%% Vendored from hex_core v0.5.0, do not edit manually %% @doc %% hex_core entrypoint module. %% %% ### Config %% %% Most functions in the hex_core API takes a configuration. The configuration sets things %% like HTTP client to use, and API and repository URL. Some of these configuration options %% will likely be static for your application and some may change depending on the function %% you call. %% %% ##### Options %% %% * `api_key' - Authentication key used when accessing the HTTP API. %% * `api_organization' - Name of the organization endpoint in the API, this should %% for example be set when accessing key for a specific organization. %% * `api_repository' - Name of the repository endpoint in the API, this should %% for example be set when accessing packages from a specific repository. %% * `api_url' - URL to the HTTP API (default: `https://hex.pm/api'). %% * `http_adapter' - Callback module used for HTTP requests, see [`r3_hex_http'](r3_hex_http.html) %% (default: `r3_hex_http_httpc'). %% * `http_etag' - Sets the `if-none-match' HTTP header with the given value to do a %% conditional HTTP request. %% * `http_adapter_config' - Configuration to pass to the HTTP adapter. %% * `http_user_agent_fragment' - Will be appended to the `user-agent` HTTP header (default: `(httpc)'). %% * `repo_key' - Authentication key used when accessing the repository. %% * `repo_name' - Name of the repository, used for verifying the repository signature %% authenticity (default: `hexpm'). %% * `repo_public_key' - Public key used to verify the repository signature %% (defaults to hexpm public key `https://hex.pm/docs/public_keys'). %% * `repo_url' - URL to the repository (default: `https://repo.hex.pm'). %% * `repo_organization' - Name of the organization repository, appends `/repos/:name' %% to the repository URL and overrides the `repo_name' option. %% * `repo_verify' - If `true' will verify the repository signature (default: `true'). %% * `repo_verify_origin' - If `true' will verify the repository signature origin, %% requires protobuf messages as of hex_core v0.4.0 (default: `true'). -module(r3_hex_core). -export([default_config/0]). -export_type([config/0]). %% https://hex.pm/docs/public_keys -define(HEXPM_PUBLIC_KEY, <<"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApqREcFDt5vV21JVe2QNB Edvzk6w36aNFhVGWN5toNJRjRJ6m4hIuG4KaXtDWVLjnvct6MYMfqhC79HAGwyF+ IqR6Q6a5bbFSsImgBJwz1oadoVKD6ZNetAuCIK84cjMrEFRkELtEIPNHblCzUkkM 3rS9+DPlnfG8hBvGi6tvQIuZmXGCxF/73hU0/MyGhbmEjIKRtG6b0sJYKelRLTPW XgK7s5pESgiwf2YC/2MGDXjAJfpfCd0RpLdvd4eRiXtVlE9qO9bND94E7PgQ/xqZ J1i2xWFndWa6nfFnRxZmCStCOZWYYPlaxr+FZceFbpMwzTNs4g3d4tLNUcbKAIH4 0wIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----">>). -type config() :: #{ api_key => binary() | undefined, api_organization => binary() | undefined, api_repository => binary() | undefined, api_url => binary(), http_adapter => module(), http_etag => binary() | undefined, http_adapter_config => map(), http_user_agent_fragment => binary(), repo_key => binary() | undefined, repo_name => binary(), repo_public_key => binary(), repo_url => binary(), repo_organization => binary() | undefined, repo_verify => boolean(), repo_verify_origin => boolean() }. -spec default_config() -> config(). default_config() -> #{ api_key => undefined, api_organization => undefined, api_repository => undefined, api_url => <<"https://hex.pm/api">>, http_adapter => r3_hex_http_httpc, http_adapter_config => #{profile => default}, http_etag => undefined, http_user_agent_fragment => <<"(httpc)">>, repo_key => undefined, repo_name => <<"hexpm">>, repo_public_key => ?HEXPM_PUBLIC_KEY, repo_url => <<"https://repo.hex.pm">>, repo_organization => undefined, repo_verify => true, repo_verify_origin => true }.