new(GlobalConfigFile); false -> rebar_config:new() end, %% Set the rebar config to use GlobalConfig1 = case proplists:get_value(config, Options) of undefined -> GlobalConfig; Conf -> rebar_config:set_global(GlobalConfig, config, Conf) end, GlobalConfig2 = set_log_level(GlobalConfig1, Options), %% Initialize logging system ok = rebar_log:init(GlobalConfig2), BaseConfig = rebar_config:base_config(GlobalConfig2), %% Keep track of how many operations we do, so we can detect bad commands BaseConfig1 = rebar_config:set_xconf(BaseConfig, operations, 0), %% Initialize vsn cache rebar_config:set_xconf(BaseConfig1, vsn_cache, dict:new()). init_config1(BaseConfig) -> %% Determine the location of the rebar executable; important for pulling %% resources out of the escript ScriptName = filename:absname(escript:script_name()), BaseConfig1 = rebar_config:set_xconf(BaseConfig, escript, ScriptName), ?DEBUG("Rebar location: ~p\n", [ScriptName]), %% Note the top-level directory for reference AbsCwd = filename:absname(rebar_utils:get_cwd()), rebar_config:set_xconf(BaseConfig1, base_dir, AbsCwd). run_aux(BaseConfig, Commands) -> %% Make sure crypto is running case crypto:start() of ok -> ok; {error,{already_started,crypto}} -> ok end, %% Convert command strings to atoms CommandAtoms = [list_to_atom(C) || C <- Commands], BaseConfig1 = init_config1(BaseConfig), %% Process each command, resetting any state between each one rebar_core:process_commands(CommandAtoms, BaseConfig1). %% %% print help/usage string %% help() -> OptSpecList = option_spec_list(), rebar_getopt:usage(OptSpecList, "rebar", "[var=value,...] ", [{"var=value", "rebar global variables (e.g. force=1)"}, {"command", "Command to run (e.g. compile)"}]), ?CONSOLE("To see a list of built-in commands, execute rebar -c.~n~n", []), ?CONSOLE( "Type 'rebar help ' for help on specific commands." "~n~n", []), ?CONSOLE( "rebar allows you to abbreviate the command to run:~n" "$ rebar co # same as rebar compile~n" "$ rebar eu # same as rebar eunit~n" "$ rebar g-d # same as rebar get-deps~n" "$ rebar x eu # same as rebar xref eunit~n" "$ rebar l-d # same as rebar list-deps~n" "$ rebar l-d l-t # same as rebar list-deps list-templates~n" "$ rebar list-d l-te # same as rebar list-deps list-templates~n" "~n", []), ?CONSOLE( "Core rebar.config options:~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n" " ~p~n", [ {recursive_cmds, []}, {lib_dirs, []}, {sub_dirs, ["dir1", "dir2"]}, {plugins, [plugin1, plugin2]}, {plugin_dir, "some_other_directory"}, {pre_hooks, [{clean, "./prepare_package_files.sh"}, {"linux", compile, "c_src/build_linux.sh"}, {compile, "escript generate_headers"}, {compile, "escript check_headers"}]}, {post_hooks, [{clean, "touch file1.out"}, {"freebsd", compile, "c_src/freebsd_tweaks.sh"}, {eunit, "touch file2.out"}, {compile, "touch postcompile.out"}]} ]). %% %% Parse command line arguments using getopt and also filtering out any %% key=value pairs. What's left is the list of commands to run %% parse_args(RawArgs) -> %% Parse getopt options OptSpecList = option_spec_list(), case rebar_getopt:parse(OptSpecList, RawArgs) of {ok, Args} -> Args; {error, {Reason, Data}} -> ?ERROR("~s ~p~n~n", [Reason, Data]), help(), rebar_utils:delayed_halt(1) end. save_options(Config, {Options, NonOptArgs}) -> %% Check options and maybe halt execution ok = show_info_maybe_halt(Options, NonOptArgs), GlobalDefines = proplists:get_all_values(defines, Options), Config1 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, defines, GlobalDefines), %% Setup profiling flag Config2 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config1, enable_profiling, proplists:get_bool(profile, Options)), %% Setup flag to keep running after a single command fails Config3 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config2, keep_going, proplists:get_bool(keep_going, Options)), %% Setup flag to enable recursive application of commands Config4 