%% Vendored from hex_core v0.5.1, do not edit manually -module(r3_hex_api_release). -export([ delete/3, get/3, publish/2, retire/4, unretire/3 ]). %% @doc %% Gets package release. %% %% Examples: %% %% ``` %% > r3_hex_api:get_release(<<"package">>, <<"1.0.0">>, r3_hex_core:default_config()). %% {ok, {200, ..., #{ %% <<"version">> => <<"1.0.0">>, %% <<"meta">> => #{ %% <<"description">> => ..., %% <<"licenses">> => ..., %% <<"links">> => ..., %% <<"maintainers">> => ... %% }, %% ...}}} %% ''' %% @end get(Config, Name, Version) when is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) and is_map(Config) -> Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version]), r3_hex_api:get(Config, Path). publish(Config, Tarball) when is_binary(Tarball) and is_map(Config) -> Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["publish"]), TarballContentType = "application/octet-stream", Config2 = put_header(<<"content-length">>, integer_to_binary(byte_size(Tarball)), Config), Body = {TarballContentType, Tarball}, r3_hex_api:post(Config2, Path, Body). delete(Config, Name, Version) when is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) and is_map(Config) -> Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version]), r3_hex_api:delete(Config, Path). retire(Config, Name, Version, Params) when is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) and is_map(Config) -> Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version, "retire"]), r3_hex_api:post(Config, Path, Params). unretire(Config, Name, Version) when is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) and is_map(Config) -> Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version, "retire"]), r3_hex_api:delete(Config, Path). %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== put_header(Name, Value, Config) -> Headers = maps:get(http_headers, Config, #{}), Headers2 = maps:put(Name, Value, Headers), maps:put(http_headers, Headers2, Config).