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config3, recursive, proplists:get_bool(recursive, Options)), %% Set global variables based on getopt options Config5 = set_global_flag(Config4, Options, force), Config6 = case proplists:get_value(jobs, Options, ?DEFAULT_JOBS) of ?DEFAULT_JOBS -> Config5; Jobs -> rebar_config:set_global(Config5, jobs, Jobs) end, %% Filter all the flags (i.e. strings of form key=value) from the %% command line arguments. What's left will be the commands to run. {Config7, RawCmds} = filter_flags(Config6, NonOptArgs, []), {Config7, unabbreviate_command_names(RawCmds)}. %% %% set log level based on getopt option %% set_log_level(Config, Options) -> {IsVerbose, Level} = case proplists:get_bool(quiet, Options) of true -> {false, rebar_log:error_level()}; false -> DefaultLevel = rebar_log:default_level(), case proplists:get_all_values(verbose, Options) of [] -> {false, DefaultLevel}; Verbosities -> {true, DefaultLevel + lists:last(Verbosities)} end end, case IsVerbose of true -> Config1 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, is_verbose, true), rebar_config:set_global(Config1, verbose, Level); false -> rebar_config:set_global(Config, verbose, Level) end. %% %% show version information and halt %% version() -> {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(rebar, vsn), ?CONSOLE("rebar ~s ~s ~s ~s\n", [Vsn, ?OTP_INFO, ?BUILD_TIME, ?VCS_INFO]). %% %% set global flag based on getopt option boolean value %% set_global_flag(Config, Options, Flag) -> Value = case proplists:get_bool(Flag, Options) of true -> "1"; false -> "0" end, rebar_config:set_global(Config, Flag, Value). %% %% show info and maybe halt execution %% show_info_maybe_halt(Opts, NonOptArgs) -> false = show_info_maybe_halt(help, Opts, fun help/0), false = show_info_maybe_halt(commands, Opts, fun commands/0), false = show_info_maybe_halt(version, Opts, fun version/0), case NonOptArgs of [] -> ?CONSOLE("No command to run specified!~n",[]), help(), rebar_utils:delayed_halt(1); _ -> ok end. show_info_maybe_halt(O, Opts, F) -> case proplists:get_bool(O, Opts) of true -> F(), rebar_utils:delayed_halt(0); false -> false end. %% %% print known commands %% commands() -> S = <<" clean Clean compile Compile sources escriptize Generate escript archive create template= [var=foo,...] Create skel based on template and vars create-app [appid=myapp] Create simple app skel create-lib [libid=mylib] Create simple lib skel create-node [nodeid=mynode] Create simple node skel list-templates List available templates doc Generate Erlang program documentation prepare-deps Run 'rebar -r get-deps compile' refresh-deps Run 'rebar -r update-deps compile' check-deps Display to be fetched dependencies get-deps Fetch dependencies update-deps Update fetched dependencies delete-deps Delete fetched dependencies list-deps List dependencies generate [dump_spec=0/1] Build release with reltool overlay Run reltool overlays only generate-upgrade previous_release=path Build an upgrade package generate-appups previous_release=path Generate appup files eunit [suite[s]=foo] Run EUnit tests in foo.erl and test/foo_tests.erl [suite[s]=foo] [test[s]=bar] Run specific EUnit tests [first test name starting with 'bar' in foo.erl and test/foo_tests.erl] [test[s]=bar] For every existing suite, run the first test whose name starts with bar and, if no such test exists, run the test whose name starts with bar in the suite's _tests module. [random_suite_order=true] Run tests in a random order, either [random_suite_order=Seed] with a random seed for the PRNG, or a specific one. ct [suite[s]=] [case=] Run common_test suites qc Test QuickCheck properties xref Run cross reference analysis help Show the program options version Show version information ">>, io:put_chars(S). get_jobs(Config) -> rebar_config:get_global(Config, jobs, ?DEFAULT_JOBS). %% %% options accepted via getopt %% option_spec_list() -> Jobs = ?DEFAULT_JOBS, JobsHelp = io_lib:format( "Number of concurrent workers a command may use. Default: ~B", [Jobs]), [ %% {Name, ShortOpt, LongOpt, ArgSpec, HelpMsg} {help, $h, "help", undefined, "Show the program options"}, {commands, $c, "commands", undefined, "Show available commands"}, {verbose, $v, "verbose", integer, "Verbosity level (-v, -vv)"}, {quiet, $q, "quiet", boolean, "Quiet, only print error messages"}, {version, $V, "version", undefined, "Show version information"}, {force, $f, "force", undefined, "Force"}, {defines, $D, undefined, string, "Define compiler macro"}, {jobs, $j, "jobs", integer, JobsHelp}, {config, $C, "config", string, "Rebar config file to use"}, {profile, $p, "profile", undefined, "Profile this run of rebar"}, {keep_going, $k, "keep-going", undefined, "Keep running after a command fails"}, {recursive, $r, "recursive", boolean, "Apply commands to subdirs and dependencies"} ]. %% %% Seperate all commands (single-words) from flags (key=value) and store %% values into the rebar_config global storage. %% filter_flags(Config, [], Commands) -> {Config, lists:reverse(Commands)}; filter_flags(Config, [Item | Rest], Commands) -> case string:tokens(Item, "=") of [Command] -> filter_flags(Config, Rest, [Command | Commands]); [KeyStr, RawValue] -> Key = list_to_atom(KeyStr), Value = case Key of verbose -> list_to_integer(RawValue); _ -> RawValue end, Config1 = rebar_config:set_global(Config, Key, Value), filter_flags(Config1, Rest, Commands); Other -> ?CONSOLE("Ignoring command line argument: ~p\n", [Other]), filter_flags(Config, Rest, Commands) end. command_names() -> [ "check-deps", "clean", "compile", "create", "create-app", "create-lib", "create-node", "ct", "delete-deps", "doc", "eunit", "escriptize", "generate", "generate-appups", "generate-upgrade", "get-deps", "help", "list-deps", "list-templates", "prepare-deps", "qc", "refresh-deps", "update-deps", "overlay", "shell", "version", "xref" ]. unabbreviate_command_names([]) -> []; unabbreviate_command_names([Command | Commands]) -> case get_command_name_candidates(Command) of [] -> %% let the rest of the code detect that the command doesn't exist %% (this would perhaps be a good place to fail) [Command | unabbreviate_command_names(Commands)]; [FullCommand] -> [FullCommand | unabbreviate_command_names(Commands)]; Candidates -> ?ABORT("Found more than one match for abbreviated command name " " '~s',~nplease be more specific. Possible candidates:~n" " ~s~n", [Command, string:join(Candidates, ", ")]) end. get_command_name_candidates(Command) -> %% Get the command names which match the given (abbreviated) command name. %% * "c" matches commands like compile, clean and create-app %% * "create" matches command create only, since it's unique %% * "create-" matches commands starting with create- %% * "c-a" matches create-app %% * "create-a" matches create-app %% * "c-app" matches create-app Candidates = [Candidate || Candidate <- command_names(), is_command_name_candidate(Command, Candidate)], %% Is there a complete match? If so return only that, return a %% list of candidates otherwise case lists:member(Command, Candidates) of true -> [Command]; false -> Candidates end. is_command_name_candidate(Command, Candidate) -> lists:prefix(Command, Candidate) orelse is_command_name_sub_word_candidate(Command, Candidate). is_command_name_sub_word_candidate(Command, Candidate) -> %% Allow for parts of commands to be abbreviated, i.e. create-app %% can be shortened to "create-a", "c-a" or "c-app" (but not %% "create-" since that would be ambiguous). ReOpts = [{return, list}], CommandSubWords = re:split(Command, "-", ReOpts), CandidateSubWords = re:split(Candidate, "-", ReOpts), is_command_name_sub_word_candidate_aux(CommandSubWords, CandidateSubWords). is_command_name_sub_word_candidate_aux([CmdSW | CmdSWs], [CandSW | CandSWs]) -> lists:prefix(CmdSW, CandSW) andalso is_command_name_sub_word_candidate_aux(CmdSWs, CandSWs); is_command_name_sub_word_candidate_aux([], []) -> true; is_command_name_sub_word_candidate_aux(_CmdSWs, _CandSWs) -> false.